Cheapie Systems

TrafficNeXt 2 Traffic Light Control System

Version 2.6.1

Installation and Operation Manual


Thank you for choosing the TrafficNeXt 2 control system! These instructions will help you to install, configure, and operate your new traffic light controller. Please read them completely and save them for later reference in order to get the most from the system.

You Will Need


First, build a 3x3 panel of digimese. Place the 5 digilines buttons on this panel in a + shape. Set all of them to the "button" channel. As for messages, the left one should send the message "left", the top one "up", the right one "right", the bottom one "down", and the center one "enter". These are also the functions of the buttons, and you may place a sign reminding yourself of this if desired.

Next, connect an LCD. It can be placed on the digimese panel (recommended), or off to the side connected via digilines or poles. It must be set to channel "lcd".

Now, it's time to focus on the road. In each location where a pole is desired, dig to 2 meters below road level. In the hole, place a digilines distributor, then any node (such as concrete or steel block) on top. Connect the distributors together with digilines, then build the poles however desired on top.

On each pole, place traffic lights as desired. Lights facing the major street should be on channel "main", and those on the side street on channel "side". If you would like to use permissive left turn signaling (protected is not supported), those should be on channel "mainlt" for the major street and "sidelt" on the minor street.

At this point, either place a digilines player detector under each minor street approach anywhere from 1-10m (4m recommended) behind the stop line and set the channel to "detector" and the radius to the distance to the stop line, or place a TrafficNeXt SoC slave unit approximately 6 meters from the stop line.

If crosswalk(s) are desired, place digilines buttons and traffic lights on poles in appropriate locations for the crosswalk(s). The crosswalk(s) crossing the major street (if present) is considered the "main" crosswalk, and should have the lights on channel "mainped" and the buttons should have channel "pedbutton" and message "main". Any crosswalks crossing the minor streets are "side" crosswalks and should have lights on channel "sideped" and buttons on channel "pedbutton" and message "main".

Finally, connect the distributors, slave units, digimese panel, and a Luacontroller together with digilines, and program the Luacontroller. There will be a brief delay while internal data is set up, and then text should appear on the LCD.


Upon first programming the Luacontroller or entering the menu, the following will be displayed:

Priv Lvl: U
Exit Menu

"Priv Lvl" is the current privilege level that you are logged in at. "U" (User) is the lower level, and can exit the menu and view version information. "A" (Admin) is the higher level, and can edit parameters, including changing the password.

The next line or two of text ("Exit Menu" in this example) is the currently selected item. In this case, pressing Enter would exit the menu system. The left and right buttons change which item is selected, and for items with editable values, the up and down buttons change the value. In that case, the current value is also shown below the item name.

The items are as follows:

Privilege level U: Privilege level A:


While not in the menu, a screen similar to one of the following will be displayed.

Diagnostic Mode Off:

Press Up to
Enter Menu

The first two lines are the firmware version, the third is either "Busy" if the controller is sending the timed signals or "Ready" if it is not, and the final two lines, when present, indicate that the menu may be entered at this time by pressing the up button.

Diagnostic Mode On:

D:U Q:

The first line indicates whether the controller is running (sending the timed sequence of signals), idle (paused waiting for a vehicle or pedestrian to be detected), or in phase lock mode. If it is running, this will also show if it is servicing a car, pedestrian (side crosswalk), or both (car and main crosswalk pedestrian). The menu may be entered while this is "Idle" by pressing the up button.

The second, third, and fourth lines show the last signals sent to each channel of lights. These should be roughly similar to the actual state of the lights. M = main, S = side, MT = main left turn, ST = side left turn, MP = main pedestrian, SP = side pedestrian, O = off, R = red, G = green, FY = flash yellow, FR = flash red

NOTE: The "MP:" entry on the fourth line will only appear if "Main Crosswalk Present" is set to "Yes", and the "SP:" entry will only appear if "Side Crosswalk Present" is set to "Yes". Similarly, the third line will be blank if protected left turn is disabled.

The fourth line shows whether the controller is listening for events from the detector ("D:U") or not ("D:L"), or if the detector is disabled due to being in phase lock mode ("D:X"). It also shows a "Q:" followed by the pedestrian queue status - nothing if no entries, "M" for main crosswalk, "S" for side crosswalk, or "MS" for both. In phase lock mode, the pedestrian queue will show "Q:NA".

Aside from the up button, pedestrian buttons, and vehicle detector (when allowed), no controls are available in this mode.