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4 files changed, 61 insertions, 648 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
index 6472ede..c4b0073 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -120,56 +120,8 @@ the item names follow the same format as the filenames, save for having a colon
(:) instead of the first underscore (_).
-Semi-automatic generation of new textures
-Obviously, in order for this mod to be useful, you'll need textures to use with
-your crafting recipes. If you plan to support the entire range of colors
-supplied by this mod, there is a BASH script included in the distribution
-directory, named, which will, with an appropriately- colored and
-appropriately-named source texture, generate a complete set of colored and
-greyscale textures based on that first one.
-This script requires bc (the calculator program) to handle some basic math
-regarding the hue adjustments, and Imagemagick's "convert" program handles all
-of the actual conversions.
-To make this script for your mod, open it in your favorite editor and change
-the TEXTURE variable near the top of the file to whatever your particular mod
-will use as the basis of its texture filenames. For example, the default is
-cotton, so the files created by the script will be named cotton_xxxxxx.png for
-each of the supported colors.
-Then, using your favorite image editor, create a single version of your desired
-texture. Draw it in the brightest, deepest shade of RED you can muster without
-losing any detail, and save it out. Ideally, you will want the average color
-of the texture, when taking into account all bright and dark areas, to be as
-close as possible to the hex value #FF0000 (0 degrees, 100% saturation, pure
-red) without losing any appreciable #detail
-Save this source texture out with a filename of red_base_whatever.png, where
-"whatever" is the same name you used in the TEXTURE variable above. The
-default cotton setting, thus, would need a filename of red_base_cotton.png.
-Copy the script to the same directory where you placed the base
-texture, chmod 755 if necessary, and run it using the usual
-dot-slash notation: ./
-The program will exit immediately if it can't find the base texture it needs
-(i.e. if you didn't supply it, or if you named it wrong, or if it isn't it in
-the same directory as the script).
-Otherwise, the program will create a new folder named generated-textures/ and
-then iterate through all of the hues and shades that are supported by
-unifieddyes (though this is done manually, not by reading anything from the
-mod). All of the output files will be placed in that folder.
-Use your favorite image browser or file manager to review the results, and if
-they're right, copy them over to the textures/ folder in your mod.
-Example Code
+Semi-automatic generation of nodes, crafting recipes, and textures
Along with this mod, you should also download my modding template, which is
quite easy to transform into whatever mod you want to create that needs
@@ -191,3 +143,62 @@ fetch it separately from here:
Download Template:
...or browse the code:
+Semi-automatic generation of new textures
+Obviously, in order for this mod or the above template to be useful, you'll
+need textures. If you plan to support the entire range of colors offered by
+Unified Dyes, there is a BASH script included with that template named, which will, with an appropriately- colored and
+appropriately-named source texture, and possibly an overlay texture, generate a
+complete set of colored and greyscale textures.
+The script requires bc (the calculator program) to handle some basic math
+regarding the hue adjustments, and Imagemagick's "convert" program handles all
+of the actual conversions.
+First thing's first though - you need source textures. Using your favorite image
+editor, create a single version of your desired texture. Draw it in the
+brightest, deepest shade of RED you can muster without losing any detail, and
+save it out. Ideally, you will want the average color of the texture, when
+taking into account all bright and dark areas, to be as close as possible to
+the hex value #FF0000 (0 degrees, 100% saturation, pure red) without losing any
+appreciable #detail.
+Save this source texture out with a filename of red_base_whatever.png, where
+"whatever" is the same name you used in the TEXTURE variable above. The
+default cotton setting, thus, would need a filename of red_base_cotton.png.
+If you want to add an image on top of the colored blocks, such as a frame,
+which you want to be the same color throughout all of the textures, create it
+now. It should consist only of those parts of the textures that you want to
+leave unchanged, with transparency everywhere else. Save it out using any
+filename you want.
+Now, run the script (make it executable first, if necessary).
+If you didn't need the overlay, you just need to supply one command line
+argument: the base name of your mod. The script will use that parameter as the
+basis of its texture filenames. For example:
+./ mymod
+If you want to use an overlay also, run the script with the base name as the
+first parameter, and the complete filename of your overlay as the second. For
+./ mymod myoverlay.png
+The program will exit immediately if the image(s) you've supplied are invalid,
+missing, etc.
+Otherwise, the program will iterate through all of the hues and shades that are
+supported by unifieddyes (though this is done manually, not by reading anything
+from the mod), compositing your overlay image in after the recolor step, if
+you're using that option.
+All of the output files will be placed in a new folder, generated-textures/
+Use your favorite image browser or file manager to review the results, and if
+they're right, copy them over to the textures/ folder in your mod.
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 57d70a7..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-if [ -z $TEXTURE ] || [ $TEXTURE == "--help" ] || [ $TEXTURE == "-h" ] ; then {
- echo -e "\nUsage:"
- echo -e "\ basename [overlay filename]"
- echo -e "\nThis script requires one or two parameters which supply the"
- echo -e "base filename of the textures, and an optional overlay. The"
- echo -e "<basename> is the first part of the filename that your textures"
- echo -e "will use when your mod is done. For example, if you supply the"
- echo -e "word 'cotton', this script will produce filenames like cotton_red.png"
- echo -e "or 'cotton_dark_blue_s50.png'. The texture that this script will"
- echo -e "read and recolor is derived from this parameter, and will be of"
- echo -e "the form 'red_base_xxxxx.png', where 'xxxx' is the basename."
- echo -e "\nYou can also supply an optional overlay image filename."
- echo -e "This image will be composited onto the output files after they"
- echo -e "have been colorized, but without being modified. This is useful"
- echo -e "when you have some part of your base image that will either get"
- echo -e "changed unpredictably or undesirably. Simply draw two images -"
- echo -e "one containing the whole image to be colored, and one containing"
- echo -e "the parts that should not be changed, with transparency where the"
- echo -e "base image should show through.\n"
- exit 1
-} fi
-if [[ ! -z $TEXTURE && ! -e $base_texture ]]; then {
- echo -e "\nThe basename 'red_base_"$TEXTURE".png' was not found."
- echo -e "\nAborting.\n"
- exit 1
-} fi
-if [[ ! -z $COMPOSITE && ! -e $COMPOSITE ]]; then {
- echo -e "\nThe requested composite file '"$COMPOSITE"' was not found."
- echo -e "\nAborting.\n"
- exit 1
-} fi
-convert $base_texture -modulate 1,2,3 tempfile.png 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-if (( $? )) ; then {
- echo -e "\nImagemagick failed while testing the base texture file."
- echo -e "\nEither the base file 'red_base_"$TEXTURE".png isn't an image,"
- echo "or it is broken, or Imagemagick itself just didn't work."
- echo -e "\nPlease check and correct your base image and try again."
- echo -e "\nAborting.\n"
- exit 1
-} fi
-if [ ! -z $COMPOSITE ] ; then {
- convert $base_texture -modulate 1,2,3 $COMPOSITE -composite tempfile.png 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
- if (( $? )) ; then {
- echo -e "\nImagemagick failed while testing the composite file."
- echo -e "\nEither the composite file '"$COMPOSITE"' isn't an image"
- echo "or it is broken, or Imagemagick itself just didn't work."
- echo -e "\nPlease check and correct your composite image and try again."
- echo -e "\nAborting.\n"
- exit 1
- } fi
- composite_file=$COMPOSITE" -composite"
-} fi
-rm tempfile.png
-base_colors="red orange yellow lime green aqua cyan skyblue blue violet magenta redviolet"
-echo -e -n "\nGenerating filenames based on "$base_texture
-if [ ! -z $COMPOSITE ] ; then {
- echo ","
- echo -n "using "$COMPOSITE" as an overlay"
-} fi
-echo -e "...\n"
-rm -rf generated-textures
-mkdir generated-textures
-for name in $base_colors ; do
- hue2=`echo "scale=10; ("$hue"*200/360)+100" |bc`
- echo $name "("$hue" degrees)"
- echo " dark"
- convert $base_texture -modulate 33,100,$hue2 $composite_file "generated-textures/"$TEXTURE"_dark_"$name".png"
- echo " medium"
- convert $base_texture -modulate 66,100,$hue2 $composite_file "generated-textures/"$TEXTURE"_medium_"$name".png"
- echo " bright"
- convert $base_texture -modulate 100,100,$hue2 $composite_file "generated-textures/"$TEXTURE"_"$name".png"
- echo " dark, 50% saturation"
- convert $base_texture -modulate 33,50,$hue2 $composite_file "generated-textures/"$TEXTURE"_dark_"$name"_s50.png"
- echo " medium, 50% saturation"
- convert $base_texture -modulate 66,50,$hue2 $composite_file "generated-textures/"$TEXTURE"_medium_"$name"_s50.png"
- echo " bright, 50% saturation"
- convert $base_texture -modulate 100,50,$hue2 $composite_file "generated-textures/"$TEXTURE"_"$name"_s50.png"
- hue=$((hue+30))
-echo "greyscales"
-echo " black"
-convert $base_texture -modulate 15,0,0 $composite_file "generated-textures/"$TEXTURE"_black.png"
-echo " dark grey"
-convert $base_texture -modulate 50,0,0 $composite_file "generated-textures/"$TEXTURE"_darkgrey.png"
-echo " medium grey"
-convert $base_texture -modulate 100,0,0 $composite_file "generated-textures/"$TEXTURE"_mediumgrey.png"
-echo " light grey"
-convert $base_texture -modulate 150,0,0 $composite_file "generated-textures/"$TEXTURE"_lightgrey.png"
-echo " white"
-convert $base_texture -modulate 190,0,0 $composite_file "generated-textures/"$TEXTURE"_white.png"
diff --git a/modtemplate.lua b/modtemplate.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f8104f0..0000000
--- a/modtemplate.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
--- Generic colored-objects template by Vanessa Ezekowitz ~~ 2012-07-13
--- License: WTFPL
--- Before using this code, consult the README, particularly the "Semi-
--- automatic generation of textures" section at the end, which descibes the
--- use of the BASH script included in this package. You"ll
--- need to either follow those instructions or create your textures the usual,
--- manual way. Without textures, this code won"t be very useful. :-)
--- When configured properly, this code creates node names that follow the
--- naming convention established in Unified Dyes, such as "mymod:red" or
--- "mymod:dark_yellow_s50".
--- ===========================================================================
--- Edit the next several variables to define what mod this template will
--- generate and how it should behave in general.
--- ===========================================================================
--- First, the standard machine-readable name of your mod
-colored_block_modname = "template"
--- Human-readable description of the category of nodes you want to generate
-colored_block_description = "My Colored Block"
--- The full node name of the neutral version of your main block as it
--- exists right after crafting or mining it, before any dyes have been
--- applied. Typically, this should refer to the white version of your
--- mod's main block, but it can be anything as long as it makes sense.
-neutral_block = colored_block_modname..":white"
--- This variable defines just how many of a given block a crafting operation
--- should give. In most cases, the default (1) is correct.
-colored_block_yield = "1"
--- If this object should let sunlight pass through it, set this to "true".
--- Otherwise, set it to "false" (the default).
-colored_block_sunlight = "false"
--- If the node should be something you can stand on, set this to "true"
--- (the default). Otherwise, set it to false.
-colored_block_walkable = "true"
--- What groups should the generated nodes belong to? Note that this must
--- be in the form of a table as in the default.
-colored_block_groups = { snappy=3, flammable=2 }
--- What sound should be played when the node is digged?
-colored_block_sound = "default.node_sound_leaves_defaults()"
--- ======================================================
--- You shouldn"t need to edit anything below this point.
--- ======================================================
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Generate all of the base color node definitions and all variations
--- except for the greyscale stuff.
--- Hues are on a 30 degree spacing starting at red = 0 degrees.
--- "s50" in a file/item name means "saturation: 50%".
--- Texture brightness levels for the colors are 100%, 66% ("medium"),
--- and 33% ("dark").
-shades = {
- "dark_",
- "medium_",
- "" -- represents "no special shade name", e.g. bright.
-shades2 = {
- "Dark ",
- "Medium ",
- "" -- represents "no special shade name", e.g. bright.
-hues = {
- "red",
- "orange",
- "yellow",
- "lime",
- "green",
- "aqua",
- "cyan",
- "skyblue",
- "blue",
- "violet",
- "magenta",
- "redviolet"
-hues2 = {
- "Red ",
- "Orange ",
- "Yellow ",
- "Lime ",
- "Green ",
- "Aqua ",
- "Cyan ",
- "Sky Blue ",
- "Blue ",
- "Violet ",
- "Magenta ",
- "Red-violet "
-greys = {
- "black",
- "darkgrey",
- "mediumgrey",
- "lightgrey",
- "white"
-greys2 = {
- "Black ",
- "Dark Grey ",
- "Medium Grey ",
- "Light Grey ",
- "White "
-greys3 = {
- "black",
- "darkgrey_paint",
- "mediumgrey_paint",
- "lightgrey_paint",
- "white_paint"
-for shade = 1, 3 do
- shadename = shades[shade]
- shadename2 = shades2[shade]
- for hue = 1, 12 do
- huename = hues[hue]
- huename2 = hues2[hue]
- colorname = colored_block_modname..":"..shadename..huename
- pngname = colored_block_modname.."_"..shadename..huename..".png"
- nodedesc = shadename2..huename2..colored_block_description
- s50colorname = colored_block_modname..":"..shadename..huename.."_s50"
- s50pngname = colored_block_modname.."_"..shadename..huename.."_s50.png"
- s50nodedesc = shadename2..huename2..colored_block_description.." (50% Saturation)"
- minetest.register_node(colorname, {
- description = nodedesc,
- tiles = { pngname },
- inventory_image = pngname,
- wield_image = pngname,
- sunlight_propagates = colored_block_sunlight,
- paramtype = "light",
- walkable = colored_block_walkable,
- groups = colored_block_groups,
- sounds = colored_block_sound
- })
- minetest.register_node(s50colorname, {
- description = s50nodedesc,
- tiles = { s50pngname },
- inventory_image = s50pngname,
- wield_image = s50pngname,
- sunlight_propagates = colored_block_sunlight,
- paramtype = "light",
- walkable = colored_block_walkable,
- groups = colored_block_groups,
- sounds = colored_block_sound
- })
- minetest.register_craft( {
- type = "shapeless",
- output = colorname.." "..colored_block_yield,
- recipe = {
- neutral_block,
- "unifieddyes:"..shadename.."_"..huename
- }
- })
- minetest.register_craft( {
- type = "shapeless",
- output = colorname.." "..colored_block_yield,
- recipe = {
- neutral_block,
- "unifieddyes:"..shadename.."_"..huename.."_s50"
- }
- })
- end
--- ============================================================
--- The 5 levels of greyscale.
--- Oficially these are 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% relative to white,
--- but in practice, they're actually 7.5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 95%.
--- (otherwise black and white would wash out).
-for grey = 1,5 do
- greyname = greys[grey]
- greyname2 = greys2[grey]
- greyname3 = greys3[grey]
- greyshadename = colored_block_modname..":"..greyname
- pngname = colored_block_modname.."_"..greyname..".png"
- nodedesc = greyname2..colored_block_description
- minetest.register_node(greyshadename, {
- description = nodedesc,
- tiles = { pngname },
- inventory_image = pngname,
- wield_image = pngname,
- sunlight_propagates = colored_block_sunlight,
- paramtype = "light",
- walkable = colored_block_walkable,
- groups = colored_block_groups,
- sounds = colored_block_sound
- })
- minetest.register_craft( {
- type = "shapeless",
- output = greyshadename.." "..colored_block_yield,
- recipe = {
- neutral_block,
- "unifieddyes:"..greyname3
- }
- })
-print("[" .. colored_block_modname .. "] Loaded!")
diff --git a/modtemplate.lua~ b/modtemplate.lua~
deleted file mode 100644
index 20ec900..0000000
--- a/modtemplate.lua~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
--- Generic colored-objects template by Vanessa Ezekowitz ~~ 2012-07-13
--- License: WTFPL
--- Before using this code, consult the README, particularly the "Semi-
--- automatic generation of textures" section at the end, which descibes the
--- use of the BASH script included in this package. You"ll
--- need to either follow those instructions or create your textures the usual,
--- manual way. Without textures, this code won"t be very useful. :-)
--- When configured properly, this code creates node names that follow the
--- naming convention established in Unified Dyes, such as "mymod:red" or
--- "mymod:dark_yellow_s50".
--- ===========================================================================
--- Edit the next several variables to define what mod this template will
--- generate and how it should behave in general.
--- ===========================================================================
--- First, the standard machine-readable name of your mod
-colored_block_modname = "mymod"
--- Human-readable description of the category of nodes you want to generate
-colored_block_description = "My Colored Block"
--- The full node name of the neutral version of your main block as it
--- exists right after crafting or mining it, before any dyes have been
--- applied. Typically, this should refer to the white version of your
--- mod's main block, but it can be anything as long as it makes sense.
-neutral_block = colored_block_modname .. ":white"
--- This variable defines just how many of a given block a crafting operation
--- should give. In most cases, the default (1) is correct.
-colored_block_yield = "1"
--- If this object should let sunlight pass through it, set this to "true".
--- Otherwise, set it to "false" (the default).
-colored_block_sunlight = "false"
--- If the node should be something you can stand on, set this to "true"
--- (the default). Otherwise, set it to false.
-colored_block_walkable = "true"
--- What groups should the generated nodes belong to?
-colored_block_groups = "{ snappy = 3, flammable = 2 }"
--- What sound should be played when the node is digged?
-colored_block_groups = "default.node_sound_leaves_defaults()"
--- ======================================================
--- You shouldn"t need to edit anything below this point.
--- ======================================================
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Generate all of the base color node definitions and all variations
--- except for the greyscale stuff.
--- Hues are on a 30 degree spacing starting at red = 0 degrees.
--- "s50" in a file/item name means "saturation: 50%".
--- Texture brightness levels for the colors are 100%, 66% ("medium"),
--- and 33% ("dark").
-shades = {
- "dark",
- "medium",
- "" -- represents "no special shade name", e.g. bright.
-shades2 = {
- "Dark ",
- "Medium ",
- "" -- represents "no special shade name", e.g. bright.
-hues = {
- "red",
- "orange",
- "yellow",
- "lime",
- "green",
- "aqua",
- "cyan",
- "skyblue",
- "blue",
- "violet",
- "magenta",
- "redviolet"
-hues2 = {
- "Red ",
- "Orange ",
- "Yellow ",
- "Lime ",
- "Green ",
- "Aqua ",
- "Cyan ",
- "Sky Blue ",
- "Blue ",
- "Violet ",
- "Magenta ",
- "Red-violet "
-greys = {
- "black",
- "darkgrey",
- "mediumgrey",
- "lightgrey",
- "white"
-greys2 = {
- "Black ",
- "Dark Grey ",
- "Medium Grey ",
- "Light Grey ",
- "White "
-greys3 = {
- "black",
- "darkgrey_paint",
- "mediumgrey_paint",
- "lightgrey_paint",
- "white_paint"
-for shade = 1, 3 do
- shadename = shades[shade]
- shadename2 = shades2[shade]
- for hue = 1, 12 do
- huename = hues[hue]
- huename2 = hues2[hue]
- minetest.register_node(colored_block_modname .. ":" .. shadename .. "_" .. huename, {
- description = shadename2 .. huename2 .. colored_block_description,
- tiles = { colored_block_modname .. "_" .. shadename .. "_" .. huename .. ".png" },
- inventory_image = colored_block_modname .. "_" .. shadename .. "_" .. huename .. ".png",
- wield_image = colored_block_modname .. "_" .. shadename .. "_" .. huename .. ".png",
- sunlight_propagates = colored_block_sunlight,
- paramtype = "light",
- walkable = colored_block_walkable,
- groups = colored_block_groups,
- sounds = colored_block_groups
- })
- minetest.register_node(colored_block_modname .. ":" .. shadename .. "_" .. huename .. "_s50", {
- description = shadename2 .. huename2 .. colored_block_description .. " (50% Saturation)",
- tiles = { colored_block_modname .. "_" .. shadename .. "_" .. huename .. "_s50.png" },
- inventory_image = colored_block_modname .. "_" .. shadename .. "_" .. huename .. "_s50.png",
- wield_image = colored_block_modname .. "_" .. shadename .. "_" .. huename .. "_s50.png",
- sunlight_propagates = colored_block_sunlight,
- paramtype = "light",
- walkable = colored_block_walkable,
- groups = colored_block_groups,
- sounds = colored_block_groups
- })
- minetest.register_craft( {
- type = "shapeless",
- output = colored_block_modname .. ":" .. shadename .. "_" .. huename .. " " .. colored_block_yield,
- recipe = {
- neutral_block,
- "unifieddyes:" .. shadename .. "_" .. huename
- }
- })
- minetest.register_craft( {
- type = "shapeless",
- output = colored_block_modname .. ":" .. shadename .. "_" .. huename "_s50 " .. colored_block_yield,
- recipe = {
- neutral_block,
- "unifieddyes:" .. shadename .. "_" .. huename .. "_s50"
- }
- })
- end
--- ============================================================
--- The 5 levels of greyscale.
--- Oficially these are 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% relative to white,
--- but in practice, they're actually 7.5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 95%.
--- (otherwise black and white would wash out).
-for grey = 1,5 do
- greyname = greys[grey]
- greyname2 = greys2[grey]
- greyname3 = greys3[grey]
- minetest.register_node(colored_block_modname .. ":" .. greyname, {
- description = greyname2 .. colored_block_description,
- tiles = { colored_block_modname .. "_" .. greyname .. ".png" },
- inventory_image = colored_block_modname .. "_" .. greyname .. ".png",
- wield_image = colored_block_modname .. "_" .. greyname .. ".png",
- sunlight_propagates = colored_block_sunlight,
- paramtype = "light",
- walkable = colored_block_walkable,
- groups = colored_block_groups,
- sounds = colored_block_groups
- })
- minetest.register_craft( {
- type = "shapeless",
- output = colored_block_modname .. ":" .. greyname .. " " .. colored_block_yield,
- recipe = {
- neutral_block,
- "unifieddyes:" .. greyname3
- }
- })
-print("[" .. colored_block_modname .. "] Loaded!")