diff options
authorVanessa Ezekowitz <>2013-04-19 18:00:26 -0400
committerVanessa Ezekowitz <>2013-04-19 18:00:26 -0400
commit652a0c9a89871ac78255536e78c04a5a69b88ca9 (patch)
parenta865a081a749d01a504991f86ae63e2e91dec65c (diff)
Added a version of gentextures that uses jpeg for the base and output images
(overlay still needs to be png or some other alpha-capable format).
1 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a7cad60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+# This program auto-generates colorized textures for all 89 of the Unified
+# Dyes colors, based on one or two input files.
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2013, Vanessa Ezekowitz
+# Email:
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+if [ -z "`which convert`" ] ; then {
+ echo "Please install Imagemagick."
+ exit 1
+} fi
+if [ -z "`which bc`" ] ; then {
+ echo "Please install GNU bc."
+ exit 1
+} fi
+if [ $1 = "-t" ] ; then {
+ BASE=$2
+} else {
+ BASE=$1
+} fi
+if [ -z $1 ] || [ $1 == "--help" ] || [ $1 == "-h" ] || [[ $1 == "-t" && -z $3 ]] ; then {
+ echo -e "\nUsage:
+\ basename [overlay_filename] -t basename overlay_filename
+\nThis script requires up to three parameters which supply the base
+filename of the textures, an optional .png overlay, and possibly the
+'-t' switch. The 'basename' is the first part of the filename that your
+textures will use when your mod is done, which should almost always be
+the same as the one-word name of your mod. For example, if you supply
+the word 'mymod', this script will produce filenames like mymod_red.jpg
+or 'mymod_dark_blue_s50.jpg'. The texture that this script will read
+and recolor is derived from this parameter, and will be of the form
+'basename_base.jpg', i.e. 'mymod_base.jpg'. \nYou can also supply an
+overlay image filename. This image needs to be a .png or .gif or some
+other alpha-capable format supported by ImageMagick, and will be
+composited onto the output files after they have been colorized, but
+without being modified. This is useful when you have some part of your
+base image that will either get changed undesirably (for example, the
+mortar among several bricks, or the shading detail of a stone pattern).
+Simply draw two images: one containing the whole image to be colored,
+and one containing the parts that should not be changed, with either
+full or partial alpha transparency where the re-colored base image
+should show through. Skilled use of color and alpha on this overlay can
+lead to some interesting effects. \nIf you add '-t' as the first
+parameter, the script will switch to 'tint overlay' mode. For this mode
+to work, you must also supply the base name as usual, and you must
+include an overlay image filename. Rather than re-color the base
+texture, the script will alter the hue/saturation/value of the overlay
+texture file instead, and leave the base texture unchanged. When using
+this mode, the base texture should be drawn in some neutral color, but
+any color is fine if it results in what you wanted.\n"
+ exit 1
+} fi
+if [[ ! -e $BASE"_base.jpg" ]]; then {
+ echo -e "\nThe basename '"$BASE"_base.jpg' was not found."
+ echo -e "\nAborting.\n"
+ exit 1
+} fi
+if [[ ! -z $COMPOSITE && ! -e $COMPOSITE ]]; then {
+ echo -e "\nThe requested composite file '"$COMPOSITE"' was not found."
+ echo -e "\nAborting.\n"
+ exit 1
+} fi
+convert $BASE"_base.jpg" -modulate 1,2,3 tempfile.jpg 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+if (( $? )) ; then {
+ echo -e "\nImagemagick failed while testing the base texture file."
+ echo -e "\nEither the base file '"$BASE"_base.jpg' isn't an image,"
+ echo "or it is broken, or Imagemagick itself just didn't work."
+ echo -e "\nPlease check and correct your base image and try again."
+ echo -e "\nAborting.\n"
+ exit 1
+} fi
+if [ ! -z $COMPOSITE ] ; then {
+ convert $BASE"_base.jpg" -modulate 1,2,3 $COMPOSITE -composite tempfile.jpg 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+ if (( $? )) ; then {
+ echo -e "\nImagemagick failed while testing the composite file."
+ echo -e "\nEither the composite file '"$COMPOSITE"' isn't an image"
+ echo "or it is broken, or Imagemagick itself just didn't work."
+ echo -e "\nPlease check and correct your composite image and try again."
+ echo -e "\nAborting.\n"
+ exit 1
+ } fi
+} fi
+rm tempfile.jpg
+base_colors="red orange yellow lime green aqua cyan skyblue blue violet magenta redviolet"
+echo -e -n "\nGenerating filenames based on "$BASE"_base.jpg"
+if [ ! -z $COMPOSITE ] ; then {
+ echo ","
+ echo -n "using "$COMPOSITE" as an overlay"
+} fi
+if [ ! -z $TINT_OVERLAY ] ; then {
+ echo ","
+ echo -n "and tinting the overlay instead of the base texture"
+} fi
+echo -e "...\n"
+mkdir -p generated-textures
+function generate_texture () {
+ name=$1
+ h=$2
+ s=$3
+ v=$4
+ if [ -z $TINT_OVERLAY ]; then {
+ if [ -z $COMPOSITE ]; then {
+ convert $BASE"_base.jpg" -modulate $v,$s,$h -quality 97 "generated-textures/"$BASE"_"$name".jpg"
+ } else {
+ convert $BASE"_base.jpg" -modulate $v,$s,$h -quality 97 $COMPOSITE -composite "generated-textures/"$BASE"_"$name".jpg"
+ } fi
+ } else {
+ convert $COMPOSITE -modulate $v,$s,$h -quality 97 MIFF:- | composite MIFF:- $BASE"_base.jpg" "generated-textures/"$BASE"_"$name".jpg"
+ } fi
+for color_name in $base_colors ; do
+ hue2=`echo "scale=10; ("$hue"*200/360)+100" |bc`
+ echo $color_name "("$hue" degrees)"
+ echo " dark"
+ generate_texture "dark_"$color_name $hue2 100 33
+ echo " medium"
+ generate_texture "medium_"$color_name $hue2 100 66
+ echo " full"
+ generate_texture $color_name $hue2 100 100
+ echo " light"
+ generate_texture "light_"$color_name $hue2 100 150
+ echo " dark, 50% saturation"
+ generate_texture "dark_"$color_name"_s50" $hue2 50 33
+ echo " medium, 50% saturation"
+ generate_texture "medium_"$color_name"_s50" $hue2 50 66
+ echo " full, 50% saturation"
+ generate_texture $color_name"_s50" $hue2 50 100
+ hue=$((hue+30))
+echo "greyscales"
+echo " black"
+generate_texture black 0 0 15
+echo " dark grey"
+generate_texture darkgrey 0 0 50
+echo " medium grey"
+generate_texture grey 0 0 100
+echo " light grey"
+generate_texture lightgrey 0 0 150
+echo " white"
+generate_texture white 0 0 190