local player_name = "cheapie" local highlight_color = "#4E9A06" local send_nick_color = "#A40000" local send_message_color = "#888A85" local join_color = "#CE5C00" local part_color = "#C4A000" local timestamps = true local nick_colors = { "#4E9A06", --19 "#CC0000", --20 "#5C3566", --22 "#C4A000", --24 "#73D216", --25 "#11A879", --26 "#58A19D", --27 "#57799E", --28 "#A04265", --29 } local function get_nick_color(nick) local username,extra = string.match(nick,"^(.*)@(.*)$") if extra then nick = username end local color = 0 for i=1,string.len(nick),1 do color = color + string.byte(nick,i,i) end color = color % #nick_colors return(nick_colors[color+1]) end minetest.register_on_receiving_chat_messages(function(message) if color and type(color.strip_colors) == "function" then message = color.strip_colors(message) end local msgtype local user local text local timestamp = "" if timestamps then local date = os.date("*t",os.time()) timestamp = string.format("[%02d:%02d:%02d] ",date.hour,date.min,date.sec) end if string.sub(message,1,1) == "<" then msgtype = "channel" user,text = string.match(message,"^<(%g*)> (.*)$") if not user then msgtype = "special" text = message end if (user == player_name) or (string.match(user,"^(.*)@") == player_name) then msgtype = "sent_channel" elseif string.find(text,player_name) then msgtype = "highlight_channel" end elseif string.sub(message,1,3) == "***" then user,msgtype,text = string.match(message,"^*** (%g*) (%g*) the game. ?(.*)$") if not text or text == "" then text = "(Client Quit)" end elseif string.sub(message,1,1) == "*" then msgtype = "action" user,text = string.match(message,"^* (%g*) (.*)$") if not user then msgtype = "special" text = message end if (user == player_name) or (string.match(user,"^(.*)@") == player_name) then msgtype = "sent_action" elseif string.find(text,player_name) then msgtype = "highlight_action" end else msgtype = "special" text = message end if msgtype == "special" then minetest.display_chat_message(timestamp..text) elseif msgtype == "joined" then local coloredmsg = minetest.colorize(join_color,string.format("* %s has joined",user)) minetest.display_chat_message(timestamp..coloredmsg) elseif msgtype == "left" then local coloredmsg = minetest.colorize(part_color,string.format("* %s has quit %s",user,text)) minetest.display_chat_message(timestamp..coloredmsg) elseif msgtype == "channel" then local colorednick = minetest.colorize(get_nick_color(user),user) minetest.display_chat_message(timestamp..string.format("<%s> %s",colorednick,text)) elseif msgtype == "action" then local colorednick = minetest.colorize(get_nick_color(user),user) minetest.display_chat_message(timestamp..string.format("* %s %s",colorednick,text)) elseif msgtype == "sent_channel" then local colorednick = minetest.colorize(send_nick_color,user) local coloredtext = minetest.colorize(send_message_color,text) minetest.display_chat_message(timestamp..string.format("<%s> %s",colorednick,coloredtext)) elseif msgtype == "sent_action" then local colorednick = minetest.colorize(send_nick_color,user) local coloredtext = minetest.colorize(send_message_color,text) minetest.display_chat_message(timestamp..string.format("* %s %s",colorednick,coloredtext)) elseif msgtype == "highlight_channel" then minetest.display_chat_message(timestamp..minetest.colorize(highlight_color,string.format("<%s> %s",user,text))) elseif msgtype == "highlight_action" then minetest.display_chat_message(timestamp..minetest.colorize(highlight_color,string.format("* %s %s",user,text))) end return true end)