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authorVanessa Dannenberg <>2018-08-24 05:41:27 -0400
committerVanessa Dannenberg <>2018-08-24 05:41:27 -0400
commitadf1bc2c50119cfe58c383552124840d35e1470a (patch)
parent35d34d809e6dd3d5604f80c45519cabb12b67661 (diff)
remove the old obsolete on_use stuff
(was applied to dye items, obsolete now)
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 181 deletions
diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
index dd4b5e0..5619199 100644
--- a/init.lua
+++ b/init.lua
@@ -597,180 +597,6 @@ function unifieddyes.getpaletteidx(color, palette_type)
-function unifieddyes.on_use(itemstack, player, pointed_thing)
- local stackname = itemstack:get_name()
- local playername = player:get_player_name()
- if pointed_thing and pointed_thing.type == "node" and unifieddyes.select_node(pointed_thing) then
- if minetest.is_protected(unifieddyes.select_node(pointed_thing), playername)
- and not minetest.check_player_privs(playername, "protection_bypass") then
- minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "Sorry, someone else owns that spot.")
- return
- end
- end
- if pointed_thing and pointed_thing.type == "object" then
- pointed_thing.ref:punch(player, 0, itemstack:get_tool_capabilities())
- return player:get_wielded_item() -- punch may modified the wielded item, load the new and return it
- end
- if not (pointed_thing and pointed_thing.type == "node") then return end -- if "using" the dye on nothing at all (e.g. air)
- local pos = minetest.get_pointed_thing_position(pointed_thing)
- local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
- local nodedef = minetest.registered_nodes[]
- if not nodedef then return end -- target was an unknown node, just bail out
- -- if the node has an on_punch defined, bail out and call that instead, unless "sneak" is pressed.
- if not player:get_player_control().sneak then
- local onpunch = nodedef.on_punch(pos, node, player, pointed_thing)
- if onpunch then
- return onpunch
- end
- end
- -- if the target is unknown, has no groups defined, or isn't UD-colorable, just bail out
- if not (nodedef and nodedef.groups and nodedef.groups.ud_param2_colorable) then
- minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "That node can't be colored.")
- return
- end
- local newnode = nodedef.ud_replacement_node
- local palette_type
- if nodedef.palette == "unifieddyes_palette_extended.png" then
- palette_type = "extended"
- elseif nodedef.palette == "unifieddyes_palette.png" then
- palette_type = false
- elseif nodedef.paramtype2 == "colorfacedir" then
- palette_type = true
- elseif nodedef.paramtype2 == "colorwallmounted" then
- palette_type = "wallmounted"
- end
- if minetest.is_protected(pos, playername) and not minetest.check_player_privs(playername, {protection_bypass=true}) then
- minetest.record_protection_violation(pos, playername)
- return
- end
- local pos2 = unifieddyes.select_node(pointed_thing)
- local paletteidx, hue = unifieddyes.getpaletteidx(stackname, palette_type)
- if paletteidx then
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- local prevdye = meta:get_string("dye")
- local inv = player:get_inventory()
- if not (inv:contains_item("main", prevdye) and creative_mode) and minetest.registered_items[prevdye] then
- if inv:room_for_item("main", prevdye) then
- inv:add_item("main", prevdye)
- else
- minetest.add_item(pos, prevdye)
- end
- end
- meta:set_string("dye", stackname)
- if prevdye == stackname then
- local a,b = string.find(stackname, ":")
- minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "That node is already "..string.sub(stackname, a + 1).."." )
- return
- elseif not creative_mode then
- itemstack:take_item()
- end
- node.param2 = paletteidx
- local oldpaletteidx, oldhuenum = unifieddyes.getpaletteidx(prevdye, palette_type)
- local oldnode = minetest.get_node(pos)
- local oldhue = nil
- for _, i in ipairs(unifieddyes.HUES) do
- if string.find(, "_"..i) and not
- ( string.find(, "_redviolet") and i == "red" ) then
- oldhue = i
- break
- end
- end
- if newnode then -- this path is used when the calling mod want to supply a replacement node
- if palette_type == "wallmounted" then
- node.param2 = paletteidx + (minetest.get_node(pos).param2 % 8)
- elseif palette_type == true then -- it's colorfacedir
- if oldhue ~=0 then -- it's colored, not grey
- if oldhue ~= nil then -- it's been painted before
- if hue ~= 0 then -- the player's wielding a colored dye
- newnode = string.gsub(newnode, "_"..oldhue, "_"..unifieddyes.HUES[hue])
- else -- it's a greyscale dye
- newnode = string.gsub(newnode, "_"..oldhue, "_grey")
- end
- else -- it's never had a color at all
- if hue ~= 0 then -- and if the wield is greyscale, don't change the node name
- newnode = string.gsub(newnode, "_grey", "_"..unifieddyes.HUES[hue])
- end
- end
- else
- if hue ~= 0 then -- greyscale dye on greyscale node = no hue change
- newnode = string.gsub(newnode, "_grey", "_"..unifieddyes.HUES[hue])
- end
- end
- node.param2 = paletteidx + (minetest.get_node(pos).param2 % 32)
- else -- it's the 89-color palette, or the extended palette
- node.param2 = paletteidx
- end
- = newnode
- minetest.swap_node(pos, node)
- if palette_type == "extended" then
- meta:set_string("palette", "ext")
- end
- if not creative_mode then
- return itemstack
- end
- else -- this path is used when you're just painting an existing node, rather than replacing one.
- newnode = oldnode -- note that here, newnode/oldnode are a full node, not just the name.
- if palette_type == "wallmounted" then
- newnode.param2 = paletteidx + (minetest.get_node(pos).param2 % 8)
- elseif palette_type == true then -- it's colorfacedir
- if oldhue then
- if hue ~= 0 then
- = string.gsub(, "_"..oldhue, "_"..unifieddyes.HUES[hue])
- else
- = string.gsub(, "_"..oldhue, "_grey")
- end
- elseif string.find(minetest.get_node(pos).name, "_grey") and hue ~= 0 then
- = string.gsub(, "_grey", "_"..unifieddyes.HUES[hue])
- end
- newnode.param2 = paletteidx + (minetest.get_node(pos).param2 % 32)
- else -- it's the 89-color palette, or the extended palette
- newnode.param2 = paletteidx
- end
- minetest.swap_node(pos, newnode)
- if palette_type == "extended" then
- meta:set_string("palette", "ext")
- end
- if not creative_mode then
- return itemstack
- end
- end
- else
- local a,b = string.find(stackname, ":")
- if a then
- minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "That node can't be colored "..string.sub(stackname, a + 1).."." )
- end
- end
--- re-define default dyes slightly, to add on_use
-for _, color in ipairs(default_dyes) do
- minetest.override_item("dye:"..color, {
- on_use = unifieddyes.on_use
- })
-- build a table to convert from classic/89-color palette to extended palette
-- the first five entries are for the old greyscale - white, light, grey, dark, black
@@ -825,7 +651,6 @@ for _, h in ipairs(unifieddyes.HUES_EXTENDED) do
if minetest.registered_items["dye:"..val..hue] then
minetest.override_item("dye:"..val..hue, {
inventory_image = "unifieddyes_dye.png^[colorize:#"..color..":200",
- on_use = unifieddyes.on_use
if (val..hue) ~= "medium_orange"
@@ -834,7 +659,6 @@ for _, h in ipairs(unifieddyes.HUES_EXTENDED) do
description = S(desc),
inventory_image = "unifieddyes_dye.png^[colorize:#"..color..":200",
groups = { dye=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1 },
- on_use = unifieddyes.on_use
@@ -857,7 +681,6 @@ for _, h in ipairs(unifieddyes.HUES_EXTENDED) do
description = S(desc.." (low saturation)"),
inventory_image = "unifieddyes_dye.png^[colorize:#"..color..":200",
groups = { dye=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1 },
- on_use = unifieddyes.on_use
minetest.register_alias("unifieddyes:"..val..hue.."_s50", "dye:"..val..hue.."_s50")
@@ -878,7 +701,6 @@ for y = 1, 14 do -- colors 0 and 15 are black and white, default dyes
description = S(desc),
inventory_image = "unifieddyes_dye.png^[colorize:#"..rgb..":200",
groups = { dye=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1 },
- on_use = unifieddyes.on_use
minetest.register_alias("unifieddyes:", "dye:"
@@ -886,19 +708,16 @@ end
minetest.override_item("dye:grey", {
inventory_image = "unifieddyes_dye.png^[colorize:#888888:200",
- on_use = unifieddyes.on_use
minetest.override_item("dye:dark_grey", {
inventory_image = "unifieddyes_dye.png^[colorize:#444444:200",
- on_use = unifieddyes.on_use
minetest.register_craftitem(":dye:light_grey", {
description = S("Light grey Dye"),
inventory_image = "unifieddyes_dye.png^[colorize:#cccccc:200",
groups = { dye=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1 },
- on_use = unifieddyes.on_use
unifieddyes.base_color_crafts = {