path: root/biome_lib/growth.lua
diff options
authorVanessa Dannenberg <>2019-03-06 17:01:02 -0500
committerVanessa Dannenberg <>2019-03-06 17:01:02 -0500
commitb21c3d368077aa3a1c42ff1582cda6263c018585 (patch)
tree4053ef589ef5c5b99f0a87b567207e8c52cf4c76 /biome_lib/growth.lua
parentec25fd83415d0ecb49f41295af3dc30f14850b2f (diff)
updated cottages, areasprotector, bees, biome_lib, technic, facade,
farming redo, homedecor, maptools, mesecons, moreblocks, moreores, pipeworks, quartz, travelnet, unified_inventory, unifieddyes, xban2 delete the playeranim mod, not 5.0.0 compatible.
Diffstat (limited to 'biome_lib/growth.lua')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/biome_lib/growth.lua b/biome_lib/growth.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56ba4ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/biome_lib/growth.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+local time_scale = ...
+-- The growing ABM
+function biome_lib:grow_plants(opts)
+ local options = opts
+ options.height_limit = options.height_limit or 5
+ options.ground_nodes = options.ground_nodes or { "default:dirt_with_grass" }
+ options.grow_nodes = options.grow_nodes or { "default:dirt_with_grass" }
+ options.seed_diff = options.seed_diff or 0
+ local n
+ if type(options.grow_plant) == "table" then
+ n = "multi: "..options.grow_plant[1]..", ..."
+ else
+ n = options.grow_plant
+ end
+ options.label = options.label or "biome_lib grow_plants(): "..n
+ if options.grow_delay*time_scale >= 1 then
+ options.interval = options.grow_delay*time_scale
+ else
+ options.interval = 1
+ end
+ minetest.register_abm({
+ nodenames = { options.grow_plant },
+ interval = options.interval,
+ chance = options.grow_chance,
+ label = options.label,
+ action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
+ local p_top = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z}
+ local p_bot = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z}
+ local n_top = minetest.get_node(p_top)
+ local n_bot = minetest.get_node(p_bot)
+ local root_node = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y-options.height_limit, z=pos.z})
+ local walldir = nil
+ if options.need_wall and options.verticals_list then
+ walldir = biome_lib:find_adjacent_wall(p_top, options.verticals_list, options.choose_random_wall)
+ end
+ if ( == "air" or == "default:snow")
+ and (not options.need_wall or (options.need_wall and walldir)) then
+ -- corner case for changing short junglegrass
+ -- to dry shrub in desert
+ if == options.dry_early_node and options.grow_plant == "junglegrass:short" then
+ minetest.swap_node(pos, { name = "default:dry_shrub" })
+ elseif options.grow_vertically and walldir then
+ if biome_lib:search_downward(pos, options.height_limit, options.ground_nodes) then
+ minetest.swap_node(p_top, { name = options.grow_plant, param2 = walldir})
+ end
+ elseif not options.grow_result and not options.grow_function then
+ minetest.swap_node(pos, biome_lib.air)
+ else
+ biome_lib:replace_object(pos, options.grow_result, options.grow_function, options.facedir, options.seed_diff)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ })
+-- spawn_tree() on generate is routed through here so that other mods can hook
+-- into it.
+function biome_lib:generate_tree(pos, nodes_or_function_or_model)
+ minetest.spawn_tree(pos, nodes_or_function_or_model)
+-- and this one's for the call used in the growing code
+function biome_lib:grow_tree(pos, nodes_or_function_or_model)
+ minetest.spawn_tree(pos, nodes_or_function_or_model)