path: root/moreblocks/stairsplus
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Diffstat (limited to 'moreblocks/stairsplus')
3 files changed, 81 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/moreblocks/stairsplus/registrations.lua b/moreblocks/stairsplus/registrations.lua
index 7c5ad50..1e86954 100644
--- a/moreblocks/stairsplus/registrations.lua
+++ b/moreblocks/stairsplus/registrations.lua
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Hugo Locurcio and contributors.
Licensed under the zlib license. See for more information.
+-- default registrations
local default_nodes = { -- Default stairs/slabs/panels/microblocks:
@@ -48,73 +49,81 @@ local default_nodes = { -- Default stairs/slabs/panels/microblocks:
- "farming:straw"
for _, name in pairs(default_nodes) do
- local nodename = "default:"
- local a,b = string.find(name, ":")
- if b then
- nodename = name
- name = string.sub(name, b+1)
+ local mod = "default"
+ local nodename = mod .. ":" .. name
+ local ndef = table.copy(minetest.registered_nodes[nodename])
+ ndef.sunlight_propagates = true
+ -- Stone and desert_stone drop cobble and desert_cobble respectively.
+ if type(ndef.drop) == "string" then
+ ndef.drop = ndef.drop:gsub(".+:", "")
- local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[nodename]
- if ndef then
- local drop
- if type(ndef.drop) == "string" then
- drop = ndef.drop:sub((b or 8)+1)
- end
- local tiles = ndef.tiles
- if #ndef.tiles > 1 and ndef.drawtype:find("glass") then
- tiles = { ndef.tiles[1] }
- end
+ -- Use the primary tile for all sides of cut glasslike nodes and disregard paramtype2.
+ if #ndef.tiles > 1 and ndef.drawtype and ndef.drawtype:find("glass") then
+ ndef.tiles = {ndef.tiles[1]}
+ ndef.paramtype2 = nil
+ end
- stairsplus:register_all("moreblocks", name, nodename, {
- description = ndef.description,
- drop = drop,
- groups = ndef.groups,
- sounds = ndef.sounds,
- tiles = tiles,
- sunlight_propagates = true,
- light_source = ndef.light_source
- })
+ mod = "moreblocks"
+ stairsplus:register_all(mod, name, nodename, ndef)
+ minetest.register_alias_force("stairs:stair_" .. name, mod .. ":stair_" .. name)
+ minetest.register_alias_force("stairs:slab_" .. name, mod .. ":slab_" .. name)
+-- farming registrations
+if minetest.get_modpath("farming") then
+ local farming_nodes = {"straw"}
+ for _, name in pairs(farming_nodes) do
+ local mod = "farming"
+ local nodename = mod .. ":" .. name
+ local ndef = table.copy(minetest.registered_nodes[nodename])
+ ndef.sunlight_propagates = true
+ mod = "moreblocks"
+ stairsplus:register_all(mod, name, nodename, ndef)
+ minetest.register_alias_force("stairs:stair_" .. name, mod .. ":stair_" .. name)
+ minetest.register_alias_force("stairs:slab_" .. name, mod .. ":slab_" .. name)
-- wool registrations
if minetest.get_modpath("wool") then
+ local dyes = {"white", "grey", "black", "red", "yellow", "green", "cyan",
+ "blue", "magenta", "orange", "violet", "brown", "pink",
+ "dark_grey", "dark_green"}
+ for _, name in pairs(dyes) do
+ local mod = "wool"
+ local nodename = mod .. ":" .. name
+ local ndef = table.copy(minetest.registered_nodes[nodename])
+ ndef.sunlight_propagates = true
- local colorlist = {
- {"white", "White Wool"},
- {"grey", "Grey Wool"},
- {"black", "Black Wool"},
- {"red", "Red Wool"},
- {"yellow", "Yellow Wool"},
- {"green", "Green Wool"},
- {"cyan", "Cyan Wool"},
- {"blue", "Blue Wool"},
- {"magenta", "Magenta Wool"},
- {"orange", "Orange Wool"},
- {"violet", "Violet Wool"},
- {"brown", "Brown Wool"},
- {"pink", "Pink Wool"},
- {"dark_grey", "Dark Grey Wool"},
- {"dark_green", "Dark Green Wool"},
- }
+ -- Prevent dye+cut wool recipy from creating a full wool block.
+ ndef.groups.wool = nil
- for i in ipairs(colorlist) do
- local color = colorlist[i][1]
- local colordesc = colorlist[i][2]
- stairsplus:register_all("wool", color, "wool:"..color, {
- description = colordesc,
- tiles = {"wool_"..color..".png"},
- groups = {snappy=2,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=3,
- flammable=3,wool=1,not_in_creative_inventory=1},
- sounds = default.node_sound_defaults(),
- sunlight_propagates = true,
- })
+ stairsplus:register_all(mod, name, nodename, ndef)
+-- Alias cuts of split_stone_tile_alt which was renamed checker_stone_tile.
+stairsplus:register_alias_all("moreblocks", "split_stone_tile_alt", "moreblocks", "checker_stone_tile")
+-- The following LBM is necessary because the name stair_split_stone_tile_alt
+-- conflicts with another node and so the alias for that specific node gets
+-- ignored.
+ name = "moreblocks:fix_split_stone_tile_alt_name_collision",
+ nodenames = {"moreblocks:stair_split_stone_tile_alt"},
+ action = function(pos, node)
+ minetest.set_node(pos, {
+ name = "moreblocks:stair_checker_stone_tile",
+ param2 = minetest.get_node(pos).param2
+ })
+ minetest.log('action', "LBM replaced " .. ..
+ " at " .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
+ end,
diff --git a/moreblocks/stairsplus/slabs.lua b/moreblocks/stairsplus/slabs.lua
index ea9dbc5..de7f031 100644
--- a/moreblocks/stairsplus/slabs.lua
+++ b/moreblocks/stairsplus/slabs.lua
@@ -66,29 +66,24 @@ function stairsplus:register_slab(modname, subname, recipeitem, fields)
local defs = stairsplus.copytable(slabs_defs)
local desc_base = S("%s Slab"):format(fields.description)
for alternate, shape in pairs(defs) do
local def = {}
+ for k, v in pairs(fields) do
+ def[k] = v
+ end
if type(shape) ~= "table" then
- def = {
- node_box = {
+ def.node_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, (shape/16)-0.5, 0.5},
- },
- description = ("%s (%d/16)"):format(desc_base, shape)
- }
+ }
+ def.description = ("%s (%d/16)"):format(desc_base, shape)
- def = {
- node_box = {
+ def.node_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = shape,
- },
- description = desc_base
- }
- end
- for k, v in pairs(fields) do
- def[k] = v
+ }
+ local desc_x = alternate:gsub("_", " ")
+ desc_x = desc_x:gsub("(%a)(%S*)", function(a, b) return a:upper() .. b end)
+ def.description = desc_base .. desc_x
def.drawtype = "nodebox"
@@ -96,12 +91,14 @@ function stairsplus:register_slab(modname, subname, recipeitem, fields)
def.paramtype2 = def.paramtype2 or "facedir"
def.on_place = minetest.rotate_node
def.groups = stairsplus:prepare_groups(fields.groups)
+ if alternate == "" then
+ def.groups.slab = 1
+ end
if fields.drop and not (type(fields.drop) == "table") then
def.drop = modname.. ":slab_" .. fields.drop .. alternate
minetest.register_node(":" .. modname .. ":slab_" .. subname .. alternate, def)
- minetest.register_alias("stairs:slab_" .. subname, modname .. ":slab_" .. subname)
circular_saw.known_nodes[recipeitem] = {modname, subname}
diff --git a/moreblocks/stairsplus/stairs.lua b/moreblocks/stairsplus/stairs.lua
index 0291e7d..815f7ac 100644
--- a/moreblocks/stairsplus/stairs.lua
+++ b/moreblocks/stairsplus/stairs.lua
@@ -136,12 +136,14 @@ function stairsplus:register_stair(modname, subname, recipeitem, fields)
def.on_place = minetest.rotate_node
def.description = desc
def.groups = stairsplus:prepare_groups(fields.groups)
+ if alternate == "" then
+ def.groups.stair = 1
+ end
if fields.drop and not (type(fields.drop) == "table") then
def.drop = modname .. ":stair_" .. fields.drop .. alternate
minetest.register_node(":" .. modname .. ":stair_" .. subname .. alternate, def)
- minetest.register_alias("stairs:stair_" .. subname, modname .. ":stair_" .. subname)
circular_saw.known_nodes[recipeitem] = {modname, subname}