filename=minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/teleport_tubes" function read_file() local f =, "r") if f==nil then return {} end local t = f:read("*all") f:close() if t=="" or t==nil then return {} end return minetest.deserialize(t) end function write_file(tbl) local f =, "w") f:write(minetest.serialize(tbl)) f:close() end function add_tube_in_file(pos,channel) tbl=read_file() for _,val in ipairs(tbl) do if val.x==pos.x and val.y==pos.y and val.z==pos.z then return end end table.insert(tbl,{x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z,channel=channel}) write_file(tbl) end function remove_tube_in_file(pos) tbl=read_file() newtbl={} for _,val in ipairs(tbl) do if val.x~=pos.x or val.y~=pos.y or val.z~=pos.z then table.insert(newtbl,val) end end write_file(newtbl) end function get_tubes_in_file(pos,channel) tbl=read_file() newtbl={} for _,val in ipairs(tbl) do if and (val.x~=pos.x or val.y~=pos.y or val.z~=pos.z) then table.insert(newtbl,val) end end return newtbl end register_tube("pipeworks:teleport_tube","Teleporter pneumatic tube segment",plain_textures,noctr_textures,end_textures, short_texture,inv_texture, {tube={can_go=function(pos,node,velocity,stack) velocity.x=0 velocity.y=0 velocity.z=0 local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) channel=meta:get_int("channel") goto=get_tubes_in_file(pos,channel) if goto[1]==nil then return {} end pos.x=goto[1].x pos.y=goto[1].y pos.z=goto[1].z return meseadjlist end}, on_construct = function(pos) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) meta:set_int("channel",0) add_tube_in_file(pos,0) end, after_dig_node = function(pos) remove_tube_in_file(pos) end})