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1 files changed, 114 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
index b27c37e..7d9cb7e 100644
--- a/init.lua
+++ b/init.lua
@@ -704,6 +704,103 @@ function unifieddyes.on_airbrush(itemstack, player, pointed_thing)
+-- get a node's dye color based on its palette and param2
+function unifieddyes.color_to_name(param2, def)
+ if not param2 or not def or not def.palette then return end
+ if def.palette == "unifieddyes_palette_extended.png" then
+ local color = param2
+ local v = 0
+ local s = 1
+ if color < 24 then v = 1
+ elseif color > 23 and color < 48 then v = 2
+ elseif color > 47 and color < 72 then v = 3
+ elseif color > 71 and color < 96 then v = 4
+ elseif color > 95 and color < 120 then v = 5
+ elseif color > 119 and color < 144 then v = 5 s = 2
+ elseif color > 143 and color < 168 then v = 6
+ elseif color > 167 and color < 192 then v = 6 s = 2
+ elseif color > 191 and color < 216 then v = 7
+ elseif color > 215 and color < 240 then v = 7 s = 2
+ end
+ if color > 239 then
+ if color == 240 then return "white"
+ elseif color == 244 then return "light_grey"
+ elseif color == 247 then return "grey"
+ elseif color == 251 then return "dark_grey"
+ elseif color == 255 then return "black"
+ else return "grey_"..15-(color-240)
+ end
+ else
+ local h = color - math.floor(color/24)*24
+ return unifieddyes.VALS_EXTENDED[v]..unifieddyes.HUES_EXTENDED[h+1][1]..unifieddyes.SATS[s]
+ end
+ elseif def.palette == "unifieddyes_palette.png" then
+ local color = param2
+ local h = math.floor(color/8)
+ local s = 1
+ local val = ""
+ if color == 1 or color == h or color > 103 or color == 6 or color == 7 then return "white"
+ elseif color == 2 then return "light_grey"
+ elseif color == 3 then return "grey"
+ elseif color == 4 then return "dark_grey"
+ elseif color == 5 then return "black"
+ end
+ local c = color - h*8
+ if c == 2 then s = 2
+ elseif c == 3 then val = "light_"
+ elseif c == 4 then val = "medium_"
+ elseif c == 5 then val = "medium_" s = 2
+ elseif c == 6 then val = "dark_"
+ else val = "dark_" s = 2
+ end
+ return val..unifieddyes.HUES[h+1]..unifieddyes.SATS[s]
+ elseif def.palette == "unifieddyes_palette_colorwallmounted.png" then
+ local color = math.floor(param2 / 8)
+ if color == 0 then return "white"
+ elseif color == 1 then return "light_grey"
+ elseif color == 2 then return "grey"
+ elseif color == 3 then return "dark_grey"
+ elseif color == 4 then return "black"
+ elseif color == 5 then return "azure"
+ elseif color == 6 then return "light_green"
+ elseif color == 7 then return "pink"
+ end
+ local v = math.floor(color/8)
+ local h = color - v * 8
+ return unifieddyes.VALS[v]..unifieddyes.HUES_WALLMOUNTED[h+1]
+ elseif string.find(def.palette, "unifieddyes_palette") then -- it's the "split" 89-color palette
+ -- palette names in this mode are always "unifieddyes_palette_COLORs.png"
+ local s = string.sub(def.palette, 21)
+ local color = string.sub(s, 1, string.find(s, "s")-1)
+ local v = math.floor(param2/32)
+ if v == 0 then return "white" end
+ if color ~= "grey" then
+ if v == 1 then return color
+ elseif v == 2 then return color.."_s50"
+ elseif v == 3 then return "light_"..color
+ elseif v == 4 then return "medium_"..color
+ elseif v == 5 then return "medium_"..color.."_s50"
+ elseif v == 6 then return "dark_"..color
+ elseif v == 7 then return "dark_"..color.."_s50"
+ end
+ else
+ if v > 0 and v < 6 then return unifieddyes.GREYS[v]
+ else return "white"
+ end
+ end
+ end
function unifieddyes.show_airbrush_form(player)
if not player then return end
local player_name = player:get_player_name()
@@ -880,8 +977,24 @@ minetest.register_tool("unifieddyes:airbrush", {
range = 12,
on_use = unifieddyes.on_airbrush,
on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
- if placer:get_player_control().sneak then
+ local keys = placer:get_player_control()
+ if not keys.sneak then
+ elseif keys.sneak then
+ local player_name = placer:get_player_name()
+ local pos = minetest.get_pointed_thing_position(pointed_thing)
+ if not pos then return end
+ local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
+ local def = minetest.registered_items[]
+ if not def then return end
+ local newcolor = unifieddyes.color_to_name(node.param2, def)
+ if not newcolor then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, "That node is uncolored.")
+ return
+ end
+ minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, "Switching to dye:"..newcolor.." to match that node.")
+ unifieddyes.player_current_dye[player_name] = "dye:"..newcolor