path: root/laptop.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'laptop.lua')
1 files changed, 298 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/laptop.lua b/laptop.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d9ef96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/laptop.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+ app_name = "mView",
+ app_info = "Remote interface for MTronic XT elevator controllers",
+ app_icon = "celevator_laptop_icon.png",
+ formspec_func = function(_,mtos)
+ local ram = mtos.bdev:get_app_storage("ram","celevator")
+ local mem = mtos.bdev:get_app_storage("hdd","celevator")
+ if not mem.connections then mem.connections = {} end
+ if not ram.screenstate then ram.screenstate = (#mem.connections > 0 and "connections" or "welcome") end
+ if not mem.selectedconnection then mem.selectedconnection = 1 end
+ if not mem.screenpage then mem.screenpage = 1 end
+ if not mem.newconnection then mem.newconnection = {} end
+ local fs = ""
+ if ram.screenstate == "welcome" then
+ fs = fs.."background9[5.5,1;4,2;celevator_fs_bg.png;false;3]"
+ fs = fs.."image[5.75,1;4,2;celevator_logo.png]"
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_label("2,4","Welcome to the mView remote interface for MTronic XT elevator controllers!")
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_label("2,6","Add a connection to get started.")
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_button("5.5,7;4,1","major","connections","Add/Edit Connections")
+ elseif ram.screenstate == "connections" then
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_label("0.5,0.5","MANAGE CONNECTIONS")
+ if #mem.connections > 0 then
+ fs = fs.."textlist[1,2;6,7;connection;"
+ for i=#mem.connections,1,-1 do
+ local text = string.format("ID %d - %s",mem.connections[i].carid,mem.connections[i].name)
+ fs = fs..minetest.formspec_escape(text)
+ fs = fs..(i==1 and "" or ",")
+ end
+ fs = fs..";"..tostring(#mem.connections-mem.selectedconnection+1)..";false]"
+ else
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_label("1,2","No Connections")
+ end
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_button("8,2;3,1","major","new","New Connection")
+ if mem.connections[mem.selectedconnection] then
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_button("8,3;3,1","major","edit","Edit Connection")
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_button("8,4;3,1","major","delete","Delete Connection")
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_button("8,7;3,1","major","connect","Connect >")
+ if #mem.connections > mem.selectedconnection then fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_button("8,5;3,1","major","moveup","Move Up") end
+ if mem.selectedconnection > 1 then fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_button("8,6;3,1","major","movedown","Move Down") end
+ end
+ elseif ram.screenstate == "newconnection" then
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_label("0.5,0.5","NEW CONNECTION")
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_label("0.5,1","Please enter the ID you would like to connect to and a name for the connection.")
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_label("0.7,1.8","ID")
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_label("3.7,1.8","Name")
+ fs = fs..string.format("field[1,2.5;2,1;carid;;%s]",minetest.formspec_escape(mem.newconnection.carid))
+ fs = fs..string.format("field[4,2.5;4,1;name;;%s]",minetest.formspec_escape(
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_button("3,4;3,1","major","save","Save")
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_button("3,5.5;3,1","major","cancel","Cancel")
+ elseif ram.screenstate == "notfound" then
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_label("0.5,0.5","Error")
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_label("0.5,1","Could not find a controller or dispatcher with the given ID.")
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_label("0.5,1.3","Please check the ID number and try again.")
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_button("0.5,3;2,1","major","ok","OK")
+ elseif ram.screenstate == "controllerstatus" then
+ local connection = mem.connections[mem.selectedconnection]
+ local pos = connection.pos
+ if celevator.controller.iscontroller(pos) then
+ local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+ local cmem = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("mem"))
+ if not cmem then return end
+ local modenames = {
+ normal = "Normal Operation",
+ uninit = "Uninitialized",
+ resync = "Position Sync - Floor",
+ bfdemand = "Position Sync - Terminal",
+ fault = "Fault",
+ stop = "Emergency Stop",
+ mrinspect = "Machine Room Inspection",
+ carinspect = "Car Top Inspection",
+ inspconflict = "Inspection Conflict",
+ fs1 = "Fire Service - Phase 1",
+ fs2 = "Fire Service - Phase 2",
+ fs2hold = "Fire Service - Phase 2 Hold",
+ indep = "Independent Service",
+ capture = "Captured",
+ test = "Test Mode",
+ }
+ local doorstates = {
+ open = "Open",
+ opening = "Opening",
+ closing = "Closing",
+ closed = "Closed",
+ testtiming = "Closed",
+ }
+ local carpos = 0
+ local carfloor = 0
+ local searchpos =
+ for k,v in ipairs(cmem.params.floorheights) do
+ carpos = carpos+v
+ if carpos > searchpos then
+ carfloor = k
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_label("1,1",string.format("Connected to %s (ID %d)",minetest.formspec_escape(,connection.carid))
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_label("1,2",modenames[cmem.carstate])
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_label("1,2.5",string.format("Doors %s",doorstates[cmem.doorstate]))
+ local pi = minetest.formspec_escape(cmem.params.floornames[carfloor])
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_label("1,3",string.format("Position: %0.02fm Speed: %+0.02fm/s PI: %s",,,pi))
+ if #cmem.faultlog > 0 then
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_label("1,3.5","Fault(s) Active")
+ else
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_label("1,3.5","No Current Faults")
+ end
+ fs = fs.."background9[10,0.3;4.2,10;celevator_fs_bg.png;false;3]"
+ fs = fs.."style_type[image_button;font=mono;font_size=*0.75]"
+ fs = fs.."box[10.8,0.75;0.1,9;#AAAAAAFF]"
+ fs = fs.."box[11.808,0.75;0.05,9;#AAAAAAFF]"
+ fs = fs.."box[12.708,0.75;0.05,9;#AAAAAAFF]"
+ fs = fs.."box[13.725,0.75;0.1,9;#AAAAAAFF]"
+ fs = fs.."label[11.25,0.3;UP]"
+ fs = fs.."label[12.042,0.3;CAR]"
+ fs = fs.."label[12.825,0.3;DOWN]"
+ local maxfloor = #cmem.params.floornames
+ local bottom = (cmem.screenpage-1)*10+1
+ for i=0,9,1 do
+ local ypos = (11-(i*0.9))*0.9-0.75
+ local floornum = bottom+i
+ if floornum > maxfloor then break end
+ fs = fs..string.format("label[10.125,%f;%s]",ypos-0.2,minetest.formspec_escape(cmem.params.floornames[floornum]))
+ local ccdot = cmem.carcalls[floornum] and "*" or ""
+ if carfloor == floornum then
+ local cargraphics = {
+ open = "\\[ \\]",
+ opening = "\\[< >\\]",
+ closing = "\\[> <\\]",
+ closed = "\\[ | \\]",
+ testtiming = "\\[ | \\]",
+ }
+ ccdot = cargraphics[cmem.doorstate]
+ if cmem.direction == "up" then
+ ccdot = minetest.colorize("#55FF55",ccdot)
+ elseif cmem.direction == "down" then
+ ccdot = minetest.colorize("#FF5555",ccdot)
+ end
+ end
+ fs = fs..string.format("image_button[11.925,%f;0.75,0.75;celevator_fs_bg.png;carcall%d;%s]",ypos-0.25,floornum,ccdot)
+ if floornum < maxfloor then
+ local arrow = cmem.upcalls[floornum] and minetest.colorize("#55FF55","^") or ""
+ if cmem.params.groupmode == "group" then
+ arrow = cmem.groupupcalls[floornum] and minetest.colorize("#55FF55","^") or ""
+ arrow = (cmem.swingupcalls[floornum] and minetest.colorize("#FFFF55","^") or "")..arrow
+ end
+ fs = fs..string.format("image_button[11.025,%f;0.75,0.75;celevator_fs_bg.png;upcall%d;%s]",ypos-0.25,floornum,arrow)
+ end
+ if floornum > 1 then
+ local arrow = cmem.dncalls[floornum] and minetest.colorize("#FF5555","v") or ""
+ if cmem.params.groupmode == "group" then
+ arrow = cmem.swingdncalls[floornum] and minetest.colorize("#FFFF55","v") or ""
+ arrow = (cmem.groupdncalls[floornum] and minetest.colorize("#FF5555","v") or "")..arrow
+ end
+ fs = fs..string.format("image_button[12.825,%f;0.75,0.75;celevator_fs_bg.png;downcall%d;%s]",ypos-0.25,floornum,arrow)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ ram.screenstate = "notfound"
+ end
+ fs = fs..mtos.theme:get_button("1,8;3,1","major","disconnect","Disconnect")
+ end
+ return fs
+ end,
+ receive_fields_func = function(app,mtos,_,fields)
+ local ram = mtos.bdev:get_app_storage("ram","celevator")
+ local mem = mtos.bdev:get_app_storage("hdd","celevator")
+ if ram.screenstate == "welcome" then
+ if fields.connections then
+ ram.screenstate = "connections"
+ end
+ elseif ram.screenstate == "connections" then
+ local exp = fields.connection and minetest.explode_textlist_event(fields.connection) or {}
+ if then
+ ram.screenstate = "newconnection"
+ = "Untitled"
+ mem.newconnection.carid = ""
+ elseif fields.edit then
+ ram.screenstate = "connections" --Editing not implemented
+ elseif fields.delete then
+ table.remove(mem.connections,mem.selectedconnection)
+ mem.selectedconnection = math.max(1,#mem.connections)
+ elseif fields.moveup then
+ local connection = mem.connections[mem.selectedconnection]
+ table.remove(mem.connections,mem.selectedconnection)
+ table.insert(mem.connections,mem.selectedconnection+1,connection)
+ mem.selectedconnection = mem.selectedconnection+1
+ elseif fields.movedown then
+ local connection = mem.connections[mem.selectedconnection]
+ table.remove(mem.connections,mem.selectedconnection)
+ table.insert(mem.connections,mem.selectedconnection-1,connection)
+ mem.selectedconnection = mem.selectedconnection-1
+ elseif fields.connection and exp.type == "CHG" then
+ mem.selectedconnection = #mem.connections-exp.index+1
+ elseif fields.connect or exp.type == "DCL" then
+ if exp.type == "DCL" then mem.selectedconnection = #mem.connections-exp.index+1 end
+ local connection = mem.connections[mem.selectedconnection]
+ if connection.itemtype == "controller" and celevator.controller.iscontroller(connection.pos) then
+ ram.screenstate = "controllerstatus"
+ app:get_timer():start(0.2)
+ elseif connection.itemtype == "dispatcher" and celevator.dispatcher.isdispatcher(connection.pos) then
+ ram.screenstate = "dispatcherstatus"
+ app:get_timer():start(0.2)
+ else
+ ram.screenstate = "notfound"
+ end
+ end
+ elseif ram.screenstate == "newconnection" then
+ if then
+ local carid = tonumber(fields.carid)
+ if not (carid and math.floor(carid) == carid) then return end
+ local carinfo = minetest.deserialize("car%d",carid)))
+ if not carinfo then return end
+ local pos = carinfo.controllerpos
+ local itemtype
+ if pos and celevator.controller.iscontroller(pos) then
+ itemtype = "controller"
+ elseif carinfo.dispatcherpos and celevator.dispatcher.isdispatcher(carinfo.dispatcherpos) then
+ pos = carinfo.dispatcherpos
+ itemtype = "dispatcher"
+ else
+ ram.screenstate = "notfound"
+ return
+ end
+ local connection = {
+ name =,
+ carid = carid,
+ itemtype = itemtype,
+ pos = pos,
+ }
+ table.insert(mem.connections,connection)
+ mem.selectedconnection = #mem.connections
+ ram.screenstate = "connections"
+ elseif fields.cancel then
+ ram.screenstate = "connections"
+ end
+ elseif ram.screenstate == "notfound" then
+ if fields.ok then
+ ram.screenstate = "newconnection"
+ end
+ elseif ram.screenstate == "controllerstatus" then
+ if fields.disconnect then
+ ram.screenstate = "connections"
+ return
+ end
+ local pos = mem.connections[mem.selectedconnection].pos
+ if celevator.controller.iscontroller(pos) then
+ local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+ local cmem = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("mem"))
+ if not cmem then return end
+ for i=1,#cmem.params.floornames,1 do
+ if fields[string.format("carcall%d",i)] and (cmem.carstate == "normal" or cmem.carstate == "test" or cmem.carstate == "capture" or cmem.carstate == "indep") then
+ type = "remotemsg",
+ source = 0,
+ channel = "carcall",
+ msg = i,
+ })
+ elseif fields[string.format("upcall%d",i)] and cmem.carstate == "normal" and not cmem.capturesw then
+ if cmem.params.groupmode == "group" then
+ type = "remotemsg",
+ channel = "swingupcall",
+ msg = i,
+ })
+ else
+ type = "remotemsg",
+ channel = "upcall",
+ msg = i,
+ })
+ end
+ elseif fields[string.format("downcall%d",i)] and cmem.carstate == "normal" and not cmem.capturesw then
+ if cmem.params.groupmode == "group" then
+ type = "remotemsg",
+ channel = "swingdncall",
+ msg = i,
+ })
+ else
+ type = "remotemsg",
+ channel = "dncall",
+ msg = i,
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ on_timer = function(_,mtos)
+ local ram = mtos.bdev:get_app_storage("ram","celevator")
+ local loop = {
+ ["controllerstatus"] = true,
+ ["dispatcherstatus"] = true,
+ }
+ return loop[ram.screenstate]
+ end,