path: root/new_flow_logic/abms.lua
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 342 deletions
diff --git a/new_flow_logic/abms.lua b/new_flow_logic/abms.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c14c124..0000000
--- a/new_flow_logic/abms.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
--- reimplementation of new_flow_logic branch: processing functions
--- written 2017 by thetaepsilon
-local flowlogic = {}
-flowlogic.helpers = {}
-pipeworks.flowlogic = flowlogic
--- borrowed from above: might be useable to replace the above coords tables
-local make_coords_offsets = function(pos, include_base)
- local coords = {
- {x=pos.x,y=pos.y-1,z=pos.z},
- {x=pos.x,y=pos.y+1,z=pos.z},
- {x=pos.x-1,y=pos.y,z=pos.z},
- {x=pos.x+1,y=pos.y,z=pos.z},
- {x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z-1},
- {x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z+1},
- }
- if include_base then table.insert(coords, pos) end
- return coords
--- create positions from list of offsets
--- see in use of directional flow logic below
-local apply_coords_offsets = function(pos, offsets)
- local result = {}
- for index, offset in ipairs(offsets) do
- table.insert(result, vector.add(pos, offset))
- end
- return result
--- local debuglog = function(msg) print("## "..msg) end
-local formatvec = function(vec) local sep="," return "("..tostring(vec.x)..sep..tostring(vec.y)..sep..tostring(vec.z)..")" end
--- new version of liquid check
--- accepts a limit parameter to only delete water blocks that the receptacle can accept,
--- and returns it so that the receptacle can update it's pressure values.
-local check_for_liquids_v2 = function(pos, limit)
- local coords = make_coords_offsets(pos, false)
- local total = 0
- for index, tpos in ipairs(coords) do
- if total >= limit then break end
- local name = minetest.get_node(tpos).name
- if name == "default:water_source" then
- minetest.remove_node(tpos)
- total = total + 1
- end
- end
- --pipeworks.logger("check_for_liquids_v2@"..formatvec(pos).." total "
- return total
-flowlogic.check_for_liquids_v2 = check_for_liquids_v2
-local label_pressure = "pipeworks.water_pressure"
-local get_pressure_access = function(pos)
- local metaref = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- return {
- get = function()
- return metaref:get_float(label_pressure)
- end,
- set = function(v)
- metaref:set_float(label_pressure, v)
- end
- }
--- logging is unreliable when something is crashing...
-local nilexplode = function(caller, label, value)
- if value == nil then
- error(caller..": "..label.." was nil")
- end
-local finitemode = pipeworks.toggles.finite_water = function(pos, node)
- local nodename =
- -- get the current pressure value.
- local nodepressure = get_pressure_access(pos)
- local currentpressure = nodepressure.get()
- local oldpressure = currentpressure
- -- if node is an input: run intake phase
- local inputdef = pipeworks.flowables.inputs.list[nodename]
- if inputdef then
- currentpressure = flowlogic.run_input(pos, node, currentpressure, inputdef)
- --debuglog("post-intake currentpressure is "..currentpressure)
- --nilexplode("run()", "currentpressure", currentpressure)
- end
- -- balance pressure with neighbours
- currentpressure = flowlogic.balance_pressure(pos, node, currentpressure)
- -- if node is an output: run output phase
- local outputdef = pipeworks.flowables.outputs.list[nodename]
- if outputdef then
- currentpressure = flowlogic.run_output(
- pos,
- node,
- currentpressure,
- oldpressure,
- outputdef,
- finitemode)
- end
- -- if node has pressure transitions: determine new node
- if pipeworks.flowables.transitions.list[nodename] then
- local newnode = flowlogic.run_transition(node, currentpressure)
- --pipeworks.logger(""..formatvec(pos).." transition, new node name = "..dump(newnode).." pressure "..tostring(currentpressure))
- minetest.swap_node(pos, newnode)
- flowlogic.run_transition_post(pos, newnode)
- end
- -- set the new pressure
- nodepressure.set(currentpressure)
-flowlogic.balance_pressure = function(pos, node, currentpressure)
- -- local dname = "flowlogic.balance_pressure()@"..formatvec(pos).." "
- -- check the pressure of all nearby flowable nodes, and average it out.
- -- pressure handles to average over
- local connections = {}
- -- unconditionally include self in nodes to average over.
- -- result of averaging will be returned as new pressure for main flow logic callback
- local totalv = currentpressure
- local totalc = 1
- -- get list of node neighbours.
- -- if this node is directional and only flows on certain sides,
- -- invoke the callback to retrieve the set.
- -- for simple flowables this is just an auto-gen'd list of all six possible neighbours.
- local candidates = {}
- if pipeworks.flowables.list.simple[] then
- candidates = make_coords_offsets(pos, false)
- else
- -- directional flowables: call the callback to get the list
- local directional = pipeworks.flowables.list.directional[]
- if directional then
- --pipeworks.logger(dname.."invoking neighbourfn")
- local offsets = directional.neighbourfn(node)
- candidates = apply_coords_offsets(pos, offsets)
- end
- end
- -- then handle neighbours, but if not a pressure node don't consider them at all
- for _, npos in ipairs(candidates) do
- local nodename = minetest.get_node(npos).name
- -- for now, just check if it's in the simple table.
- -- TODO: the "can flow from" logic in flowable_node_registry.lua
- local haspressure = (pipeworks.flowables.list.simple[nodename])
- if haspressure then
- local neighbour = get_pressure_access(npos)
- --pipeworks.logger("balance_pressure @ "..formatvec(pos).." "..nodename.." "..formatvec(npos).." added to neighbour set")
- local n = neighbour.get()
- table.insert(connections, neighbour)
- totalv = totalv + n
- totalc = totalc + 1
- end
- end
- local average = totalv / totalc
- for _, target in ipairs(connections) do
- target.set(average)
- end
- return average
-flowlogic.run_input = function(pos, node, currentpressure, inputdef)
- -- intakefn allows a given input node to define it's own intake logic.
- -- this function will calculate the maximum amount of water that can be taken in;
- -- the intakefn will be given this and is expected to return the actual absorption amount.
- local maxpressure = inputdef.maxpressure
- local intake_limit = maxpressure - currentpressure
- if intake_limit <= 0 then return currentpressure end
- local actual_intake = inputdef.intakefn(pos, intake_limit)
- --pipeworks.logger("run_input@"..formatvec(pos).." oldpressure "..currentpressure.." intake_limit "..intake_limit.." actual_intake "..actual_intake)
- if actual_intake <= 0 then return currentpressure end
- local newpressure = actual_intake + currentpressure
- --debuglog("run_input() end, oldpressure "..currentpressure.." intake_limit "..intake_limit.." actual_intake "..actual_intake.." newpressure "..newpressure)
- return newpressure
--- flowlogic output helper implementation:
--- outputs water by trying to place water nodes nearby in the world.
--- neighbours is a list of node offsets to try placing water in.
--- this is a constructor function, returning another function which satisfies the output helper requirements.
--- note that this does *not* take rotation into account.
-flowlogic.helpers.make_neighbour_output_fixed = function(neighbours)
- return function(pos, node, currentpressure, finitemode)
- local taken = 0
- for _, offset in pairs(neighbours) do
- local npos = vector.add(pos, offset)
- local name = minetest.get_node(npos).name
- if currentpressure < 1 then break end
- -- take pressure anyway in non-finite mode, even if node is water source already.
- -- in non-finite mode, pressure has to be sustained to keep the sources there.
- -- so in non-finite mode, placing water is dependent on the target node;
- -- draining pressure is not.
- local canplace = (name == "air") or (name == "default:water_flowing")
- if canplace then
- minetest.swap_node(npos, {name="default:water_source"})
- end
- if (not finitemode) or canplace then
- taken = taken + 1
- currentpressure = currentpressure - 1
- end
- end
- return taken
- end
--- complementary function to the above when using non-finite mode:
--- removes water sources from neighbor positions when the output is "off" due to lack of pressure.
-flowlogic.helpers.make_neighbour_cleanup_fixed = function(neighbours)
- return function(pos, node, currentpressure)
- --pipeworks.logger("neighbour_cleanup_fixed@"..formatvec(pos))
- for _, offset in pairs(neighbours) do
- local npos = vector.add(pos, offset)
- local name = minetest.get_node(npos).name
- if (name == "default:water_source") then
- --pipeworks.logger("neighbour_cleanup_fixed removing "..formatvec(npos))
- minetest.remove_node(npos)
- end
- end
- end
-flowlogic.run_output = function(pos, node, currentpressure, oldpressure, outputdef, finitemode)
- -- processing step for water output devices.
- -- takes care of checking a minimum pressure value and updating the resulting pressure level
- -- the outputfn is provided the current pressure and returns the pressure "taken".
- -- as an example, using this with the above spigot function,
- -- the spigot function tries to output a water source if it will fit in the world.
- --pipeworks.logger("flowlogic.run_output() pos "..formatvec(pos).." old -> currentpressure "..tostring(oldpressure).." "..tostring(currentpressure).." finitemode "..tostring(finitemode))
- local upper = outputdef.upper
- local lower = outputdef.lower
- local result = currentpressure
- local threshold = nil
- if finitemode then threshold = lower else threshold = upper end
- if currentpressure > threshold then
- local takenpressure = outputdef.outputfn(pos, node, currentpressure, finitemode)
- local newpressure = currentpressure - takenpressure
- if newpressure < 0 then newpressure = 0 end
- result = newpressure
- end
- if (not finitemode) and (currentpressure < lower) and (oldpressure < lower) then
- --pipeworks.logger("flowlogic.run_output() invoking cleanup currentpressure="..tostring(currentpressure))
- outputdef.cleanupfn(pos, node, currentpressure)
- end
- return result
--- determine which node to switch to based on current pressure
-flowlogic.run_transition = function(node, currentpressure)
- local simplesetdef = pipeworks.flowables.transitions.simple[]
- local result = node
- local found = false
- -- simple transition sets: assumes all nodes in the set share param values.
- if simplesetdef then
- -- assumes that the set has been checked to contain at least one element...
- local nodename_prev = simplesetdef[1].nodename
- local result_nodename =
- for index, element in ipairs(simplesetdef) do
- -- find the highest element that is below the current pressure.
- local threshold = element.threshold
- if threshold > currentpressure then
- result_nodename = nodename_prev
- found = true
- break
- end
- nodename_prev = element.nodename
- end
- -- use last element if no threshold is greater than current pressure
- if not found then
- result_nodename = nodename_prev
- found = true
- end
- -- preserve param1/param2 values
- result = { name=result_nodename, param1=node.param1, param2=node.param2 }
- end
- if not found then
- pipeworks.logger("flowlogic.run_transition() BUG no transition definitions found! nodename="..nodename.." currentpressure="..tostring(currentpressure))
- end
- return result
--- post-update hook for run_transition
--- among other things, updates mesecons if present.
--- node here means the new node, returned from run_transition() above
-flowlogic.run_transition_post = function(pos, node)
- local mesecons_def = minetest.registered_nodes[].mesecons
- local mesecons_rules = pipeworks.flowables.transitions.mesecons[]
- if minetest.global_exists("mesecon") and (mesecons_def ~= nil) and mesecons_rules then
- if type(mesecons_def) ~= "table" then
- pipeworks.logger("flowlogic.run_transition_post() BUG mesecons def for ""not a table: got "..tostring(mesecons_def))
- else
- local receptor = mesecons_def.receptor
- if receptor then
- local state = receptor.state
- if state == mesecon.state.on then
- mesecon.receptor_on(pos, mesecons_rules)
- elseif state == then
- mesecon.receptor_off(pos, mesecons_rules)
- end
- end
- end
- end