local hotbar_size = minetest.setting_get("hotbar_size") or 16 local function resize_hotbar(size) if size == 8 then return "gui_hb_bg.png" end if size == 23 then return "gui_hb_bg_23.png" end return "gui_hb_bg_16.png" end minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) player:hud_set_hotbar_itemcount(hotbar_size) minetest.after(0.5,function() player:hud_set_hotbar_selected_image("gui_hotbar_selected.png") player:hud_set_hotbar_image(resize_hotbar(hotbar_size)) end) end) minetest.register_chatcommand("hotbar", { params = "[size]", description = "Sets the size of your hotbar", func = function(name, slots) if slots ~= "8" and slots ~= "23" then slots = "16" end local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) player:hud_set_hotbar_itemcount(tonumber(slots)) minetest.chat_send_player(name, "[_] Hotbar size set to " .. tonumber(slots) .. ".") player:hud_set_hotbar_image(resize_hotbar(tonumber(slots))) end, })