path: root/gloopblocks/locale
diff options
authorVanessa Ezekowitz <>2016-04-01 20:02:19 -0400
committerVanessa Ezekowitz <>2016-04-01 21:09:33 -0400
commitda66780a569712c23ae4f2996cfb4608a9f9d69d (patch)
tree217556029a78bc23ad4564720afc86de97228a04 /gloopblocks/locale
parent615b22df4d423aded3613db7716943a2f389b047 (diff)
copy all standard Dreambuilder mods in from the old subgame
(exactly as last supplied there, updates to these mods will follow later)
Diffstat (limited to 'gloopblocks/locale')
2 files changed, 119 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gloopblocks/locale/de.txt b/gloopblocks/locale/de.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99d8953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gloopblocks/locale/de.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Translation by Xanthin
+Shrubbery = Gebuesch
+Rainbow Block = Regenbogenblock
+Cement = Zement
+Evil Block = Teuflischer Block
+Obsidian = Obsidian
+Basalt = Basalt
+Pumice = Bimsstein
+Pavement = Strassenbelag
+Oerkki Block = Oerkkiblock
+Mossy Stone Brick = Moosiger Steinziegel
+Mossy Stone = Moosiger Stein
+Cobblestone Road Bed = Kopfsteinpflasterstrasse
+Mossy Cobblestone Road Bed = Moosige Kopfsteinpflasterstrasse
+Wooden Scaffold = Holzgeruest
+Cobblestone Roadbed = Kopfsteinpflasterstrasse
+Mossy Cobblestone Roadbed = Moosige Kopfsteinpflasterstrasse
+White Wool = Weisse Wolle
+Grey Wool = Graue Wolle
+Black Wool = Schwarze Wolle
+Red Wool = Rote Wolle
+Yellow Wool = Gelbe Wolle
+Green Wool = Gruene Wolle
+Cyan Wool = Tuerkise Wolle
+Blue Wool = Blaue Wolle
+Magenta Wool = Magenta Wolle
+Orange Wool = Orange Wolle
+Violet Wool = Violette Wolle
+Brown Wool = Braune Wolle
+Pink Wool = Rosa Wolle
+Dark Grey Wool = Dunkelgraue Wolle
+Dark Green Wool = Dunkelgruene Wolle
+Mossy Stone Stair = Moosige Steintreppe
+Mossy Cobble Stair = Moosige Pflastersteintreppe
+Mossy Stone Brick Stair = Moosige Steinziegeltreppe
+Cobble Roadbed Stair = Kopfsteinstrassentreppe
+Mossy Cobble Roadbed Stair = Moosige Kopfsteinstrassentreppe
+Cement Stair = Zementtreppe
+Pavement Stair = Strassenbelagtreppe
+Mossy Stone Slab = Moosige Steinstufe
+Mossy Cobble Slab = Moosige Pflastersteinstufe
+Mossy Stone Brick Slab = Moosige Steinziegelstufe
+Cobble Roadbed Slab = Kopfsteinstrassenstufe
+Mossy Cobble Roadbed Slab = Moosige Kopfsteinstrassenstufe
+Cement Slab = Zementstufe
+Pavement Slab = Strassenbelagstufe
+Cement Pickaxe = Zementspitzhacke
+Cement Shovel = Zementschaufel
+Cement Axe = Zementaxt
+Cement Sword = Zementschwert
+Evil Pickaxe = Teuflische Spitzhacke
+Evil Shovel = Teuflische Schaufel
+Evil Axe = Teuflische Axt
+Evil Sword = Teuflisches Schwert
+Wet Cement = Feuchter Zement
+Evil Stick = Teuflischer Stock
+Gloopblocks Loaded! = Gloopblocks geladen!
diff --git a/gloopblocks/locale/template.txt b/gloopblocks/locale/template.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11ed977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gloopblocks/locale/template.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# Template
+Shrubbery =
+Rainbow Block =
+Cement =
+Evil Block =
+Obsidian =
+Basalt =
+Pumice =
+Pavement =
+Oerkki Block =
+Mossy Stone Brick =
+Mossy Stone =
+Cobblestone Road Bed =
+Mossy Cobblestone Road Bed =
+Wooden Scaffold =
+White Wool =
+Grey Wool =
+Black Wool =
+Red Wool =
+Yellow Wool =
+Green Wool =
+Cyan Wool =
+Blue Wool =
+Magenta Wool =
+Orange Wool =
+Violet Wool =
+Brown Wool =
+Pink Wool =
+Dark Grey Wool =
+Dark Green Wool =
+Mossy Stone Stair =
+Mossy Cobble Stair =
+Mossy Stone Brick Stair =
+Cobble Roadbed Stair =
+Mossy Cobble Roadbed Stair =
+Cement Stair =
+Pavement Stair =
+Mossy Stone Slab =
+Mossy Cobble Slab =
+Mossy Stone Brick Slab =
+Cobble Roadbed Slab =
+Mossy Cobble Roadbed Slab =
+Cement Slab =
+Pavement Slab =
+Cement Pickaxe Wool =
+Cement Shovel Wool =
+Cement Axe Wool =
+Cement Sword Wool =
+Evil Pickaxe Wool =
+Evil Shovel Wool =
+Evil Axe Wool =
+Evil Sword Wool =
+Wet Cement Wool =
+Evil Stick Wool =
+Gloopblocks Loaded! =