local filename=minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/teleport_tubes" local function read_file() local f = io.open(filename, "r") if f == nil then return {} end local t = f:read("*all") f:close() if t == "" or t == nil then return {} end return minetest.deserialize(t) end local function write_file(tbl) local f = io.open(filename, "w") f:write(minetest.serialize(tbl)) f:close() end local function update_pos_in_file(pos) local tbl=read_file() for _, val in ipairs(tbl) do if val.x == pos.x and val.y == pos.y and val.z == pos.z then local meta = minetest.get_meta(val) val.channel = meta:get_string("channel") val.cr = meta:get_int("can_receive") end end write_file(tbl) end local function add_tube_in_file(pos,channel, cr) local tbl=read_file() for _,val in ipairs(tbl) do if val.x==pos.x and val.y==pos.y and val.z==pos.z then return end end table.insert(tbl,{x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z,channel=channel,cr=cr}) write_file(tbl) end local function remove_tube_in_file(pos) local tbl = read_file() local newtbl = {} for _, val in ipairs(tbl) do if val.x ~= pos.x or val.y ~= pos.y or val.z ~= pos.z then table.insert(newtbl, val) end end write_file(newtbl) end local function read_node_with_vm(pos) local vm = VoxelManip() local MinEdge, MaxEdge = vm:read_from_map(pos, pos) local data = vm:get_data() local area = VoxelArea:new({MinEdge = MinEdge, MaxEdge = MaxEdge}) return minetest.get_name_from_content_id(data[area:index(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)]) end local function get_tubes_in_file(pos,channel) local tbl = read_file() local newtbl = {} local changed = false for _, val in ipairs(tbl) do local meta = minetest.get_meta(val) local name = read_node_with_vm(val) local is_loaded = (minetest.get_node_or_nil(val) ~= nil) local is_teleport_tube = minetest.registered_nodes[name] and minetest.registered_nodes[name].is_teleport_tube if is_teleport_tube then if is_loaded and (val.channel ~= meta:get_string("channel") or val.cr ~= meta:get_int("can_receive")) then val.channel = meta:get_string("channel") val.cr = meta:get_int("can_receive") changed = true end if val.cr == 1 and val.channel == channel and (val.x ~= pos.x or val.y ~= pos.y or val.z ~= pos.z) then table.insert(newtbl, val) end else val.to_remove = true changed = true end end if changed then local updated = {} for _, val in ipairs(tbl) do if not val.to_remove then table.insert(updated, val) end end write_file(updated) end return newtbl end local teleport_noctr_textures={"pipeworks_teleport_tube_noctr.png","pipeworks_teleport_tube_noctr.png","pipeworks_teleport_tube_noctr.png", "pipeworks_teleport_tube_noctr.png","pipeworks_teleport_tube_noctr.png","pipeworks_teleport_tube_noctr.png"} local teleport_plain_textures={"pipeworks_teleport_tube_plain.png","pipeworks_teleport_tube_plain.png","pipeworks_teleport_tube_plain.png", "pipeworks_teleport_tube_plain.png","pipeworks_teleport_tube_plain.png","pipeworks_teleport_tube_plain.png"} local teleport_end_textures={"pipeworks_teleport_tube_end.png","pipeworks_teleport_tube_end.png","pipeworks_teleport_tube_end.png", "pipeworks_teleport_tube_end.png","pipeworks_teleport_tube_end.png","pipeworks_teleport_tube_end.png"} local teleport_short_texture="pipeworks_teleport_tube_short.png" local teleport_inv_texture="pipeworks_teleport_tube_inv.png" pipeworks.register_tube("pipeworks:teleport_tube","Teleporter pneumatic tube segment",teleport_plain_textures, teleport_noctr_textures,teleport_end_textures,teleport_short_texture,teleport_inv_texture, { is_teleport_tube = true, tube = { can_go = function(pos,node,velocity,stack) velocity.x = 0 velocity.y = 0 velocity.z = 0 local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local channel = meta:get_string("channel") local target = get_tubes_in_file(pos,channel) if target[1] == nil then return {} end local d = math.random(1,#target) pos.x = target[d].x pos.y = target[d].y pos.z = target[d].z return pipeworks.meseadjlist end }, on_construct = function(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("channel","") meta:set_int("can_receive",1) meta:set_string("formspec","size[9,1;]".. "field[0,0.5;7,1;channel;Channel:;${channel}]".. "button[8,0;1,1;bt;On]") add_tube_in_file(pos,"") end, on_receive_fields = function(pos,formname,fields,sender) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) --check for private channels if fields.channel ~= nil then local name, mode = fields.channel:match("^([^:;]+)([:;])") if name and mode and name ~= sender:get_player_name() then --channels starting with '[name]:' can only be used by the named player if mode == ":" then minetest.chat_send_player(sender:get_player_name(), "Sorry, channel '"..fields.channel.."' is reserved for exclusive use by "..name) return --channels starting with '[name];' can be used by other players, but cannot be received from elseif mode == ";" and (meta:get_int("can_receive") ~= 0) == (fields["bt"] == nil) then minetest.chat_send_player(sender:get_player_name(), "Sorry, receiving from channel '"..fields.channel.."' is reserved for "..name) return end end end if fields.channel==nil then fields.channel=meta:get_string("channel") end meta:set_string("channel",fields.channel) remove_tube_in_file(pos) local cr = meta:get_int("can_receive") if fields["bt"] then cr=1-cr meta:set_int("can_receive",cr) if cr==1 then meta:set_string("formspec","size[9,1;]".. "field[0,0.5;7,1;channel;Channel:;${channel}]".. "button[8,0;1,1;bt;On]") else meta:set_string("formspec","size[9,1;]".. "field[0,0.5;7,1;channel;Channel:;${channel}]".. "button[8,0;1,1;bt;Off]") end end add_tube_in_file(pos,fields.channel, cr) end, on_destruct = function(pos) remove_tube_in_file(pos) end}) if minetest.get_modpath("mesecons_mvps") ~= nil then mesecon:register_on_mvps_move(function(moved_nodes) for _, n in ipairs(moved_nodes) do if string.find(n.node.name, "pipeworks:teleport_tube") ~= nil then update_pos_in_file(n.pos) end end end) end