path: root/streets/streetsmod/libs/smartfs/
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authorVanessa Ezekowitz <>2016-04-01 20:02:19 -0400
committerVanessa Ezekowitz <>2016-04-01 21:09:33 -0400
commitda66780a569712c23ae4f2996cfb4608a9f9d69d (patch)
tree217556029a78bc23ad4564720afc86de97228a04 /streets/streetsmod/libs/smartfs/
parent615b22df4d423aded3613db7716943a2f389b047 (diff)
copy all standard Dreambuilder mods in from the old subgame
(exactly as last supplied there, updates to these mods will follow later)
Diffstat (limited to 'streets/streetsmod/libs/smartfs/')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/streets/streetsmod/libs/smartfs/ b/streets/streetsmod/libs/smartfs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df0e166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/streets/streetsmod/libs/smartfs/
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+This mod provides a 2nd generation way of creating forms - this means that the modder does not need to worry about complex formspec strings
+* Expandable: you can register your own elements to use on the form.
+* Easy event handling: use binding to handle events.
+* New elements: Includes a toggle button
+License: WTFPL
+To install this library, place the smartfs.lua file in your mod and then include it (dofile).
+There is an init.lua file in the download that shows you how to do this.
+#Using Smart Formspec
+Smartfs provides 2nd generation Minetest forms to replace clunky formspec strings. Each smartfs form is a container filled with GUI elements. A number of default elements are included with smartfs, but modders can also define their own custom elements. This document describes the basic usage of the smartfs API.
+Smartfs can be used as a library or a mod.
+To use smartfs as a library, copy the smartfs.lua file to your mod folder and add
+ dofile(minetest.get\_modpath(minetest.get\_current\_modname()).."/smartfs.lua")
+to the top of any files that use it.
+To use smartfs as a mod, add it to your game's mods folder or to the user mods folder and enable it.
+## Creating and showing forms
+A form is a rectangular area of the screen upon which all elements are placed. Use the smartfs.create() function to create a new form. This function takes two arguments and returns a form object.
+The first argument is a unique string that identifies the form. The second argument is a function that should take a single argument called state which is used to set form properties like size and background color. State also has constructors for all form elements and can be used with state:element_name. Below is a quick example.
+ myform = smartfs.create("My Form",function(state)
+ --sets the form's size
+ -- (width, hieght)
+ state:size(5,5)
+ --creates a label and places it on the form
+ --(x-pos, y-pos, name, text)
+ state:label(3,3,"label1", "A label!")
+ end)
+Forms can be shown to the player by using the show(target) function. The target argument is the name of the player that will see the form.
+ myform:show("singleplayer")
+Here is a list of steps the library takes.
+* You create a new form using smartfs.create().
+* The form is registered and stored for later use.
+* You show a form to a player using the myform:show()
+* The state is created and stored.
+* The function in smartfs.create runs and creates the elements.
+* The form is displayed to the player.
+## Modifying Elements
+Elements have functions of the form element:function(args) where you need to have access to the element object.
+You can get the element object by assigning a variable to its creation function like so:
+ local button1 = state:button(0,0, 1,4, "btn1", "A button")
+ --button1 is now a table representing the button
+You can also get the element by using state:get(name). The example below will retrieve a button with the name "btn1":
+ button1 = state:get("btn1")
+ --or
+ state:get("btn1"):onClick(your\_onclick\_function
+Both of these methods should be used inside the form creation callback function, the function you pass to smartfs.create, or in event callbacks.
+Now that you have located your element you can modify it.
+ button1:setPos(4,0)
+## Inventory Support
+Smartfs supports adding a button to Inventory+ or Unified Inventory which will open one of your own custom forms. Use the smartfs.add\_to\_inventory(form, icon, title) function where form is the smartfs form linked to by the button, icon is the button image (only for unified inventory), and title is the button text (only for inventory+).
+ smartfs.add_to_inventory(form, icon, title)
+## Dynamic forms
+Dynamic forms allow you to make a form without having to register it before the game finished loading.
+ local state = smartfs.dynamic("smartfs:dyn_form", name)
+ state:load(minetest.get_modpath("smartfs").."/example.smartfs")
+ state:get("btn"):click(function(self,state)
+ print("Button clicked!")
+ end)
+ state:show()
+Make sure you call state:show()