path: root/streetsmod/locale
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-07-26Translation to brazilian portuguese (#3)Free Educational Software for Mobile Devices - Translations to Brazilian Portuguese
2017-06-27Translation to Brazilian Portuguese (#2)Free Educational Software for Mobile Devices - Translations to Brazilian Portuguese
2014-05-31merge conflictswebdesigner97
2014-04-17finally use smartfs for streets chatcommandwebdesigner97
2014-04-16added trafficlight related translationsXanthin
2014-04-16added trafficlight related translationsXanthin
2014-04-16fix typo and add missingXanthin
2014-04-16fix typo and add missingXanthin
2014-04-15fix typo and add missingXanthin
2014-04-13prepare translationswebdesigner97