-- This file stores all settings for the "Infrastructure mod" -- Stairs, slabs, panels and microblocks NOT_IN_CREATIVE_INVENTORY = 1 -- an integer 0 or 1 -> default = 1 | Do you want it to be hide in your creative inventory? -- Raised pavement marker MARKER_LIGHT_RANGE = 4 -- an integer -> default = 4 | How much light do you want it to give? -- Retroreflective delineator DELINEATOR_LIGHT_RANGE = 8 -- an integer -> default = 8 | How much light do you want it to give? -- Energy absorbing terminal ENERGY_ABSORBING_TERMINAL_LIGHT_RANGE = 8 -- an integer -> default = 8 | How much light do you want it to give? -- Emergency phone ENABLE_EMERGENCY_PHONE = true -- true or false -> default = true | Do you want it to be enabled in your game? HEALTH_TO_TRIGGER = 5 -- an integer -> default = 5 | When will the player be healed? How low must his health be? HEALTH_TO_RESTORING = 10 -- an integer -> default = 10 | To what will the health be set? EMERGENCY_PHONE_LIGHT_RANGE = 12 -- an integer -> default = 12 | How much light do you want it to give? EMERGENCY_PHONE_VOLUME = 0.1 -- a float -> default = 0.1 | How noisy should be the dialing sound? -- Traffic lights TRAFFIC_LIGHTS_LIGHT_RANGE = 12 -- an integer -> default = 12 | How much light do you want it to give? TRAFFIC_LIGHTS_VOLUME = 0 -- a float -> default = 0.1 | How noisy should be the beep sound? -- Automatic warning device AUTOMATIC_WARNING_DEVICE_LIGHT_RANGE = 12 -- an integer -> default = 12 | How much light do you want it to give? AUTOMATIC_WARNING_DEVICE_VOLUME = 0.5 -- a float -> default = 0.5 | How noisy should be the bell sound? -- Boom barrier BOOM_BARRIER_LIGHT_RANGE = 6 -- an integer -> default = 6 | How much light do you want it to give? BOOM_BARRIER_VOLUME = 0.4 -- a float -> default = 0.1 | How noisy should be the mechanism sound? -- Curve chevron CURVE_CHEVRON_LIGHT_RANGE = 12 -- an integer -> default = 12 | How much light do you want it to give? -- Crosswalk lighting CROSSWALK_LIGHTING_LIGHT_RANGE = 15 -- an integer -> default = 15 | How much light do you want it to give? -- Crosswalk safety sign CROSSWALK_SAFETY_SIGN_LIGHT_RANGE = 8 -- an integer -> default = 8 | How much light do you want it to give? -- Crosswalk safety sign RETROREFLECTIVE_SURFACE_LIGHT_RANGE = 8 -- an integer -> default = 8 | How much light do you want it to give? -- Aircraft warning light AIRCRAFT_WARNING_LIGHT_LIGHT_RANGE = 15 -- an integer -> default = 15 | How much light do you want it to give? -- Warning light WARNING_LIGHT_LIGHT_RANGE = 15 -- an integer -> default = 15 | How much light do you want it to give?