path: root/nixie_tubes
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nixie_tubes')
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/screenshot.pngbin0 -> 56166 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/decatron_anode.pngbin0 -> 169 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/decatron_cathode_0.pngbin0 -> 190 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/decatron_cathode_1.pngbin0 -> 194 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/decatron_cathode_2.pngbin0 -> 196 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/decatron_cathode_3.pngbin0 -> 193 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/decatron_cathode_4.pngbin0 -> 199 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/decatron_cathode_5.pngbin0 -> 202 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/decatron_cathode_6.pngbin0 -> 202 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/decatron_cathode_7.pngbin0 -> 199 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/decatron_cathode_8.pngbin0 -> 199 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/decatron_cathode_9.pngbin0 -> 202 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/decatron_cathode_pins.pngbin0 -> 231 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/decatron_internals.pngbin0 -> 485 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_alnum_seg_1.pngbin0 -> 272 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_alnum_seg_10.pngbin0 -> 362 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_alnum_seg_11.pngbin0 -> 858 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_alnum_seg_12.pngbin0 -> 409 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_alnum_seg_13.pngbin0 -> 863 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_alnum_seg_14.pngbin0 -> 361 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_alnum_seg_15.pngbin0 -> 797 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_alnum_seg_2.pngbin0 -> 371 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_alnum_seg_3.pngbin0 -> 408 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_alnum_seg_4.pngbin0 -> 335 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_alnum_seg_5.pngbin0 -> 402 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_alnum_seg_6.pngbin0 -> 362 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_alnum_seg_7.pngbin0 -> 817 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_alnum_seg_8.pngbin0 -> 379 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_alnum_seg_9.pngbin0 -> 820 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_alnum_wires.pngbin0 -> 3390 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_anode.pngbin0 -> 606 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_backing.pngbin0 -> 2198 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_base.pngbin0 -> 1526 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_blank.pngbin0 -> 70 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_cathode_0.pngbin0 -> 925 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_cathode_1.pngbin0 -> 327 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_cathode_2.pngbin0 -> 712 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_cathode_3.pngbin0 -> 804 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_cathode_4.pngbin0 -> 620 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_cathode_5.pngbin0 -> 725 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_cathode_6.pngbin0 -> 956 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_cathode_7.pngbin0 -> 569 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_cathode_8.pngbin0 -> 1088 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_cathode_9.pngbin0 -> 942 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_cathode_colon.pngbin0 -> 242 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_cathode_off.pngbin0 -> 1318 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_cathode_period.pngbin0 -> 216 bytes
-rw-r--r--nixie_tubes/textures/nixie_tube_glass.pngbin0 -> 284 bytes
55 files changed, 2577 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixie_tubes/LICENSE b/nixie_tubes/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..801d59d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixie_tubes/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+(This file copied from Digilines mod)
+The LGPLv3 applies to all code in this project.
+The WTFPL applies to textures and any other content in this project which is
+not source code.
+ Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates
+the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public
+License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below.
+ 0. Additional Definitions.
+ As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU
+General Public License.
+ "The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License,
+other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below.
+ An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided
+by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library.
+Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode
+of using an interface provided by the Library.
+ A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an
+Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library
+with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked
+ The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the
+Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code
+for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are
+based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version.
+ The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the
+object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data
+and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the
+Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work.
+ 1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL.
+ You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License
+without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL.
+ 2. Conveying Modified Versions.
+ If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a
+facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application
+that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the
+facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified
+ a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to
+ ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the
+ function or data, the facility still operates, and performs
+ whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or
+ b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of
+ this License applicable to that copy.
+ 3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files.
+ The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from
+a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object
+code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated
+material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure
+layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates
+(ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following:
+ a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the
+ Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
+ covered by this License.
+ b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
+ document.
+ 4. Combined Works.
+ You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that,
+taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the
+portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse
+engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of
+the following:
+ a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that
+ the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
+ covered by this License.
+ b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
+ document.
+ c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during
+ execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among
+ these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the
+ copies of the GNU GPL and this license document.
+ d) Do one of the following:
+ 0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this
+ License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form
+ suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to
+ recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of
+ the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the
+ manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying
+ Corresponding Source.
+ 1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
+ Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time
+ a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer
+ system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version
+ of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked
+ Version.
+ e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise
+ be required to provide such information under section 6 of the
+ GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is
+ necessary to install and execute a modified version of the
+ Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the
+ Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If
+ you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany
+ the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application
+ Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation
+ Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL
+ for conveying Corresponding Source.)
+ 5. Combined Libraries.
+ You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
+Library side by side in a single library together with other library
+facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this
+License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your
+choice, if you do both of the following:
+ a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based
+ on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities,
+ conveyed under the terms of this License.
+ b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it
+ is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the
+ accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
+ 6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
+ The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new
+versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
+differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
+Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version
+of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version"
+applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and
+conditions either of that published version or of any later version
+published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you
+received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide
+whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall
+apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is
+permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the
+ Version 2, December 2004
+ Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
+ copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
+ as the name is changed.
diff --git a/nixie_tubes/ b/nixie_tubes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46b6f39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixie_tubes/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# nixie_tubes mod
+*by Vanessa Ezekowitz*
+This mod provides a set of classic Nixie tubes, and a set of alphanumeric 15-segment tubes similar to Burroughs B-7971, controlled by Mesecons' Digilines mod.
+Simply place a tube, right-click it, and set a channel.
+Then send a character or one of several control words to that channel from a Mesecons Lua Controller and the tube will try to display it.
+The classic tubes are numeric with colon and period symbols, and hence will respond to the literal numbers 0-9, and the words "colon", "period", and "off". Any other symbol or word is ignored.
+The alphanumeric tubes respond to characters from the standard 7-bit ASCII character set, along with these messages:
+* "off", "colon" and "period" act the same as on the numeric tubes. Note that neither a colon nor a period actually look all that great on a 15-segment
+ display, so use a classic tube for those, if you can.
+* "del" or character code 127 displays an all-on square, but without segment #15 (the bottom, chevron-shaped one).
+* "allon" or character code 128 will display an all-on square, with segment #15 lit also.
+* "cursor" or character code 129 will display just segment 15.
+Any unrecognized word or symbol outside the 32-129 range is ignored.
+The Decatron tubes respond to 0-9 and "off", same as the others, along with the following actions:
+* "inc" will increment the tube's current number value. If the value overflows from 9 back to 0, the tube will generate a "carry" message.
+* "dec" will decrement the current value. If the value wraps from 0 back to 9, the tube will send out a "borrow" message.
+* "get" will query the current state of the tube, responding with a single digit 0-9 or the word "off".
+Tubes emit a small amount of light when displaying something.
+Nixies can only be mounted on the floor, while Decatrons can be mounted on a wall (or a ceiling if so desired).
+A Decatron has a small grey spot on its internal insulator to mark the "0" position.
diff --git a/nixie_tubes/depends.txt b/nixie_tubes/depends.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cec86e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixie_tubes/depends.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/nixie_tubes/description.txt b/nixie_tubes/description.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e93f904
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixie_tubes/description.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+This mod provides a set of classic Nixie tubes, and a set of alphanumeric 15-segment tubes similar to Burroughs B-7971, controlled by Mesecons' Digilines mod.
diff --git a/nixie_tubes/init.lua b/nixie_tubes/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97bbd68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixie_tubes/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+-- simple nixie tubes mod
+-- by Vanessa Ezekowitz
+nixie_tubes = {}
+local S
+if minetest.get_modpath("intllib") then
+ S = intllib.Getter()
+ S = function(s) return s end
+local nixie_types = {
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ "5",
+ "6",
+ "7",
+ "8",
+ "9",
+ "0",
+ "colon",
+ "period",
+ "off"
+local tube_cbox = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = { -11/32, -8/16, -11/32, 11/32, 8/16, 11/32 }
+-- the following functions based on the so-named ones in Jeija's digilines mod
+local reset_meta = function(pos)
+ minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("formspec", "field[channel;Channel;${channel}]")
+local on_digiline_receive_std = function(pos, node, channel, msg)
+ local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+ local setchan = meta:get_string("channel")
+ if setchan ~= channel then return end
+ local num = tonumber(msg)
+ if msg == "colon" or msg == "period" or msg == "off" or (num and (num >= 0 and num <= 9)) then
+ minetest.swap_node(pos, { name = "nixie_tubes:tube_"..msg, param2 = node.param2})
+ end
+local on_digiline_receive_deca = function(pos, node, channel, msg)
+ local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+ local setchan = meta:get_string("channel")
+ if setchan ~= channel then return end
+ local tubenum = string.gsub(, "nixie_tubes:decatron_", "")
+ local num = tonumber(msg)
+ if msg == "off" or (num and (num >= 0 and num <= 9)) then
+ minetest.swap_node(pos, { name = "nixie_tubes:decatron_"..msg, param2 = node.param2})
+ elseif msg == "inc" then
+ num = (tonumber(tubenum) or 0) + 1
+ if num > 9 then
+ num = 0
+ digiline:receptor_send(pos, digiline.rules.default, channel, "carry")
+ end
+ minetest.swap_node(pos, { name = "nixie_tubes:decatron_"..num, param2 = node.param2})
+ elseif msg == "dec" then
+ num = (tonumber(tubenum) or 0) - 1
+ if num < 0 then
+ num = 9
+ digiline:receptor_send(pos, digiline.rules.default, channel, "borrow")
+ end
+ minetest.swap_node(pos, { name = "nixie_tubes:decatron_"..num, param2 = node.param2})
+ elseif msg == "get" then
+ digiline:receptor_send(pos, digiline.rules.default, channel, tubenum)
+ end
+-- the nodes:
+for _,tube in ipairs(nixie_types) do
+ local groups = { cracky = 2, not_in_creative_inventory = 1}
+ local light = LIGHT_MAX-4
+ local light2 = LIGHT_MAX-5
+ local description = S("Nixie Tube ("")")
+ local description2 = S("Decatron ("")")
+ local cathode = "nixie_tube_cathode_off.png^nixie_tube_cathode_"".png"
+ local cathode2 = "decatron_cathode_"".png"
+ if tube == "off" then
+ groups = {cracky = 2}
+ light = nil
+ light2 = nil
+ description = S("Nixie Tube")
+ description2 = S("Decatron")
+ cathode = "nixie_tube_cathode_off.png"
+ cathode2 = "nixie_tube_blank.png"
+ end
+ minetest.register_node("nixie_tubes:tube_", {
+ description = description,
+ drawtype = "mesh",
+ mesh = "nixie_tube.obj",
+ tiles = {
+ "nixie_tube_base.png",
+ "nixie_tube_backing.png",
+ cathode,
+ "nixie_tube_anode.png",
+ "nixie_tube_glass.png",
+ },
+ use_texture_alpha = true,
+ groups = groups,
+ paramtype = "light",
+ paramtype2 = "facedir",
+ light_source = light,
+ selection_box = tube_cbox,
+ collision_box = tube_cbox,
+ on_construct = function(pos)
+ reset_meta(pos)
+ end,
+ on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender)
+ if ( then
+ minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("channel",
+ end
+ end,
+ digiline = {
+ receptor = {},
+ effector = {
+ action = on_digiline_receive_std
+ },
+ },
+ drop = "nixie_tubes:tube_off"
+ })
+ if tube ~= "colon" and tube ~= "period" then
+ minetest.register_node("nixie_tubes:decatron_", {
+ description = description2,
+ drawtype = "mesh",
+ mesh = "decatron.obj",
+ tiles = {
+ "nixie_tube_base.png",
+ "decatron_internals.png",
+ "decatron_anode.png",
+ "decatron_cathode_pins.png",
+ cathode2,
+ "nixie_tube_glass.png",
+ },
+ use_texture_alpha = true,
+ groups = groups,
+ paramtype = "light",
+ paramtype2 = "facedir",
+ light_source = light2,
+ selection_box = tube_cbox,
+ collision_box = tube_cbox,
+ after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing)
+ minetest.set_node(pos, { name = "air"})
+ minetest.rotate_node(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
+ if minetest.get_node(pos).param2 == 12 then
+ minetest.set_node(pos, { name = "nixie_tubes:decatron_off", param2 = 15 })
+ end
+ end,
+ on_construct = function(pos)
+ reset_meta(pos)
+ end,
+ on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender)
+ if ( then
+ minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("channel",
+ end
+ end,
+ digiline = {
+ receptor = {},
+ effector = {
+ action = on_digiline_receive_deca
+ },
+ },
+ drop = "nixie_tubes:decatron_off"
+ })
+ end
+-- Alpha-numeric tubes (Burroughs B-7971 or similar)
+Map of display wires:
+ --1------
+ |\ |8 /|
+ 6| \ | / |2
+ | 7\ | /9 |
+ | \|/ |
+14--> ---- ---- <--10
+ | /|\ |
+ |13/ | \11|
+ 5| / | \ |3
+ |/ 12| \|
+ ------4--
+ _
+ --¯¯ ¯¯-- <--15
+-- Wire positions in table:
+-- char = { 1, 2, 3, 4, .... , 13, 14, 15 }
+local alnum_chars = {
+ { " ", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } }, -- 32
+ { "!", { 0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { '"', { 0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "#", { 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0 } },
+ { "$", { 1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0 } },
+ { "%", { 0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0 } },
+ { "&", { 1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { "'", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "(", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { ")", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0 } },
+ { "*", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0 } },
+ { "+", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0 } },
+ { ",", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0 } },
+ { "-", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { ".", { 0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "/", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0 } },
+ { "0", { 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0 } }, -- 48
+ { "1", { 0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "2", { 1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0 } },
+ { "3", { 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "4", { 0,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { "5", { 1,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { "6", { 1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { "7", { 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0 } },
+ { "8", { 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { "9", { 1,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { ":", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0 } }, -- 58
+ { ";", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0 } },
+ { "<", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { "=", { 0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { ">", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0 } },
+ { "?", { 1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0 } },
+ { "@", { 1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0 } }, -- 64
+ { "A", { 1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { "B", { 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0 } },
+ { "C", { 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "D", { 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0 } },
+ { "E", { 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { "F", { 1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { "G", { 1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "H", { 0,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { "I", { 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0 } },
+ { "J", { 0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "K", { 0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { "L", { 0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "M", { 0,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "N", { 0,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "O", { 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "P", { 1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { "Q", { 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "R", { 1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { "S", { 1,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { "T", { 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0 } },
+ { "U", { 0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "V", { 0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0 } },
+ { "W", { 0,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0 } },
+ { "X", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0 } },
+ { "Y", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0 } },
+ { "Z", { 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0 } },
+ { "[", { 1,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } }, -- 91
+ { "\\", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "]", { 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "^", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0 } },
+ { "_", { 0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "`", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "a", { 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0 } }, -- 97
+ { "b", { 0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { "c", { 0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { "d", { 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0 } },
+ { "e", { 0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0 } },
+ { "f", { 1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { "g", { 1,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "h", { 0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { "i", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0 } },
+ { "j", { 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "k", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0 } },
+ { "l", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0 } },
+ { "m", { 0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0 } },
+ { "n", { 0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { "o", { 0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { "p", { 1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { "q", { 1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "r", { 0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { "s", { 0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "t", { 0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0 } },
+ { "u", { 0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "v", { 0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0 } },
+ { "w", { 0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0 } },
+ { "x", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0 } },
+ { "y", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0 } },
+ { "z", { 0,0,0,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0 } },
+ { "{", { 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0 } },
+ { "|", { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0 } },
+ { "}", { 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { "~", { 0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0 } },
+ { string.char(127), { 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0 } }, -- "DEL"
+ { string.char(128), { 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 } }, -- all-on
+ { string.char(129), { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 } }, -- "cursor" segment
+local on_digiline_receive_alnum = function(pos, node, channel, msg)
+ local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+ local setchan = meta:get_string("channel")
+ if setchan ~= channel then return end
+ if msg and msg ~= "" then
+ local asc = string.byte(msg)
+ if msg == "off" then
+ minetest.swap_node(pos, { name = "nixie_tubes:alnum_32", param2 = node.param2})
+ elseif msg == "colon" then
+ minetest.swap_node(pos, { name = "nixie_tubes:alnum_58", param2 = node.param2})
+ elseif msg == "period" then
+ minetest.swap_node(pos, { name = "nixie_tubes:alnum_46", param2 = node.param2})
+ elseif msg == "del" then
+ minetest.swap_node(pos, { name = "nixie_tubes:alnum_127", param2 = node.param2})
+ elseif msg == "allon" then
+ minetest.swap_node(pos, { name = "nixie_tubes:alnum_128", param2 = node.param2})
+ elseif msg == "cursor" then
+ minetest.swap_node(pos, { name = "nixie_tubes:alnum_129", param2 = node.param2})
+ elseif asc > 31 and alnum_chars[asc - 31] then
+ minetest.swap_node(pos, { name = "nixie_tubes:alnum_"..asc, param2 = node.param2})
+ end
+ end
+for i in ipairs(alnum_chars) do
+ local char = alnum_chars[i][1]
+ local bits = alnum_chars[i][2]
+ local groups = { cracky = 2, not_in_creative_inventory = 1}
+ local light = LIGHT_MAX-4
+ local description = S("Alphanumeric Nixie Tube ("..char..")")
+ local wires = "nixie_tube_alnum_wires.png"
+ for j = 1, 15 do
+ if bits[j] == 1 then
+ wires = wires.."^nixie_tube_alnum_seg_"..j..".png"
+ end
+ end
+ if char == " " then
+ groups = {cracky = 2}
+ light = nil
+ description = S("Alphanumeric Nixie Tube")
+ wires = "nixie_tube_alnum_wires.png"
+ end
+ minetest.register_node("nixie_tubes:alnum_"..string.byte(char), {
+ description = description,
+ drawtype = "mesh",
+ mesh = "nixie_tube.obj",
+ tiles = {
+ "nixie_tube_base.png",
+ "nixie_tube_backing.png",
+ wires,
+ "nixie_tube_anode.png",
+ "nixie_tube_glass.png",
+ },
+ use_texture_alpha = true,
+ groups = groups,
+ paramtype = "light",
+ paramtype2 = "facedir",
+ light_source = light,
+ selection_box = tube_cbox,
+ collision_box = tube_cbox,
+ on_construct = function(pos)
+ reset_meta(pos)
+ end,
+ on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender)
+ if ( then
+ minetest.get_meta(pos):set_string("channel",
+ end
+ end,
+ digiline = {
+ receptor = {},
+ effector = {
+ action = on_digiline_receive_alnum
+ },
+ },
+ drop = "nixie_tubes:alnum_32"
+ })
+-- crafts
+ output = "nixie_tubes:tube_off 4",
+ recipe = {
+ { "", "default:glass", "" },
+ { "default:glass", "default:sign_wall", "default:glass" },
+ { "default:glass", "default:mese_crystal_fragment", "default:glass" }
+ },
+ output = "nixie_tubes:alnum_32 4",
+ recipe = {
+ { "", "default:glass", "" },
+ { "default:glass", "default:sign_wall", "default:glass" },
+ { "default:glass", "default:mese_crystal", "default:glass" }
+ },
diff --git a/nixie_tubes/models/decatron.obj b/nixie_tubes/models/decatron.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27b71d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixie_tubes/models/decatron.obj
@@ -0,0 +1,1225 @@
+# Blender v2.73 (sub 0) OBJ File: 'decatron.blend'
+o nixie_Cylinder.009
+v 0.349999 -0.500000 0.000000
+v 0.323357 -0.500000 0.133939
+v 0.247486 -0.500000 0.247486
+v 0.133939 -0.500000 0.323357
+v 0.000000 -0.500000 0.349999
+v -0.133939 -0.500000 0.323357
+v -0.247486 -0.500000 0.247486
+v -0.323357 -0.500000 0.133939
+v -0.349999 -0.500000 0.000000
+v -0.323357 -0.500000 -0.133939
+v -0.247486 -0.500000 -0.247486
+v -0.133939 -0.500000 -0.323357
+v -0.000000 -0.500000 -0.349999
+v 0.133939 -0.500000 -0.323357
+v 0.247486 -0.500000 -0.247486
+v 0.323357 -0.500000 -0.133939
+v -0.000000 -0.227297 0.000000
+v -0.000000 -0.500000 0.000000
+v 0.323357 -0.250001 0.133939
+v 0.247486 -0.250001 0.247486
+v 0.133939 -0.250001 0.323357
+v 0.000000 -0.250001 0.349999
+v -0.133939 -0.250001 0.323357
+v -0.247486 -0.250001 0.247486
+v -0.323357 -0.250001 0.133939
+v -0.349999 -0.250001 0.000000
+v -0.323357 -0.250001 -0.133939
+v -0.247486 -0.250001 -0.247486
+v -0.133939 -0.250001 -0.323357
+v -0.000000 -0.250001 -0.349999
+v 0.133939 -0.250001 -0.323357
+v 0.247486 -0.250001 -0.247486
+v 0.323357 -0.250001 -0.133939
+v 0.349999 -0.250001 0.000000
+v 0.326386 -0.227297 0.000000
+v 0.301541 -0.227297 0.124903
+v 0.230790 -0.227297 0.230790
+v 0.124903 -0.227297 0.301541
+v 0.000000 -0.227297 0.326386
+v -0.124903 -0.227297 0.301541
+v -0.230790 -0.227297 0.230790
+v -0.301541 -0.227297 0.124903
+v -0.326386 -0.227297 0.000000
+v -0.301541 -0.227297 -0.124902
+v -0.230790 -0.227297 -0.230790
+v -0.124903 -0.227297 -0.301541
+v -0.000000 -0.227297 -0.326386
+v 0.124903 -0.227297 -0.301541
+v 0.230790 -0.227297 -0.230790
+v 0.301541 -0.227297 -0.124902
+v 0.207637 0.464059 -0.086006
+v 0.158918 0.464059 -0.158918
+v 0.086006 0.464059 -0.207637
+v -0.000000 0.464059 -0.224745
+v -0.086006 0.464059 -0.207637
+v -0.158919 0.464059 -0.158918
+v -0.207637 0.464059 -0.086006
+v -0.224745 0.464059 0.000000
+v -0.207637 0.464059 0.086006
+v -0.158918 0.464059 0.158919
+v -0.086006 0.464059 0.207637
+v 0.000000 0.464059 0.224745
+v 0.086006 0.464059 0.207637
+v 0.158918 0.464059 0.158918
+v 0.207637 0.464059 0.086006
+v 0.326386 0.287854 0.000000
+v 0.301541 0.287854 -0.124902
+v 0.230790 0.287854 -0.230790
+v 0.124903 0.287854 -0.301541
+v -0.000000 0.287854 -0.326386
+v -0.124903 0.287854 -0.301541
+v -0.230790 0.287854 -0.230790
+v -0.301541 0.287854 -0.124902
+v -0.326386 0.287854 0.000000
+v -0.301541 0.287854 0.124903
+v -0.230790 0.287854 0.230790
+v -0.124903 0.287854 0.301541
+v 0.000000 0.287854 0.326386
+v 0.124903 0.287854 0.301541
+v 0.230790 0.287854 0.230790
+v 0.301541 0.287854 0.124903
+v 0.224745 0.464059 0.000000
+v 0.280086 0.375956 -0.116015
+v 0.214368 0.375956 -0.214368
+v 0.116015 0.375956 -0.280086
+v -0.000000 0.375956 -0.303163
+v -0.116015 0.375956 -0.280086
+v -0.214368 0.375956 -0.214368
+v -0.280086 0.375956 -0.116015
+v -0.303163 0.375956 0.000000
+v -0.280086 0.375956 0.116015
+v -0.214368 0.375956 0.214368
+v -0.116015 0.375956 0.280086
+v 0.000000 0.375956 0.303163
+v 0.116015 0.375956 0.280086
+v 0.214368 0.375956 0.214368
+v 0.280086 0.375956 0.116015
+v 0.303163 0.375956 0.000000
+v -0.000000 0.499996 0.000000
+v 0.041885 0.499996 -0.017349
+v 0.032057 0.499996 -0.032057
+v 0.017349 0.499996 -0.041885
+v -0.000000 0.499996 -0.045336
+v -0.017349 0.499996 -0.041885
+v -0.032057 0.499996 -0.032057
+v -0.041885 0.499996 -0.017349
+v -0.045336 0.499996 0.000000
+v -0.041885 0.499996 0.017349
+v -0.032057 0.499996 0.032057
+v -0.017349 0.499996 0.041885
+v 0.000000 0.499996 0.045336
+v 0.017349 0.499996 0.041885
+v 0.032057 0.499996 0.032057
+v 0.041885 0.499996 0.017349
+v 0.045336 0.499996 0.000000
+v 0.301541 -0.227297 -0.124902
+v 0.230790 -0.227297 -0.230790
+v 0.124903 -0.227297 -0.301541
+v -0.000000 -0.227297 -0.326386
+v -0.124903 -0.227297 -0.301541
+v -0.230790 -0.227297 -0.230790
+v -0.301541 -0.227297 -0.124902
+v -0.326386 -0.227297 0.000000
+v -0.301541 -0.227297 0.124903
+v -0.230790 -0.227297 0.230790
+v -0.124903 -0.227297 0.301541
+v 0.000000 -0.227297 0.326386
+v 0.124903 -0.227297 0.301541
+v 0.230790 -0.227297 0.230790
+v 0.301541 -0.227297 0.124903
+v 0.326386 -0.227297 0.000000
+v 0.147416 0.489328 0.000000
+v 0.136194 0.489328 0.056414
+v 0.104239 0.489328 0.104239
+v 0.056414 0.489328 0.136195
+v 0.000000 0.489328 0.147416
+v -0.056414 0.489328 0.136195
+v -0.104239 0.489328 0.104239
+v -0.136194 0.489328 0.056414
+v -0.147416 0.489328 0.000000
+v -0.136195 0.489328 -0.056414
+v -0.104239 0.489328 -0.104239
+v -0.056414 0.489328 -0.136194
+v -0.000000 0.489328 -0.147416
+v 0.056414 0.489328 -0.136194
+v 0.104239 0.489328 -0.104239
+v 0.136195 0.489328 -0.056414
+v 0.182642 0.475456 0.036330
+v 0.154837 0.475456 0.103459
+v 0.103459 0.475456 0.154837
+v 0.036330 0.475456 0.182643
+v -0.036330 0.475456 0.182643
+v -0.103459 0.475456 0.154837
+v -0.154837 0.475456 0.103459
+v -0.182642 0.475456 0.036330
+v -0.182642 0.475456 -0.036330
+v -0.154837 0.475456 -0.103459
+v -0.103459 0.475456 -0.154837
+v -0.036330 0.475456 -0.182642
+v 0.036330 0.475456 -0.182642
+v 0.103459 0.475456 -0.154837
+v 0.182642 0.475456 -0.036330
+v 0.154837 0.475456 -0.103459
+v 0.256519 0.416957 0.051025
+v 0.217466 0.416957 0.145306
+v 0.145306 0.416957 0.217466
+v 0.051025 0.416957 0.256519
+v -0.051025 0.416957 0.256519
+v -0.145306 0.416957 0.217466
+v -0.217466 0.416957 0.145306
+v -0.256519 0.416957 0.051025
+v -0.256519 0.416957 -0.051025
+v -0.217466 0.416957 -0.145306
+v -0.145306 0.416957 -0.217466
+v -0.051025 0.416957 -0.256519
+v 0.051025 0.416957 -0.256519
+v 0.145306 0.416957 -0.217466
+v 0.256519 0.416957 -0.051025
+v 0.217466 0.416957 -0.145306
+v 0.303030 0.330972 0.060276
+v 0.256897 0.330972 0.171653
+v 0.171653 0.330972 0.256897
+v 0.060277 0.330972 0.303030
+v -0.060277 0.330972 0.303030
+v -0.171653 0.330972 0.256897
+v -0.256897 0.330972 0.171653
+v -0.303030 0.330972 0.060277
+v -0.303031 0.330972 -0.060276
+v -0.256897 0.330972 -0.171653
+v -0.171653 0.330972 -0.256897
+v -0.060277 0.330972 -0.303030
+v 0.060277 0.330972 -0.303030
+v 0.171653 0.330972 -0.256897
+v 0.303031 0.330972 -0.060276
+v 0.256897 0.330972 -0.171653
+v 0.096678 -0.024066 0.070240
+v 0.119500 -0.024066 -0.000000
+v 0.119500 -0.250000 -0.000000
+v 0.317357 0.256231 -0.000000
+v 0.096678 -0.250000 0.070240
+v 0.256747 0.256231 0.186538
+v 0.036928 -0.250000 0.113651
+v 0.098069 0.256231 0.301824
+v -0.036928 -0.250000 0.113651
+v -0.098069 0.256231 0.301824
+v -0.096678 -0.250000 0.070240
+v -0.256747 0.256231 0.186538
+v -0.119500 -0.250000 0.000000
+v -0.317357 0.256231 0.000000
+v -0.096678 -0.250000 -0.070240
+v -0.256747 0.256231 -0.186538
+v -0.036928 -0.250000 -0.113651
+v -0.098069 0.256231 -0.301824
+v 0.036928 -0.250000 -0.113651
+v 0.098069 0.256231 -0.301824
+v 0.096678 -0.250000 -0.070240
+v 0.256747 0.256231 -0.186538
+v 0.036928 -0.024066 0.113651
+v -0.036928 -0.024066 0.113651
+v -0.096678 -0.024066 0.070240
+v -0.119500 -0.024066 0.000000
+v -0.096678 -0.024066 -0.070240
+v -0.036928 -0.024066 -0.113651
+v 0.036928 -0.024066 -0.113651
+v 0.096678 -0.024066 -0.070240
+v 0.096678 0.093867 -0.070240
+v 0.036928 0.093867 -0.113651
+v 0.119500 0.093867 -0.000000
+v -0.036928 0.093867 -0.113651
+v -0.096678 0.093867 -0.070240
+v -0.119500 0.093867 0.000000
+v -0.096678 0.093867 0.070240
+v -0.036928 0.093867 0.113651
+v 0.036928 0.093867 0.113651
+v 0.096678 0.093867 0.070240
+v 0.317332 0.175898 -0.000000
+v 0.256727 0.175898 -0.186523
+v 0.098061 0.175898 -0.301801
+v -0.098061 0.175898 -0.301801
+v -0.256727 0.175898 -0.186523
+v -0.317332 0.175898 0.000000
+v -0.256727 0.175898 0.186523
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+v 0.098061 0.175898 0.301801
+v 0.256727 0.175898 0.186523
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+v 0.036928 -0.188128 0.113651
+v -0.036928 -0.188128 0.113651
+v -0.096678 -0.188128 0.070240
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+v -0.096678 -0.188128 -0.070240
+v -0.036928 -0.188128 -0.113651
+v 0.036928 -0.188128 -0.113651
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+v 0.096678 -0.188128 -0.070240
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+v 0.049804 -0.106097 0.036184
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+v -0.019023 -0.106097 0.058548
+v -0.049804 -0.106097 0.036184
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+v -0.049804 -0.106097 -0.036184
+v -0.019023 -0.106097 -0.058548
+v 0.019023 -0.106097 -0.058548
+v 0.049804 -0.106097 -0.036184
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+v 0.084646 0.336504 0.260514
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+v -0.084640 0.256171 0.260495
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+v -0.221590 0.256171 -0.160994
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+v 0.084640 0.256171 -0.260495
+v 0.221590 0.256171 -0.160995
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+v 0.096678 0.253981 0.070240
+v 0.096678 0.320332 0.070240
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+v 0.036928 0.320332 0.113651
+v -0.036928 0.253981 0.113651
+v -0.036928 0.320332 0.113651
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+v -0.096678 0.320332 0.070240
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+v -0.119500 0.320332 0.000000
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+v -0.096678 0.320332 -0.070240
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+v -0.036928 0.320332 -0.113651
+v 0.036928 0.253981 -0.113651
+v 0.036928 0.320332 -0.113651
+v 0.096678 0.253981 -0.070240
+v 0.096678 0.320332 -0.070240
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+v -0.084609 0.336504 -0.260398
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+v 0.036453 0.317873 -0.112192
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+v -0.220911 0.256171 0.160502
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+v 0.084381 0.256171 0.259697
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+v -0.220152 0.336504 -0.159950
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+v 0.084091 0.336504 -0.258804
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+v -0.084084 0.256171 -0.258785
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+v 0.084084 0.256171 0.258785
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+v -0.084053 0.336504 0.258689
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+v -0.219464 0.336504 0.159450
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+v 0.083828 0.336504 0.257996
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+v 0.083822 0.256171 0.257976
+v -0.083821 0.256171 0.257976
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+v -0.219447 0.256171 -0.159438
+v -0.083822 0.256171 -0.257976
+v 0.083821 0.256171 -0.257976
+v 0.219447 0.256171 -0.159438
+v 0.271152 0.336504 -0.000000
+v 0.219366 0.336504 -0.159379
+v 0.083790 0.336504 -0.257881
+v -0.083791 0.336504 -0.257881
+v 0.219366 0.336504 0.159379
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+v -0.084886 -0.060385 -0.027581
+v -0.052462 -0.060385 -0.072208
+v -0.000000 -0.060385 -0.089254
+v 0.084886 -0.060385 -0.027581
+v 0.084886 -0.060385 0.027581
+v 0.052462 -0.060385 -0.072208
+v 0.052462 -0.060385 0.072208
+v 0.052462 -0.151808 0.072208
+v 0.052462 -0.151808 -0.072208
+v 0.084886 -0.151808 0.027581
+v 0.084886 -0.151808 -0.027581
+v -0.000000 -0.151808 -0.089254
+v -0.052462 -0.151808 -0.072208
+v -0.084886 -0.151808 -0.027581
+v -0.084886 -0.151808 0.027581
+v -0.052462 -0.151808 0.072208
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+v -0.131780 0.142064 -0.181380
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+v -0.213225 0.142064 0.069281
+v -0.131780 0.142064 0.181380
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+v 0.131780 0.142064 0.181380
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+vt 0.375000 0.000000
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+vt 0.312500 0.000000
+vt 0.250000 0.250000
+vt 0.250000 0.000000
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+vt 0.187500 0.000000
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+vt 0.125000 0.000000
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+vt 0.000000 0.250000
+vt 0.000000 0.000000
+vt 1.000000 0.000000
+vt 1.000000 0.250000
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+vt 0.937500 0.000000
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+vt 0.875000 0.000000
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+vt 0.812500 0.000000
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+vt 0.750000 0.000000
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+vt 0.687500 0.000000
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+vt 0.625000 0.000000
+vt 0.562500 0.250000
+vt 0.562500 0.000000
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+vt 0.500000 0.250000
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+vt 0.715388 0.589216
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+vt 0.250000 0.500000
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+vt 0.250000 1.000000
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+vt 0.125000 0.875000
+vt 0.875000 0.750000
+vt 0.750000 0.750000
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+vt 1.000000 0.750000
+vt 0.625000 0.500000
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+vt 1.000000 0.875000
+vt 1.000000 1.000000
+vt 0.875000 1.000000
+vt 0.875000 0.875000
+vt 0.625000 0.750000
+vt 0.437500 0.389311
+vt 0.750000 1.000000
+vt 0.750000 0.875000
+vt 0.375000 0.750000
+vt 0.375000 0.500000
+vt 0.312500 0.389311
+vt 0.625000 1.000000
+vt 0.625000 0.875000
+vt 0.250000 0.750000
+vt 0.125000 0.500000
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+vt 0.500000 1.000000
+vt 0.500000 0.875000
+vt 0.125000 0.750000
+vt -0.000000 0.750000
+vt -0.000000 0.500000
+vt 0.187500 0.389311
+vt 0.375000 1.000000
+vt 0.375000 0.875000
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+vt 0.500000 0.998244
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+vt 0.427559 0.775293
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+vt 0.382788 0.913085
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+vt 0.312500 0.823443
+vt 0.437500 0.823443
+vt 0.562500 0.823443
+vt 0.687500 0.823443
+vt 0.812500 0.823443
+vt 0.937500 0.823443
+vt 0.187500 0.823443
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+vt 0.250000 0.062500
+vt 0.375000 0.062500
+vt 0.500000 0.062500
+vt 0.625000 0.062500
+vt 0.750000 0.062500
+vt 0.875000 0.062500
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+vt 0.312500 0.145516
+vt 0.437500 0.145516
+vt 0.562500 0.145516
+vt 0.687500 0.145516
+vt 0.812500 0.145516
+vt 1.000000 0.062500
+vt 0.937500 0.145516
+vt 0.937500 0.389311
+vt 0.250000 0.125000
+vt 0.125000 0.125000
+vt -0.000000 0.125000
+vt 1.000000 0.125000
+vt 0.875000 0.125000
+vt 0.750000 0.125000
+vt 0.625000 0.125000
+vt 0.500000 0.125000
+vt 0.375000 0.125000
+vt 0.617946 0.662339
+vt 0.500000 0.700662
+vt 0.382054 0.662339
+vt 0.309159 0.562008
+vt 0.309159 0.437992
+vt 0.382054 0.337661
+vt 0.500000 0.299338
+vt 0.617946 0.337661
+vt 0.690840 0.437992
+vt 0.690840 0.562008
+vt 0.625000 0.646142
+vt 0.375000 0.646142
+vt 0.125000 0.646142
+vt 0.875000 0.896142
+vt 0.625000 0.896142
+vt 0.375000 0.896142
+vt 0.125000 0.896142
+vt 0.125000 0.396142
+vt 0.375000 0.396142
+vt 0.875000 0.646142
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+vt 0.125000 0.320312
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+vt 0.750000 0.320312
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+vt 0.500000 0.320312
+vt 0.375000 0.320312
+vt 0.000000 0.320312
+vt 0.875000 0.445312
+vt 0.812500 0.469977
+vt 0.750000 0.445312
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+vt 0.625000 0.445312
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+vt 0.500000 0.445312
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+vt 0.375000 0.445312
+vt 0.312500 0.469977
+vt 0.250000 0.445312
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+vt 1.000000 0.445312
+vt 0.937500 0.469977
+vt 1.000000 0.375000
+vt 0.937500 0.407722
+vt 0.875000 0.375000
+vt 0.812500 0.407722
+vt 0.750000 0.375000
+vt 0.687500 0.407722
+vt 0.625000 0.375000
+vt 0.562500 0.407722
+vt 0.500000 0.375000
+vt 0.437500 0.407722
+vt 0.375000 0.375000
+vt 0.312500 0.407722
+vt 0.250000 0.375000
+vt 0.187500 0.407722
+vt 0.125000 0.375000
+vt 0.062500 0.407722
+vt 0.937500 0.347077
+vt 0.537472 0.537472
+vt 0.520280 0.548959
+vt 0.548959 0.520280
+vt 0.552993 0.500000
+vt 0.548959 0.479721
+vt 0.537472 0.462529
+vt 0.520280 0.451041
+vt 0.500000 0.447008
+vt 0.479721 0.451041
+vt 0.462529 0.462529
+vt 0.451041 0.479721
+vt 0.447007 0.500000
+vt 0.451041 0.520280
+vt 0.462529 0.537472
+vt 0.479721 0.548959
+vt 0.500000 0.552993
+vt 0.812500 0.347077
+vt 0.687500 0.347077
+vt 0.562500 0.347077
+vt 0.437500 0.347077
+vt 0.312500 0.347077
+vt 0.187500 0.347077
+vt 0.062500 0.347077
+vt 0.378156 0.621844
+vt 0.434059 0.659197
+vt 0.500000 0.672314
+vt 0.340803 0.565942
+vt 0.327687 0.500000
+vt 0.340803 0.434059
+vt 0.378156 0.378156
+vt 0.434059 0.340803
+vt 0.500000 0.327687
+vt 0.565942 0.340803
+vt 0.621844 0.378156
+vt 0.659197 0.434059
+vt 0.672314 0.500000
+vt 0.659197 0.565942
+vt 0.621844 0.621844
+vt 0.565942 0.659197
+vt 0.000000 0.445312
+vt 0.000000 0.375000
+g nixie_Cylinder.009_base
+s 1
+f 1/1 2/2 18/3
+f 1/4 34/5 19/6 2/7
+f 2/7 19/6 20/8 3/9
+f 3/9 20/8 21/10 4/11
+f 4/11 21/10 22/12 5/13
+f 5/13 22/12 23/14 6/15
+f 6/15 23/14 24/16 7/17
+f 7/17 24/16 25/18 8/19
+f 8/20 25/21 26/22 9/23
+f 9/23 26/22 27/24 10/25
+f 10/25 27/24 28/26 11/27
+f 11/27 28/26 29/28 12/29
+f 12/29 29/28 30/30 13/31
+f 13/31 30/30 31/32 14/33
+f 14/33 31/32 32/34 15/35
+f 16/36 33/37 34/5 1/4
+f 15/35 32/34 33/37 16/36
+f 2/2 3/38 18/3
+f 34/1 35/39 36/40 19/2
+f 19/2 36/40 37/41 20/38
+f 20/38 37/41 38/42 21/43
+f 21/43 38/42 39/44 22/45
+f 22/45 39/44 40/46 23/47
+f 23/47 40/46 41/48 24/49
+f 24/49 41/48 42/50 25/51
+f 25/51 42/50 43/52 26/37
+f 26/37 43/52 44/53 27/54
+f 27/54 44/53 45/55 28/56
+f 28/56 45/55 46/57 29/58
+f 29/58 46/57 47/59 30/60
+f 30/60 47/59 48/61 31/62
+f 31/62 48/61 49/63 32/64
+f 33/65 50/66 35/39 34/1
+f 32/64 49/63 50/66 33/65
+f 3/38 4/43 18/3
+f 4/43 5/45 18/3
+f 5/45 6/47 18/3
+f 6/47 7/49 18/3
+f 7/49 8/51 18/3
+f 8/51 9/37 18/3
+f 9/37 10/54 18/3
+f 10/54 11/56 18/3
+f 11/56 12/58 18/3
+f 12/58 13/60 18/3
+f 13/60 14/62 18/3
+f 14/62 15/64 18/3
+f 15/64 16/65 18/3
+f 16/65 1/1 18/3
+f 50/66 35/39 17/3
+f 35/39 36/40 17/3
+f 36/40 37/41 17/3
+f 37/41 38/42 17/3
+f 38/42 39/44 17/3
+f 39/44 40/46 17/3
+f 40/46 41/48 17/3
+f 41/48 42/50 17/3
+f 42/50 43/52 17/3
+f 43/52 44/53 17/3
+f 44/53 45/55 17/3
+f 45/55 46/57 17/3
+f 46/57 47/59 17/3
+f 47/59 48/61 17/3
+f 48/61 49/63 17/3
+f 49/63 50/66 17/3
+g nixie_Cylinder.009_internals
+f 259/24 219/67 387/68
+f 236/69 199/70 201/71 245/72
+f 219/67 233/73 232/74 220/45
+f 260/28 220/45 388/75
+f 245/72 201/71 203/76 244/77
+f 218/78 234/79 233/73 219/67
+f 261/32 221/80 389/81
+f 244/82 203/83 205/84 243/85
+f 221/80 231/86 230/1 222/3
+f 262/37 222/3 390/87
+f 243/85 205/84 207/88 242/89
+f 222/3 230/1 229/90 223/91
+f 263/6 223/91 391/92
+f 242/89 207/88 209/93 241/94
+f 223/91 229/90 227/95 224/60
+f 265/14 225/96 392/97
+f 241/94 209/93 211/98 240/99
+f 225/96 226/100 228/101 197/102
+f 256/10 197/60 393/103
+f 240/99 211/98 213/104 239/105
+f 264/10 224/60 394/103
+f 257/14 196/96 395/97
+f 239/105 213/104 215/70 238/69
+f 201/19 199/19 217/19 215/19 213/19 211/19 209/19 207/19 205/19 203/19
+f 237/72 217/71 199/76 236/77
+f 238/69 215/70 217/71 237/72
+f 224/60 227/95 226/100 225/96
+f 246/106 257/14 396/107
+f 198/108 200/109 202/110 204/111 206/112 208/113 210/114 212/115 214/116 216/117
+f 220/45 232/74 231/86 221/80
+f 196/96 235/100 234/101 218/102
+f 226/100 237/72 407/118
+f 229/90 239/105 408/119
+f 230/1 240/99 409/120
+f 231/86 241/94 410/121
+f 232/74 242/89 411/122
+f 233/73 243/85 412/123
+f 234/79 244/82 413/124
+f 235/100 245/72 414/118
+f 228/95 236/69 415/125
+f 197/60 228/95 235/100 196/96
+f 200/15 246/106 247/126 202/19
+f 214/11 253/127 255/106 216/15
+f 198/11 254/127 246/106 200/15
+f 216/15 255/106 254/126 198/19
+f 212/7 252/128 253/127 214/11
+f 210/36 251/129 252/128 212/7
+f 208/33 250/130 251/129 210/36
+f 206/29 249/131 250/130 208/33
+f 204/25 248/132 249/131 206/29
+f 253/127 264/10 397/133
+f 254/127 256/10 398/133
+f 255/106 265/14 399/107
+f 252/128 263/6 400/134
+f 251/129 262/37 401/135
+f 250/130 261/32 402/136
+f 249/131 260/28 403/137
+f 248/132 259/24 404/138
+f 247/139 258/21 405/140
+f 227/95 238/69 406/125
+f 202/20 247/139 248/132 204/25
+f 258/21 218/78 386/141
+f 218/78 219/67 386/141
+f 219/67 259/24 386/141
+f 259/24 258/21 386/141
+f 219/67 220/45 387/68
+f 220/45 260/28 387/68
+f 260/28 259/24 387/68
+f 220/45 221/80 388/75
+f 221/80 261/32 388/75
+f 261/32 260/28 388/75
+f 221/80 222/3 389/81
+f 222/3 262/37 389/81
+f 262/37 261/32 389/81
+f 222/3 223/91 390/87
+f 223/91 263/6 390/87
+f 263/6 262/37 390/87
+f 223/91 224/60 391/92
+f 224/60 264/10 391/92
+f 264/10 263/6 391/92
+f 225/96 197/102 392/97
+f 197/102 256/18 392/97
+f 256/18 265/14 392/97
+f 197/60 196/96 393/103
+f 196/96 257/14 393/103
+f 257/14 256/10 393/103
+f 224/60 225/96 394/103
+f 225/96 265/14 394/103
+f 265/14 264/10 394/103
+f 196/96 218/102 395/97
+f 218/102 258/18 395/97
+f 258/18 257/14 395/97
+f 257/14 258/18 396/107
+f 258/18 247/126 396/107
+f 247/126 246/106 396/107
+f 264/10 265/14 397/133
+f 265/14 255/106 397/133
+f 255/106 253/127 397/133
+f 256/10 257/14 398/133
+f 257/14 246/106 398/133
+f 246/106 254/127 398/133
+f 265/14 256/18 399/107
+f 256/18 254/126 399/107
+f 254/126 255/106 399/107
+f 263/6 264/10 400/134
+f 264/10 253/127 400/134
+f 253/127 252/128 400/134
+f 262/37 263/6 401/135
+f 263/6 252/128 401/135
+f 252/128 251/129 401/135
+f 261/32 262/37 402/136
+f 262/37 251/129 402/136
+f 251/129 250/130 402/136
+f 260/28 261/32 403/137
+f 261/32 250/130 403/137
+f 250/130 249/131 403/137
+f 259/24 260/28 404/138
+f 260/28 249/131 404/138
+f 249/131 248/132 404/138
+f 258/21 259/24 405/140
+f 259/24 248/132 405/140
+f 248/132 247/139 405/140
+f 238/69 237/72 406/125
+f 237/72 226/100 406/125
+f 226/100 227/95 406/125
+f 237/72 236/77 407/118
+f 236/77 228/101 407/118
+f 228/101 226/100 407/118
+f 239/105 238/69 408/119
+f 238/69 227/95 408/119
+f 227/95 229/90 408/119
+f 240/99 239/105 409/120
+f 239/105 229/90 409/120
+f 229/90 230/1 409/120
+f 241/94 240/99 410/121
+f 240/99 230/1 410/121
+f 230/1 231/86 410/121
+f 242/89 241/94 411/122
+f 241/94 231/86 411/122
+f 231/86 232/74 411/122
+f 243/85 242/89 412/123
+f 242/89 232/74 412/123
+f 232/74 233/73 412/123
+f 244/82 243/85 413/124
+f 243/85 233/73 413/124
+f 233/73 234/79 413/124
+f 245/72 244/77 414/118
+f 244/77 234/101 414/118
+f 234/101 235/100 414/118
+f 236/69 245/72 415/125
+f 245/72 235/100 415/125
+f 235/100 228/95 415/125
+g nixie_Cylinder.009_anode
+f 281/142 282/10 284/14 283/143
+f 283/143 284/14 286/18 285/144
+f 285/20 286/145 288/146 287/25
+f 287/25 288/146 290/147 289/29
+f 289/29 290/147 292/148 291/33
+f 291/33 292/148 294/149 293/36
+f 293/36 294/149 296/150 295/7
+f 295/7 296/150 298/142 297/11
+f 284/151 282/152 300/153 298/154 296/155 294/156 292/157 290/158 288/159 286/160
+f 299/15 300/143 282/144 281/19
+f 297/11 298/142 300/143 299/15
+g nixie_Cylinder.009_cathode-pins
+f 337/79 326/83 327/88 336/74
+f 336/74 327/88 328/98 335/1
+f 335/1 328/98 329/70 334/95
+f 334/95 329/70 330/76 333/101
+f 331/78 341/79 342/74 340/45
+f 340/45 342/74 343/1 339/3
+f 339/3 343/1 344/95 338/60
+f 338/60 344/95 326/101 337/102
+f 332/10 345/60 341/102 331/18
+f 333/37 330/3 345/60 332/10
+f 357/79 356/74 347/88 346/83
+f 356/74 355/1 348/98 347/88
+f 355/1 354/95 349/70 348/98
+f 354/95 353/101 350/76 349/70
+f 351/78 360/45 362/74 361/79
+f 360/45 359/3 363/1 362/74
+f 359/3 358/60 364/95 363/1
+f 358/60 357/102 346/101 364/95
+f 352/10 351/18 361/102 365/60
+f 353/37 352/10 365/60 350/3
+g nixie_Cylinder.009_cathode-lighting
+f 277/79 276/74 267/88 266/83
+f 276/74 275/1 268/98 267/88
+f 275/1 274/95 269/70 268/98
+f 274/95 273/101 270/76 269/70
+f 315/45 317/161 314/3
+f 314/3 318/162 313/60
+f 313/60 319/163 312/102
+f 312/79 320/164 311/74
+f 311/74 321/165 310/1
+f 310/1 322/166 309/95
+f 309/95 323/167 308/101
+f 307/10 324/168 306/18
+f 308/37 325/169 307/10
+f 306/78 316/170 315/45
+f 315/45 316/170 302/74
+f 302/74 316/170 301/79
+f 301/79 316/170 306/78
+f 314/3 317/161 303/1
+f 303/1 317/161 302/74
+f 302/74 317/161 315/45
+f 313/60 318/162 304/95
+f 304/95 318/162 303/1
+f 303/1 318/162 314/3
+f 304/95 319/163 313/60
+f 306/18 324/168 301/102
+f 301/102 324/168 305/60
+f 305/60 324/168 307/10
+f 307/10 325/169 305/60
+f 271/78 280/45 302/74 301/79
+f 280/45 279/3 303/1 302/74
+f 279/3 278/60 304/95 303/1
+f 278/60 277/102 266/101 304/95
+f 272/10 271/18 301/102 305/60
+f 273/37 272/10 305/60 270/3
+f 312/102 319/163 266/101
+f 266/101 319/163 304/95
+f 311/74 320/164 267/88
+f 267/88 320/164 266/83
+f 266/83 320/164 312/79
+f 310/1 321/165 268/98
+f 268/98 321/165 267/88
+f 267/88 321/165 311/74
+f 309/95 322/166 269/70
+f 269/70 322/166 268/98
+f 268/98 322/166 310/1
+f 308/101 323/167 270/76
+f 270/76 323/167 269/70
+f 269/70 323/167 309/95
+f 305/60 325/169 270/3
+f 270/3 325/169 308/37
+f 377/79 376/74 367/88 366/83
+f 376/74 375/1 368/98 367/88
+f 375/1 374/95 369/70 368/98
+f 374/95 373/101 370/76 369/70
+f 371/78 380/45 382/74 381/79
+f 380/45 379/3 383/1 382/74
+f 379/3 378/60 384/95 383/1
+f 378/60 377/102 366/101 384/95
+f 372/10 371/18 381/102 385/60
+f 373/37 372/10 385/60 370/3
+g nixie_Cylinder.009_glass
+f 68/171 67/172 116/15 117/11
+f 131/20 66/173 81/174 130/25
+f 81/174 80/175 129/29 130/25
+f 80/175 79/176 128/33 129/29
+f 79/176 78/177 127/36 128/33
+f 78/177 77/178 126/7 127/36
+f 77/178 76/171 125/11 126/7
+f 76/171 75/172 124/15 125/11
+f 75/172 74/179 123/19 124/15
+f 74/173 73/174 122/25 123/20
+f 73/174 72/175 121/29 122/25
+f 72/175 71/176 120/33 121/29
+f 71/176 70/177 119/36 120/33
+f 70/177 69/178 118/7 119/36
+f 69/178 68/171 117/11 118/7
+f 67/172 66/179 131/19 116/15
+f 65/180 133/67 149/181
+f 64/182 134/45 150/183
+f 63/184 135/80 151/185
+f 62/186 136/3 152/187
+f 61/188 137/91 153/189
+f 60/190 138/60 154/191
+f 59/192 139/96 155/193
+f 58/194 140/78 156/195
+f 57/180 141/67 157/181
+f 56/182 142/45 158/183
+f 55/184 143/80 159/185
+f 54/186 144/3 160/187
+f 53/188 145/91 161/189
+f 51/192 147/96 162/193
+f 52/190 146/60 163/191
+f 98/196 82/194 164/197
+f 97/198 65/180 165/199
+f 96/200 64/182 166/201
+f 95/202 63/184 167/203
+f 94/204 62/186 168/205
+f 93/206 61/188 169/207
+f 92/208 60/190 170/209
+f 91/210 59/192 171/211
+f 90/196 58/194 172/197
+f 89/198 57/180 173/199
+f 88/200 56/182 174/201
+f 87/202 55/184 175/203
+f 86/204 54/186 176/205
+f 85/206 53/188 177/207
+f 83/210 51/192 178/211
+f 84/208 52/190 179/209
+f 66/173 98/196 180/212
+f 113/213 114/214 99/3
+f 112/215 113/213 99/3
+f 111/216 112/215 99/3
+f 110/217 111/216 99/3
+f 109/218 110/217 99/3
+f 108/219 109/218 99/3
+f 107/220 108/219 99/3
+f 106/221 107/220 99/3
+f 105/222 106/221 99/3
+f 104/223 105/222 99/3
+f 103/224 104/223 99/3
+f 102/225 103/224 99/3
+f 101/226 102/225 99/3
+f 100/227 101/226 99/3
+f 115/228 100/227 99/3
+f 81/174 97/198 181/229
+f 80/175 96/200 182/230
+f 79/176 95/202 183/231
+f 78/177 94/204 184/232
+f 77/178 93/206 185/233
+f 76/171 92/208 186/234
+f 75/172 91/210 187/235
+f 74/173 90/196 188/212
+f 73/174 89/198 189/229
+f 72/175 88/200 190/230
+f 71/176 87/202 191/231
+f 70/177 86/204 192/232
+f 69/178 85/206 193/233
+f 67/172 83/210 194/235
+f 68/171 84/208 195/234
+f 114/214 115/228 99/3
+f 146/236 101/226 100/227 147/237
+f 147/237 100/227 115/228 132/238
+f 145/239 102/225 101/226 146/236
+f 144/240 103/224 102/225 145/239
+f 143/241 104/223 103/224 144/240
+f 142/242 105/222 104/223 143/241
+f 141/243 106/221 105/222 142/242
+f 140/244 107/220 106/221 141/243
+f 139/245 108/219 107/220 140/244
+f 138/246 109/218 108/219 139/245
+f 137/247 110/217 109/218 138/246
+f 136/248 111/216 110/217 137/247
+f 135/249 112/215 111/216 136/248
+f 134/250 113/213 112/215 135/249
+f 133/251 114/214 113/213 134/250
+f 132/238 115/228 114/214 133/251
+f 82/194 132/78 148/195
+f 132/78 133/67 148/195
+f 133/67 65/180 148/195
+f 65/180 82/194 148/195
+f 133/67 134/45 149/181
+f 134/45 64/182 149/181
+f 64/182 65/180 149/181
+f 134/45 135/80 150/183
+f 135/80 63/184 150/183
+f 63/184 64/182 150/183
+f 135/80 136/3 151/185
+f 136/3 62/186 151/185
+f 62/186 63/184 151/185
+f 136/3 137/91 152/187
+f 137/91 61/188 152/187
+f 61/188 62/186 152/187
+f 137/91 138/60 153/189
+f 138/60 60/190 153/189
+f 60/190 61/188 153/189
+f 138/60 139/96 154/191
+f 139/96 59/192 154/191
+f 59/192 60/190 154/191
+f 139/96 140/102 155/193
+f 140/102 58/252 155/193
+f 58/252 59/192 155/193
+f 140/78 141/67 156/195
+f 141/67 57/180 156/195
+f 57/180 58/194 156/195
+f 141/67 142/45 157/181
+f 142/45 56/182 157/181
+f 56/182 57/180 157/181
+f 142/45 143/80 158/183
+f 143/80 55/184 158/183
+f 55/184 56/182 158/183
+f 143/80 144/3 159/185
+f 144/3 54/186 159/185
+f 54/186 55/184 159/185
+f 144/3 145/91 160/187
+f 145/91 53/188 160/187
+f 53/188 54/186 160/187
+f 145/91 146/60 161/189
+f 146/60 52/190 161/189
+f 52/190 53/188 161/189
+f 147/96 132/102 162/193
+f 132/102 82/252 162/193
+f 82/252 51/192 162/193
+f 146/60 147/96 163/191
+f 147/96 51/192 163/191
+f 51/192 52/190 163/191
+f 82/194 65/180 164/197
+f 65/180 97/198 164/197
+f 97/198 98/196 164/197
+f 65/180 64/182 165/199
+f 64/182 96/200 165/199
+f 96/200 97/198 165/199
+f 64/182 63/184 166/201
+f 63/184 95/202 166/201
+f 95/202 96/200 166/201
+f 63/184 62/186 167/203
+f 62/186 94/204 167/203
+f 94/204 95/202 167/203
+f 62/186 61/188 168/205
+f 61/188 93/206 168/205
+f 93/206 94/204 168/205
+f 61/188 60/190 169/207
+f 60/190 92/208 169/207
+f 92/208 93/206 169/207
+f 60/190 59/192 170/209
+f 59/192 91/210 170/209
+f 91/210 92/208 170/209
+f 59/192 58/252 171/211
+f 58/252 90/253 171/211
+f 90/253 91/210 171/211
+f 58/194 57/180 172/197
+f 57/180 89/198 172/197
+f 89/198 90/196 172/197
+f 57/180 56/182 173/199
+f 56/182 88/200 173/199
+f 88/200 89/198 173/199
+f 56/182 55/184 174/201
+f 55/184 87/202 174/201
+f 87/202 88/200 174/201
+f 55/184 54/186 175/203
+f 54/186 86/204 175/203
+f 86/204 87/202 175/203
+f 54/186 53/188 176/205
+f 53/188 85/206 176/205
+f 85/206 86/204 176/205
+f 53/188 52/190 177/207
+f 52/190 84/208 177/207
+f 84/208 85/206 177/207
+f 51/192 82/252 178/211
+f 82/252 98/253 178/211
+f 98/253 83/210 178/211
+f 52/190 51/192 179/209
+f 51/192 83/210 179/209
+f 83/210 84/208 179/209
+f 98/196 97/198 180/212
+f 97/198 81/174 180/212
+f 81/174 66/173 180/212
+f 97/198 96/200 181/229
+f 96/200 80/175 181/229
+f 80/175 81/174 181/229
+f 96/200 95/202 182/230
+f 95/202 79/176 182/230
+f 79/176 80/175 182/230
+f 95/202 94/204 183/231
+f 94/204 78/177 183/231
+f 78/177 79/176 183/231
+f 94/204 93/206 184/232
+f 93/206 77/178 184/232
+f 77/178 78/177 184/232
+f 93/206 92/208 185/233
+f 92/208 76/171 185/233
+f 76/171 77/178 185/233
+f 92/208 91/210 186/234
+f 91/210 75/172 186/234
+f 75/172 76/171 186/234
+f 91/210 90/253 187/235
+f 90/253 74/179 187/235
+f 74/179 75/172 187/235
+f 90/196 89/198 188/212
+f 89/198 73/174 188/212
+f 73/174 74/173 188/212
+f 89/198 88/200 189/229
+f 88/200 72/175 189/229
+f 72/175 73/174 189/229
+f 88/200 87/202 190/230
+f 87/202 71/176 190/230
+f 71/176 72/175 190/230
+f 87/202 86/204 191/231
+f 86/204 70/177 191/231
+f 70/177 71/176 191/231
+f 86/204 85/206 192/232
+f 85/206 69/178 192/232
+f 69/178 70/177 192/232
+f 85/206 84/208 193/233
+f 84/208 68/171 193/233
+f 68/171 69/178 193/233
+f 83/210 98/253 194/235
+f 98/253 66/179 194/235
+f 66/179 67/172 194/235
+f 84/208 83/210 195/234
+f 83/210 67/172 195/234
+f 67/172 68/171 195/234
diff --git a/nixie_tubes/models/nixie_tube.obj b/nixie_tubes/models/nixie_tube.obj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2d8f8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixie_tubes/models/nixie_tube.obj
@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+# Blender v2.73 (sub 0) OBJ File: 'nixie.blend'
+o nixie_Cylinder.009
+v 0.000000 -0.500000 -0.349999
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+v 0.323357 -0.500000 -0.133939
+v 0.349999 -0.500000 0.000000
+v 0.323357 -0.500000 0.133939
+v 0.247486 -0.500000 0.247486
+v 0.133939 -0.500000 0.323357
+v 0.000000 -0.500000 0.349999
+v -0.133939 -0.500000 0.323357
+v -0.247486 -0.500000 0.247486
+v -0.323357 -0.500000 0.133939
+v -0.349999 -0.500000 -0.000000
+v -0.323357 -0.500000 -0.133939
+v -0.247486 -0.500000 -0.247486
+v -0.133938 -0.500000 -0.323357
+v 0.000000 -0.227297 0.000000
+v 0.000000 -0.500000 0.000000
+v 0.133939 -0.250001 -0.323357
+v 0.247486 -0.250001 -0.247486
+v 0.323357 -0.250001 -0.133939
+v 0.349999 -0.250001 0.000000
+v 0.323357 -0.250001 0.133939
+v 0.247486 -0.250001 0.247486
+v 0.133939 -0.250001 0.323357
+v 0.000000 -0.250001 0.349999
+v -0.133939 -0.250001 0.323357
+v -0.247486 -0.250001 0.247486
+v -0.323357 -0.250001 0.133939
+v -0.349999 -0.250001 -0.000000
+v -0.323357 -0.250001 -0.133939
+v -0.247486 -0.250001 -0.247486
+v -0.133938 -0.250001 -0.323357
+v 0.000000 -0.250001 -0.349999
+v 0.000000 -0.227297 -0.326386
+v 0.124903 -0.227297 -0.301541
+v 0.230790 -0.227297 -0.230790
+v 0.301541 -0.227297 -0.124903
+v 0.326386 -0.227297 0.000000
+v 0.301541 -0.227297 0.124903
+v 0.230790 -0.227297 0.230790
+v 0.124903 -0.227297 0.301541
+v 0.000000 -0.227297 0.326386
+v -0.124902 -0.227297 0.301541
+v -0.230790 -0.227297 0.230790
+v -0.301541 -0.227297 0.124903
+v -0.326386 -0.227297 0.000000
+v -0.301541 -0.227297 -0.124903
+v -0.230790 -0.227297 -0.230790
+v -0.124902 -0.227297 -0.301541
+v -0.086006 0.464059 -0.207637
+v -0.158918 0.464059 -0.158919
+v -0.207637 0.464059 -0.086006
+v -0.224745 0.464059 0.000000
+v -0.207637 0.464059 0.086006
+v -0.158918 0.464059 0.158919
+v -0.086006 0.464059 0.207637
+v 0.000000 0.464059 0.224745
+v 0.086006 0.464059 0.207637
+v 0.158919 0.464059 0.158918
+v 0.207637 0.464059 0.086006
+v 0.224745 0.464059 0.000000
+v 0.207637 0.464059 -0.086006
+v 0.158919 0.464059 -0.158918
+v 0.086006 0.464059 -0.207637
+v 0.000000 0.287854 -0.326386
+v -0.124902 0.287854 -0.301541
+v -0.230790 0.287854 -0.230790
+v -0.301541 0.287854 -0.124903
+v -0.326386 0.287854 0.000000
+v -0.301541 0.287854 0.124903
+v -0.230790 0.287854 0.230790
+v -0.124902 0.287854 0.301541
+v 0.000000 0.287854 0.326386
+v 0.124903 0.287854 0.301541
+v 0.230790 0.287854 0.230790
+v 0.301541 0.287854 0.124903
+v 0.326386 0.287854 0.000000
+v 0.301541 0.287854 -0.124903
+v 0.230790 0.287854 -0.230790
+v 0.124903 0.287854 -0.301541
+v 0.000000 0.464059 -0.224745
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+v -0.280086 0.375956 -0.116015
+v -0.303163 0.375956 0.000000
+v -0.280086 0.375956 0.116015
+v -0.214368 0.375956 0.214368
+v -0.116015 0.375956 0.280086
+v 0.000000 0.375956 0.303163
+v 0.116015 0.375956 0.280086
+v 0.214368 0.375956 0.214368
+v 0.280086 0.375956 0.116015
+v 0.303163 0.375956 0.000000
+v 0.280086 0.375956 -0.116015
+v 0.214368 0.375956 -0.214368
+v 0.116015 0.375956 -0.280086
+v 0.000000 0.375956 -0.303163
+v 0.000000 0.499996 0.000000
+v -0.017349 0.499996 -0.041885
+v -0.032057 0.499996 -0.032057
+v -0.041885 0.499996 -0.017349
+v -0.045336 0.499996 0.000000
+v -0.041885 0.499996 0.017349
+v -0.032057 0.499996 0.032057
+v -0.017349 0.499996 0.041885
+v 0.000000 0.499996 0.045336
+v 0.017349 0.499996 0.041885
+v 0.032057 0.499996 0.032057
+v 0.041885 0.499996 0.017349
+v 0.045336 0.499996 0.000000
+v 0.041885 0.499996 -0.017349
+v 0.032057 0.499996 -0.032057
+v 0.017349 0.499996 -0.041885
+v 0.000000 0.499996 -0.045336
+v -0.124902 -0.227297 -0.301541
+v -0.230790 -0.227297 -0.230790
+v -0.301541 -0.227297 -0.124903
+v -0.326386 -0.227297 0.000000
+v -0.301541 -0.227297 0.124903
+v -0.230790 -0.227297 0.230790
+v -0.124902 -0.227297 0.301541
+v 0.000000 -0.227297 0.326386
+v 0.124903 -0.227297 0.301541
+v 0.230790 -0.227297 0.230790
+v 0.301541 -0.227297 0.124903
+v 0.326386 -0.227297 0.000000
+v 0.301541 -0.227297 -0.124903
+v 0.230790 -0.227297 -0.230790
+v 0.124903 -0.227297 -0.301541
+v 0.000000 -0.227297 -0.326386
+v 0.000000 0.489328 -0.147416
+v 0.056414 0.489328 -0.136194
+v 0.104239 0.489328 -0.104239
+v 0.136195 0.489328 -0.056414
+v 0.147416 0.489328 0.000000
+v 0.136195 0.489328 0.056414
+v 0.104239 0.489328 0.104239
+v 0.056414 0.489328 0.136194
+v 0.000000 0.489328 0.147416
+v -0.056414 0.489328 0.136195
+v -0.104239 0.489328 0.104239
+v -0.136194 0.489328 0.056414
+v -0.147416 0.489328 0.000000
+v -0.136194 0.489328 -0.056414
+v -0.104239 0.489328 -0.104239
+v -0.056414 0.489328 -0.136195
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+v -0.224444 0.401803 -0.000969
+v 0.224447 -0.231638 -0.000969
+v 0.224447 0.401804 -0.000969
+v 0.000002 -0.231638 -0.123652
+v 0.000001 0.401804 -0.123652
+v -0.182487 -0.231638 -0.073743
+v 0.182490 0.401804 -0.073743
+v 0.182490 -0.231638 -0.073743
+v -0.182487 0.401804 -0.073743
+v -0.229076 -0.231638 -0.015446
+v 0.229079 0.401804 -0.015446
+v 0.124738 -0.231638 -0.102105
+v -0.124735 0.401804 -0.102105
+v -0.124735 -0.231638 -0.102105
+v 0.124738 0.401804 -0.102105
+v 0.229080 -0.231638 -0.015446
+v -0.229076 0.401803 -0.015446
+v 0.249582 0.401804 0.050941
+v 0.249582 -0.231638 0.050941
+v -0.249579 0.401803 0.050941
+v -0.249579 -0.231638 0.050941
+v 0.000002 -0.231638 -0.007523
+v 0.000001 0.401803 -0.007523
+v 0.036330 0.475456 -0.182642
+v 0.103459 0.475456 -0.154837
+v 0.154837 0.475456 -0.103459
+v 0.182643 0.475456 -0.036330
+v 0.182643 0.475456 0.036330
+v 0.154837 0.475456 0.103459
+v 0.103459 0.475456 0.154837
+v 0.036330 0.475456 0.182642
+v -0.036330 0.475456 0.182642
+v -0.103459 0.475456 0.154837
+v -0.154837 0.475456 0.103459
+v -0.182642 0.475456 0.036330
+v -0.182642 0.475456 -0.036330
+v -0.154837 0.475456 -0.103459
+v -0.036330 0.475456 -0.182642
+v -0.103459 0.475456 -0.154837
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+v 0.145306 0.416957 -0.217466
+v 0.217466 0.416957 -0.145306
+v 0.256519 0.416957 -0.051025
+v 0.256519 0.416957 0.051025
+v 0.217466 0.416957 0.145306
+v 0.145306 0.416957 0.217466
+v 0.051025 0.416957 0.256519
+v -0.051025 0.416957 0.256519
+v -0.145306 0.416957 0.217466
+v -0.217466 0.416957 0.145306
+v -0.256519 0.416957 0.051025
+v -0.256519 0.416957 -0.051025
+v -0.217466 0.416957 -0.145306
+v -0.051025 0.416957 -0.256519
+v -0.145306 0.416957 -0.217466
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+v 0.256897 0.330972 -0.171653
+v 0.303030 0.330972 -0.060276
+v 0.303030 0.330972 0.060277
+v 0.256897 0.330972 0.171653
+v 0.171653 0.330972 0.256897
+v 0.060277 0.330972 0.303030
+v -0.060276 0.330972 0.303031
+v -0.171653 0.330972 0.256897
+v -0.256897 0.330972 0.171653
+v -0.303030 0.330972 0.060277
+v -0.303030 0.330972 -0.060277
+v -0.256897 0.330972 -0.171653
+v -0.060276 0.330972 -0.303031
+v -0.171653 0.330972 -0.256897
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+vt 0.500000 0.500000
+vt 0.437500 0.000000
+vt 0.437500 0.250000
+vt 0.375000 0.250000
+vt 0.375000 0.000000
+vt 0.312500 0.250000
+vt 0.312500 0.000000
+vt 0.250000 0.250000
+vt 0.250000 0.000000
+vt 0.187500 0.250000
+vt 0.187500 0.000000
+vt 0.125000 0.250000
+vt 0.125000 0.000000
+vt 0.062500 0.250000
+vt 0.062500 0.000000
+vt 0.000000 0.250000
+vt 0.000000 0.000000
+vt 1.000000 0.000000
+vt 1.000000 0.250000
+vt 0.937500 0.250000
+vt 0.937500 0.000000
+vt 0.875000 0.250000
+vt 0.875000 0.000000
+vt 0.812500 0.250000
+vt 0.812500 0.000000
+vt 0.750000 0.250000
+vt 0.750000 0.000000
+vt 0.687500 0.250000
+vt 0.687500 0.000000
+vt 0.625000 0.250000
+vt 0.625000 0.000000
+vt 0.562500 0.250000
+vt 0.562500 0.000000
+vt 0.500000 0.000000
+vt 0.500000 0.250000
+vt 0.676777 0.676777
+vt 0.500000 0.733134
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+vt 0.664850 0.664850
+vt 0.715388 0.589216
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+vt 0.733134 0.500000
+vt 0.750000 0.500000
+vt 0.715388 0.410784
+vt 0.730970 0.404329
+vt 0.664850 0.335149
+vt 0.676777 0.323223
+vt 0.589216 0.284612
+vt 0.595671 0.269030
+vt 0.500000 0.266866
+vt 0.410784 0.284612
+vt 0.404329 0.269030
+vt 0.335150 0.335149
+vt 0.323223 0.323223
+vt 0.284612 0.410784
+vt 0.269030 0.404329
+vt 0.266866 0.500000
+vt 0.250000 0.500000
+vt 0.284612 0.589217
+vt 0.269030 0.595671
+vt 0.335150 0.664851
+vt 0.323223 0.676777
+vt 0.404329 0.730970
+vt 0.410784 0.715388
+vt 0.000000 1.000000
+vt 1.000000 1.000000
+vt 0.500000 1.000000
+vt 0.093750 1.000000
+vt 0.093750 0.000000
+vt 0.906250 0.000000
+vt 0.906250 1.000000
+vt 0.718750 0.000000
+vt 0.718750 1.000000
+vt 0.812500 1.000000
+vt 0.312500 1.000000
+vt 0.218750 1.000000
+vt 0.218750 0.000000
+vt 0.125000 1.000000
+vt 0.250000 0.320312
+vt 0.125000 0.320312
+vt 1.000000 0.320312
+vt 0.875000 0.320312
+vt 0.750000 0.320312
+vt 0.625000 0.320312
+vt 0.500000 0.320312
+vt 0.375000 0.320312
+vt 0.000000 0.320312
+vt 0.875000 0.445312
+vt 0.875000 0.500000
+vt 0.812500 0.469977
+vt 0.750000 0.445312
+vt 0.687500 0.469977
+vt 0.625000 0.445312
+vt 0.625000 0.500000
+vt 0.562500 0.469977
+vt 0.500000 0.445312
+vt 0.437500 0.469977
+vt 0.375000 0.445312
+vt 0.375000 0.500000
+vt 0.312500 0.469977
+vt 0.250000 0.445312
+vt 0.187500 0.469977
+vt 0.125000 0.445312
+vt 0.125000 0.500000
+vt 0.062500 0.469977
+vt 1.000000 0.445312
+vt 1.000000 0.500000
+vt 0.937500 0.469977
+vt 1.000000 0.375000
+vt 0.937500 0.407722
+vt 0.875000 0.375000
+vt 0.812500 0.407722
+vt 0.750000 0.375000
+vt 0.687500 0.407722
+vt 0.625000 0.375000
+vt 0.562500 0.407722
+vt 0.500000 0.375000
+vt 0.437500 0.407722
+vt 0.375000 0.375000
+vt 0.312500 0.407722
+vt 0.250000 0.375000
+vt 0.187500 0.407722
+vt 0.125000 0.375000
+vt 0.062500 0.407722
+vt 0.937500 0.347077
+vt 0.537472 0.537472
+vt 0.520280 0.548959
+vt 0.548959 0.520280
+vt 0.552993 0.500000
+vt 0.548959 0.479721
+vt 0.537472 0.462529
+vt 0.520280 0.451041
+vt 0.500000 0.447008
+vt 0.479721 0.451041
+vt 0.462529 0.462529
+vt 0.451041 0.479721
+vt 0.447007 0.500000
+vt 0.451041 0.520280
+vt 0.462529 0.537472
+vt 0.479721 0.548959
+vt 0.500000 0.552993
+vt 0.812500 0.347077
+vt 0.687500 0.347077
+vt 0.562500 0.347077
+vt 0.437500 0.347077
+vt 0.312500 0.347077
+vt 0.187500 0.347077
+vt 0.062500 0.347077
+vt 0.378156 0.621844
+vt 0.434059 0.659197
+vt 0.500000 0.672314
+vt 0.340803 0.565942
+vt 0.327687 0.500000
+vt 0.340803 0.434059
+vt 0.378156 0.378156
+vt 0.434059 0.340803
+vt 0.500000 0.327687
+vt 0.565942 0.340803
+vt 0.621844 0.378156
+vt 0.659197 0.434059
+vt 0.672314 0.500000
+vt 0.659197 0.565942
+vt 0.621844 0.621844
+vt 0.565942 0.659197
+vt 0.000000 0.500000
+vt 0.000000 0.445312
+vt 0.000000 0.375000
+g nixie_Cylinder.009_base
+s 1
+f 1/1 2/2 18/3
+f 1/4 34/5 19/6 2/7
+f 2/7 19/6 20/8 3/9
+f 3/9 20/8 21/10 4/11
+f 4/11 21/10 22/12 5/13
+f 5/13 22/12 23/14 6/15
+f 6/15 23/14 24/16 7/17
+f 7/17 24/16 25/18 8/19
+f 8/20 25/21 26/22 9/23
+f 9/23 26/22 27/24 10/25
+f 10/25 27/24 28/26 11/27
+f 11/27 28/26 29/28 12/29
+f 12/29 29/28 30/30 13/31
+f 13/31 30/30 31/32 14/33
+f 14/33 31/32 32/34 15/35
+f 16/36 33/37 34/5 1/4
+f 15/35 32/34 33/37 16/36
+f 2/2 3/38 18/3
+f 34/1 35/39 36/40 19/2
+f 19/2 36/40 37/41 20/38
+f 20/38 37/41 38/42 21/43
+f 21/43 38/42 39/44 22/45
+f 22/45 39/44 40/46 23/47
+f 23/47 40/46 41/48 24/49
+f 24/49 41/48 42/50 25/51
+f 25/51 42/50 43/52 26/37
+f 26/37 43/52 44/53 27/54
+f 27/54 44/53 45/55 28/56
+f 28/56 45/55 46/57 29/58
+f 29/58 46/57 47/59 30/60
+f 30/60 47/59 48/61 31/62
+f 31/62 48/61 49/63 32/64
+f 33/65 50/66 35/39 34/1
+f 32/64 49/63 50/66 33/65
+f 3/38 4/43 18/3
+f 4/43 5/45 18/3
+f 5/45 6/47 18/3
+f 6/47 7/49 18/3
+f 7/49 8/51 18/3
+f 8/51 9/37 18/3
+f 9/37 10/54 18/3
+f 10/54 11/56 18/3
+f 11/56 12/58 18/3
+f 12/58 13/60 18/3
+f 13/60 14/62 18/3
+f 14/62 15/64 18/3
+f 15/64 16/65 18/3
+f 16/65 1/1 18/3
+f 50/66 35/39 17/3
+f 35/39 36/40 17/3
+f 36/40 37/41 17/3
+f 37/41 38/42 17/3
+f 38/42 39/44 17/3
+f 39/44 40/46 17/3
+f 40/46 41/48 17/3
+f 41/48 42/50 17/3
+f 42/50 43/52 17/3
+f 43/52 44/53 17/3
+f 44/53 45/55 17/3
+f 45/55 46/57 17/3
+f 46/57 47/59 17/3
+f 47/59 48/61 17/3
+f 48/61 49/63 17/3
+f 49/63 50/66 17/3
+g nixie_Cylinder.009_backing
+f 169/67 168/68 166/20 167/19
+g nixie_Cylinder.009_cathode
+f 170/36 171/69 151/70 150/71
+f 148/72 149/73 171/69 170/36
+g nixie_Cylinder.009_anode
+f 162/74 161/75 153/69 152/36
+f 158/72 165/73 157/76 154/27
+f 160/9 163/77 155/78 156/79
+f 152/36 153/69 163/77 160/9
+f 154/27 157/76 161/75 162/74
+f 156/79 155/78 159/80 164/15
+f 164/15 159/80 166/67 167/19
+f 169/20 168/68 165/73 158/72
+g nixie_Cylinder.009_glass
+f 68/81 67/82 116/15 117/11
+f 131/20 66/83 81/84 130/25
+f 81/84 80/85 129/29 130/25
+f 80/85 79/86 128/33 129/29
+f 79/86 78/87 127/36 128/33
+f 78/87 77/88 126/7 127/36
+f 77/88 76/81 125/11 126/7
+f 76/81 75/82 124/15 125/11
+f 75/82 74/89 123/19 124/15
+f 74/83 73/84 122/25 123/20
+f 73/84 72/85 121/29 122/25
+f 72/85 71/86 120/33 121/29
+f 71/86 70/87 119/36 120/33
+f 70/87 69/88 118/7 119/36
+f 69/88 68/81 117/11 118/7
+f 67/82 66/89 131/19 116/15
+f 65/90 133/91 173/92
+f 64/93 134/45 174/94
+f 63/95 135/96 175/97
+f 62/98 136/3 176/99
+f 61/100 137/101 177/102
+f 60/103 138/60 178/104
+f 59/105 139/106 179/107
+f 58/108 140/109 180/110
+f 57/90 141/91 181/92
+f 56/93 142/45 182/94
+f 55/95 143/96 183/97
+f 54/98 144/3 184/99
+f 53/100 145/101 185/102
+f 51/105 147/106 186/107
+f 52/103 146/60 187/104
+f 98/111 82/108 188/112
+f 97/113 65/90 189/114
+f 96/115 64/93 190/116
+f 95/117 63/95 191/118
+f 94/119 62/98 192/120
+f 93/121 61/100 193/122
+f 92/123 60/103 194/124
+f 91/125 59/105 195/126
+f 90/111 58/108 196/112
+f 89/113 57/90 197/114
+f 88/115 56/93 198/116
+f 87/117 55/95 199/118
+f 86/119 54/98 200/120
+f 85/121 53/100 201/122
+f 83/125 51/105 202/126
+f 84/123 52/103 203/124
+f 66/83 98/111 204/127
+f 113/128 114/129 99/3
+f 112/130 113/128 99/3
+f 111/131 112/130 99/3
+f 110/132 111/131 99/3
+f 109/133 110/132 99/3
+f 108/134 109/133 99/3
+f 107/135 108/134 99/3
+f 106/136 107/135 99/3
+f 105/137 106/136 99/3
+f 104/138 105/137 99/3
+f 103/139 104/138 99/3
+f 102/140 103/139 99/3
+f 101/141 102/140 99/3
+f 100/142 101/141 99/3
+f 115/143 100/142 99/3
+f 81/84 97/113 205/144
+f 80/85 96/115 206/145
+f 79/86 95/117 207/146
+f 78/87 94/119 208/147
+f 77/88 93/121 209/148
+f 76/81 92/123 210/149
+f 75/82 91/125 211/150
+f 74/83 90/111 212/127
+f 73/84 89/113 213/144
+f 72/85 88/115 214/145
+f 71/86 87/117 215/146
+f 70/87 86/119 216/147
+f 69/88 85/121 217/148
+f 67/82 83/125 218/150
+f 68/81 84/123 219/149
+f 114/129 115/143 99/3
+f 146/151 101/141 100/142 147/152
+f 147/152 100/142 115/143 132/153
+f 145/154 102/140 101/141 146/151
+f 144/155 103/139 102/140 145/154
+f 143/156 104/138 103/139 144/155
+f 142/157 105/137 104/138 143/156
+f 141/158 106/136 105/137 142/157
+f 140/159 107/135 106/136 141/158
+f 139/160 108/134 107/135 140/159
+f 138/161 109/133 108/134 139/160
+f 137/162 110/132 109/133 138/161
+f 136/163 111/131 110/132 137/162
+f 135/164 112/130 111/131 136/163
+f 134/165 113/128 112/130 135/164
+f 133/166 114/129 113/128 134/165
+f 132/153 115/143 114/129 133/166
+f 82/108 132/109 172/110
+f 132/109 133/91 172/110
+f 133/91 65/90 172/110
+f 65/90 82/108 172/110
+f 133/91 134/45 173/92
+f 134/45 64/93 173/92
+f 64/93 65/90 173/92
+f 134/45 135/96 174/94
+f 135/96 63/95 174/94
+f 63/95 64/93 174/94
+f 135/96 136/3 175/97
+f 136/3 62/98 175/97
+f 62/98 63/95 175/97
+f 136/3 137/101 176/99
+f 137/101 61/100 176/99
+f 61/100 62/98 176/99
+f 137/101 138/60 177/102
+f 138/60 60/103 177/102
+f 60/103 61/100 177/102
+f 138/60 139/106 178/104
+f 139/106 59/105 178/104
+f 59/105 60/103 178/104
+f 139/106 140/167 179/107
+f 140/167 58/168 179/107
+f 58/168 59/105 179/107
+f 140/109 141/91 180/110
+f 141/91 57/90 180/110
+f 57/90 58/108 180/110
+f 141/91 142/45 181/92
+f 142/45 56/93 181/92
+f 56/93 57/90 181/92
+f 142/45 143/96 182/94
+f 143/96 55/95 182/94
+f 55/95 56/93 182/94
+f 143/96 144/3 183/97
+f 144/3 54/98 183/97
+f 54/98 55/95 183/97
+f 144/3 145/101 184/99
+f 145/101 53/100 184/99
+f 53/100 54/98 184/99
+f 145/101 146/60 185/102
+f 146/60 52/103 185/102
+f 52/103 53/100 185/102
+f 147/106 132/167 186/107
+f 132/167 82/168 186/107
+f 82/168 51/105 186/107
+f 146/60 147/106 187/104
+f 147/106 51/105 187/104
+f 51/105 52/103 187/104
+f 82/108 65/90 188/112
+f 65/90 97/113 188/112
+f 97/113 98/111 188/112
+f 65/90 64/93 189/114
+f 64/93 96/115 189/114
+f 96/115 97/113 189/114
+f 64/93 63/95 190/116
+f 63/95 95/117 190/116
+f 95/117 96/115 190/116
+f 63/95 62/98 191/118
+f 62/98 94/119 191/118
+f 94/119 95/117 191/118
+f 62/98 61/100 192/120
+f 61/100 93/121 192/120
+f 93/121 94/119 192/120
+f 61/100 60/103 193/122
+f 60/103 92/123 193/122
+f 92/123 93/121 193/122
+f 60/103 59/105 194/124
+f 59/105 91/125 194/124
+f 91/125 92/123 194/124
+f 59/105 58/168 195/126
+f 58/168 90/169 195/126
+f 90/169 91/125 195/126
+f 58/108 57/90 196/112
+f 57/90 89/113 196/112
+f 89/113 90/111 196/112
+f 57/90 56/93 197/114
+f 56/93 88/115 197/114
+f 88/115 89/113 197/114
+f 56/93 55/95 198/116
+f 55/95 87/117 198/116
+f 87/117 88/115 198/116
+f 55/95 54/98 199/118
+f 54/98 86/119 199/118
+f 86/119 87/117 199/118
+f 54/98 53/100 200/120
+f 53/100 85/121 200/120
+f 85/121 86/119 200/120
+f 53/100 52/103 201/122
+f 52/103 84/123 201/122
+f 84/123 85/121 201/122
+f 51/105 82/168 202/126
+f 82/168 98/169 202/126
+f 98/169 83/125 202/126
+f 52/103 51/105 203/124
+f 51/105 83/125 203/124
+f 83/125 84/123 203/124
+f 98/111 97/113 204/127
+f 97/113 81/84 204/127
+f 81/84 66/83 204/127
+f 97/113 96/115 205/144
+f 96/115 80/85 205/144
+f 80/85 81/84 205/144
+f 96/115 95/117 206/145
+f 95/117 79/86 206/145
+f 79/86 80/85 206/145
+f 95/117 94/119 207/146
+f 94/119 78/87 207/146
+f 78/87 79/86 207/146
+f 94/119 93/121 208/147
+f 93/121 77/88 208/147
+f 77/88 78/87 208/147
+f 93/121 92/123 209/148
+f 92/123 76/81 209/148
+f 76/81 77/88 209/148
+f 92/123 91/125 210/149
+f 91/125 75/82 210/149
+f 75/82 76/81 210/149
+f 91/125 90/169 211/150
+f 90/169 74/89 211/150
+f 74/89 75/82 211/150
+f 90/111 89/113 212/127
+f 89/113 73/84 212/127
+f 73/84 74/83 212/127
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