path: root/farming/locale
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'farming/locale')
2 files changed, 521 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/farming/locale/fr.po b/farming/locale/fr.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b50640
--- /dev/null
+++ b/farming/locale/fr.po
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: \n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-03-27 20:21+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-27 22:16+0200\n"
+"Language-Team: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit\n"
+"Last-Translator: \n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+"Language: fr\n"
+#: barley.lua
+msgid "Barley Seed"
+msgstr "Graine d'orge"
+#: barley.lua
+msgid "Barley"
+msgstr "Orge"
+#: beanpole.lua
+msgid "Green Beans"
+msgstr "Haricots verts"
+#: beanpole.lua
+msgid "Bean Pole (place on soil before planting beans)"
+msgstr "Tuteur pour haricots (placer sur le sol avant de planter des haricots)"
+#: blueberry.lua
+msgid "Blueberries"
+msgstr "Myrtilles"
+#: blueberry.lua
+msgid "Blueberry Muffin"
+msgstr "Gâteau aux myrtilles"
+#: carrot.lua
+msgid "Carrot"
+msgstr "Carotte"
+#: carrot.lua
+msgid "Golden Carrot"
+msgstr "Carotte dorée"
+#: cocoa.lua
+msgid "Cocoa Beans"
+msgstr "Fèves de chocolat"
+#: cocoa.lua
+msgid "Cookie"
+msgstr "Biscuit"
+#: cocoa.lua
+msgid "Bar of Dark Chocolate"
+msgstr "Barre de chocolat noir"
+#: coffee.lua
+msgid "Coffee Beans"
+msgstr "Grains de café"
+#: coffee.lua
+msgid "Drinking Cup (empty)"
+msgstr "Tasse (vide)"
+#: coffee.lua
+msgid "Cold Cup of Coffee"
+msgstr "Tasse de café froid"
+#: coffee.lua
+msgid "Hot Cup of Coffee"
+msgstr "Tasse de café chaud"
+#: corn.lua
+msgid "Corn"
+msgstr "Maïs"
+#: corn.lua
+msgid "Corn on the Cob"
+msgstr "Épi de maïs"
+#: corn.lua
+msgid "Bottle of Ethanol"
+msgstr "Bouteille de'éthanol"
+#: cotton.lua
+msgid "Cotton Seed"
+msgstr "Graines de coton"
+#: cotton.lua
+msgid "Cotton"
+msgstr "Coton"
+#: cucumber.lua
+msgid "Cucumber"
+msgstr "Concombre"
+#: donut.lua
+msgid "Donut"
+msgstr "Beignet"
+#: donut.lua
+msgid "Chocolate Donut"
+msgstr "Beignet au chocolat"
+#: donut.lua
+msgid "Apple Donut"
+msgstr "Beignet aux pommes"
+#: grapes.lua
+msgid "Grapes"
+msgstr "Raisins"
+#: grapes.lua
+msgid "Trellis (place on soil before planting grapes)"
+msgstr "Treillis (placer sur le sol avant de planter les raisins)"
+#: hemp.lua
+msgid "Hemp Seed"
+msgstr "Graines de chanvre"
+#: hemp.lua
+msgid "Hemp Leaf"
+msgstr "Feuille de chanvre"
+#: hemp.lua
+msgid "Bottle of Hemp Oil"
+msgstr "Bouteille d'huile de chanvre"
+#: hemp.lua
+msgid "Hemp Fibre"
+msgstr "Fibre de chanvre"
+#: hemp.lua
+msgid "Hemp Rope"
+msgstr "Corde de chanvre"
+#: hoes.lua
+msgid "Wooden Hoe"
+msgstr "Houe en bois"
+#: hoes.lua
+msgid "Stone Hoe"
+msgstr "Houe en pierre"
+#: hoes.lua
+msgid "Steel Hoe"
+msgstr "Houe en acier"
+#: hoes.lua
+msgid "Bronze Hoe"
+msgstr "Houe en bronze"
+#: hoes.lua
+msgid "Mese Hoe"
+msgstr "Houe en mese"
+#: hoes.lua
+msgid "Diamond Hoe"
+msgstr "Houe en diamant"
+#: init.lua
+msgid "Seed"
+msgstr "Graine"
+#: melon.lua
+msgid "Melon Slice"
+msgstr "Tranche de melon"
+#: melon.lua
+msgid "Melon"
+msgstr "Melon"
+#: potato.lua
+msgid "Potato"
+msgstr "Pomme de terre"
+#: potato.lua
+msgid "Baked Potato"
+msgstr "Pomme de terre cuite"
+#: pumpkin.lua
+msgid "Pumpkin"
+msgstr "Citrouille"
+#: pumpkin.lua
+msgid "Pumpkin Slice"
+msgstr "Tranche de citrouille"
+#: pumpkin.lua
+msgid "Jack 'O Lantern (punch to turn on and off)"
+msgstr "Jack 'O Lantern (tapé pour allumer et éteindre)"
+#: pumpkin.lua
+msgid "Pumpkin Bread"
+msgstr "Pain à la citrouille"
+#: pumpkin.lua
+msgid "Pumpkin Dough"
+msgstr "Pâte à la citrouille"
+#: raspberry.lua
+msgid "Raspberries"
+msgstr "Framboises"
+#: raspberry.lua
+msgid "Raspberry Smoothie"
+msgstr "Smoothie aux framboises"
+#: rhubarb.lua
+msgid "Rhubarb"
+msgstr "Rhubarbe"
+#: rhubarb.lua
+msgid "Rhubarb Pie"
+msgstr "Tarte à la rhubarbe"
+#: soil.lua
+msgid "Soil"
+msgstr "Sol"
+#: soil.lua
+msgid "Wet Soil"
+msgstr "Sol humide"
+#: sugar.lua
+msgid "Sugar"
+msgstr "Sucre"
+#: tomato.lua
+msgid "Tomato"
+msgstr "Tomate"
+#: wheat.lua
+msgid "Wheat Seed"
+msgstr "Graine de blé"
+#: wheat.lua
+msgid "Wheat"
+msgstr "Blé"
+#: wheat.lua
+msgid "Straw"
+msgstr "Paille"
+#: wheat.lua
+msgid "Flour"
+msgstr "Farine"
+#: wheat.lua
+msgid "Bread"
+msgstr "Pain"
diff --git a/farming/locale/ru.po b/farming/locale/ru.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..607c96d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/farming/locale/ru.po
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+# Russian translation for farming mod.
+# Copyright (C) 2018
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the farming package.
+# codexp <>, 2018.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: 1.27\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-03-22 01:25+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
+"Last-Translator: \n"
+"Language-Team: \n"
+"Language: Russian\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: barley.lua
+msgid "Barley Seed"
+msgstr "семена ячменя"
+#: barley.lua
+msgid "Barley"
+msgstr "ячмень"
+#: beanpole.lua
+msgid "Green Beans"
+msgstr "зеленая фасоль"
+#: beanpole.lua
+msgid "Bean Pole (place on soil before planting beans)"
+msgstr "жердь для бобовых (установите на почву перед посадкой бобовых)"
+#: blueberry.lua
+msgid "Blueberries"
+msgstr "голубика"
+#: blueberry.lua
+msgid "Blueberry Muffin"
+msgstr "кекс из голубики"
+#: carrot.lua
+msgid "Carrot"
+msgstr "морковь"
+#: carrot.lua
+msgid "Golden Carrot"
+msgstr "золотая морковь"
+#: cocoa.lua
+msgid "Cocoa Beans"
+msgstr "бобы какао"
+#: cocoa.lua
+msgid "Cookie"
+msgstr "печенье"
+#: cocoa.lua
+msgid "Bar of Dark Chocolate"
+msgstr "плитка темного шоколада"
+#: coffee.lua
+msgid "Coffee Beans"
+msgstr "кофе в зернах"
+#: coffee.lua
+msgid "Drinking Cup (empty)"
+msgstr "чашка (пустая)"
+#: coffee.lua
+msgid "Cold Cup of Coffee"
+msgstr "холодная чашка кофе"
+#: coffee.lua
+msgid "Hot Cup of Coffee"
+msgstr "горячая чашка кофе"
+#: corn.lua
+msgid "Corn"
+msgstr "кукуруза"
+#: corn.lua
+msgid "Corn on the Cob"
+msgstr "початок кукурузы"
+#: corn.lua
+msgid "Bottle of Ethanol"
+msgstr "бутылка этилового спирта"
+#: cotton.lua
+msgid "Cotton Seed"
+msgstr "семена хлопка"
+#: cotton.lua
+msgid "Cotton"
+msgstr "хлопок"
+#: cucumber.lua
+msgid "Cucumber"
+msgstr "огурец"
+#: donut.lua
+msgid "Donut"
+msgstr "пончик"
+#: donut.lua
+msgid "Chocolate Donut"
+msgstr "шоколадный пончик"
+#: donut.lua
+msgid "Apple Donut"
+msgstr "яблочный пончик"
+#: grapes.lua
+msgid "Grapes"
+msgstr "виноград"
+#: grapes.lua
+msgid "Trellis (place on soil before planting grapes)"
+msgstr "решетка (поставьте на почву для посадки винограда)"
+#: hemp.lua
+msgid "Hemp Seed"
+msgstr "семена конопли"
+#: hemp.lua
+msgid "Hemp Leaf"
+msgstr "листья конопли"
+#: hemp.lua
+msgid "Bottle of Hemp Oil"
+msgstr "бутылка конопляного масла"
+#: hemp.lua
+msgid "Hemp Fibre"
+msgstr ""
+#: hemp.lua
+msgid "Hemp Rope"
+msgstr "Пенька"
+#: hoes.lua
+msgid "Hoe"
+msgstr "мотыга"
+#: hoes.lua
+msgid "Wooden Hoe"
+msgstr "деревянная мотыга"
+#: hoes.lua
+msgid "Stone Hoe"
+msgstr "каменная мотыга"
+#: hoes.lua
+msgid "Steel Hoe"
+msgstr "стальная мотыга"
+#: hoes.lua
+msgid "Bronze Hoe"
+msgstr "бронзовая мотыга"
+#: hoes.lua
+msgid "Mese Hoe"
+msgstr "магическая мотыга"
+#: hoes.lua
+msgid "Diamond Hoe"
+msgstr "алмазная мотыга"
+#: init.lua
+msgid "Seed"
+msgstr "семена"
+#: melon.lua
+msgid "Melon Slice"
+msgstr "ломтик арбуза"
+#: melon.lua
+msgid "Melon"
+msgstr "арбуз"
+#: potato.lua
+msgid "Potato"
+msgstr "картофель"
+#: potato.lua
+msgid "Baked Potato"
+msgstr "запеченный картофель"
+#: pumpkin.lua
+msgid "Pumpkin"
+msgstr "тыква"
+#: pumpkin.lua
+msgid "Pumpkin Slice"
+msgstr "ломтик тыквы"
+#: pumpkin.lua
+msgid "Jack 'O Lantern (punch to turn on and off)"
+msgstr "светильник джека (удар для включения и отключения)"
+#: pumpkin.lua
+msgid "Pumpkin Bread"
+msgstr "тыквенный хлеб"
+#: pumpkin.lua
+msgid "Pumpkin Dough"
+msgstr "тыквенное тесто"
+#: raspberry.lua
+msgid "Raspberries"
+msgstr "малина"
+#: raspberry.lua
+msgid "Raspberry Smoothie"
+msgstr "малиновый коктейль"
+#: rhubarb.lua
+msgid "Rhubarb"
+msgstr "ревень"
+#: rhubarb.lua
+msgid "Rhubarb Pie"
+msgstr "пирог из ревеня"
+#: soil.lua
+msgid "Soil"
+msgstr "земля"
+#: soil.lua
+msgid "Wet Soil"
+msgstr "мокрая земля"
+#: sugar.lua
+msgid "Sugar"
+msgstr "сахар"
+#: tomato.lua
+msgid "Tomato"
+msgstr "помидор"
+#: wheat.lua
+msgid "Wheat Seed"
+msgstr ""
+#: wheat.lua
+msgid "Wheat"
+msgstr "семена пшеницы"
+#: wheat.lua
+msgid "Straw"
+msgstr "солома"
+#: wheat.lua
+msgid "Flour"
+msgstr "мука"
+#: wheat.lua
+msgid "Bread"
+msgstr "хлеб"