path: root/replacer/init.lua
diff options
authorVanessa Ezekowitz <>2016-04-01 20:02:19 -0400
committerVanessa Ezekowitz <>2016-04-01 21:09:33 -0400
commitda66780a569712c23ae4f2996cfb4608a9f9d69d (patch)
tree217556029a78bc23ad4564720afc86de97228a04 /replacer/init.lua
parent615b22df4d423aded3613db7716943a2f389b047 (diff)
copy all standard Dreambuilder mods in from the old subgame
(exactly as last supplied there, updates to these mods will follow later)
Diffstat (limited to 'replacer/init.lua')
1 files changed, 238 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/replacer/init.lua b/replacer/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b7732c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/replacer/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+ Replacement tool for creative building (Mod for MineTest)
+ Copyright (C) 2013 Sokomine
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+-- Version 3.0
+-- Changelog:
+-- 02.10.2014 * Some more improvements for inspect-tool. Added craft-guide.
+-- 01.10.2014 * Added inspect-tool.
+-- 12.01.2013 * If digging the node was unsuccessful, then the replacement will now fail
+-- (instead of destroying the old node with its metadata; i.e. chests with content)
+-- 20.11.2013 * if the server version is new enough, minetest.is_protected is used
+-- in order to check if the replacement is allowed
+-- 24.04.2013 * param1 and param2 are now stored
+-- * hold sneak + right click to store new pattern
+-- * right click: place one of the itmes
+-- * receipe changed
+-- * inventory image added
+-- adds a function to check ownership of a node; taken from VanessaEs homedecor mod
+replacer = {};
+-- adds a tool for inspecting nodes and entities
+minetest.register_tool( "replacer:replacer",
+ description = "Node replacement tool",
+ groups = {},
+ inventory_image = "replacer_replacer.png",
+ wield_image = "",
+ wield_scale = {x=1,y=1,z=1},
+ stack_max = 1, -- it has to store information - thus only one can be stacked
+ liquids_pointable = true, -- it is ok to painit in/with water
+ -- the tool_capabilities are of nearly no intrest here
+ tool_capabilities = {
+ full_punch_interval = 1.0,
+ max_drop_level=0,
+ groupcaps={
+ -- For example:
+ fleshy={times={[2]=0.80, [3]=0.40}, maxwear=0.05, maxlevel=1},
+ snappy={times={[2]=0.80, [3]=0.40}, maxwear=0.05, maxlevel=1},
+ choppy={times={[3]=0.90}, maxwear=0.05, maxlevel=0}
+ }
+ },
+ node_placement_prediction = nil,
+ metadata = "default:dirt", -- default replacement: common dirt
+ on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
+ if( placer == nil or pointed_thing == nil) then
+ return itemstack; -- nothing consumed
+ end
+ local name = placer:get_player_name();
+ --minetest.chat_send_player( name, "You PLACED this on "..minetest.serialize( pointed_thing )..".");
+ local keys=placer:get_player_control();
+ -- just place the stored node if now new one is to be selected
+ if( not( keys["sneak"] )) then
+ return replacer.replace( itemstack, placer, pointed_thing, 0 ); end
+ if( pointed_thing.type ~= "node" ) then
+ minetest.chat_send_player( name, " Error: No node selected.");
+ return nil;
+ end
+ local pos = minetest.get_pointed_thing_position( pointed_thing, under );
+ local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil( pos );
+ --minetest.chat_send_player( name, " Target node: "..minetest.serialize( node ).." at pos "..minetest.serialize( pos )..".");
+ local item = itemstack:to_table();
+ -- make sure metadata is always set
+ if( node ~= nil and ) then
+ item[ "metadata" ] =' '..node.param1..' '..node.param2;
+ else
+ item[ "metadata" ] = "default:dirt 0 0";
+ end
+ itemstack:replace( item );
+ minetest.chat_send_player( name, "Node replacement tool set to: '"..item[ "metadata" ].."'.");
+ return itemstack; -- nothing consumed but data changed
+ end,
+-- on_drop = func(itemstack, dropper, pos),
+ on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
+ return replacer.replace( itemstack, user, pointed_thing, above );
+ end,
+replacer.replace = function( itemstack, user, pointed_thing, mode )
+ if( user == nil or pointed_thing == nil) then
+ return nil;
+ end
+ local name = user:get_player_name();
+ --minetest.chat_send_player( name, "You USED this on "..minetest.serialize( pointed_thing )..".");
+ if( pointed_thing.type ~= "node" ) then
+ minetest.chat_send_player( name, " Error: No node.");
+ return nil;
+ end
+ local pos = minetest.get_pointed_thing_position( pointed_thing, mode );
+ local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil( pos );
+ --minetest.chat_send_player( name, " Target node: "..minetest.serialize( node ).." at pos "..minetest.serialize( pos )..".");
+ if( node == nil ) then
+ minetest.chat_send_player( name, "Error: Target node not yet loaded. Please wait a moment for the server to catch up.");
+ return nil;
+ end
+ local item = itemstack:to_table();
+ -- make sure it is defined
+ if( not( item[ "metadata"] ) or item["metadata"]=="" ) then
+ item["metadata"] = "default:dirt 0 0";
+ end
+ -- regain information about nodename, param1 and param2
+ local daten = item[ "metadata"]:split( " " );
+ -- the old format stored only the node name
+ if( #daten < 3 ) then
+ daten[2] = 0;
+ daten[3] = 0;
+ end
+ -- if someone else owns that node then we can not change it
+ if( replacer_homedecor_node_is_owned(pos, user)) then
+ return nil;
+ end
+ -- do not replace if there is nothing to be done
+ if( == daten[1] ) then
+ -- the node itshelf remains the same, but the orientation was changed
+ if( node.param1 ~= daten[2] or node.param2 ~= daten[3] ) then
+ minetest.add_node( pos, { name =, param1 = daten[2], param2 = daten[3] } );
+ end
+ return nil;
+ end
+ -- in survival mode, the player has to provide the node he wants to be placed
+ if( not(minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") )) then
+ -- players usually don't carry dirt_with_grass around; it's safe to assume normal dirt here
+ -- fortionately, dirt and dirt_with_grass does not make use of rotation
+ if( daten[1] == "default:dirt_with_grass" ) then
+ daten[1] = "default:dirt";
+ item["metadata"] = "default:dirt 0 0";
+ end
+ -- does the player carry at least one of the desired nodes with him?
+ if( not( user:get_inventory():contains_item("main", daten[1]))) then
+ minetest.chat_send_player( name, "You have no further '"..( daten[1] or "?" ).."'. Replacement failed.");
+ return nil;
+ end
+ -- give the player the item by simulating digging if possible
+ if( ~= "air"
+ and ~= "ignore"
+ and ~= "default:lava_source"
+ and ~= "default:lava_flowing"
+ and ~= "default:water_source"
+ and ~= "default:water_flowing" ) then
+ minetest.node_dig( pos, node, user );
+ local digged_node = minetest.get_node_or_nil( pos );
+ if( not( digged_node )
+ or == ) then
+ minetest.chat_send_player( name, "Replacing '"..( or "air" ).."' with '"..( item[ "metadata"] or "?" ).."' failed. Unable to remove old node.");
+ return nil;
+ end
+ end
+ -- consume the item
+ user:get_inventory():remove_item("main", daten[1].." 1");
+ --user:get_inventory():add_item( "main"," 1");
+ end
+ --minetest.chat_send_player( name, "Replacing node '"..( or "air" ).."' with '"..( item[ "metadata"] or "?" ).."'.");
+ --minetest.place_node( pos, { name = item[ "metadata" ] } );
+ minetest.add_node( pos, { name = daten[1], param1 = daten[2], param2 = daten[3] } );
+ return nil; -- no item shall be removed from inventory
+ end
+ output = 'replacer:replacer',
+ recipe = {
+ { 'default:chest', '', '' },
+ { '', 'default:stick', '' },
+ { '', '', 'default:chest' },
+ }