path: root/worldedit_gui/init.lua
diff options
authorVanessa Ezekowitz <>2017-09-26 00:11:57 -0400
committerVanessa Ezekowitz <>2017-09-26 00:11:57 -0400
commit3d08b568ad1da1e3259a66cb91fd1039781c75cb (patch)
tree59c396f503f3946b8757093f5c90605fe9f91d07 /worldedit_gui/init.lua
parent4aab7d0dbd782cf6741bdbba94440faf0c5c2e61 (diff)
update castles modpack, boost_cart, homedecor, currency, farming redo,
framed glass, gloopblocks, mesecons, moreblocks, pipeworks, signs_lib, technic, unified mesecons, and worldedit created a new tag for this release (this will be standard procedure from now on)
Diffstat (limited to 'worldedit_gui/init.lua')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 77 deletions
diff --git a/worldedit_gui/init.lua b/worldedit_gui/init.lua
index dafd7c2..137a057 100644
--- a/worldedit_gui/init.lua
+++ b/worldedit_gui/init.lua
@@ -145,13 +145,21 @@ elseif rawget(_G, "sfinv") then --sfinv installed (part of minetest_game since 0
+ --compatibility with pre-0.4.16 sfinv
+ local set_page = sfinv.set_page or function(player, name)
+ --assumptions: src pg has no leave callback, dst pg has no enter callback
+ local ctx = {page=name}
+ sfinv.contexts[player:get_player_name()] = ctx
+ sfinv.set_player_inventory_formspec(player, ctx)
+ end
--show the form when the button is pressed and hide it when done
minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
if fields.worldedit_gui then --main page
worldedit.show_page(player:get_player_name(), "worldedit_gui")
return true
elseif fields.worldedit_gui_exit then --return to original page
- sfinv.set_page(player, "sfinv:crafting")
+ set_page(player, "sfinv:crafting")
return true
return false
@@ -163,82 +171,14 @@ elseif rawget(_G, "sfinv") then --sfinv installed (part of minetest_game since 0
player:set_inventory_formspec(get_formspec(name, page))
-else --fallback button
- -- FIXME: this is a huge clusterfuck and the back button is broken
- local player_formspecs = {}
- local update_main_formspec = function(name)
- local formspec = player_formspecs[name]
- if not formspec then
- return
- end
- local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
- if not player then --this is in case the player signs off while the media is loading
- return
- end
- if (minetest.check_player_privs(name, {creative=true}) or
- minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode")) and
- creative then --creative is active, add button to modified formspec
- local creative_formspec = player:get_inventory_formspec()
- local tab_id = tonumber(creative_formspec:match("tabheader%[.-;(%d+)%;"))
- if tab_id == 1 then
- formspec = creative_formspec ..
- "image_button[0,1;1,1;inventory_plus_worldedit_gui.png;worldedit_gui;]"
- elseif not tab_id then
- formspec = creative_formspec ..
- "image_button[6,0;1,1;inventory_plus_worldedit_gui.png;worldedit_gui;]"
- else
- return
- end
- else
- formspec = formspec .. "image_button[0,0;1,1;inventory_plus_worldedit_gui.png;worldedit_gui;]"
- end
- player:set_inventory_formspec(formspec)
- end
- minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player)
- local name = player:get_player_name()
- minetest.after(1, function()
- if minetest.get_player_by_name(name) then --ensure the player is still signed in
- player_formspecs[name] = player:get_inventory_formspec()
- minetest.after(0.01, function()
- update_main_formspec(name)
- end)
- end
- end)
- end)
- minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player)
- player_formspecs[player:get_player_name()] = nil
- end)
- local gui_player_formspecs = {}
- minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
- local name = player:get_player_name()
- if fields.worldedit_gui then --main page
- gui_player_formspecs[name] = player:get_inventory_formspec()
- worldedit.show_page(name, "worldedit_gui")
- return true
- elseif fields.worldedit_gui_exit then --return to original page
- if gui_player_formspecs[name] then
- player:set_inventory_formspec(gui_player_formspecs[name])
- end
- return true
- else --deal with creative_inventory setting the formspec on every single message
- minetest.after(0.01,function()
- update_main_formspec(name)
- end)
- return false --continue processing in creative inventory
- end
- end)
- worldedit.show_page = function(name, page)
- local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
- if player then
- player:set_inventory_formspec(get_formspec(name, page))
- end
- end
+ error(
+ "worldedit_gui requires a supported \"gui management\" mod to be installed\n"..
+ "To use the GUI you need to either\n"..
+ "* Use minetest_game (at least 0.4.15) or a subgame with compatible sfinv\n"..
+ "* Install Unified Inventory or Inventory++\n"..
+ "If you do not want to use worldedit_gui, disable it by editing or from the Main Menu"
+ )
worldedit.register_gui_function("worldedit_gui", {