function gate_rotate_rules(node) for rotations = 0, node.param2 - 1 do rules = mesecon:rotate_rules_left(rules) end return rules end function gate_get_output_rules(node) rules = {{x=1, y=0, z=0}} return gate_rotate_rules(node) end function gate_get_input_rules_oneinput(node) rules = {{x=-1, y=0, z=0}, {x=1, y=0, z=0}} return gate_rotate_rules(node) end function gate_get_input_rules_twoinputs(node) rules = { {x=0, y=0, z=1}, {x=0, y=0, z=-1}, {x=1, y=0, z=0}} return gate_rotate_rules(node) end function update_gate(pos, node, rulename, newstate) yc_update_real_portstates(pos, node, rulename, newstate) gate = get_gate(pos) L = rotate_ports( yc_get_real_portstates(pos), minetest.get_node(pos).param2 ) if gate == "diode" then set_gate(pos, L.a) elseif gate == "not" then set_gate(pos, not L.a) elseif gate == "nand" then set_gate(pos, not(L.b and L.d)) elseif gate == "and" then set_gate(pos, L.b and L.d) elseif gate == "xor" then set_gate(pos, (L.b and not L.d) or (not L.b and L.d)) end end function set_gate(pos, on) gate = get_gate(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) if on ~= gate_state(pos) then yc_heat(meta) --minetest.after(0.5, yc_cool, meta) if yc_overheat(meta) then pop_gate(pos) else local node = minetest.get_node(pos) if on then minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = "mesecons_gates:"..gate.."_on", param2=node.param2}) mesecon:receptor_on(pos, gate_get_output_rules(node)) else minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = "mesecons_gates:"..gate.."_off", param2=node.param2}) mesecon:receptor_off(pos, gate_get_output_rules(node)) end end end end function get_gate(pos) return minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pos).name].mesecons_gate end function gate_state(pos) name = minetest.get_node(pos).name return string.find(name, "_on") ~= nil end function pop_gate(pos) gate = get_gate(pos) minetest.remove_node(pos) minetest.after(0.2, yc_overheat_off, pos) minetest.add_item(pos, "mesecons_gates:"..gate.."_off") end function rotate_ports(L, param2) for rotations=0, param2-1 do port = L.a L.a = L.b L.b = L.c L.c = L.d L.d = port end return L end gates = { {name = "diode", inputnumber = 1}, {name = "not" , inputnumber = 1}, {name = "nand" , inputnumber = 2}, {name = "and" , inputnumber = 2}, {name = "xor" , inputnumber = 2}} local onoff, drop, nodename, description, groups for _, gate in ipairs(gates) do if gate.inputnumber == 1 then get_rules = gate_get_input_rules_oneinput elseif gate.inputnumber == 2 then get_rules = gate_get_input_rules_twoinputs end for on = 0, 1 do nodename = "mesecons_gates:" if on == 1 then onoff = "on" drop = nodename.."_off" nodename = nodename.."_"..onoff description = "You hacker you!" groups = {dig_immediate=2, not_in_creative_inventory=1, overheat = 1} else onoff = "off" drop = nil nodename = nodename.."_"..onoff description =" Gate" groups = {dig_immediate=2, overheat = 1} end tiles = "jeija_microcontroller_bottom.png^".. "jeija_gate_"..onoff..".png^".. "jeija_gate_"".png" node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-8/16, -8/16, -8/16, 8/16, -7/16, 8/16 }, }, } local mesecon_state if on == 1 then mesecon_state = mesecon.state.on else mesecon_state = end minetest.register_node(nodename, { description = description, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {tiles}, inventory_image = tiles, selection_box = node_box, node_box = node_box, walkable = true, on_construct = function(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_int("heat", 0) update_gate(pos) end, groups = groups, drop = drop, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), mesecons_gate =, mesecons = { receptor = { state = mesecon_state, rules = gate_get_output_rules }, effector = { rules = get_rules, action_change = update_gate } } }) end end minetest.register_craft({ output = 'mesecons_gates:diode_off', recipe = { {'', '', ''}, {'mesecons:mesecon', 'mesecons_torch:mesecon_torch_on', 'mesecons_torch:mesecon_torch_on'}, {'', '', ''}, }, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'mesecons_gates:not_off', recipe = { {'', '', ''}, {'mesecons:mesecon', 'mesecons_torch:mesecon_torch_on', 'mesecons:mesecon'}, {'', '', ''}, }, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'mesecons_gates:and_off', recipe = { {'mesecons:mesecon', '', ''}, {'', 'mesecons_materials:silicon', 'mesecons:mesecon'}, {'mesecons:mesecon', '', ''}, }, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'mesecons_gates:nand_off', recipe = { {'mesecons:mesecon', '', ''}, {'', 'mesecons_materials:silicon', 'mesecons_torch:mesecon_torch_on'}, {'mesecons:mesecon', '', ''}, }, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'mesecons_gates:xor_off', recipe = { {'mesecons:mesecon', '', ''}, {'', 'mesecons_materials:silicon', 'mesecons_materials:silicon'}, {'mesecons:mesecon', '', ''}, }, })