path: root/travelnet/init.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'travelnet/init.lua')
1 files changed, 270 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/travelnet/init.lua b/travelnet/init.lua
index 4267601..5be6cac 100644
--- a/travelnet/init.lua
+++ b/travelnet/init.lua
@@ -22,6 +22,19 @@
Please configure this mod in config.lua
+ 24.12.17 - Added support for localization through intllib.
+ Added localization for German (de).
+ 17.07.17 - Added more detailled licence information.
+ TNT and DungeonMasters ought to leave travelnets and elevators untouched now.
+ Added function to register elevator doors.
+ Added elevator doors made out of tin ingots.
+ Provide information about the nearest elevator network when placing a new elevator. This
+ ought to make it easier to find the right spot.
+ Improved formspec.
+ 16.07.17 - Merged several PR from others (Typo, screenshot, documentation, mesecon support, bugfix).
+ Added buttons to move stations up or down in the list, independent on when they where added.
+ Fixed undeclared globals.
+ Changed deprecated functions set_look_yaw/pitch to current functions.
22.07.17 - Fixed bug with locked travelnets beeing removed from the network due to not beeing recognized.
30.08.16 - If the station the traveller just travelled to no longer exists, the player is sent back to the
station where he/she came from.
@@ -62,13 +75,21 @@
-minetest.register_privilege("travelnet_attach", { description = "allows to attach travelnet boxes to travelnets of other players", give_to_singleplayer = false});
-minetest.register_privilege("travelnet_remove", { description = "allows to dig travelnet boxes which belog to nets of other players", give_to_singleplayer = false});
travelnet = {};
travelnet.targets = {};
+-- Boilerplate to support localized strings if intllib mod is installed.
+if minetest.get_modpath( "intllib" ) and intllib then
+ travelnet.S = intllib.Getter()
+ travelnet.S = function(s) return s end
+local S = travelnet.S;
+minetest.register_privilege("travelnet_attach", { description = S("allows to attach travelnet boxes to travelnets of other players"), give_to_singleplayer = false});
+minetest.register_privilege("travelnet_remove", { description = S("allows to dig travelnet boxes which belog to nets of other players"), give_to_singleplayer = false});
-- read the configuration
dofile(minetest.get_modpath("travelnet").."/config.lua"); -- the normal, default travelnet
@@ -87,7 +108,7 @@ travelnet.save_data = function()
file:write( data );
- print("[Mod travelnet] Error: Savefile '"..tostring( path ).."' could not be written.");
+ print(S("[Mod travelnet] Error: Savefile '%s' could not be written."):format(tostring(path)));
@@ -102,15 +123,111 @@ travelnet.restore_data = function()
travelnet.targets = minetest.deserialize( data );
- print("[Mod travelnet] Error: Savefile '"..tostring( path ).."' not found.");
+ print(S("[Mod travelnet] Error: Savefile '%s' not found."):format(tostring(path)));
+-- punching the travelnet updates its formspec and shows it to the player;
+-- however, that would be very annoying when actually trying to dig the thing.
+-- Thus, check if the player is wielding a tool that can dig nodes of the
+-- group cracky
+travelnet.check_if_trying_to_dig = function( puncher, node )
+ -- if in doubt: show formspec
+ if( not( puncher) or not( puncher:get_wielded_item())) then
+ return false;
+ end
+ local tool_capabilities = puncher:get_wielded_item():get_tool_capabilities();
+ if( not( tool_capabilities )
+ or not( tool_capabilities["groupcaps"])
+ or not( tool_capabilities["groupcaps"]["cracky"])) then
+ return false;
+ end
+ -- tools which can dig cracky items can start digging immediately
+ return true;
+-- minetest.chat_send_player is sometimes not so well visible
+travelnet.show_message = function( pos, player_name, title, message )
+ if( not( pos ) or not( player_name ) or not( message )) then
+ return;
+ end
+ local formspec = "size[8,3]"..
+ "label[3,0;"..minetest.formspec_escape( title or "Error").."]"..
+ "textlist[0,0.5;8,1.5;;"..minetest.formspec_escape( message or "- nothing -")..";]"..
+ "button_exit[3.5,2.5;1.0,0.5;back;"..S("Back").."]"..
+ "button_exit[6.8,2.5;1.0,0.5;station_exit;"..S("Exit").."]"..
+ "field[20,20;0.1,0.1;pos2str;Pos;".. minetest.pos_to_string( pos ).."]";
+ minetest.show_formspec(player_name, "travelnet:show", formspec);
+-- show the player the formspec he would see when right-clicking the node;
+-- needs to be simulated this way as calling on_rightclick would not do
+travelnet.show_current_formspec = function( pos, meta, player_name )
+ if( not( pos ) or not( meta ) or not( player_name )) then
+ return;
+ end
+ -- we need to supply the position of the travelnet box
+ formspec = meta:get_string("formspec")..
+ "field[20,20;0.1,0.1;pos2str;Pos;".. minetest.pos_to_string( pos ).."]";
+ -- show the formspec manually
+ minetest.show_formspec(player_name, "travelnet:show", formspec);
+-- a player clicked on something in the formspec he was manually shown
+-- (back from help page, moved travelnet up or down etc.)
+travelnet.form_input_handler = function( player, formname, fields)
+ if(formname == "travelnet:show" and fields and fields.pos2str) then
+ local pos = minetest.string_to_pos( fields.pos2str );
+ -- back button leads back to the main menu
+ if( fields.back and fields.back ~= "" ) then
+ return travelnet.show_current_formspec( pos,
+ minetest.get_meta( pos ), player:get_player_name());
+ end
+ return travelnet.on_receive_fields(pos, formname, fields, player);
+ end
+-- most formspecs the travelnet uses are stored in the travelnet node itself,
+-- but some may require some "back"-button functionality (i.e. help page,
+-- move up/down etc.)
+minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields( travelnet.form_input_handler );
-travelnet.update_formspec = function( pos, puncher_name )
+travelnet.reset_formspec = function( meta )
+ if( not( meta )) then
+ return;
+ end
+ meta:set_string("infotext", S("Travelnet-box (unconfigured)"));
+ meta:set_string("station_name", "");
+ meta:set_string("station_network","");
+ meta:set_string("owner", "");
+ -- some players seem to be confused with entering network names at first; provide them
+ -- with a default name
+ if( not( station_network ) or station_network == "" ) then
+ station_network = "net1";
+ end
+ -- request initinal data
+ meta:set_string("formspec",
+ "size[10,6.0]"..
+ "label[2.0,0.0;--> "..S("Configure this travelnet station").." <--]"..
+ "field[0.3,1.2;9,0.9;station_name;"..S("Name of this station")..":;"..
+ minetest.formspec_escape(station_name or "").."]"..
+ "label[0.3,1.5;"..S("How do you call this place here? Example: \"my first house\", \"mine\", \"shop\"...").."]"..
+ "field[0.3,2.8;9,0.9;station_network;"..S("Assign to Network:")..";"..
+ minetest.formspec_escape(station_network or "").."]"..
+ "label[0.3,3.1;"..S("You can have more than one network. If unsure, use \"%s\""):format(tostring(station_network)).."\".]"..
+ "field[0.3,4.4;9,0.9;owner;"..S("Owned by:")..";]"..
+ "label[0.3,4.7;"..S("Unless you know what you are doing, leave this empty.").."]"..
+ "button_exit[1.3,5.3;1.7,0.7;station_help_setup;"..S("Help").."]"..
+ "button_exit[3.8,5.3;1.7,0.7;station_set;"..S("Save").."]"..
+ "button_exit[6.3,5.3;1.7,0.7;station_exit;"..S("Exit").."]");
+travelnet.update_formspec = function( pos, puncher_name, fields )
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos);
local this_node = minetest.get_node( pos );
@@ -144,19 +261,8 @@ travelnet.update_formspec = function( pos, puncher_name )
-- minetest.chat_send_player(puncher_name, "data: "..minetest.serialize( travelnet.targets ));
- meta:set_string("infotext", "Travelnet-box (unconfigured)");
- meta:set_string("station_name", "");
- meta:set_string("station_network","");
- meta:set_string("owner", "");
- -- request initinal data
- meta:set_string("formspec",
- "size[12,10]"..
- "field[0.3,7.6;9,0.9;station_name;Name of this station:;"..(station_name or "?").."]"..
- "field[0.3,8.6;9,0.9;station_network;Assign to Network:;"..(station_network or "?").."]"..
- "field[0.3,9.6;9,0.9;owner;Owned by:;"..(owner_name or "?").."]"..
- "button_exit[6.3,8.2;1.7,0.7;station_set;Store]" );
- minetest.chat_send_player(puncher_name, "Error: Update failed! Resetting this box on the travelnet.");
+ travelnet.reset_formspec( meta );
+ travelnet.show_message( pos, puncher_name, "Error", S("Update failed! Resetting this box on the travelnet."));
@@ -184,8 +290,9 @@ travelnet.update_formspec = function( pos, puncher_name )
-- add this station
travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ station_name ] = {pos=pos, timestamp=zeit };
- minetest.chat_send_player(owner_name, "Station '"..station_name.."' has been reattached to the network '"..station_network.."'.");
+ minetest.chat_send_player(owner_name, S("Station '%s'"):format(station_name).." "..
+ S(" has been reattached to the network '%s'."):format(station_network));
+ travelnet.save_data();
@@ -193,15 +300,15 @@ travelnet.update_formspec = function( pos, puncher_name )
local zusatzstr = "";
local trheight = "10";
if( this_node and"locked_travelnet:travelnet" ) then
- zusatzstr = "field[0.3,11;6,0.7;locks_sent_lock_command;Locked travelnet. Type /help for help:;]";
+ zusatzstr = "field[0.3,11;6,0.7;locks_sent_lock_command;"..S("Locked travelnet. Type /help for help:")..";]";
trheight = "11.5";
local formspec = "size[12,"..trheight.."]"..
- "label[3.3,0.0;Travelnet-Box:]".."label[6.3,0.0;Punch box to update target list.]"..
- "label[0.3,0.4;Name of this station:]".."label[6.3,0.4;"..(station_name or "?").."]"..
- "label[0.3,0.8;Assigned to Network:]" .."label[6.3,0.8;"..(station_network or "?").."]"..
- "label[0.3,1.2;Owned by:]" .."label[6.3,1.2;"..(owner_name or "?").."]"..
- "label[3.3,1.6;Click on target to travel there:]"..
+ "label[3.3,0.0;"..S("Travelnet-Box")..":]".."label[6.3,0.0;"..S("Punch box to update target list.").."]"..
+ "label[0.3,0.4;"..S("Name of this station:").."]".."label[6.3,0.4;"..minetest.formspec_escape(station_name or "?").."]"..
+ "label[0.3,0.8;"..S("Assigned to Network:").."]" .."label[6.3,0.8;"..minetest.formspec_escape(station_network or "?").."]"..
+ "label[0.3,1.2;"..S("Owned by:").."]" .."label[6.3,1.2;"..minetest.formspec_escape(owner_name or "?").."]"..
+ "label[3.3,1.6;"..S("Click on target to travel there:").."]"..
-- "button_exit[5.3,0.3;8,0.8;do_update;Punch box to update destination list. Click on target to travel there.]"..
local x = 0;
@@ -234,7 +341,7 @@ travelnet.update_formspec = function( pos, puncher_name )
for index,k in ipairs( stations ) do
if( index == ground_level ) then
- travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ k ].nr = 'G';
+ travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ k ].nr = S('G');
travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ k ].nr = tostring( ground_level - index );
@@ -246,6 +353,58 @@ travelnet.update_formspec = function( pos, puncher_name )
travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ b ].timestamp end);
+ -- does the player want to move this station one position up in the list?
+ -- only the owner and players with the travelnet_attach priv can change the order of the list
+ -- Note: With elevators, only the "G"(round) marking is actually moved
+ if( fields
+ and (fields.move_up or fields.move_down)
+ and owner_name
+ and owner_name ~= ""
+ and ((owner_name == puncher_name)
+ or (minetest.check_player_privs(puncher_name, {travelnet_attach=true})))
+ ) then
+ local current_pos = -1;
+ for index,k in ipairs( stations ) do
+ if( k==station_name ) then
+ current_pos = index;
+ end
+ end
+ local swap_with_pos = -1;
+ if( fields.move_up ) then
+ swap_with_pos = current_pos - 1;
+ else
+ swap_with_pos = current_pos + 1;
+ end
+ -- handle errors
+ if( swap_with_pos < 1) then
+ travelnet.show_message( pos, puncher_name, "Info", S("This station is already the first one on the list."));
+ return;
+ elseif( swap_with_pos > #stations ) then
+ travelnet.show_message( pos, puncher_name, "Info", S("This station is already the last one on the list."));
+ return;
+ else
+ -- swap the actual data by which the stations are sorted
+ local old_timestamp = travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ stations[swap_with_pos]].timestamp;
+ travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ stations[swap_with_pos]].timestamp =
+ travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ stations[current_pos ]].timestamp;
+ travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ stations[current_pos ]].timestamp =
+ old_timestamp;
+ -- for elevators, only the "G"(round) marking is moved; no point in swapping stations
+ if( not( is_elevator )) then
+ -- actually swap the stations
+ local old_val = stations[ swap_with_pos ];
+ stations[ swap_with_pos ] = stations[ current_pos ];
+ stations[ current_pos ] = old_val;
+ end
+ -- store the changed order
+ travelnet.save_data();
+ end
+ end
-- if there are only 8 stations (plus this one), center them in the formspec
if( #stations < 10 ) then
x = 4;
@@ -287,13 +446,21 @@ travelnet.update_formspec = function( pos, puncher_name )
--x = x+4;
+ formspec = formspec..
+ "label[8.0,1.6;"..S("Position in list:").."]"..
+ "button_exit[11.3,0.0;1.0,0.5;station_exit;"..S("Exit").."]"..
+ "button_exit[9.6,1.6;1.4,0.5;move_up;"..S("move up").."]"..
+ "button_exit[10.9,1.6;1.4,0.5;move_down;"..S("move down").."]";
meta:set_string( "formspec", formspec );
- meta:set_string( "infotext", "Station '"..tostring( station_name ).."' on travelnet '"..tostring( station_network )..
- "' (owned by "..tostring( owner_name )..") ready for usage. Right-click to travel, punch to update.");
+ meta:set_string( "infotext", S("Station '%s'"):format(tostring( station_name )).." "..
+ S("on travelnet '%s'"):format(tostring( station_network )).." "..
+ S("(owned by %s)"):format(tostring( owner_name )).." "..
+ S("ready for usage. Right-click to travel, punch to update."));
- minetest.chat_send_player(puncher_name, "The target list of this box on the travelnet has been updated.");
+ -- show the player the updated formspec
+ travelnet.show_current_formspec( pos, meta, puncher_name );
@@ -310,17 +477,18 @@ travelnet.add_target = function( station_name, network_name, pos, player_name, m
is_elevator = true;
network_name = tostring( pos.x )..','..tostring( pos.z );
if( not( station_name ) or station_name == '' ) then
- station_name = 'at '..tostring( pos.y )..'m';
+ station_name = S('at %s m'):format(tostring( pos.y ));
if( station_name == "" or not(station_name )) then
- minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, "Please provide a name for this station.");
+ travelnet.show_message( pos, player_name, S("Error"), S("Please provide a name for this station." ));
if( network_name == "" or not( network_name )) then
- minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, "Please provide the name of the network this station ought to be connected to.");
+ travelnet.show_message( pos, player_name, S("Error"),
+ S("Please provide the name of the network this station ought to be connected to."));
@@ -332,13 +500,16 @@ travelnet.add_target = function( station_name, network_name, pos, player_name, m
elseif( not( minetest.check_player_privs(player_name, {interact=true}))) then
- minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, "There is no player with interact privilege named '"..tostring( player_name ).."'. Aborting.");
+ travelnet.show_message( pos, player_name, S("Error"),
+ S("There is no player with interact privilege named '%s'. Aborting."):format(tostring( player_name )));
elseif( not( minetest.check_player_privs(player_name, {travelnet_attach=true}))
and not( travelnet.allow_attach( player_name, owner_name, network_name ))) then
- minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, "You do not have the travelnet_attach priv which is required to attach your box to the network of someone else. Aborting.");
+ travelnet.show_message( pos, player_name, S("Error"),
+ S("You do not have the travelnet_attach priv which is required to attach your box to "..
+ "the network of someone else. Aborting."));
@@ -357,7 +528,8 @@ travelnet.add_target = function( station_name, network_name, pos, player_name, m
for k,v in pairs( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ network_name ] ) do
if( k == station_name ) then
- minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, "Error: A station named '"..station_name.."' already exists on this network. Please choose a diffrent name!");
+ travelnet.show_message( pos, player_name, S("Error"),
+ S("A station named '%s' already exists on this network. Please choose a diffrent name!"):format(station_name));
@@ -366,8 +538,10 @@ travelnet.add_target = function( station_name, network_name, pos, player_name, m
-- we don't want too many stations in the same network because that would get confusing when displaying the targets
if( anz+1 > travelnet.MAX_STATIONS_PER_NETWORK ) then
- minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, "Error: Network '"..network_name.."' already contains the maximum number (="
- ..(travelnet.MAX_STATIONS_PER_NETWORK)..") of allowed stations per network. Please choose a diffrent/new network name.");
+ travelnet.show_message( pos, player_name, S("Error"),
+ S("Network '%s',"):format(network_name).." "..
+ S("already contains the maximum number (=%s) of allowed stations per network. "..
+ "Please choose a diffrent/new network name."):format(travelnet.MAX_STATIONS_PER_NETWORK));
@@ -377,8 +551,9 @@ travelnet.add_target = function( station_name, network_name, pos, player_name, m
-- do we have a new node to set up? (and are not just reading from a safefile?)
if( meta ) then
- minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, "Station '"..station_name.."' has been added to the network '"
- ..network_name.."', which now consists of "..( anz+1 ).." station(s).");
+ minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, S("Station '%s'"):format(station_name).." "..
+ S("has been added to the network '%s'"):format(network_name)..
+ S(", which now consists of %s station(s)."):format(anz+1));
meta:set_string( "station_name", station_name );
meta:set_string( "station_network", network_name );
@@ -387,11 +562,11 @@ travelnet.add_target = function( station_name, network_name, pos, player_name, m
- "field[0.3,0.6;6,0.7;station_name;Station:;".. meta:get_string("station_name").."]"..
- "field[0.3,3.6;6,0.7;station_network;Network:;"..meta:get_string("station_network").."]" );
+ "field[0.3,0.6;6,0.7;station_name;"..S("Station:")..";".. minetest.formspec_escape(meta:get_string("station_name")).."]"..
+ "field[0.3,3.6;6,0.7;station_network;"..S("Network:")..";"..minetest.formspec_escape(meta:get_string("station_network")).."]" );
-- display a list of all stations that can be reached from here
- travelnet.update_formspec( pos, player_name );
+ travelnet.update_formspec( pos, player_name, nil );
-- save the updated network data in a savefile over server restart
@@ -446,10 +621,30 @@ end
travelnet.on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, player)
+ if( not( pos )) then
+ return;
+ end
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos);
local name = player:get_player_name();
+ -- the player wants to quit/exit the formspec; do not save/update anything
+ if( fields and fields.station_exit and fields.station_exit ~= "" ) then
+ return;
+ end
+ -- show help text
+ if( fields and fields.station_help_setup and fields.station_help_setup ~= "") then
+ -- simulate right-click
+ local node = minetest.get_node( pos );
+ if( node and and minetest.registered_nodes[ ] ) then
+ travelnet.show_message( pos, name, "--> Help <--",
+-- TODO: actually add help page
+ S("No help available yet."));
+ end
+ return;
+ end
-- if the box has not been configured yet
if( meta:get_string("station_network")=="" ) then
@@ -462,9 +657,14 @@ travelnet.on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, player)
+ -- the owner or players with the travelnet_attach priv can move stations up or down in the list
+ if( fields.move_up or fields.move_down) then
+ travelnet.update_formspec( pos, name, fields );
+ return;
+ end
if( not( )) then
- minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Please click on the target you want to travel to.");
+ minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("Please click on the target you want to travel to."));
@@ -486,7 +686,8 @@ travelnet.on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, player)
and station_network ) then
travelnet.add_target( station_name, station_network, pos, owner_name, meta, owner_name );
- minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Error: There is something wrong with the configuration of this station. "..
+ minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("Error")..": "..
+ S("There is something wrong with the configuration of this station.")..
" DEBUG DATA: owner: "..( owner_name or "?")..
" station_name: "..(station_name or "?")..
" station_network: "..(station_network or "?")..".");
@@ -499,7 +700,8 @@ travelnet.on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, player)
or not( travelnet.targets )
or not( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ] )
or not( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ] )) then
- minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Error: This travelnet is lacking data and/or improperly configured.");
+ minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("Error")..": "..
+ S("This travelnet is lacking data and/or improperly configured."));
print( "ERROR: The travelnet at "..minetest.pos_to_string( pos ).." has a problem: "..
" DATA: owner: "..( owner_name or "?")..
" station_name: "..(station_name or "?")..
@@ -521,8 +723,9 @@ travelnet.on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, player)
-- if the target station is gone
if( not( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ ] )) then
- minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Station '"..( or "?").." does not exist (anymore?) on this network.");
- travelnet.update_formspec( pos, name );
+ minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("Station '%s'"):format( or "?").." "..
+ S("does not exist (anymore?) on this network."));
+ travelnet.update_formspec( pos, name, nil );
@@ -530,7 +733,7 @@ travelnet.on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, player)
if( not( travelnet.allow_travel( name, owner_name, station_network, station_name, ))) then
- minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Initiating transfer to station '"..( or "?").."'.'");
+ minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("Initiating transfer to station '%s'."):format( or "?"));
@@ -570,7 +773,7 @@ travelnet.on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, player)
player:moveto( pos, false );
-- do this only on servers where the function exists
- elseif( player.set_look_yaw ) then
+ elseif( player.set_look_horizontal ) then
-- rotate the player so that he/she can walk straight out of the box
local yaw = 0;
@@ -585,8 +788,8 @@ travelnet.on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, player)
yaw = 270;
- player:set_look_yaw( math.rad( yaw )); -- this is only supported in recent versions of MT
- player:set_look_pitch( math.rad( 0 )); -- this is only supported in recent versions of MT
+ player:set_look_horizontal( math.rad( yaw ));
+ player:set_look_vertical( math.rad( 0 ));
travelnet.open_close_door( target_pos, player, 2 );
@@ -596,7 +799,8 @@ end
travelnet.remove_box = function( pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, digger )
if( not( oldmetadata ) or oldmetadata=="nil" or not(oldmetadata.fields)) then
- minetest.chat_send_player( digger:get_player_name(), "Error: Could not find information about the station that is to be removed.");
+ minetest.chat_send_player( digger:get_player_name(), S("Error")..": "..
+ S("Could not find information about the station that is to be removed."));
@@ -611,16 +815,19 @@ travelnet.remove_box = function( pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, digger )
or not( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ] )
or not( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ] )) then
- minetest.chat_send_player( digger:get_player_name(), "Error: Could not find the station that is to be removed.");
+ minetest.chat_send_player( digger:get_player_name(), S("Error")..": "..
+ S("Could not find the station that is to be removed."));
travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ station_name ] = nil;
-- inform the owner
- minetest.chat_send_player( owner_name, "Station '"..station_name.."' has been REMOVED from the network '"..station_network.."'.");
+ minetest.chat_send_player( owner_name, S("Station '%s'"):format(station_name ).." "..
+ S("has been REMOVED from the network '%s'."):format(station_network));
if( digger ~= nil and owner_name ~= digger:get_player_name() ) then
- minetest.chat_send_player( digger:get_player_name(), "Station '"..station_name.."' has been REMOVED from the network '"..station_network.."'.");
+ minetest.chat_send_player( digger:get_player_name(), S("Station '%s'"):format(station_name)..
+ S("has been REMOVED from the network '%s'."):format(station_network));
-- save the updated network data in a savefile over server restart
@@ -635,22 +842,22 @@ travelnet.can_dig = function( pos, player, description )
return false;
local name = player:get_player_name();
+ local meta = minetest.get_meta( pos );
+ local owner = meta:get_string('owner');
+ local network_name = meta:get_string( "station_network" );
-- players with that priv can dig regardless of owner
if( minetest.check_player_privs(name, {travelnet_remove=true})
- or travelnet.allow_dig( player_name, owner_name, network_name )) then
+ or travelnet.allow_dig( name, owner, network_name )) then
return true;
- local meta = minetest.get_meta( pos );
- local owner = meta:get_string('owner');
if( not( meta ) or not( owner) or owner=='') then
- minetest.chat_send_player(name, "This "..description.." has not been configured yet. Please set it up first to claim it. Afterwards you can remove it because you are then the owner.");
+ minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("This %s has not been configured yet. Please set it up first to claim it. Afterwards you can remove it because you are then the owner."):format(description));
return false;
elseif( owner ~= name ) then
- minetest.chat_send_player(name, "This "..description.." belongs to "..tostring( meta:get_string('owner'))..". You can't remove it.");
+ minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("This %s belongs to %s. You can't remove it."):format(description, tostring( meta:get_string('owner'))));
return false;
return true;
@@ -709,4 +916,3 @@ end
-- upon server start, read the savefile