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1 files changed, 90 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
index 2cf465b..82a41ef 100644
--- a/init.lua
+++ b/init.lua
@@ -30,8 +30,6 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
unifieddyes = {}
-unifieddyes.last_used_dye = {}
-unifieddyes.last_dyed_node = {}
local creative_mode = minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode")
@@ -89,6 +87,17 @@ unifieddyes.HUES_EXTENDED = {
{ "crimson", 0xff, 0x00, 0x40 }
+unifieddyes.HUES_WALLMOUNTED = {
+ "red",
+ "orange",
+ "yellow",
+ "green",
+ "cyan",
+ "blue",
+ "violet",
+ "magenta"
unifieddyes.SATS = {
@@ -118,6 +127,14 @@ unifieddyes.GREYS = {
+unifieddyes.GREYS_EXTENDED = table.copy(unifieddyes.GREYS)
+for i = 1, 14 do
+ if i ~= 0 and i ~= 3 and i ~= 7 and i ~= 11 and i ~= 15 then
+ table.insert(unifieddyes.GREYS_EXTENDED, "grey_"..i)
+ end
local default_dyes = {
@@ -136,71 +153,94 @@ local default_dyes = {
--- automatically recolor a placed node to match the last-used dye
--- should be called in the node's `after_place_node` callback.
+-- just stubs to keep old mods from crashing when expecting auto-coloring
+-- or getting back the dye on dig.
-function unifieddyes.recolor_on_place(pos, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing)
+function unifieddyes.recolor_on_place(foo)
- local playername = placer:get_player_name()
- local stackname = itemstack:get_name()
+function unifieddyes.after_dig_node(foo)
- if unifieddyes.last_dyed_node[playername] ~= stackname then
- if unifieddyes.last_used_dye[playername] then
- minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "Switched to \""..stackname.."\" while auto-coloring, color reset to neutral.")
- end
- unifieddyes.last_used_dye[playername] = nil
- unifieddyes.last_dyed_node[playername] = nil
- end
+-- This helper function creates a colored itemstack
- unifieddyes.last_dyed_node[playername] = stackname
+function unifieddyes.make_colored_itemstack(item, palette, color)
+ local paletteidx = unifieddyes.getpaletteidx(color, palette)
+ local stack = ItemStack(item)
+ stack:get_meta():set_int("palette_index", paletteidx)
+ return stack:to_string()
- if unifieddyes.last_used_dye[playername] then
- local lastdye = unifieddyes.last_used_dye[playername]
+-- if your node was once 89-color and uses an LBM to convert to the 256-color palette,
+-- call this in that node def's on_construct:
- local inv = placer:get_inventory()
- if (lastdye and lastdye ~= "" and inv:contains_item("main", lastdye.." 1")) or creative_mode then
+function unifieddyes.on_construct(pos)
+ local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+ meta:set_string("palette", "ext")
- local nodedef = minetest.registered_nodes[stackname]
- local newname = nodedef.ud_replacement_node or stackname
- local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
+-- these helper functions register all of the recipes needed to create colored
+-- nodes with any of the dyes supported by that node's palette.
- local palette_type = true -- default to 89-color split, because the others are easier to check for.
- local oldfdir = node.param2 % 32
+local function register_c(craft, hue, sat, val)
+ local color = ""
+ if val then
+ color = "dye:"..val..hue[1]..sat
+ else
+ color = "dye:"..hue -- if val is nil, then it's grey.
+ end
- if nodedef.palette == "unifieddyes_palette.png" then
- palette_type = false
- oldfdir = 0
- elseif nodedef.palette == "unifieddyes_palette_colorwallmounted.png" then
- palette_type = "wallmounted"
- oldfdir = node.param2 % 8
- elseif nodedef.palette == "unifieddyes_palette_extended.png" then
- palette_type = "extended"
- oldfdir = 0
- end
+ local recipe = minetest.serialize(craft.recipe)
+ recipe = string.gsub(recipe, "MAIN_DYE", color)
+ recipe = string.gsub(recipe, "NEUTRAL_NODE", craft.neutral_node)
+ local newrecipe = minetest.deserialize(recipe)
- local paletteidx, hue = unifieddyes.getpaletteidx(lastdye, palette_type)
- if palette_type == true and hue ~= 0 then newname = string.gsub(newname, "_grey", "_"..unifieddyes.HUES[hue]) end
+ local colored_itemstack =
+ unifieddyes.make_colored_itemstack(craft.output, craft.palette, color)
- minetest.set_node(pos, { name = newname, param2 = oldfdir + paletteidx })
+ minetest.register_craft({
+ output = colored_itemstack,
+ type = craft.type,
+ recipe = newrecipe
+ })
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- meta:set_string("dye", lastdye)
+function unifieddyes.register_color_craft(craft)
+ if not craft or not craft.recipe or not craft.output or not craft.neutral_node then return end
+ local hues_table = unifieddyes.HUES_EXTENDED
+ local sats_table = unifieddyes.SATS
+ local vals_table = unifieddyes.VALS_EXTENDED
+ local greys_table = unifieddyes.GREYS_EXTENDED
+ if not craft.palette then
+ hues_table = unifieddyes.HUES
+ sats_table = unifieddyes.SATS
+ vals_table = unifieddyes.VALS
+ greys_table = unifieddyes.GREYS
+ elseif craft.palette == "wallmounted" then
+ hues_table = unifieddyes.HUES_WALLMOUNTED
+ sats_table = {""}
+ vals_table = unifieddyes.VALS
+ greys_table = unifieddyes.GREYS
+ end
+ for _,hue in ipairs(hues_table) do
+ for _,val in ipairs(vals_table) do
+ for _,sat in ipairs(sats_table) do
+ if sat == "_s50" and val ~= "" and val ~= "medium_" and val ~= "dark_" then break end
+ register_c(craft, hue, sat, val)
- if not creative_mode then
- inv:remove_item("main", lastdye.." 1")
- else
- minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "Ran out of "..unifieddyes.last_used_dye[playername]..", resetting to neutral.")
- unifieddyes.last_used_dye[playername] = nil
- local playername = player:get_player_name()
- unifieddyes.last_used_dye[playername] = nil
- unifieddyes.last_dyed_node[playername] = nil
+ for _, grey in ipairs(greys_table) do
+ register_c(craft, grey)
+ end
-- code borrowed from homedecor
-- call this function to reset the rotation of a "wallmounted" object on place
@@ -532,34 +572,6 @@ function unifieddyes.getpaletteidx(color, palette_type)
--- if your node was once 89-color and uses an LBM to convert to the 256-color palette,
--- call this in that node def's on_construct:
-function unifieddyes.on_construct(pos)
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- meta:set_string("palette", "ext")
--- call this in your node's after_dig_node to get the last-used dye back.
-function unifieddyes.after_dig_node(pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, digger)
- local prevdye
- if oldmetadata and oldmetadata.fields then
- prevdye = oldmetadata.fields.dye
- end
- local inv = digger:get_inventory()
- if prevdye and not (inv:contains_item("main", prevdye) and creative_mode) and minetest.registered_items[prevdye] then
- if inv:room_for_item("main", prevdye) then
- inv:add_item("main", prevdye)
- else
- minetest.add_item(pos, prevdye)
- end
- end
function unifieddyes.on_use(itemstack, player, pointed_thing)
local stackname = itemstack:get_name()
local playername = player:get_player_name()
@@ -594,14 +606,6 @@ function unifieddyes.on_use(itemstack, player, pointed_thing)
- if player:get_player_control().sneak then
- if unifieddyes.last_used_dye[playername] then
- minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "Shift-punched a node, switching back to neutral color." )
- end
- unifieddyes.last_used_dye[playername] = nil
- return
- end
-- if the target is unknown, has no groups defined, or isn't UD-colorable, just bail out
if not (nodedef and nodedef.groups and nodedef.groups.ud_param2_colorable) then
minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "That node can't be colored.")
@@ -631,11 +635,6 @@ function unifieddyes.on_use(itemstack, player, pointed_thing)
if paletteidx then
- if unifieddyes.last_used_dye[playername] ~= stackname then
- minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "Color "..stackname.." selected, auto-coloring activated." )
- unifieddyes.last_used_dye[playername] = stackname
- end
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local prevdye = meta:get_string("dye")
local inv = player:get_inventory()