diff options
-rw-r--r--textures/ltc4000e_cabinet_front.pngbin0 -> 3833 bytes
-rw-r--r--textures/ltc4000e_cabinet_sides.pngbin0 -> 3213 bytes
-rw-r--r--textures/ltc4000e_formspec_bg.pngbin0 -> 1735 bytes
7 files changed, 1464 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68a49da
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
+Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
+distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
+binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
+In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
+of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
+software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
+of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
+successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
+relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
+software under copyright law.
+For more information, please refer to <>
diff --git a/depends.txt b/depends.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da1d119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/fw.lua b/fw.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a04ac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fw.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1094 @@
+--LTC-4000E Firmware
+--A product of Advanced Mesecons Devices, a Cheapie Systems company
+--This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
+--See for more information
+--Lookup tables for human-readable strings and such
+lttypes = {"Permissive","Protected","Yellow Arrow Prot/Perm","Circular Green Prot/Perm"}
+pedtypes = {"Unsignalized","Signalized"}
+signaltypes = {"Streets 1","Roads","Streets 2"}
+pedbuttontypes = {"Normal","TrafficNeXt Compatibility"}
+shortphases = {"O","G","R","Y","FR","FY","FG","RY"} -- Green/red switched for, uh, reasons
+phases = {O = "Off",R = "Red",Y = "Yellow",G = "Green",RY = "RedYellow",FR = "FlashRed",FY = "FlashYellow",FG = "FlashGreen"}
+monitortypes = {"Straight","Left Turn","Pedestrian"}
+modes = {"Sensor","Timer","Phase Lock"}
+panellock = {"Unlocked","Locked"}
+logmodes = {"Quiet","Normal","Verbose"}
+--Used for reverse lookups
+function pivot(table)
+ local out = {}
+ for k,v in pairs(table) do
+ out[v] = k
+ end
+ return(out)
+--Phase setter thing
+function setlight(light,phase)
+ mem.currentphase[light] = phase
+--Log filter/formatter
+function log(desc,verboseonly)
+ if mem.logmode ~= 1 and (mem.logmode == 3 or not verboseonly) then
+ print("[LTC-4000E @ ""] "..desc)
+ end
+--Fault logger
+function logfault(desc,fatal)
+ if fatal then mem.phaselocked = true end
+ log(string.format("%s FAULT: ",(fatal and "FATAL" or "Non-fatal"))..desc,false)
+ local date = os.datetable()
+ local time = string.format(" - %04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u",date.year,date.month,,date.hour,date.min,date.sec)
+ table.insert(mem.faultlog,1,desc..time)
+--Checks if the schedule is currently active
+function isscheduled()
+ local hour = os.datetable().hour
+ if mem.schedstart < mem.schedend then
+ --Active during the day
+ return(hour >= mem.schedstart and hour < mem.schedend)
+ elseif mem.schedstart > mem.schedend then
+ --Active during the night
+ return(hour >= mem.schedstart or hour < mem.schedend)
+ else
+ --Disabled
+ return(false)
+ end
+--Default parameters
+if event.type == "program" then
+ = "run"
+ mem.monitor = 1
+ mem.monflash = false
+ if not mem.schedstart then mem.schedstart = 0 end
+ if not mem.schedend then mem.schedend = 0 end
+ if not mem.normalmode then
+ if mem.phaselocked then
+ mem.normalmode = 3
+ else
+ mem.normalmode = 1
+ end
+ end
+ if not mem.schedmode then mem.schedmode = 3 end
+ if not mem.ltatype then mem.ltatype = 1 end
+ if not mem.ltbtype then mem.ltbtype = 1 end
+ if not mem.ltctype then mem.ltctype = 1 end
+ if not mem.ltdtype then mem.ltdtype = 1 end
+ if not mem.pedatype then mem.pedatype = 1 end
+ if not mem.pedbtype then mem.pedbtype = 1 end
+ if not mem.pedctype then mem.pedctype = 1 end
+ if not mem.peddtype then mem.peddtype = 1 end
+ if not mem.signaltype then mem.signaltype = 2 end
+ if not mem.pedbuttontype then mem.pedbuttontype = 1 end
+ if not mem.allreda then mem.allreda = 2 end
+ if not mem.allredb then mem.allredb = 2 end
+ if not mem.yellowa then mem.yellowa = 3 end
+ if not mem.yellowb then mem.yellowb = 3 end
+ if not mem.minsidegreen then mem.minsidegreen = (mem.sidegreen or 7) end
+ if not mem.gapout then mem.gapout = 3 end
+ if not mem.maxsidegreen then mem.maxsidegreen = 20 end
+ if not mem.mindwell then mem.mindwell = 10 end
+ if not mem.pedwarn then mem.pedwarn = 7 end
+ if not mem.sideped then mem.sideped = 5 end
+ if not mem.llturn then mem.llturn = 4 end
+ if not then = "Unnamed Intersection" end
+ if not mem.logmode then mem.logmode = 2 end
+ if not mem.lock then mem.lock = 2 end
+ mem.stats = {a = 0,b = 0,c = 0,d = 0,at = 0,bt = 0,ct = 0,dt = 0,ap = 0,bp = 0,cp = 0,dp = 0,cycles = 0,lastreset = os.time()}
+ mem.det = {}
+ mem.busy = false
+ mem.preempt = nil
+ mem.cycle = nil
+ mem.currentphase = {a = "G",b = "R",c = "G",d = "R",at = "R",bt = "R",ct = "R",dt = "R",ap = "R",bp = "R",cp = "R",dp = "R"}
+ if not mem.phaselock then mem.phaselock = {a = "FR",b = "FR",c = "FR",d = "FR",at = "FR",bt = "FR",ct = "FR",dt = "FR",ap = "O",bp = "O",cp = "O",dp = "O"} end
+ mem.phaselocked = false
+ mem.faultlog = {}
+ log("Chip programmed",true)
+--Handle special modes
+was_phaselocked = mem.phaselocked
+was_timed = mem.timed
+mem.phaselocked = (isscheduled() and mem.schedmode == 3) or (not isscheduled() and mem.normalmode == 3)
+mem.timed = (isscheduled() and mem.schedmode == 2) or (not isscheduled() and mem.normalmode == 2)
+if was_phaselocked and not mem.phaselocked then
+ mem.currentphase = {a = "G",b = "R",c = "G",d = "R",at = "R",bt = "R",ct = "R",dt = "R",ap = "R",bp = "R",cp = "R",dp = "R"}
+ mem.cycle = "mindwell"
+ mem.busy = true
+ interrupt(0,"tick")
+if mem.timed then
+ mem.det = {a = true,b = true,c = true,d = true,ap = true,bp = true,cp = true,dp = true,at = true,bt = true,ct = true,dt = true}
+elseif was_timed then
+ mem.det = {}
+--Detector signal handling
+if (not mem.timed and not mem.phaselocked and not mem.preempt) and event.type == "digiline" and string.sub(,1,9) == "detector_" then
+ local detname = string.sub(,10)
+ if mem.stats[detname] then
+ mem.stats[detname] = mem.stats[detname] + 1
+ end
+ if detname == "a" or detname == "c" then
+ log("Ignoring stats-only detector "..detname,true)
+ elseif (detname == "at" and mem.ltatype == 1) then
+ logfault("AT disabled but detector present",false)
+ elseif (detname == "bt" and mem.ltbtype == 1) then
+ logfault("BT disabled but detector present",false)
+ elseif (detname == "ct" and mem.ltctype == 1) then
+ logfault("CT disabled but detector present",false)
+ elseif (detname == "dt" and mem.ltdtype == 1) then
+ logfault("DT disabled but detector present",false)
+ elseif (detname == "ap" and mem.pedatype == 1) then
+ logfault("AP disabled but detector present",false)
+ elseif (detname == "bp" and mem.pedbtype == 1) then
+ logfault("BP disabled but detector present",false)
+ elseif (detname == "cp" and mem.pedctype == 1) then
+ logfault("CP disabled but detector present",false)
+ elseif (detname == "dp" and mem.peddtype == 1) then
+ logfault("DP disabled but detector present",false)
+ else
+ log("Detector "..detname.." activated",true)
+ mem.det[detname] = true
+ end
+if event.type == "digiline" and mem.pedbuttontype == 2 and == "pedbutton" then
+ if event.msg == "main" then
+ log("Emulating detector_ap/cp for TrafficNeXt compatibility",true)
+ mem.det.ap = true
+ mem.det.cp = true
+ elseif event.msg == "side" then
+ log("Emulating detector_bp/dp for TrafficNeXt compatibility",true)
+ mem.det.bp = true
+ mem.det.dp = true
+ else
+ logfault("Unrecognized pedbutton type "..event.msg,false)
+ end
+--Volume Density Logic
+if event.type == "interrupt" and (event.iid == "gapout" or event.iid == "maxgreen") and (mem.cycle == "straight2.5" or mem.cycle == "straight3") then
+ if mem.cycle == "straight2.5" or (mem.currentphase.ap ~= "FR" and mem.currentphase.cp ~= "FR") then
+ if event.iid == "gapout" then
+ log("Gapped out",true)
+ elseif event.iid == "maxgreen" then
+ log("Reached maximum green",true)
+ end
+ --Either gapped out or reached max green, go to next step
+ interrupt(0,"tick")
+ interrupt(nil,"gapout")
+ end
+if ( == "detector_b" or == "detector_d") and (mem.cycle == "straight2.5" or mem.cycle == "straight3") then
+ --Car detected, reset gap-out timer
+ interrupt(mem.gapout,"gapout")
+--Preemption logic
+if event.type == "digiline" and string.sub(,1,8) == "preempt_" then
+ log("Preemption detector activated",true)
+ mem.preempt = string.sub(,9,10)
+ log("Entering preemption on approach "..mem.preempt.." from state "..(mem.cycle or "idle"),true)
+ mem.busy = true
+ local pedactive = (mem.currentphase.ap ~= "R" or mem.currentphase.bp ~= "R" or mem.currentphase.cp ~= "R" or mem.currentphase.dp ~= "R")
+ for k,v in pairs(mem.currentphase) do
+ if pedactive then
+ if k == "ap" or k == "bp" or k == "cp" or k == "dp" then
+ if v == "G" then setlight(k,"FR") end
+ end
+ else
+ if v ~= "R" then
+ setlight(k,"Y")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if pedactive then
+ mem.cycle = "preempt_yellow"
+ interrupt(mem.pedwarn,"tick")
+ else
+ mem.cycle = "preempt_allred"
+ interrupt(mem.yellowa,"tick")
+ end
+--Phase logic for already-running cycles
+if mem.busy and event.type == "interrupt" and event.iid == "tick" and not mem.phaselocked then
+ log("Continuing existing cycle at phase "..mem.cycle,true)
+ if mem.cycle == "preempt_yellow" then
+ for k,v in pairs(mem.currentphase) do
+ if k == "ap" or k == "bp" or k == "cp" or k == "dp" then
+ setlight(k,"R")
+ else
+ if v ~= "R" then setlight(k,"Y") end
+ end
+ mem.cycle = "preempt_allred"
+ interrupt(mem.yellowa,"tick")
+ end
+ elseif mem.cycle == "preempt_allred" then
+ mem.currentphase = {a = "R",b = "R",c = "R",d = "R",at = "R",bt = "R",ct = "R",dt = "R",ap = "R",bp = "R",cp = "R",dp = "R"}
+ mem.cycle = "preempt_green"
+ interrupt(mem.allreda,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "preempt_green" then
+ if mem["lt"..mem.preempt.."type"] ~= 1 then
+ mem.cycle = mem.preempt.."lead1"
+ else
+ if mem.preempt == "a" or mem.preempt == "c" then
+ mem.cycle = "mindwell"
+ else
+ mem.cycle = "straight2"
+ end
+ end
+ mem.preempt = nil
+ mem.det = {}
+ interrupt(0,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "straight1" then
+ mem.cycle = "straight2"
+ setlight("a","R")
+ setlight("c","R")
+ setlight("at","R")
+ setlight("ct","R")
+ --Branch over to B/D leading left turn if necessary
+ if ( and mem.det.dt and mem.ltbtype ~= 1 and mem.ltdtype ~= 1) or ((( and mem.ltbtype ~= 1) or (mem.det.dt and mem.ltdtype ~= 1)) and ((mem.det.ap and mem.pedatype ~= 1) or (mem.det.cp and mem.pedctype ~= 1))) then
+ mem.cycle = "bdlead1"
+ elseif and mem.ltbtype ~= 1 then
+ mem.cycle = "blead1"
+ elseif mem.det.dt and mem.ltdtype ~= 1 then
+ mem.cycle = "dlead1"
+ end
+ --If nobody wants to go straight or turn on B/D, but there are cars an AT or CT, serve them instead
+ if not mem.det.b and not mem.det.d and not and not mem.det.dt and not mem.det.ap and not mem.det.cp then
+ if and mem.ltatype ~= 1 and mem.det.ct and mem.ltctype ~= 1 then
+ mem.cycle = "aclead1"
+ elseif and mem.ltatype ~= 1 then
+ mem.cycle = "alead1"
+ elseif mem.det.ct and mem.ltctype ~= 1 then
+ mem.cycle = "clead1"
+ end
+ end
+ interrupt(mem.allreda,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "straight2" then
+ mem.cycle = "straight3"
+ setlight("b","G")
+ setlight("d","G")
+ if mem.ltbtype == 3 then setlight("bt","FY") end
+ if mem.ltdtype == 3 then setlight("dt","FY") end
+ if (mem.det.ap and mem.pedatype ~= 1) or (mem.det.cp and mem.pedctype ~= 1) and not mem.preempt then
+ mem.cycle = "straight2.5"
+ if mem.pedatype ~= 1 then setlight("ap","G") end
+ if mem.pedctype ~= 1 then setlight("cp","G") end
+ end
+ log("Entering volume density control",true)
+ interrupt(mem.minsidegreen,"gapout")
+ interrupt(mem.maxsidegreen,"maxgreen")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "straight2.5" then
+ mem.cycle = "straight3"
+ mem.det.ap = nil
+ mem.det.cp = nil
+ if mem.pedatype ~= 1 then setlight("ap","FR") end
+ if mem.pedctype ~= 1 then setlight("cp","FR") end
+ interrupt(mem.pedwarn,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "straight3" then
+ mem.cycle = "straight4"
+ setlight("b","Y")
+ setlight("d","Y")
+ if mem.pedatype ~= 1 then setlight("ap","R") end
+ if mem.pedctype ~= 1 then setlight("cp","R") end
+ if mem.ltbtype == 3 then setlight("bt","Y") end
+ if mem.ltdtype == 3 then setlight("dt","Y") end
+ mem.det.b = nil
+ mem.det.d = nil
+ interrupt(mem.yellowb,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "straight4" then
+ mem.cycle = "mindwell"
+ setlight("b","R")
+ setlight("d","R")
+ setlight("bt","R")
+ setlight("dt","R")
+ --Branch over to A/C leading left turn if necessary
+ if and mem.det.ct and mem.ltatype ~= 1 and mem.ltctype ~= 1 then
+ mem.cycle = "aclead1"
+ elseif and mem.ltatype ~= 1 then
+ mem.cycle = "alead1"
+ elseif mem.det.ct and mem.ltctype ~= 1 then
+ mem.cycle = "clead1"
+ end
+ interrupt(mem.allredb,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "mindwell" then
+ mem.cycle = "reset"
+ setlight("a","G")
+ setlight("c","G")
+ if mem.ltatype == 3 then setlight("at","FY") end
+ if mem.ltctype == 3 then setlight("ct","FY") end
+ if (mem.det.bp and mem.pedbtype ~= 1) or (mem.det.dp and mem.peddtype ~= 1) then
+ mem.cycle = "sideped1"
+ if mem.ltatype == 3 and mem.pedbtype ~= 1 then setlight("at","R") end
+ if mem.ltctype == 3 and mem.peddtype ~= 1 then setlight("ct","R") end
+ if mem.ltatype == 3 or mem.ltctype == 3 then
+ interrupt(mem.yellowa,"tick")
+ else
+ interrupt(0,"tick")
+ end
+ else
+ interrupt(mem.mindwell,"tick")
+ end
+ elseif mem.cycle == "bdlead1" then
+ mem.cycle = "bdlead2"
+ setlight("bt","G")
+ setlight("dt","G")
+ interrupt(mem.llturn,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "bdlead2" then
+ = nil
+ mem.det.dt = nil
+ if mem.ltbtype ~= 3 and mem.ltdtype ~= 3 then
+ mem.cycle = "bdlead3"
+ else
+ mem.cycle = "straight2"
+ end
+ setlight("bt","Y")
+ setlight("dt","Y")
+ interrupt(mem.yellowb,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "bdlead3" then
+ mem.cycle = "straight2"
+ setlight("bt","R")
+ setlight("dt","R")
+ interrupt(mem.allredb,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "blead1" then
+ mem.cycle = "blead2"
+ setlight("bt","G")
+ setlight("b","G")
+ interrupt(mem.llturn,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "blead2" then
+ if mem.ltbtype ~= 3 then
+ mem.cycle = "blead3"
+ else
+ mem.cycle = "straight2"
+ end
+ = nil
+ setlight("bt","Y")
+ interrupt(mem.yellowb,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "blead3" then
+ mem.cycle = "straight2"
+ setlight("bt","R")
+ interrupt(mem.allredb,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "dlead1" then
+ mem.cycle = "dlead2"
+ setlight("dt","G")
+ setlight("d","G")
+ interrupt(mem.llturn,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "dlead2" then
+ if mem.ltdtype ~= 3 then
+ mem.cycle = "dlead3"
+ else
+ mem.cycle = "straight2"
+ end
+ mem.det.dt = nil
+ setlight("dt","Y")
+ interrupt(mem.yellowb,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "dlead3" then
+ mem.cycle = "straight2"
+ setlight("dt","R")
+ interrupt(mem.allredb,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "aclead1" then
+ mem.cycle = "aclead2"
+ setlight("at","G")
+ setlight("ct","G")
+ interrupt(mem.llturn,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "aclead2" then
+ if mem.ltatype ~= 3 and mem.ltctype ~= 3 then
+ mem.cycle = "aclead3"
+ else
+ mem.cycle = "mindwell"
+ end
+ setlight("at","Y")
+ setlight("ct","Y")
+ = nil
+ mem.det.ct = nil
+ interrupt(mem.yellowa,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "aclead3" then
+ mem.cycle = "mindwell"
+ setlight("at","R")
+ setlight("ct","R")
+ interrupt(mem.allreda,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "alead1" then
+ if mem.det.ct and mem.ltctype ~= 1 then
+ mem.cycle = "aclead2"
+ setlight("ct","G")
+ else
+ mem.cycle = "alead2"
+ setlight("a","G")
+ end
+ setlight("at","G")
+ interrupt(mem.llturn,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "alead2" then
+ mem.cycle = "alead3"
+ setlight("at","Y")
+ = nil
+ interrupt(mem.yellowa,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "alead3" then
+ mem.cycle = "mindwell"
+ setlight("at","R")
+ interrupt(mem.allreda,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "clead1" then
+ if and mem.ltatype ~= 1 then
+ mem.cycle = "aclead2"
+ setlight("at","G")
+ else
+ mem.cycle = "clead2"
+ setlight("c","G")
+ end
+ setlight("ct","G")
+ interrupt(mem.llturn,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "clead2" then
+ mem.cycle = "clead3"
+ setlight("ct","Y")
+ mem.det.ct = nil
+ interrupt(mem.yellowa,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "clead3" then
+ mem.cycle = "mindwell"
+ setlight("ct","R")
+ interrupt(mem.allreda,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "yta1" then
+ mem.cycle = "yta2"
+ setlight("c","R")
+ interrupt(mem.allreda,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "yta2" then
+ mem.cycle = "yta3"
+ setlight("at","G")
+ interrupt(mem.llturn,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "yta3" then
+ mem.cycle = "yta4"
+ setlight("at","Y")
+ = nil
+ interrupt(mem.yellowa,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "yta4" then
+ mem.cycle = "mindwell"
+ if mem.ltatype == 3 then
+ setlight("at","FY")
+ else
+ setlight("at","R")
+ end
+ interrupt(mem.allreda,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "ytc1" then
+ mem.cycle = "ytc2"
+ setlight("a","R")
+ interrupt(mem.allreda,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "ytc2" then
+ mem.cycle = "ytc3"
+ setlight("ct","G")
+ interrupt(mem.llturn,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "ytc3" then
+ mem.cycle = "ytc4"
+ setlight("ct","Y")
+ mem.det.ct = nil
+ interrupt(mem.yellowa,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "ytc4" then
+ mem.cycle = "mindwell"
+ if mem.ltctype == 3 then
+ setlight("ct","FY")
+ else
+ setlight("ct","R")
+ end
+ interrupt(mem.allreda,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "sideped1" then
+ mem.cycle = "sideped2"
+ if mem.ltatype == 3 and mem.pedbtype ~= 1 then setlight("at","R") end
+ if mem.ltctype == 3 and mem.peddtype ~= 1 then setlight("ct","R") end
+ interrupt(mem.allreda,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "sideped2" then
+ mem.cycle = "sideped3"
+ if mem.pedbtype ~= 1 then setlight("bp","G") end
+ if mem.peddtype ~= 1 then setlight("dp","G") end
+ interrupt(mem.sideped,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "sideped3" then
+ mem.cycle = "sideped4"
+ mem.det.bp = nil
+ mem.det.dp = nil
+ if mem.pedbtype ~= 1 then setlight("bp","FR") end
+ if mem.peddtype ~= 1 then setlight("dp","FR") end
+ interrupt(mem.pedwarn,"tick")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "sideped4" then
+ if mem.det.b or mem.det.d or or or mem.det.ct or mem.det.dt or mem.det.ap or mem.det.cp then
+ mem.cycle = "reset"
+ interrupt(mem.allredb,"tick")
+ else
+ mem.cycle = "mindwell"
+ interrupt(0,"tick")
+ end
+ setlight("bp","R")
+ setlight("dp","R")
+ elseif mem.cycle == "reset" then
+ mem.cycle = nil
+ mem.busy = false
+ --If someone shows up on AT/CT and turns immediately,
+ --we shouldn't change for them unless we're completely idle or protected only
+ if mem.ltatype ~= 2 then = nil end
+ if mem.ltctype ~= 2 then mem.det.ct = nil end
+ else
+ logfault("Unrecognized phase "..mem.cycle,true)
+ end
+--Phase logic for starting new cycles
+detactive = false
+for _,_ in pairs(mem.det) do detactive = true end
+if (not mem.busy) and detactive then
+ if mem.phaselocked then
+ log("Not starting cycle due to phase lock",true)
+ elseif mem.preempt then
+ log("Not starting cycle due to preemption",true)
+ else
+ log("Starting new cycle",true)
+ mem.stats.cycles = mem.stats.cycles + 1
+ if and mem.ltatype ~= 1 and (mem.ltctype == 2 or mem.ltctype == 3) and not (mem.det.b or mem.det.d or or mem.det.ct or mem.det.dt) then
+ mem.cycle = "yta1"
+ mem.busy = true
+ setlight("c","Y")
+ interrupt(mem.yellowa,"tick")
+ elseif mem.det.ct and mem.ltctype ~=1 and (mem.ltatype == 2 or mem.ltatype == 3) and not (mem.det.b or mem.det.d or or or mem.det.dt) then
+ mem.cycle = "ytc1"
+ mem.busy = true
+ setlight("a","Y")
+ interrupt(mem.yellowa,"tick")
+ elseif mem.det.b or mem.det.d or or mem.det.dt or ( and mem.ltatype ~= 1) or (mem.det.ct and mem.ltctype ~= 1) then
+ mem.cycle = "straight1"
+ mem.busy = true
+ setlight("a","Y")
+ setlight("c","Y")
+ if mem.ltatype == 3 then setlight("at","Y") end
+ if mem.ltctype == 3 then setlight("ct","Y") end
+ interrupt(mem.yellowa,"tick")
+ elseif (mem.det.ap and mem.pedatype ~= 1) or (mem.det.cp and mem.pedctype ~= 1) then
+ mem.cycle = "straight1"
+ mem.busy = true
+ setlight("a","Y")
+ setlight("c","Y")
+ if mem.ltatype == 3 then setlight("at","Y") end
+ if mem.ltctype == 3 then setlight("ct","Y") end
+ interrupt(mem.yellowa,"tick")
+ elseif (mem.det.bp and mem.pedbtype ~= 1) or (mem.det.dp and mem.peddtype ~= 1) then
+ mem.cycle = "sideped1"
+ mem.busy = true
+ if mem.ltatype == 3 and mem.pedbtype ~= 1 then setlight("at","Y") end
+ if mem.ltctype == 3 and mem.peddtype ~= 1 then setlight("ct","Y") end
+ if mem.ltatype == 3 or mem.ltctype == 3 then
+ interrupt(mem.yellowa,"tick")
+ else
+ interrupt(0,"tick")
+ end
+ else
+ logfault("Detectors active but no cycle found",true)
+ end
+ end
+--Touch event handling
+if event.type == "digiline" and == "touchscreen" then
+ local fields = event.msg
+ if == "main" then
+ if fields.exit then
+ = "run"
+ elseif fields.hwsetup then
+ = "hwsetup"
+ elseif fields.timing then
+ = "timing"
+ elseif fields.options then
+ = "options"
+ elseif fields.phaselock then
+ = "phaselock"
+ elseif fields.about then
+ = "about"
+ elseif fields.log then
+ = "log"
+ elseif fields.monitoring then
+ = "monitoring"
+ elseif fields.mancyc then
+ = "mancyc"
+ elseif fields.stats then
+ = "stats"
+ elseif fields.mode then
+ = "mode"
+ end
+ elseif == "run" then
+ if then
+ = "main"
+ end
+ elseif == "hwsetup" then
+ if fields.cancel then
+ = "main"
+ elseif then
+ = "main"
+ mem.ltatype = pivot(lttypes)[fields.ltatype]
+ mem.ltbtype = pivot(lttypes)[fields.ltbtype]
+ mem.ltctype = pivot(lttypes)[fields.ltctype]
+ mem.ltdtype = pivot(lttypes)[fields.ltdtype]
+ mem.pedatype = pivot(pedtypes)[fields.pedatype]
+ mem.pedbtype = pivot(pedtypes)[fields.pedbtype]
+ mem.pedctype = pivot(pedtypes)[fields.pedctype]
+ mem.peddtype = pivot(pedtypes)[fields.peddtype]
+ mem.signaltype = pivot(signaltypes)[fields.signaltype]
+ mem.pedbuttontype = pivot(pedbuttontypes)[fields.pedbuttontype]
+ mem.logmode = pivot(logmodes)[fields.logmode]
+ mem.lock = pivot(panellock)[fields.panellock]
+ end
+ elseif == "timing" then
+ if fields.cancel then
+ = "main"
+ elseif then
+ = "main"
+ mem.allreda = tonumber(fields.allreda) or mem.allreda
+ mem.allredb = tonumber(fields.allredb) or mem.allredb
+ mem.yellowa = tonumber(fields.yellowa) or mem.yellowa
+ mem.yellowb = tonumber(fields.yellowb) or mem.yellowb
+ mem.mindwell = tonumber(fields.mindwell) or mem.mindwell
+ mem.minsidegreen = tonumber(fields.minsidegreen) or mem.minsidegreen
+ mem.gapout = tonumber(fields.gapout) or mem.minsidegreen
+ mem.maxsidegreen = tonumber(fields.maxsidegreen) or mem.minsidegreen
+ mem.pedwarn = tonumber(fields.pedwarn) or mem.pedwarn
+ mem.sideped = tonumber(fields.sideped) or mem.sideped
+ mem.llturn = tonumber(fields.llturn) or mem.llturn
+ end
+ elseif == "options" then
+ if fields.cancel then
+ = "main"
+ elseif then
+ = "main"
+ =
+ end
+ elseif == "mancyc" then
+ if fields.cancel then
+ = "main"
+ else
+ for _,v in pairs({"a","b","c","d","at","bt","ct","dt","ap","bp","cp","dp"}) do
+ if fields[v] then
+ mem.det[v] = true
+ interrupt(0) --Forces the program to be re-run since the cycle logic is up there ^^
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ elseif == "log" then
+ if fields.cancel then
+ = "main"
+ elseif fields.clear then
+ mem.faultlog = {}
+ end
+ elseif == "monitoring" then
+ if fields.cancel then
+ = "main"
+ elseif fields.straight then
+ mem.monitor = 1
+ elseif fields.leftturn then
+ mem.monitor = 2
+ elseif fields.pedestrian then
+ mem.monitor = 3
+ end
+ elseif == "phaselock" then
+ if fields.cancel then
+ = "main"
+ elseif then
+ = "main"
+ local phases_reverse = pivot(phases)
+ mem.phaselock.a = phases_reverse[fields.a]
+ mem.phaselock.b = phases_reverse[fields.b]
+ mem.phaselock.c = phases_reverse[fields.c]
+ mem.phaselock.d = phases_reverse[fields.d]
+ = phases_reverse[]
+ = phases_reverse[]
+ mem.phaselock.ct = phases_reverse[fields.ct]
+ mem.phaselock.dt = phases_reverse[fields.dt]
+ mem.phaselock.ap = phases_reverse[fields.ap]
+ mem.phaselock.bp = phases_reverse[fields.bp]
+ mem.phaselock.cp = phases_reverse[fields.cp]
+ mem.phaselock.dp = phases_reverse[fields.dp]
+ end
+ elseif == "about" then
+ if fields.cancel then
+ = "main"
+ end
+ elseif == "stats" then
+ if fields.cancel then
+ = "main"
+ elseif fields.clear then
+ mem.stats = {a = 0,b = 0,c = 0,d = 0,at = 0,bt = 0,ct = 0,dt = 0,ap = 0,bp = 0,cp = 0,dp = 0,cycles = 0,lastreset = os.time()}
+ end
+ elseif == "mode" then
+ if fields.cancel then
+ = "main"
+ elseif then
+ mem.schedstart = tonumber(fields.schedstart) or mem.schedstart
+ mem.schedend = tonumber(fields.schedend) or mem.schedend
+ mem.normalmode = pivot(modes)[fields.normalmode]
+ mem.schedmode = pivot(modes)[fields.schedmode]
+ = "main"
+ interrupt(0) -- Some of these need to take immediate effect
+ end
+ else
+ logfault("Unrecognized menu ",false)
+ = "run"
+ end
+--Light control signal sending
+if mem.phaselocked then
+ mem.busy = false
+ mem.cycle = nil
+ mem.currentphase = mem.phaselock
+ for k,v in pairs(mem.phaselock) do
+ digiline_send(k,string.upper(phases[v]))
+ end
+ for k,v in pairs(mem.currentphase) do
+ digiline_send(k,string.upper(phases[v]))
+ end
+--Display drawing
+if event.type == "interrupt" and event.iid == "monflash" then
+ mem.monflash = not mem.monflash
+local disp = {{command="clear"}}
+if mem.lock == 2 then
+ table.insert(disp,{command="lock"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="unlock"})
+if == "main" then
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=0,label="Main Menu"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=1,Y=1,W=2,H=1,name="exit",label="Exit"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=1,Y=3,W=2,H=1,name="hwsetup",label="Hardware Setup"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=1,Y=5,W=2,H=1,name="timing",label="Timing"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=4,Y=1,W=2,H=1,name="options",label="Set Name"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=4,Y=3,W=2,H=1,name="phaselock",label="Phase Lock"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=4,Y=5,W=2,H=1,name="about",label="About"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=7,Y=1,W=2,H=1,name="log",label="Log"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=7,Y=3,W=2,H=1,name="monitoring",label="Monitoring"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=7,Y=5,W=2,H=1,name="mancyc",label="Manual Call Entry"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=1,Y=7,W=2,H=1,name="stats",label="Statistics"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=4,Y=7,W=2,H=1,name="mode",label="Mode/Schedule"})
+elseif == "run" then
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=0,})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=1,label="Advanced Mesecons Devices LTC-4000E"})
+ if #mem.faultlog > 0 then
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=2,label="FAULT DETECTED! Use Menu->Log to view"})
+ else
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=2,label="No Current Faults"})
+ end
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=0,Y=7,W=2,H=1,name="menu",label="Menu"})
+elseif == "hwsetup" then
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=0,label="Hardware Setup"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=1,label="Left Turn A Type"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=0.1,Y=1.5,W=2.25,H=1,name="ltatype",selected_id=mem.ltatype,choices=lttypes})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=2.5,label="Left Turn B Type"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=0.1,Y=3,W=2.25,H=1,name="ltbtype",selected_id=mem.ltbtype,choices=lttypes})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=4,label="Left Turn C Type"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=0.1,Y=4.5,W=2.25,H=1,name="ltctype",selected_id=mem.ltctype,choices=lttypes})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=5.5,label="Left Turn D Type"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=0.1,Y=6,W=2.25,H=1,name="ltdtype",selected_id=mem.ltdtype,choices=lttypes})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=3,Y=1,label="Pedestrian A Type"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=3.1,Y=1.5,W=2.25,H=1,name="pedatype",selected_id=mem.pedatype,choices=pedtypes})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=3,Y=2.5,label="Pedestrian B Type"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=3.1,Y=3,W=2.25,H=1,name="pedbtype",selected_id=mem.pedbtype,choices=pedtypes})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=3,Y=4,label="Pedestrian C Type"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=3.1,Y=4.5,W=2.25,H=1,name="pedctype",selected_id=mem.pedctype,choices=pedtypes})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=3,Y=5.5,label="Pedestrian D Type"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=3.1,Y=6,W=2.25,H=1,name="peddtype",selected_id=mem.peddtype,choices=pedtypes})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=6,Y=1,label="Signal Type"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=6.1,Y=1.5,W=2.25,H=1,name="signaltype",selected_id=mem.signaltype,choices=signaltypes})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=6,Y=2.5,label="Pedestrian Button Type"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=6.1,Y=3,W=2.25,H=1,name="pedbuttontype",selected_id=mem.pedbuttontype,choices=pedbuttontypes})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=6,Y=4,label="Log Output Mode"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=6.1,Y=4.5,W=2.25,H=1,name="logmode",selected_id=mem.logmode,choices=logmodes})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=6,Y=5.5,label="Panel Lock"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=6.1,Y=6,W=2.25,H=1,name="panellock",selected_id=mem.lock,choices=panellock})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=2,Y=7,W=2,H=1,name="save",label="Save"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=5,Y=7,W=2,H=1,name="cancel",label="Cancel"})
+elseif == "timing" then
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=0,label="Timing"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addfield",X=0.25,Y=1,W=2.25,H=1,name="allreda",label="All Red A/C->B/D",default=tostring(mem.allreda)})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addfield",X=0.25,Y=2.5,W=2.25,H=1,name="allredb",label="All Red B/D->A/C",default=tostring(mem.allredb)})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addfield",X=0.25,Y=4,W=2.25,H=1,name="yellowa",label="Yellow A/C->B/D",default=tostring(mem.yellowa)})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addfield",X=0.25,Y=5.5,W=2.25,H=1,name="yellowb",label="Yellow B/D->A/C",default=tostring(mem.yellowb)})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addfield",X=3.25,Y=1,W=2.25,H=1,name="mindwell",label="Minimum Dwell",default=tostring(mem.mindwell)})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addfield",X=3.25,Y=4,W=2.25,H=1,name="pedwarn",label="Pedestrian Warn",default=tostring(mem.pedwarn)})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addfield",X=3.25,Y=5.5,W=2.25,H=1,name="sideped",label="B/D Pedestrian Walk",default=tostring(mem.sideped)})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addfield",X=3.25,Y=2.5,W=2.25,H=1,name="llturn",label="Lead/Lag Turn",default=tostring(mem.llturn)})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addfield",X=0.25,Y=7,W=2.25,H=1,name="minsidegreen",label="B/D Min Green",default=tostring(mem.minsidegreen)})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addfield",X=3.25,Y=7,W=2.25,H=1,name="gapout",label="B/D Gap-out",default=tostring(mem.gapout)})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addfield",X=6.25,Y=7,W=2.25,H=1,name="maxsidegreen",label="B/D Max Green",default=tostring(mem.maxsidegreen)})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=6,Y=3.75,W=2,H=1,name="save",label="Save"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=6,Y=5,W=2,H=1,name="cancel",label="Cancel"})
+elseif == "options" then
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=0,label="Set Name"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addfield",X=0.25,Y=1,W=5,H=1,name="name",label="Intersection Name",})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=0.25,Y=2.5,W=2,H=1,name="save",label="Save"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=0.25,Y=3.5,W=2,H=1,name="cancel",label="Cancel"})
+elseif == "mancyc" then
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=0,label="Manual Call Entry"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage_button",X=1,Y=2,W=2,H=1,name="b",label="Straight B",image="digistuff_ts_bg.png"..(mem.det.b and "^[brighten" or "")})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage_button",X=1,Y=4,W=2,H=1,name="d",label="Straight D",image="digistuff_ts_bg.png"..(mem.det.d and "^[brighten" or "")})
+ if mem.ltatype ~= 1 then table.insert(disp,{command="addimage_button",X=4,Y=1,W=2,H=1,name="at",label="Left Turn A",image="digistuff_ts_bg.png"..( and "^[brighten" or "")}) end
+ if mem.ltbtype ~= 1 then table.insert(disp,{command="addimage_button",X=4,Y=2,W=2,H=1,name="bt",label="Left Turn B",image="digistuff_ts_bg.png"..( and "^[brighten" or "")}) end
+ if mem.ltctype ~= 1 then table.insert(disp,{command="addimage_button",X=4,Y=3,W=2,H=1,name="ct",label="Left Turn C",image="digistuff_ts_bg.png"..(mem.det.ct and "^[brighten" or "")}) end
+ if mem.ltdtype ~= 1 then table.insert(disp,{command="addimage_button",X=4,Y=4,W=2,H=1,name="dt",label="Left Turn D",image="digistuff_ts_bg.png"..(mem.det.dt and "^[brighten" or "")}) end
+ if mem.pedatype ~= 1 then table.insert(disp,{command="addimage_button",X=7,Y=1,W=2,H=1,name="ap",label="Pedestrian A",image="digistuff_ts_bg.png"..(mem.det.ap and "^[brighten" or "")}) end
+ if mem.pedbtype ~= 1 then table.insert(disp,{command="addimage_button",X=7,Y=2,W=2,H=1,name="bp",label="Pedestrian B",image="digistuff_ts_bg.png"..(mem.det.bp and "^[brighten" or "")}) end
+ if mem.pedctype ~= 1 then table.insert(disp,{command="addimage_button",X=7,Y=3,W=2,H=1,name="cp",label="Pedestrian C",image="digistuff_ts_bg.png"..(mem.det.cp and "^[brighten" or "")}) end
+ if mem.peddtype ~= 1 then table.insert(disp,{command="addimage_button",X=7,Y=4,W=2,H=1,name="dp",label="Pedestrian D",image="digistuff_ts_bg.png"..(mem.det.dp and "^[brighten" or "")}) end
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=4,Y=6,W=2,H=1,name="cancel",label="Back"})
+elseif == "log" then
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=0,label="Fault Log"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=2,Y=0,W=2,H=1,name="cancel",label="Back"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=4,Y=0,W=2,H=1,name="clear",label="Clear"})
+ if #mem.faultlog > 0 then
+ for i=1,math.max(#mem.faultlog,10),1 do
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=1+(i/2),label=mem.faultlog[i]})
+ end
+ else
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=1.5,label="No Faults"})
+ end
+elseif == "monitoring" then
+ interrupt(0.6,"monflash")
+ local monitor_textures = {}
+ monitor_textures.O = "streets_tl_off.png"
+ monitor_textures.R = "streets_tl_red.png"
+ monitor_textures.Y = "streets_tl_yellow.png"
+ monitor_textures.G = "streets_tl_green.png"
+ if mem.monflash then
+ monitor_textures.FR = "streets_tl_red.png"
+ monitor_textures.FY = "streets_tl_yellow.png"
+ monitor_textures.FG = "streets_tl_green.png"
+ else
+ monitor_textures.FR = "streets_tl_off.png"
+ monitor_textures.FY = "streets_tl_off.png"
+ monitor_textures.FG = "streets_tl_off.png"
+ end
+ monitor_textures.RY = "streets_tl_redyellow.png"
+ local monitor_textures_lt = {}
+ monitor_textures_lt.O = "streets_tl_left_off.png"
+ monitor_textures_lt.R = "streets_tl_left_red.png"
+ monitor_textures_lt.Y = "streets_tl_left_yellow.png"
+ monitor_textures_lt.G = "streets_tl_left_green.png"
+ if mem.monflash then
+ monitor_textures_lt.FR = "streets_tl_left_red.png"
+ monitor_textures_lt.FY = "streets_tl_left_yellow.png"
+ monitor_textures_lt.FG = "streets_tl_left_green.png"
+ else
+ monitor_textures_lt.FR = "streets_tl_left_off.png"
+ monitor_textures_lt.FY = "streets_tl_left_off.png"
+ monitor_textures_lt.FG = "streets_tl_left_off.png"
+ end
+ monitor_textures_lt.RY = "streets_tl_left_redyellow.png"
+ local monitor_textures_ped = {}
+ monitor_textures_ped.O = "streets_pl_off.png"
+ monitor_textures_ped.R = "streets_pl_dontwalk.png"
+ monitor_textures_ped.G = "streets_pl_walk.png"
+ if mem.monflash then
+ monitor_textures_ped.FR = "streets_pl_dontwalk.png"
+ monitor_textures_ped.FY = "streets_pl_dontwalk.png"
+ monitor_textures_ped.FG = "streets_pl_dontwalk.png"
+ monitor_textures_ped.Y = "streets_pl_dontwalk.png"
+ else
+ monitor_textures_ped.FR = "streets_pl_off.png"
+ monitor_textures_ped.FY = "streets_pl_off.png"
+ monitor_textures_ped.FG = "streets_pl_off.png"
+ monitor_textures_ped.Y = "streets_pl_off.png"
+ end
+ monitor_textures_ped.RY = "streets_pl_dontwalk.png"
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=0,label="Monitor"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=0,Y=2,W=2,H=1,name="straight",label="Straight"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=0,Y=3,W=2,H=1,name="leftturn",label="Left Turn"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=0,Y=4,W=2,H=1,name="pedestrian",label="Pedestrian"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=0,Y=6,W=2,H=1,name="cancel",label="Back"})
+ --Texture names
+ local asphalt = ""
+ local sideline = ""
+ local centerline = ""
+ if mem.signaltype == 1 then
+ asphalt = "streets_asphalt.png"
+ sideline = asphalt.."^streets_asphalt_side.png"
+ centerline = asphalt.."^streets_rw_dashed_line.png"
+ elseif mem.signaltype == 2 then
+ asphalt = "streets_asphalt.png"
+ sideline = asphalt.."^streets_asphalt_side.png"
+ centerline = asphalt.."^infrastructure_double_yellow_line.png"
+ elseif mem.signaltype == 3 then
+ asphalt = "streets_asphalt.png"
+ sideline = asphalt.."^streets_solid_side_line.png"
+ centerline = asphalt.."^(streets_double_solid_center_line.png^[colorize:#ecb100)"
+ end
+ --Center of intersection
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=5.25, Y=3.25, W=1,H=1,texture_name=asphalt})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=6, Y=3.25, W=1,H=1,texture_name=asphalt})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=6.75, Y=3.25, W=1,H=1,texture_name=asphalt})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=5.25, Y=4, W=1,H=1,texture_name=asphalt})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=6, Y=4, W=1,H=1,texture_name=asphalt})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=6.75, Y=4, W=1,H=1,texture_name=asphalt})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=5.25, Y=4.75, W=1,H=1,texture_name=asphalt})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=6, Y=4.75, W=1,H=1,texture_name=asphalt})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=6.75, Y=4.75, W=1,H=1,texture_name=asphalt})
+ --Approach Labels
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=3.5, Y=4.25, label="A"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=6.25, Y=1.25, label="B"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=9.25, Y=4.25, label="C"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=6.25, Y=7.25, label="D"})
+ --Approach A (left)
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=4.5, Y=3.25, W=1,H=1,texture_name=sideline.."^[transformR270"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=4.5, Y=4, W=1,H=1,texture_name=centerline.."^[transformR90"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=4.5, Y=4.75, W=1,H=1,texture_name=sideline.."^[transformR90"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=3.75, Y=3.25, W=1,H=1,texture_name=sideline.."^[transformR270"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=3.75, Y=4, W=1,H=1,texture_name=centerline.."^[transformR90"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=3.75, Y=4.75, W=1,H=1,texture_name=sideline.."^[transformR90"})
+ --Approach B (top)
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=5.25, Y=2.5, W=1,H=1,texture_name=sideline})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=6, Y=2.5, W=1,H=1,texture_name=centerline})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=6.75, Y=2.5, W=1,H=1,texture_name=sideline.."^[transformR180"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=5.25, Y=1.75, W=1,H=1,texture_name=sideline})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=6, Y=1.75, W=1,H=1,texture_name=centerline})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=6.75, Y=1.75, W=1,H=1,texture_name=sideline.."^[transformR180"})
+ --Approach C (right)
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=7.5, Y=3.25, W=1,H=1,texture_name=sideline.."^[transformR270"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=7.5, Y=4, W=1,H=1,texture_name=centerline.."^[transformR90"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=7.5, Y=4.75, W=1,H=1,texture_name=sideline.."^[transformR90"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=8.25, Y=3.25, W=1,H=1,texture_name=sideline.."^[transformR270"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=8.25, Y=4, W=1,H=1,texture_name=centerline.."^[transformR90"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=8.25, Y=4.75, W=1,H=1,texture_name=sideline.."^[transformR90"})
+ --Approach D (bottom)
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=5.25, Y=5.5, W=1,H=1,texture_name=sideline})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=6, Y=5.5, W=1,H=1,texture_name=centerline})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=6.75, Y=5.5, W=1,H=1,texture_name=sideline.."^[transformR180"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=5.25, Y=6.25, W=1,H=1,texture_name=sideline})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=6, Y=6.25, W=1,H=1,texture_name=centerline})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=6.75, Y=6.25, W=1,H=1,texture_name=sideline.."^[transformR180"})
+ --Traffic Lights
+ if mem.monitor == 1 then
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=4.25, Y=5.5, W=1,H=1,texture_name=monitor_textures[mem.currentphase.a].."^[transformR270"}) --A
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=4.5, Y=2.25, W=1,H=1,texture_name=monitor_textures[mem.currentphase.b].."^[transformR180"}) --B
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=7.75, Y=2.5, W=1,H=1,texture_name=monitor_textures[mem.currentphase.c].."^[transformR90"}) --C
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=7.5, Y=5.75, W=1,H=1,texture_name=monitor_textures[mem.currentphase.d]}) --D
+ elseif mem.monitor == 2 then
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=4.25, Y=5.5, W=1,H=1,texture_name=monitor_textures_lt[].."^[transformR270"}) --A
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=4.5, Y=2.25, W=1,H=1,texture_name=monitor_textures_lt[].."^[transformR180"}) --B
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=7.75, Y=2.5, W=1,H=1,texture_name=monitor_textures_lt[mem.currentphase.ct].."^[transformR90"}) --C
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=7.5, Y=5.75, W=1,H=1,texture_name=monitor_textures_lt[mem.currentphase.dt]}) --D
+ elseif mem.monitor == 3 then
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=4.25, Y=5.5, W=1,H=1,texture_name=monitor_textures_ped[mem.currentphase.ap].."^[transformR270"}) --A
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=4.5, Y=2.25, W=1,H=1,texture_name=monitor_textures_ped[mem.currentphase.bp].."^[transformR180"}) --B
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=7.75, Y=2.5, W=1,H=1,texture_name=monitor_textures_ped[mem.currentphase.cp].."^[transformR90"}) --C
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addimage",X=7.5, Y=5.75, W=1,H=1,texture_name=monitor_textures_ped[mem.currentphase.dp]}) --D
+ end
+elseif == "phaselock" then
+ local phaselock_phases = {"Off","Green","Red"}
+ if mem.signaltype >= 2 then
+ table.insert(phaselock_phases,"Yellow")
+ table.insert(phaselock_phases,"FlashRed")
+ table.insert(phaselock_phases,"FlashYellow")
+ end
+ if mem.signaltype == 3 then
+ table.insert(phaselock_phases,"FlashGreen")
+ table.insert(phaselock_phases,"RedYellow")
+ end
+ local shortphase_reverse = pivot(shortphases)
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=0,label="Phase Lock"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=1,label="Straight A"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=0.1,Y=1.5,W=2.25,H=1,name="a",selected_id=shortphase_reverse[mem.phaselock.a],choices=phaselock_phases})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=2.5,label="Straight B"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=0.1,Y=3,W=2.25,H=1,name="b",selected_id=shortphase_reverse[mem.phaselock.b],choices=phaselock_phases})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=4,label="Straight C"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=0.1,Y=4.5,W=2.25,H=1,name="c",selected_id=shortphase_reverse[mem.phaselock.c],choices=phaselock_phases})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=5.5,label="Straight D"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=0.1,Y=6,W=2.25,H=1,name="d",selected_id=shortphase_reverse[mem.phaselock.d],choices=phaselock_phases})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=3,Y=1,label="Left Turn A"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=3.1,Y=1.5,W=2.25,H=1,name="at",selected_id=shortphase_reverse[],choices=phaselock_phases})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=3,Y=2.5,label="Left Turn B"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=3.1,Y=3,W=2.25,H=1,name="bt",selected_id=shortphase_reverse[],choices=phaselock_phases})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=3,Y=4,label="Left Turn C"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=3.1,Y=4.5,W=2.25,H=1,name="ct",selected_id=shortphase_reverse[mem.phaselock.ct],choices=phaselock_phases})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=3,Y=5.5,label="Left Turn D"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=3.1,Y=6,W=2.25,H=1,name="dt",selected_id=shortphase_reverse[mem.phaselock.dt],choices=phaselock_phases})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=6,Y=1,label="Pedestrian A"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=6.1,Y=1.5,W=2.25,H=1,name="ap",selected_id=shortphase_reverse[mem.phaselock.ap],choices=phaselock_phases})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=6,Y=2.5,label="Pedestrian B"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=6.1,Y=3,W=2.25,H=1,name="bp",selected_id=shortphase_reverse[mem.phaselock.bp],choices=phaselock_phases})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=6,Y=4,label="Pedestrian C"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=6.1,Y=4.5,W=2.25,H=1,name="cp",selected_id=shortphase_reverse[mem.phaselock.cp],choices=phaselock_phases})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=6,Y=5.5,label="Pedestrian D"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=6.1,Y=6,W=2.25,H=1,name="dp",selected_id=shortphase_reverse[mem.phaselock.dp],choices=phaselock_phases})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=3,Y=7,W=2,H=1,name="save",label="Save"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=6,Y=7,W=2,H=1,name="cancel",label="Cancel"})
+elseif == "about" then
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=0,label="About"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=1,label="LTC-4000E"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=1.5,label="A product of Advanced Mesecons Devices, a Cheapie Systems company."})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=2,label="This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain."})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=2.5,label="See for more information."})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=0,Y=7.25,W=2,H=1,name="cancel",label="Back"})
+elseif == "stats" then
+ interrupt(1,"statsrefresh")
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=0,label="Statistics"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=2,Y=0,W=2,H=1,name="cancel",label="Back"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=4,Y=0,W=2,H=1,name="clear",label="Clear"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=1,label="Numbers represent total seconds waiting (for detectors) or total presses (for buttons)"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=2,label="A: "..mem.stats.a})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=2.5,label="B: "..mem.stats.b})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=3,label="C: "..mem.stats.c})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=3.5,label="D: "..mem.stats.d})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=2,Y=2,label="AT: "})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=2,Y=2.5,label="BT: "})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=2,Y=3,label="CT: "..mem.stats.ct})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=2,Y=3.5,label="DT: "..mem.stats.dt})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=4,Y=2,label="AP: "..mem.stats.ap})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=4,Y=2.5,label="BP: "..mem.stats.bp})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=4,Y=3,label="CP: "..mem.stats.cp})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=4,Y=3.5,label="DP: "..mem.stats.dp})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=4.5,label="Total cycles: "..mem.stats.cycles})
+ local timesinceclear = os.time() - mem.stats.lastreset
+ local lastclear = "ERROR"
+ if timesinceclear < 120 then --Two minutes
+ lastclear = math.floor(timesinceclear).." seconds"
+ elseif timesinceclear < 7200 then --Two hours
+ lastclear = math.floor(timesinceclear/60).." minutes"
+ elseif timesinceclear < 172800 then --Two days
+ lastclear = math.floor(timesinceclear/3600).." hours"
+ else
+ lastclear = math.floor(timesinceclear/86400).." days"
+ end
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=5.5,label="Last cleared: "..lastclear.." ago"})
+elseif == "mode" then
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=0,label="Mode / Schedule"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=1,label="Normal Mode"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=0.1,Y=1.5,W=2.25,H=1,name="normalmode",selected_id=mem.normalmode,choices=modes})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addlabel",X=0,Y=2.5,label="Scheduled Mode"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="adddropdown",X=0.1,Y=3,W=2.25,H=1,name="schedmode",selected_id=mem.schedmode,choices=modes})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addfield",X=0.5,Y=4.5,W=2,H=1,name="schedstart",label="Schedule Start Hour",default=tostring(mem.schedstart)})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addfield",X=0.5,Y=5.5,W=2,H=1,name="schedend",label="Schedule End Hour",default=tostring(mem.schedend)})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=3,Y=7,W=2,H=1,name="save",label="Save"})
+ table.insert(disp,{command="addbutton",X=6,Y=7,W=2,H=1,name="cancel",label="Cancel"})
+ logfault("Unrecognized menu ",false)
+ = "run"
+--Wake up periodically to check schedule
+if (mem.schedstart ~= mem.schedend) then
+ interrupt(10,"schedcheck")
diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21775bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+--Just enough of the touchscreen to enable it to work here
+local function process_command(meta,data,msg)
+ if msg.command == "clear" then
+ data = {}
+ elseif msg.command == "addimage" then
+ for _,i in pairs({"X","Y","W","H"}) do
+ if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "number" then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ if not msg.texture_name or type(msg.texture_name) ~= "string" then
+ return
+ end
+ local field = {type="image",X=msg.X,Y=msg.Y,W=msg.W,H=msg.H,texture_name=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.texture_name)}
+ table.insert(data,field)
+ elseif msg.command == "addfield" then
+ for _,i in pairs({"X","Y","W","H"}) do
+ if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "number" then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ for _,i in pairs({"name","label","default"}) do
+ if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "string" then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ local field = {type="field",X=msg.X,Y=msg.Y,W=msg.W,H=msg.H,name=minetest.formspec_escape(,label=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.label),default=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.default)}
+ table.insert(data,field)
+ elseif msg.command == "addpwdfield" then
+ for _,i in pairs({"X","Y","W","H"}) do
+ if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "number" then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ for _,i in pairs({"name","label"}) do
+ if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "string" then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ local field = {type="pwdfield",X=msg.X,Y=msg.Y,W=msg.W,H=msg.H,name=minetest.formspec_escape(,label=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.label)}
+ table.insert(data,field)
+ elseif msg.command == "addtextarea" then
+ for _,i in pairs({"X","Y","W","H"}) do
+ if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "number" then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ for _,i in pairs({"name","label","default"}) do
+ if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "string" then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ local field = {type="textarea",X=msg.X,Y=msg.Y,W=msg.W,H=msg.H,name=minetest.formspec_escape(,label=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.label),default=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.default)}
+ table.insert(data,field)
+ elseif msg.command == "addlabel" then
+ for _,i in pairs({"X","Y"}) do
+ if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "number" then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ if not msg.label or type(msg.label) ~= "string" then
+ return
+ end
+ local field = {type="label",X=msg.X,Y=msg.Y,label=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.label)}
+ table.insert(data,field)
+ elseif msg.command == "addvertlabel" then
+ for _,i in pairs({"X","Y"}) do
+ if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "number" then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ if not msg.label or type(msg.label) ~= "string" then
+ return
+ end
+ local field = {type="vertlabel",X=msg.X,Y=msg.Y,label=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.label)}
+ table.insert(data,field)
+ elseif msg.command == "addbutton" then
+ for _,i in pairs({"X","Y","W","H"}) do
+ if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "number" then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ for _,i in pairs({"name","label"}) do
+ if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "string" then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ local field = {type="button",X=msg.X,Y=msg.Y,W=msg.W,H=msg.H,name=minetest.formspec_escape(,label=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.label)}
+ table.insert(data,field)
+ elseif msg.command == "addbutton_exit" then
+ for _,i in pairs({"X","Y","W","H"}) do
+ if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "number" then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ for _,i in pairs({"name","label"}) do
+ if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "string" then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ local field = {type="button_exit",X=msg.X,Y=msg.Y,W=msg.W,H=msg.H,name=minetest.formspec_escape(,label=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.label)}
+ table.insert(data,field)
+ elseif msg.command == "addimage_button" then
+ for _,i in pairs({"X","Y","W","H"}) do
+ if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "number" then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ for _,i in pairs({"image","name","label"}) do
+ if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "string" then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ local field = {type="image_button",X=msg.X,Y=msg.Y,W=msg.W,H=msg.H,image=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.image),name=minetest.formspec_escape(,label=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.label)}
+ table.insert(data,field)
+ elseif msg.command == "addimage_button_exit" then
+ for _,i in pairs({"X","Y","W","H"}) do
+ if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "number" then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ for _,i in pairs({"image","name","label"}) do
+ if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "string" then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ local field = {type="image_button_exit",X=msg.X,Y=msg.Y,W=msg.W,H=msg.H,image=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.image),name=minetest.formspec_escape(,label=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.label)}
+ table.insert(data,field)
+ elseif msg.command == "adddropdown" then
+ for _,i in pairs({"X","Y","W","H","selected_id"}) do
+ if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "number" then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ if not or type( ~= "string" then
+ return
+ end
+ if not msg.choices or type(msg.choices) ~= "table" or #msg.choices < 1 then
+ return
+ end
+ local field = {type="dropdown",X=msg.X,Y=msg.Y,W=msg.W,H=msg.H,,selected_id=msg.selected_id,choices=msg.choices}
+ table.insert(data,field)
+ elseif msg.command == "lock" then
+ meta:set_int("locked",1)
+ elseif msg.command == "unlock" then
+ meta:set_int("locked",0)
+ end
+ return data
+local function update_ts_formspec(pos,data)
+ local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+ local fs = "size[10,8]"..
+ "background[0,0;0,0;ltc4000e_formspec_bg.png;true]"
+ for _,field in pairs(data) do
+ if field.type == "image" then
+ fs = fs..string.format("image[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s]",field.X,field.Y,field.W,field.H,field.texture_name)
+ elseif field.type == "field" then
+ fs = fs..string.format("field[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s;%s;%s]",field.X,field.Y,field.W,field.H,,field.label,field.default)
+ elseif field.type == "pwdfield" then
+ fs = fs..string.format("pwdfield[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s;%s]",field.X,field.Y,field.W,field.H,,field.label)
+ elseif field.type == "textarea" then
+ fs = fs..string.format("textarea[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s;%s;%s]",field.X,field.Y,field.W,field.H,,field.label,field.default)
+ elseif field.type == "label" then
+ fs = fs..string.format("label[%s,%s;%s]",field.X,field.Y,field.label)
+ elseif field.type == "vertlabel" then
+ fs = fs..string.format("vertlabel[%s,%s;%s]",field.X,field.Y,field.label)
+ elseif field.type == "button" then
+ fs = fs..string.format("button[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s;%s]",field.X,field.Y,field.W,field.H,,field.label)
+ elseif field.type == "button_exit" then
+ fs = fs..string.format("button_exit[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s;%s]",field.X,field.Y,field.W,field.H,,field.label)
+ elseif field.type == "image_button" then
+ fs = fs..string.format("image_button[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s;%s;%s]",field.X,field.Y,field.W,field.H,field.image,,field.label)
+ elseif field.type == "image_button_exit" then
+ fs = fs..string.format("image_button_exit[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s;%s;%s]",field.X,field.Y,field.W,field.H,field.image,,field.label)
+ elseif field.type == "dropdown" then
+ local choices = ""
+ for _,i in ipairs(field.choices) do
+ if type(i) == "string" then
+ choices = choices..minetest.formspec_escape(i)..","
+ end
+ end
+ choices = string.sub(choices,1,-2)
+ fs = fs..string.format("dropdown[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s;%s;%s]",field.X,field.Y,field.W,field.H,,choices,field.selected_id)
+ end
+ end
+ meta:set_string("formspec",fs)
+local function ts_on_digiline_receive(pos,msg)
+ local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+ if type(msg) ~= "table" then return end
+ local data = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("data")) or {}
+ if msg.command then
+ data = process_command(meta,data,msg)
+ else
+ for _,i in ipairs(msg) do
+ if i.command then
+ data = process_command(meta,data,i) or data
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ meta:set_string("data",minetest.serialize(data))
+ update_ts_formspec(pos,data)
+--Load the (mostly unmodified) firmware
+local fw = loadfile(minetest.get_modpath("ltc4000e")..DIR_DELIM.."fw.lua")
+local function run(pos,event)
+ --Initialize environment
+ local context = {}
+ local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+ context.mem = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("mem")) or {}
+ context.event = event
+ context.string = string
+ context.table = table
+ context.math = math
+ context.pairs = pairs
+ context.ipairs = ipairs
+ context.tostring = tostring
+ context.tonumber = tonumber
+ context.type = type
+ context.print = print
+ context.os = {}
+ for k,v in pairs(os) do
+ context.os[k] = v
+ end
+ function context.os.datetable()
+ return("*t",os.time()))
+ end
+ function context.digiline_send(channel,msg)
+ if channel == "touchscreen" then
+ --Touchscreen is integrated into the chip
+ ts_on_digiline_receive(pos,msg)
+ else
+ --Not an integrated peripheral, so send the message
+ digiline:receptor_send(pos,digiline.rules.default,channel,msg)
+ end
+ end
+ function context.interrupt(time,iid)
+ if iid == "gapout" then
+ --This one can have the time changed on-the-fly, so it has to be done with node timers
+ local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
+ if time then
+ timer:start(time)
+ else
+ timer:stop()
+ end
+ else
+ local event = {}
+ event.type = "interrupt"
+ event.iid = iid
+ minetest.after(time,run,pos,event)
+ end
+ end
+ --This is where the magic happens...
+ setfenv(fw,context)
+ --Run code
+ local success,err = pcall(fw)
+ if not success then
+ print("Error in LTC-4000E execution, aborting: "..err)
+ return
+ end
+ --Save memory after execution
+ meta:set_string("mem",minetest.serialize(context.mem))
+local function ts_on_receive_fields(pos,formname,fields,sender)
+ local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+ local playername = sender:get_player_name()
+ local locked = meta:get_int("locked") == 1
+ local can_bypass = minetest.check_player_privs(playername,{protection_bypass=true})
+ local is_protected = minetest.is_protected(pos,playername)
+ if (locked and is_protected) and not can_bypass then
+ minetest.record_protection_violation(pos,playername)
+ minetest.chat_send_player(playername,"You are not authorized to use this controller.")
+ return
+ end
+ local event = {}
+ event.type = "digiline"
+ = "touchscreen"
+ event.msg = fields
+ run(pos,event)
+local nodebox = {
+ { -0.35, -0.45, 0.25, 0.35, 0.45, 0.75 }
+minetest.register_node("ltc4000e:controller", {
+ tiles = {
+ "ltc4000e_cabinet_sides.png",
+ "ltc4000e_cabinet_sides.png",
+ "ltc4000e_cabinet_sides.png",
+ "ltc4000e_cabinet_sides.png",
+ "ltc4000e_cabinet_sides.png",
+ "ltc4000e_cabinet_front.png",
+ },
+ description = "LTC-4000E Traffic Signal Controller",
+ paramtype = "light",
+ paramtype2 = "facedir",
+ drawtype = "nodebox",
+ groups = {dig_immediate=2},
+ sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(),
+ on_construct = function(pos)
+ local event = {type="program"}
+ run(pos,event)
+ end,
+ on_timer = function(pos)
+ local event = {}
+ event.type = "interrupt"
+ event.iid = "gapout"
+ run(pos,event)
+ end,
+ node_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = nodebox
+ },
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = nodebox
+ },
+ on_receive_fields = ts_on_receive_fields,
+ digiline =
+ {
+ receptor = {},
+ effector = {
+ action = function(pos,_,channel,msg)
+ local event = {}
+ event.type = "digiline"
+ = channel
+ event.msg = msg
+ run(pos,event)
+ end
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/textures/ltc4000e_cabinet_front.png b/textures/ltc4000e_cabinet_front.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e85319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/textures/ltc4000e_cabinet_front.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/textures/ltc4000e_cabinet_sides.png b/textures/ltc4000e_cabinet_sides.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49a5ef8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/textures/ltc4000e_cabinet_sides.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/textures/ltc4000e_formspec_bg.png b/textures/ltc4000e_formspec_bg.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87c54f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/textures/ltc4000e_formspec_bg.png
Binary files differ