digistuff.update_ts_formspec = function (pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local fs = "size[10,8]".. "background[0,0;0,0;digistuff_ts_bg.png;true]" if meta:get_int("init") == 0 then fs = fs.."field[3.75,3;3,1;channel;Channel;]".. "button_exit[4,3.75;2,1;save;Save]" else local data = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("data")) or {} for _,field in pairs(data) do if field.type == "image" then fs = fs..string.format("image[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s]",field.X,field.Y,field.W,field.H,field.texture_name) elseif field.type == "field" then fs = fs..string.format("field[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s;%s;%s]",field.X,field.Y,field.W,field.H,field.name,field.label,field.default) elseif field.type == "pwdfield" then fs = fs..string.format("pwdfield[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s;%s]",field.X,field.Y,field.W,field.H,field.name,field.label) elseif field.type == "textarea" then fs = fs..string.format("textarea[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s;%s;%s]",field.X,field.Y,field.W,field.H,field.name,field.label,field.default) elseif field.type == "label" then fs = fs..string.format("label[%s,%s;%s]",field.X,field.Y,field.label) elseif field.type == "vertlabel" then fs = fs..string.format("vertlabel[%s,%s;%s]",field.X,field.Y,field.label) elseif field.type == "button" then fs = fs..string.format("button[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s;%s]",field.X,field.Y,field.W,field.H,field.name,field.label) elseif field.type == "button_exit" then fs = fs..string.format("button_exit[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s;%s]",field.X,field.Y,field.W,field.H,field.name,field.label) elseif field.type == "image_button" then fs = fs..string.format("image_button[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s;%s;%s]",field.X,field.Y,field.W,field.H,field.image,field.name,field.label) elseif field.type == "image_button_exit" then fs = fs..string.format("image_button_exit[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s;%s;%s]",field.X,field.Y,field.W,field.H,field.image,field.name,field.label) elseif field.type == "dropdown" then local choices = "" for _,i in ipairs(field.choices) do if type(i) == "string" then choices = choices..minetest.formspec_escape(i).."," end end choices = string.sub(choices,1,-2) fs = fs..string.format("dropdown[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s;%s;%s]",field.X,field.Y,field.W,field.H,field.name,choices,field.selected_id) elseif field.type == "textlist" then local listelements = "" for _,i in ipairs(field.listelements) do if type(i) == "string" then listelements = listelements..minetest.formspec_escape(i).."," end end listelements = string.sub(listelements,1,-2) fs = fs..string.format("textlist[%s,%s;%s,%s;%s;%s;%s;%s]",field.X,field.Y,field.W,field.H,field.name,listelements,field.selected_id,field.transparent) end end end meta:set_string("formspec",fs) end digistuff.ts_on_receive_fields = function (pos, formname, fields, sender) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local setchan = meta:get_string("channel") local playername = sender:get_player_name() local locked = meta:get_int("locked") == 1 local can_bypass = minetest.check_player_privs(playername,{protection_bypass=true}) local is_protected = minetest.is_protected(pos,playername) if (locked and is_protected) and not can_bypass then minetest.record_protection_violation(pos,playername) minetest.chat_send_player(playername,"You are not authorized to use this screen.") return end local init = meta:get_int("init") == 1 if not init then if fields.save then meta:set_string("channel",fields.channel) meta:set_int("init",1) digistuff.update_ts_formspec(pos) end else fields.clicker = sender:get_player_name() digiline:receptor_send(pos, digiline.rules.default, setchan, fields) end end digistuff.process_command = function (meta, data, msg) if msg.command == "clear" then data = {} elseif msg.command == "addimage" then for _,i in pairs({"X","Y","W","H"}) do if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "number" then return end end if not msg.texture_name or type(msg.texture_name) ~= "string" then return end local field = {type="image",X=msg.X,Y=msg.Y,W=msg.W,H=msg.H,texture_name=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.texture_name)} table.insert(data,field) elseif msg.command == "addfield" then for _,i in pairs({"X","Y","W","H"}) do if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "number" then return end end for _,i in pairs({"name","label","default"}) do if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "string" then return end end local field = {type="field",X=msg.X,Y=msg.Y,W=msg.W,H=msg.H,name=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.name),label=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.label),default=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.default)} table.insert(data,field) elseif msg.command == "addpwdfield" then for _,i in pairs({"X","Y","W","H"}) do if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "number" then return end end for _,i in pairs({"name","label"}) do if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "string" then return end end local field = {type="pwdfield",X=msg.X,Y=msg.Y,W=msg.W,H=msg.H,name=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.name),label=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.label)} table.insert(data,field) elseif msg.command == "addtextarea" then for _,i in pairs({"X","Y","W","H"}) do if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "number" then return end end for _,i in pairs({"name","label","default"}) do if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "string" then return end end local field = {type="textarea",X=msg.X,Y=msg.Y,W=msg.W,H=msg.H,name=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.name),label=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.label),default=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.default)} table.insert(data,field) elseif msg.command == "addlabel" then for _,i in pairs({"X","Y"}) do if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "number" then return end end if not msg.label or type(msg.label) ~= "string" then return end local field = {type="label",X=msg.X,Y=msg.Y,label=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.label)} table.insert(data,field) elseif msg.command == "addvertlabel" then for _,i in pairs({"X","Y"}) do if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "number" then return end end if not msg.label or type(msg.label) ~= "string" then return end local field = {type="vertlabel",X=msg.X,Y=msg.Y,label=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.label)} table.insert(data,field) elseif msg.command == "addbutton" then for _,i in pairs({"X","Y","W","H"}) do if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "number" then return end end for _,i in pairs({"name","label"}) do if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "string" then return end end local field = {type="button",X=msg.X,Y=msg.Y,W=msg.W,H=msg.H,name=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.name),label=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.label)} table.insert(data,field) elseif msg.command == "addbutton_exit" then for _,i in pairs({"X","Y","W","H"}) do if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "number" then return end end for _,i in pairs({"name","label"}) do if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "string" then return end end local field = {type="button_exit",X=msg.X,Y=msg.Y,W=msg.W,H=msg.H,name=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.name),label=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.label)} table.insert(data,field) elseif msg.command == "addimage_button" then for _,i in pairs({"X","Y","W","H"}) do if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "number" then return end end for _,i in pairs({"image","name","label"}) do if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "string" then return end end local field = {type="image_button",X=msg.X,Y=msg.Y,W=msg.W,H=msg.H,image=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.image),name=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.name),label=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.label)} table.insert(data,field) elseif msg.command == "addimage_button_exit" then for _,i in pairs({"X","Y","W","H"}) do if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "number" then return end end for _,i in pairs({"image","name","label"}) do if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "string" then return end end local field = {type="image_button_exit",X=msg.X,Y=msg.Y,W=msg.W,H=msg.H,image=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.image),name=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.name),label=minetest.formspec_escape(msg.label)} table.insert(data,field) elseif msg.command == "adddropdown" then for _,i in pairs({"X","Y","W","H","selected_id"}) do if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "number" then return end end if not msg.name or type(msg.name) ~= "string" then return end if not msg.choices or type(msg.choices) ~= "table" or #msg.choices < 1 then return end local field = {type="dropdown",X=msg.X,Y=msg.Y,W=msg.W,H=msg.H,name=msg.name,selected_id=msg.selected_id,choices=msg.choices} table.insert(data,field) elseif msg.command == "addtextlist" then for _,i in pairs({"X","Y","W","H","selected_id"}) do if not msg[i] or type(msg[i]) ~= "number" then return end end if not msg.name or type(msg.name) ~= "string" then return end if not msg.listelements or type(msg.listelements) ~= "table" or #msg.listelements < 1 then return end if not msg.transparent or type(msg.transparent) ~= "boolean" then msg.transparent = false end local field = {type="textlist",X=msg.X,Y=msg.Y,W=msg.W,H=msg.H,name=msg.name,selected_id=msg.selected_id,listelements=msg.listelements,transparent=msg.transparent} table.insert(data,field) elseif msg.command == "lock" then meta:set_int("locked",1) elseif msg.command == "unlock" then meta:set_int("locked",0) end return data end digistuff.ts_on_digiline_receive = function (pos, node, channel, msg) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local setchan = meta:get_string("channel") if channel ~= setchan then return end if type(msg) ~= "table" then return end local data = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("data")) or {} if msg.command then data = digistuff.process_command(meta,data,msg) else for _,i in ipairs(msg) do if i.command then data = digistuff.process_command(meta,data,i) or data end end end meta:set_string("data",minetest.serialize(data)) digistuff.update_ts_formspec(pos) end minetest.register_node("digistuff:touchscreen", { description = "Digilines Touchscreen", groups = {cracky=3}, on_construct = function(pos) digistuff.update_ts_formspec(pos,true) end, drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = { "digistuff_panel_back.png", "digistuff_panel_back.png", "digistuff_panel_back.png", "digistuff_panel_back.png", "digistuff_panel_back.png", "digistuff_ts_front.png" }, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { { -0.5, -0.5, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 } } }, on_receive_fields = digistuff.ts_on_receive_fields, digiline = { receptor = {}, effector = { action = digistuff.ts_on_digiline_receive }, }, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "digistuff:touchscreen", recipe = { {"mesecons_luacontroller:luacontroller0000","default:glass","default:glass"}, {"default:glass","digilines:lcd","default:glass"}, {"default:glass","default:glass","default:glass"} } })