local function set(name,old,new) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if playersettings.get(name,"daynightratio:enabled") then player:override_day_night_ratio(playersettings.get(name,"daynightratio:ratio")) else player:override_day_night_ratio(nil) end end playersettings.register("daynightratio:enabled",{ shortdesc = "Day/Night Ratio: Use fixed ratio", longdesc = "If enabled, a fixed day/night ratio will be used as set\nin the \"Day/Night Ratio: Custom ratio\" setting.\nIf disabled, day and night will cycle normally.", type = "boolean", default = false, onjoin = set, afterchange = set, }) playersettings.register("daynightratio:ratio",{ shortdesc = "Day/Night Ratio: Custom ratio", longdesc = "If the \"Day/Night Ratio: Use fixed ratio\" setting is enabled,\nthis day ratio will be used at all times.\nIf that setting is disabled, this setting\nwill have no effect.\n0: Darker than night\n0.2: Night\n1: Day", type = "number", min = 0, max = 1, default = 1, afterchange = set, })