--Digilines Piston Example --Connect the piston on the channel "piston" --Pulse pin A to extend the piston --Pulse pin B to retract the piston --Pulse pin C to retract the piston, pulling one node back --Pulse pin D to silently retract the piston, pulling up to 5 nodes back if event.type == "on" then if event.pin.name == "A" then digiline_send("piston","extend") elseif event.pin.name == "B" then digiline_send("piston","retract") elseif event.pin.name == "C" then digiline_send("piston","retract_sticky") elseif event.pin.name == "D" then digiline_send("piston",{action = "retract",allsticky = true,max = 5,sound = "none"}) end end