local pos,event,mem = ... local changedinterrupts = {} mem.messages = {} local function send(carid,channel,message) table.insert(mem.messages,{ carid = carid, channel = channel, message = message, }) end local function fault(ftype,fatal) if fatal then mem.fatalfault = true end if not mem.activefaults then mem.activefaults = {} end if not mem.faultlog then mem.faultlog = {} end if mem.activefaults[ftype] then return end mem.activefaults[ftype] = true table.insert(mem.faultlog,{ftype = ftype,timestamp = os.time()}) end if not mem.drive.status then fault("drivecomm",true) mem.drive.status = { apos = 0, dpos = 0, vel = 0, maxvel = 0, } elseif mem.drive.status.fault then fault("drive"..mem.drive.status.fault,true) end if mem.drive.state == "uninit" then fault("driveuninit",true) end local juststarted = false local modenames = { normal = "Normal Operation", uninit = "Uninitialized", resync = "Position Sync - Floor", bfdemand = "Position Sync - Terminal", fault = "Fault", stop = "Emergency Stop", mrinspect = "Machine Room Inspection", carinspect = "Car Top Inspection", inspconflict = "Inspection Conflict", fs1 = "Fire Service - Phase 1", fs2 = "Fire Service - Phase 2", fs2hold = "Fire Service - Phase 2 Hold", indep = "Independent Service", capture = "Captured", test = "Test Mode", } local doorstates = { open = "Open", opening = "Opening", closing = "Closing", closed = "Closed", testtiming = "Closed", } local faultnames = { opentimeout = "Door Open Timeout", closetimeout = "Door Close Timeout", drivecomm = "Lost Communication With Drive", driveuninit = "Drive Not Configured", drivemetaload = "Drive Metadata Load Failure", drivebadorigin = "Drive Origin Invalid", drivedoorinterlock = "Attempted to Move Doors With Car in Motion", driveoutofbounds = "Target Position Out of Bounds", } local function drivecmd(command) table.insert(mem.drive.commands,command) end local function interrupt(time,iid) mem.interrupts[iid] = time changedinterrupts[iid] = true end local function getpos(pioffset) local ret = 0 local searchpos = mem.drive.status.apos if pioffset then searchpos = math.max(0,searchpos+0.5) end for k,v in ipairs(mem.params.floorheights) do ret = ret+v if ret > searchpos then return k end end return mem.params.floorheights[#mem.params.floorheights] end local function gettarget(floor) local target = 0 if floor == 1 then return 0 end for i=1,floor-1,1 do if not mem.params.floorheights[i] then return 0 end target = target+mem.params.floorheights[i] end return target end local function gotofloor(floor) mem.carmotion = true drivecmd({ command = "setmaxvel", maxvel = mem.params.contractspeed }) if gettarget(floor) ~= mem.drive.status.apos then drivecmd({ command = "moveto", pos = gettarget(floor) }) end interrupt(0,"checkdrive") juststarted = true end local function getnextcallabove(dir,excludecurrent) local start = (excludecurrent and getpos()+1 or getpos()) for i=start,#mem.params.floorheights,1 do if not dir then if mem.carcalls[i] then return i,"car" elseif mem.upcalls[i] then return i,"up" elseif mem.dncalls[i] then return i,"down" end elseif dir == "up" then if mem.carcalls[i] then return i,"car" elseif mem.upcalls[i] then return i,"up" end elseif dir == "down" then if mem.carcalls[i] then return i,"car" elseif mem.dncalls[i] then return i,"down" end end end end local function getnextcallbelow(dir,excludecurrent) local start = (excludecurrent and getpos()-1 or getpos()) for i=start,1,-1 do if not dir then if mem.carcalls[i] then return i,"car" elseif mem.upcalls[i] then return i,"up" elseif mem.dncalls[i] then return i,"down" end elseif dir == "up" then if mem.carcalls[i] then return i,"car" elseif mem.upcalls[i] then return i,"up" end elseif dir == "down" then if mem.carcalls[i] then return i,"car" elseif mem.dncalls[i] then return i,"down" end end end end local function getlowestupcall() for i=1,#mem.params.floornames,1 do if mem.upcalls[i] then return i end end end local function gethighestdowncall() for i=#mem.params.floornames,1,-1 do if mem.dncalls[i] then return i end end end local function open() mem.doorstate = "opening" drivecmd({command = "open"}) interrupt(0.2,"checkopen") interrupt(10,"opentimeout") interrupt(nil,"closetimeout") if mem.nudging then if mem.carstate == "normal" then interrupt(0,"nudge") else mem.nudging = false end end end local function close(nudge) mem.doorstate = "closing" drivecmd({command = "close",nudge = nudge}) interrupt(0.2,"checkclosed") interrupt((nudge and 30 or 10),"closetimeout") interrupt(nil,"opentimeout") end mem.formspec = "" local function fs(element) mem.formspec = mem.formspec..element end if type(mem.groupupcalls) ~= "table" then mem.groupupcalls = {} end if type(mem.groupdncalls) ~= "table" then mem.groupdncalls = {} end if type(mem.swingupcalls) ~= "table" then mem.swingupcalls = {} end if type(mem.swingdncalls) ~= "table" then mem.swingdncalls = {} end if mem.params and not mem.params.carcallsecurity then mem.params.carcallsecurity = {} end if mem.params and not mem.params.nudgetimer then mem.params.nudgetimer = 30 end if mem.params and not mem.params.altrecalllanding then mem.params.altrecalllanding = 2 end if mem.params and not mem.recallto then mem.recallto = mem.params.mainlanding or 1 end if mem.params and not mem.params.inspectionspeed then mem.params.inspectionspeed = 0.2 end if mem.params and not mem.params.indepunlock then mem.params.indepunlock = {} end if mem.params and not mem.params.secoverrideusers then mem.params.secoverrideusers = {} end if not mem.editinguser then mem.editinguser = 1 end if event.type == "program" then mem.carstate = "uninit" mem.editingfloor = 1 mem.editinguser = 1 mem.doorstate = "closed" mem.carmotion = false mem.carcalls = {} mem.upcalls = {} mem.dncalls = {} mem.groupupcalls = {} mem.groupdncalls = {} mem.swingupcalls = {} mem.swingdncalls = {} mem.screenpage = 1 mem.scrollfollowscar = true mem.controllerstopsw = false mem.controllerinspectsw = false mem.cartopinspectsw = false mem.capturesw = false mem.testsw = false mem.activefaults = {} mem.faultlog = {} mem.fatalfault = false mem.fs1switch = false mem.fs1led = false mem.fs2sw = "off" mem.indsw = false mem.lightsw = true mem.fansw = true if not mem.params then mem.state = "unconfigured" mem.screenstate = "oobe_welcome" mem.params = { contractspeed = 1, floorheights = {5,5,5}, floornames = {"1","2","3"}, doortimer = 5, groupmode = "simplex", mainlanding = 1, altrecalllanding = 2, carcallsecurity = {}, nudgetimer = 30, inspectionspeed = 0.2, indepunlock = {}, secoverrideusers = {}, } end elseif event.type == "ui" then if mem.screenstate == "oobe_welcome" then if event.fields.license then mem.screenstate = "oobe_license" elseif event.fields.next then mem.screenstate = "oobe_groupmode" end elseif mem.screenstate == "oobe_license" then if event.fields.back then mem.screenstate = "oobe_welcome" end elseif mem.screenstate == "oobe_groupmode" then if event.fields.back then mem.screenstate = "oobe_welcome" elseif event.fields.simplex then mem.screenstate = "oobe_floortable" mem.params.groupmode = "simplex" elseif event.fields.group then mem.screenstate = "oobe_dispatcherconnect" mem.params.groupmode = "group" end elseif mem.screenstate == "oobe_dispatcherconnect" then if event.fields.back then mem.screenstate = "oobe_groupmode" end elseif mem.screenstate == "oobe_floortable" or mem.screenstate == "floortable" then local exp = event.fields.floor and minetest.explode_textlist_event(event.fields.floor) or {} if event.fields.back then mem.screenstate = "oobe_groupmode" elseif event.fields.next then if mem.screenstate == "oobe_floortable" then mem.activefaults = {} mem.faultlog = {} mem.fatalfault = false end mem.state = "configured" mem.screenstate = (mem.screenstate == "oobe_floortable" and "status" or "parameters") mem.screenpage = 1 mem.carstate = "bfdemand" if mem.doorstate == "closed" then drivecmd({ command = "setmaxvel", maxvel = mem.params.contractspeed, }) drivecmd({command = "resetpos"}) interrupt(0.1,"checkdrive") mem.carmotion = true juststarted = true else close() end elseif exp.type == "CHG" then mem.editingfloor = #mem.params.floornames-exp.index+1 elseif exp.type == "DCL" then mem.editingfloor = #mem.params.floornames-exp.index+1 mem.screenstate = (mem.screenstate == "oobe_floortable" and "oobe_floortable_edit" or "floortable_edit") elseif event.fields.edit then mem.screenstate = (mem.screenstate == "oobe_floortable" and "oobe_floortable_edit" or "floortable_edit") elseif event.fields.add then table.insert(mem.params.floorheights,5) table.insert(mem.params.floornames,tostring(#mem.params.floornames+1)) elseif event.fields.remove then table.remove(mem.params.floorheights,mem.editingfloor) table.remove(mem.params.floornames,mem.editingfloor) mem.editingfloor = math.max(1,mem.editingfloor-1) elseif event.fields.moveup then local height = mem.params.floorheights[mem.editingfloor] local name = mem.params.floornames[mem.editingfloor] table.remove(mem.params.floorheights,mem.editingfloor) table.remove(mem.params.floornames,mem.editingfloor) table.insert(mem.params.floorheights,mem.editingfloor+1,height) table.insert(mem.params.floornames,mem.editingfloor+1,name) mem.editingfloor = mem.editingfloor + 1 elseif event.fields.movedown then local height = mem.params.floorheights[mem.editingfloor] local name = mem.params.floornames[mem.editingfloor] table.remove(mem.params.floorheights,mem.editingfloor) table.remove(mem.params.floornames,mem.editingfloor) table.insert(mem.params.floorheights,mem.editingfloor-1,height) table.insert(mem.params.floornames,mem.editingfloor-1,name) mem.editingfloor = mem.editingfloor - 1 end elseif mem.screenstate == "oobe_floortable_edit" or mem.screenstate == "floortable_edit" then if event.fields.back or event.fields.save then mem.screenstate = (mem.screenstate == "oobe_floortable_edit" and "oobe_floortable" or "floortable") local height = tonumber(event.fields.height) if height then height = math.floor(height+0.5) mem.params.floorheights[mem.editingfloor] = math.max(1,height) end mem.params.floornames[mem.editingfloor] = string.sub(event.fields.name,1,256) end elseif mem.screenstate == "parameters" then if event.fields.save then mem.screenstate = "status" local doortimer = tonumber(event.fields.doortimer) if doortimer and doortimer > 0 and doortimer <= 30 then mem.params.doortimer = doortimer end local contractspeed = tonumber(event.fields.contractspeed) if contractspeed and contractspeed >= 0.1 and contractspeed <= 20 then mem.params.contractspeed = contractspeed end local nudgetimer = tonumber(event.fields.nudgetimer) if nudgetimer and nudgetimer >= 0 and nudgetimer <= 3600 then mem.params.nudgetimer = nudgetimer end local mainlanding = tonumber(event.fields.mainlanding) if mainlanding and mainlanding >= 1 and mainlanding <= #mem.params.floorheights then mem.params.mainlanding = math.floor(mainlanding) mem.params.carcallsecurity[math.floor(mainlanding)] = nil end local altrecalllanding = tonumber(event.fields.altrecalllanding) if altrecalllanding and altrecalllanding >= 1 and altrecalllanding <= #mem.params.floorheights then mem.params.altrecalllanding = math.floor(altrecalllanding) end local inspectionspeed = tonumber(event.fields.inspectionspeed) if inspectionspeed and inspectionspeed >= 0.1 and inspectionspeed < 0.75 and inspectionspeed <= mem.params.contractspeed then mem.params.inspectionspeed = inspectionspeed end elseif event.fields.floortable then mem.screenstate = "floortable" elseif event.fields.cancel then mem.screenstate = "status" elseif event.fields.resetdoors then mem.screenstate = "status" if mem.doorstate ~= "closed" then close() end elseif event.fields.resetcontroller then mem.screenstate = "status" mem.carstate = "bfdemand" if mem.doorstate == "closed" then drivecmd({ command = "setmaxvel", maxvel = mem.params.contractspeed, }) drivecmd({command = "resetpos"}) interrupt(0.1,"checkdrive") mem.carmotion = true juststarted = true else close() end elseif event.fields.carcallsecurity then mem.screenstate = "carcallsecurity" end elseif mem.screenstate == "status" then for i=1,#mem.params.floornames,1 do if event.fields[string.format("carcall%d",i)] and (mem.carstate == "normal" or mem.carstate == "test" or mem.carstate == "capture" or mem.carstate == "indep") then mem.carcalls[i] = true elseif event.fields[string.format("upcall%d",i)] and mem.carstate == "normal" and not mem.capturesw then if mem.params.groupmode == "group" then mem.swingupcalls[i] = true else mem.upcalls[i] = true end elseif event.fields[string.format("downcall%d",i)] and mem.carstate == "normal" and not mem.capturesw then if mem.params.groupmode == "group" then mem.swingdncalls[i] = true else mem.dncalls[i] = true end end end if event.fields.scrollup then mem.screenpage = mem.screenpage + 1 mem.scrollfollowscar = false elseif event.fields.scrolldown then mem.screenpage = mem.screenpage - 1 mem.scrollfollowscar = false elseif event.fields.scrollfollowscar then mem.scrollfollowscar = (event.fields.scrollfollowscar == "true") elseif event.fields.stopsw then mem.controllerstopsw = not mem.controllerstopsw elseif event.fields.inspectsw then mem.controllerinspectsw = not mem.controllerinspectsw elseif event.fields.capturesw then mem.capturesw = not mem.capturesw elseif event.fields.testsw then mem.testsw = not mem.testsw elseif event.fields.inspectup and mem.carstate == "mrinspect" and mem.doorstate == "closed" and getpos() < #mem.params.floornames then mem.carmotion = true juststarted = true drivecmd({ command = "setmaxvel", maxvel = mem.params.inspectionspeed, }) drivecmd({ command = "moveto", pos = math.floor(mem.drive.status.apos)+1, inspection = true, }) elseif event.fields.inspectdown and mem.carstate == "mrinspect" and mem.doorstate == "closed" and mem.drive.status.apos-1 >= 0 then mem.carmotion = true juststarted = true drivecmd({ command = "setmaxvel", maxvel = mem.params.inspectionspeed, }) drivecmd({ command = "moveto", pos = math.floor(mem.drive.status.apos)-1, inspection = true, }) elseif event.fields.parameters then mem.screenstate = "parameters" elseif event.fields.faults then mem.screenstate = "faults" end elseif mem.screenstate == "faults" then if event.fields.back then mem.screenstate = "status" elseif event.fields.clear then mem.faultlog = {} mem.activefaults = {} mem.fatalfault = false drivecmd({command = "resetfault"}) end elseif mem.screenstate == "carcallsecurity" then if event.fields.indepunlock then mem.params.indepunlock[mem.editingfloor] = (event.fields.indepunlock == "true") end if event.fields.save then mem.screenstate = "parameters" elseif event.fields.floor then local exp = minetest.explode_textlist_event(event.fields.floor) or {} if exp.type == "CHG" then mem.editingfloor = #mem.params.floornames-exp.index+1 elseif exp.type == "DCL" then mem.editingfloor = #mem.params.floornames-exp.index+1 local oldmode = mem.params.carcallsecurity[mem.editingfloor] if oldmode == "deny" or mem.editingfloor == (mem.params.mainlanding or 1) then mem.params.carcallsecurity[mem.editingfloor] = nil elseif oldmode == "auth" then mem.params.carcallsecurity[mem.editingfloor] = "deny" elseif not oldmode then mem.params.carcallsecurity[mem.editingfloor] = "auth" end end elseif event.fields.secmode then if event.fields.secmode == "1" or mem.editingfloor == (mem.params.mainlanding or 1) then mem.params.carcallsecurity[mem.editingfloor] = nil elseif event.fields.secmode == "2" then mem.params.carcallsecurity[mem.editingfloor] = "auth" elseif event.fields.secmode == "3" then mem.params.carcallsecurity[mem.editingfloor] = "deny" end end if event.fields.user then if not mem.params.secoverrideusers[mem.editingfloor] then mem.params.secoverrideusers[mem.editingfloor] = {} end local exp = minetest.explode_textlist_event(event.fields.user) or {} if exp.type == "CHG" then mem.editinguser = exp.index elseif exp.type == "DCL" then mem.editinguser = exp.index if mem.params.secoverrideusers[mem.editingfloor][mem.editinguser] then table.remove(mem.params.secoverrideusers[mem.editingfloor],mem.editinguser) mem.editinguser = math.min(mem.editinguser,#mem.params.secoverrideusers[mem.editingfloor]) end end end if event.fields.adduser then table.insert(mem.params.secoverrideusers[mem.editingfloor],event.fields.username) mem.editinguser = #mem.params.secoverrideusers[mem.editingfloor] elseif event.fields.deluser then if mem.params.secoverrideusers[mem.editingfloor][mem.editinguser] then table.remove(mem.params.secoverrideusers[mem.editingfloor],mem.editinguser) mem.editinguser = math.min(mem.editinguser,#mem.params.secoverrideusers[mem.editingfloor]) end end end elseif event.iid == "opened" and mem.doorstate == "opening" then mem.doorstate = "open" if mem.carstate == "normal" then interrupt(mem.params.doortimer,"close") end elseif event.iid == "close" and mem.doorstate == "open" then close() elseif event.iid == "closed" and (mem.doorstate == "closing" or mem.doorstate == "testtiming") then mem.doorstate = "closed" if mem.carstate == "bfdemand" then drivecmd({ command = "setmaxvel", maxvel = mem.params.contractspeed, }) drivecmd({command = "resetpos"}) interrupt(0.1,"checkdrive") mem.carmotion = true juststarted = true elseif mem.carstate == "resync" then gotofloor(getpos()) interrupt(0.1,"checkdrive") mem.carmotion = true juststarted = true end elseif event.type == "callbutton" and mem.carstate == "normal" then if mem.doorstate == "closed" or mem.direction ~= event.dir or getpos() ~= event.landing then if mem.params.groupmode == "group" then if event.dir == "up" and event.landing >= 1 and event.landing < #mem.params.floornames then mem.swingupcalls[event.landing] = true elseif event.dir == "down" and event.landing > 1 and event.landing <= #mem.params.floornames then mem.swingdncalls[event.landing] = true end else if event.dir == "up" and event.landing >= 1 and event.landing < #mem.params.floornames then mem.upcalls[event.landing] = true elseif event.dir == "down" and event.landing > 1 and event.landing <= #mem.params.floornames then mem.dncalls[event.landing] = true end end elseif mem.direction == event.dir and mem.doorstate == "open" then interrupt(mem.params.doortimer,"close") elseif mem.direction == event.dir and mem.doorstate == "closing" and not mem.nudging then open() end elseif event.iid == "checkopen" then if mem.drive.status.doorstate == "open" then interrupt(0,"opened") if mem.carstate == "normal" or mem.carstate == "indep" or mem.carstate == "fs1" or mem.carstate == "fs2" or mem.carstate == "fs2hold" then interrupt(nil,"opentimeout") end if mem.carstate == "normal" and not mem.interrupts.nudge and mem.params.nudgetimer > 0 then interrupt(mem.params.nudgetimer,"nudge") end else interrupt(0.2,"checkopen") end elseif event.iid == "checkclosed" then if mem.drive.status.doorstate == "closed" then interrupt(0,"closed") interrupt(nil,"closetimeout") interrupt(nil,"nudge") mem.nudging = false else interrupt(0.2,"checkclosed") end elseif event.iid == "opentimeout" then fault("opentimeout",true) elseif event.iid == "closetimeout" then fault("closetimeout",true) elseif event.type == "cop" then local fields = event.fields if mem.carstate == "normal" or mem.carstate == "indep" or mem.carstate == "fs2" then for k,v in pairs(fields) do if string.sub(k,1,7) == "carcall" then local landing = tonumber(string.sub(k,8,-1)) local secmode = mem.params.carcallsecurity[landing] local secok = true if mem.carstate ~= "fs2" then if secmode == "deny" then secok = false elseif secmode == "auth" and event.protected then secok = false end end if mem.carstate == "indep" and mem.params.indepunlock[landing] then secok = true elseif mem.params.secoverrideusers[landing] then for _,name in ipairs(mem.params.secoverrideusers[landing]) do if name == event.player then secok = true end end end if v and landing and landing >= 1 and landing <= #mem.params.floorheights and secok then if getpos() == landing then if mem.carstate == "normal" or mem.carstate == "indep" then if mem.doorstate == "closing" and not mem.nudging then open() elseif mem.doorstate == "open" then interrupt(mem.params.doortimer,"close") elseif mem.doorstate == "closed" then mem.carcalls[landing] = true end end else mem.carcalls[landing] = true end end end end if fields.close and mem.doorstate == "open" then interrupt(0,"close") elseif fields.open and (mem.doorstate == "closed" or mem.doorstate == "closing") and not (mem.carmotion or juststarted) then open() elseif fields.callcancel and (mem.carstate == "indep" or mem.carstate == "fs2") then mem.carcalls = {} end end elseif event.type == "copswitches" then local fields = event.fields if fields.fanon then mem.fansw = true elseif fields.fanoff then mem.fansw = false elseif fields.lighton then mem.lightsw = true elseif fields.lightoff then mem.lightsw = false elseif fields.indon then mem.indsw = true elseif fields.indoff then mem.indsw = false elseif fields.fs2on then mem.fs2sw = "on" elseif fields.fs2hold then mem.fs2sw = "hold" elseif fields.fs2off then mem.fs2sw = "off" end elseif event.type == "fs1switch" then if event.state and not mem.fs1led then if event.mode == "alternate" then mem.recallto = mem.params.altrecalllanding else mem.recallto = mem.params.mainlanding or 1 end end mem.fs1switch = event.state mem.fs1led = event.state if not event.state then mem.flashfirehat = false end elseif event.type == "cartopbox" then if event.control == "inspectswitch" then mem.cartopinspectsw = not mem.cartopinspectsw elseif event.control == "up" and mem.carstate == "carinspect" and mem.doorstate == "closed" and getpos() < #mem.params.floornames then mem.carmotion = true juststarted = true drivecmd({ command = "setmaxvel", maxvel = mem.params.inspectionspeed, }) drivecmd({ command = "moveto", pos = gettarget(#mem.params.floornames), inspection = true, }) elseif event.control == "down" and mem.carstate == "carinspect" and mem.doorstate == "closed" and mem.drive.status.apos-1 >= 0 then mem.carmotion = true juststarted = true drivecmd({ command = "setmaxvel", maxvel = mem.params.inspectionspeed, }) drivecmd({ command = "moveto", pos = 0, inspection = true, }) elseif event.control == "up_release" and mem.carstate == "carinspect" and mem.drive.status.vel > 0 then drivecmd({ command = "moveto", pos = math.ceil(mem.drive.status.apos), inspection = true, }) elseif event.control == "down_release" and mem.carstate == "carinspect" and mem.drive.status.vel < 0 then drivecmd({ command = "moveto", pos = math.floor(mem.drive.status.apos), inspection = true, }) end elseif event.type == "dispatchermsg" then if event.channel == "pairrequest" and mem.screenstate == "oobe_dispatcherconnect" then mem.params.floornames = event.msg.floornames mem.params.floorheights = event.msg.floorheights mem.activefaults = {} mem.faultlog = {} mem.fatalfault = false mem.state = "configured" mem.screenstate = "status" mem.screenpage = 1 mem.carstate = "bfdemand" if mem.doorstate == "closed" then drivecmd({ command = "setmaxvel", maxvel = mem.params.contractspeed, }) drivecmd({command = "resetpos"}) interrupt(0.1,"checkdrive") mem.carmotion = true juststarted = true else close() end send(event.source,"pairok",mem) elseif event.channel == "newfloortable" then mem.params.floornames = event.msg.floornames mem.params.floorheights = event.msg.floorheights mem.carstate = "bfdemand" if mem.doorstate == "closed" then drivecmd({ command = "setmaxvel", maxvel = mem.params.contractspeed, }) drivecmd({command = "resetpos"}) interrupt(0.1,"checkdrive") mem.carmotion = true juststarted = true else close() end elseif event.channel == "getstatus" then send(event.source,"status",mem) elseif event.channel == "groupupcall" and mem.carstate == "normal" then mem.groupupcalls[event.msg] = true elseif event.channel == "groupdncall" and mem.carstate == "normal" then mem.groupdncalls[event.msg] = true elseif event.channel == "groupupcancel" then mem.groupupcalls[event.msg] = nil elseif event.channel == "groupdncancel" then mem.groupdncalls[event.msg] = nil elseif event.channel == "swingupcall" and mem.carstate == "normal" then mem.swingupcalls[event.msg] = true elseif event.channel == "swingdncall" and mem.carstate == "normal" then mem.swingdncalls[event.msg] = true elseif event.channel == "carcall" and mem.carstate == "normal" then mem.carcalls[event.msg] = true send(event.source,"status",mem) elseif event.channel == "fs1switch" then if event.msg and not mem.fs1led then mem.recallto = mem.params.mainlanding or 1 end mem.fs1switch = event.msg mem.fs1led = event.msg if not event.msg then mem.flashfirehat = false end end elseif event.type == "remotemsg" then if event.channel == "groupupcall" and mem.carstate == "normal" then mem.groupupcalls[event.msg] = true elseif event.channel == "groupdncall" and mem.carstate == "normal" then mem.groupdncalls[event.msg] = true elseif event.channel == "swingupcall" and mem.carstate == "normal" then mem.swingupcalls[event.msg] = true elseif event.channel == "swingdncall" and mem.carstate == "normal" then mem.swingdncalls[event.msg] = true elseif event.channel == "upcall" and mem.carstate == "normal" then mem.upcalls[event.msg] = true elseif event.channel == "dncall" and mem.carstate == "normal" then mem.dncalls[event.msg] = true elseif event.channel == "groupupcancel" then mem.groupupcalls[event.msg] = nil elseif event.channel == "groupdncancel" then mem.groupdncalls[event.msg] = nil elseif event.channel == "carcall" and mem.carstate == "normal" then mem.carcalls[event.msg] = true elseif event.channel == "security" and type(event.msg.floor) == "number" then if mem.params.floornames[event.msg.floor] and event.msg.floor ~= (mem.params.mainlanding or 1) then mem.params.carcallsecurity[event.msg.floor] = event.msg.mode end end elseif event.type == "lightcurtain" and not mem.nudging then if mem.carstate == "normal" or mem.carstate == "indep" then if mem.doorstate == "closing" then open() elseif mem.doorstate == "open" and mem.carstate == "normal" then interrupt(mem.params.doortimer,"close") end end elseif event.iid == "nudge" and mem.carstate == "normal" then mem.nudging = true if mem.doorstate == "open" then close(true) elseif mem.doorstate == "opening" then interrupt(1,"nudge") end elseif event.type == "mrsmoke" then mem.flashfirehat = true if not mem.fs1led then mem.fs1switch = true mem.fs1led = true mem.recallto = nil if mem.drive.status.vel > 0 then for i=getpos(),#mem.params.floornames,1 do if mem.drive.status.neareststop < gettarget(i) then mem.recallto = i break end end elseif mem.drive.status.vel < 0 then for i=#mem.params.floornames,1,-1 do if mem.drive.status.neareststop < gettarget(i) then mem.recallto = i break end end end if not mem.recallto then mem.recallto = getpos() end end end local oldstate = mem.carstate if mem.fatalfault then mem.carstate = "fault" drivecmd({command="estop"}) mem.carcalls = {} mem.upcalls = {} mem.dncalls = {} mem.swingupcalls = {} mem.swingdncalls = {} mem.groupupcalls = {} mem.groupdncalls = {} mem.direction = nil interrupt(nil,"opentimeout") interrupt(nil,"closetimeout") elseif mem.controllerstopsw or mem.screenstate == "floortable" or mem.screenstate == "floortable_edit" then mem.carstate = "stop" drivecmd({command="estop"}) mem.carcalls = {} mem.upcalls = {} mem.dncalls = {} mem.swingupcalls = {} mem.swingdncalls = {} mem.groupupcalls = {} mem.groupdncalls = {} mem.direction = nil interrupt(nil,"opentimeout") interrupt(nil,"closetimeout") elseif mem.controllerinspectsw and mem.cartopinspectsw then mem.carstate = "inspconflict" mem.carcalls = {} mem.upcalls = {} mem.dncalls = {} mem.swingupcalls = {} mem.swingdncalls = {} mem.groupupcalls = {} mem.groupdncalls = {} mem.direction = nil drivecmd({command="estop"}) interrupt(nil,"opentimeout") interrupt(nil,"closetimeout") elseif mem.controllerinspectsw and not mem.cartopinspectsw then mem.carstate = "mrinspect" mem.carcalls = {} mem.upcalls = {} mem.dncalls = {} mem.swingupcalls = {} mem.swingdncalls = {} mem.groupupcalls = {} mem.groupdncalls = {} mem.direction = nil interrupt(nil,"opentimeout") interrupt(nil,"closetimeout") if oldstate ~= "mrinspect" then drivecmd({command="estop"}) end elseif mem.cartopinspectsw and not mem.controllerinspectsw then mem.carstate = "carinspect" mem.carcalls = {} mem.upcalls = {} mem.dncalls = {} mem.swingupcalls = {} mem.swingdncalls = {} mem.groupupcalls = {} mem.groupdncalls = {} mem.direction = nil interrupt(nil,"opentimeout") interrupt(nil,"closetimeout") if oldstate ~= "carinspect" then drivecmd({command="estop"}) end elseif mem.fs2sw == "on" then mem.carstate = "fs2" mem.upcalls = {} mem.dncalls = {} mem.swingupcalls = {} mem.swingdncalls = {} mem.groupupcalls = {} mem.groupdncalls = {} if oldstate ~= "fs2" then mem.carcalls = {} end if mem.doorstate == "open" and oldstate ~= "fs2" then interrupt(nil,"close") end elseif mem.fs2sw == "hold" then mem.carstate = "fs2hold" mem.upcalls = {} mem.dncalls = {} mem.carcalls = {} mem.swingupcalls = {} mem.swingdncalls = {} mem.groupupcalls = {} mem.groupdncalls = {} if mem.doorstate == "open" then interrupt(nil,"close") end elseif mem.fs1switch then mem.carstate = "fs1" mem.carcalls = {} mem.upcalls = {} mem.dncalls = {} mem.swingupcalls = {} mem.swingdncalls = {} mem.groupupcalls = {} mem.groupdncalls = {} interrupt(nil,"close") if mem.drive.status.vel > 0 and mem.drive.status.apos > gettarget(mem.recallto) then for i=getpos(),#mem.params.floornames,1 do if mem.drive.status.neareststop < gettarget(i) and mem.drive.status.dpos > gettarget(i) then gotofloor(i) break end end elseif mem.drive.status.vel < 0 and mem.drive.status.apos < gettarget(mem.recallto) then for i=getpos(),1,-1 do if mem.drive.status.neareststop > gettarget(i) and mem.drive.status.dpos < gettarget(i) then gotofloor(i) break end end elseif mem.drive.status.vel < 0 and mem.drive.status.dpos < gettarget(mem.recallto) and mem.drive.status.apos > gettarget(mem.recallto) then for i=mem.recallto,1,-1 do if mem.drive.status.neareststop > gettarget(i) and mem.drive.status.dpos < gettarget(i) then gotofloor(i) break end end elseif mem.drive.status.vel > 0 and mem.drive.status.dpos > gettarget(mem.recallto) and mem.drive.status.apos < gettarget(mem.recallto) then for i=mem.recallto,#mem.params.floornames,1 do if mem.drive.status.neareststop < gettarget(i) and mem.drive.status.dpos > gettarget(i) then gotofloor(i) break end end elseif getpos() ~= mem.recallto then if not (mem.carmotion or juststarted) then if mem.doorstate == "closed" then gotofloor(mem.recallto) elseif mem.doorstate == "open" then close() end end elseif mem.doorstate == "closed" or mem.doorstate == "closing" then if not (mem.carmotion or juststarted) then open() end end elseif mem.indsw then if mem.carstate ~= "resync" then mem.carstate = "indep" end mem.upcalls = {} mem.dncalls = {} mem.swingupcalls = {} mem.swingdncalls = {} mem.groupupcalls = {} mem.groupdncalls = {} if oldstate == "stop" or oldstate == "mrinspect" or oldstate == "fault" then mem.carstate = "resync" gotofloor(getpos()) elseif oldstate == "normal" and (mem.doorstate == "closed" or mem.doorstate == "closing") and not (mem.carmotion or juststarted) then open() elseif oldstate == "normal" and mem.doorstate == "open" then interrupt(nil,"close") end elseif mem.testsw then mem.upcalls = {} mem.dncalls = {} mem.swingupcalls = {} mem.swingdncalls = {} mem.groupupcalls = {} mem.groupdncalls = {} if mem.carstate ~= "resync" then mem.carstate = "test" end if oldstate == "stop" or oldstate == "mrinspect" or oldstate == "carinspect" or oldstate == "fault" then mem.carstate = "resync" gotofloor(getpos()) end elseif mem.capturesw then mem.upcalls = {} mem.dncalls = {} mem.swingupcalls = {} mem.swingdncalls = {} mem.groupupcalls = {} mem.groupdncalls = {} if oldstate == "stop" or oldstate == "mrinspect" or oldstate == "carinspect" or oldstate == "fault" then mem.carstate = "resync" gotofloor(getpos()) elseif mem.carstate ~= "resync" and not mem.direction then mem.carstate = "capture" end else if oldstate == "stop" or oldstate == "mrinspect" or oldstate == "carinspect" or oldstate == "fault" then mem.carstate = "resync" gotofloor(getpos()) elseif oldstate == "test" or oldstate == "capture" or oldstate == "fs1" or oldstate == "fs2" or oldstate == "fs2hold" then if (oldstate == "fs1" or oldstate == "fs2" or oldstate == "fs2hold") and mem.doorstate == "open" then interrupt(mem.params.doortimer,"close") end mem.carstate = "normal" elseif oldstate == "indep" then mem.carstate = "normal" if mem.doorstate == "open" then interrupt(mem.params.doortimer,"close") end end end if mem.carstate == "normal" and oldstate ~= "normal" and mem.doorstate ~= "closed" and mem.params.nudgetimer > 0 and not mem.interrupts.nudge then interrupt(mem.params.nudgetimer,"nudge") elseif mem.carstate ~= "normal" and oldstate == "normal" then interrupt(nil,"nudge") end if mem.carmotion then mem.carmotion = (mem.drive.status.vel ~= 0) or juststarted if mem.carmotion then interrupt(0.1,"checkdrive") else local hallcall = mem.upcalls[getpos()] or mem.dncalls[getpos()] if mem.carstate == "normal" or mem.carstate == "indep" or mem.carstate == "fs1" or mem.carstate == "fs2" then mem.carcalls[getpos()] = nil if mem.direction == "up" then mem.upcalls[getpos()] = nil mem.swingupcalls[getpos()] = nil mem.groupupcalls[getpos()] = nil if (not hallcall) and (not getnextcallabove()) and getnextcallbelow() then mem.direction = "down" elseif (not hallcall) and mem.dncalls[getpos()] and (not mem.upcalls[getpos()]) and (not getnextcallabove(nil,true)) then mem.direction = "down" mem.dncalls[getpos()] = nil mem.swingdncalls[getpos()] = nil mem.groupdncalls[getpos()] = nil end elseif mem.direction == "down" then mem.dncalls[getpos()] = nil mem.swingdncalls[getpos()] = nil mem.groupdncalls[getpos()] = nil if (not hallcall) and (not getnextcallbelow()) and getnextcallabove() then mem.direction = "up" elseif (not hallcall) and mem.upcalls[getpos()] and (not mem.dncalls[getpos()]) and (not getnextcallbelow(nil,true)) then mem.direction = "up" mem.upcalls[getpos()] = nil mem.swingupcalls[getpos()] = nil mem.groupupcalls[getpos()] = nil end end if getpos() >= #mem.params.floornames then mem.direction = "down" mem.dncalls[#mem.params.floornames] = nil mem.swingdncalls[#mem.params.floornames] = nil mem.groupdncalls[#mem.params.floornames] = nil elseif getpos() <= 1 then mem.direction = "up" mem.upcalls[1] = nil mem.swingupcalls[1] = nil mem.groupupcalls[1] = nil end if (mem.carstate ~= "fs1" or getpos() == mem.recallto) and mem.carstate ~= "fs2" and mem.carstate ~= "fs2hold" then open() mem.nudging = false end if mem.carstate == "fs1" and getpos() ~= mem.recallto then gotofloor(mem.recallto) end elseif mem.carstate == "test" then mem.carcalls[getpos()] = nil mem.doorstate = "testtiming" interrupt(5,"closed") if getpos() >= #mem.params.floornames then mem.direction = "down" elseif getpos() <= 1 then mem.direction = "up" end elseif mem.carstate == "bfdemand" or mem.carstate == "resync" then if mem.indsw then mem.carstate = "indep" elseif mem.testsw then mem.carstate = "test" elseif mem.capturesw then mem.carstate = "capture" else mem.carstate = "normal" end end end end if mem.params.groupmode == "group" then mem.upcalls = table.copy(mem.groupupcalls) mem.dncalls = table.copy(mem.groupdncalls) for i in pairs(mem.swingupcalls) do mem.upcalls[i] = true end for i in pairs(mem.swingdncalls) do mem.dncalls[i] = true end end local canprocesscalls = { normal = true, capture = true, test = true, indep = true, fs2 = true, } if canprocesscalls[mem.carstate] and mem.doorstate == "closed" then if not mem.carmotion then if mem.direction == "up" then if getnextcallabove("up") then mem.direction = "up" gotofloor(getnextcallabove("up")) elseif gethighestdowncall() then mem.direction = "down" gotofloor(gethighestdowncall()) elseif getlowestupcall() then gotofloor(getlowestupcall()) elseif getnextcallbelow("down") then mem.direction = "down" gotofloor(getnextcallbelow("down")) else mem.direction = nil end elseif mem.direction == "down" then if getnextcallbelow("down") then gotofloor(getnextcallbelow("down")) elseif getlowestupcall() then mem.direction = "up" gotofloor(getlowestupcall()) elseif gethighestdowncall() then gotofloor(gethighestdowncall()) elseif getnextcallabove("up") then mem.direction = "up" gotofloor(getnextcallabove()) else mem.direction = nil end else if getnextcallabove("up") then mem.direction = "up" gotofloor(getnextcallabove()) elseif getnextcallbelow("down") then mem.direction = "down" gotofloor(getnextcallbelow("down")) elseif getlowestupcall() then mem.direction = "up" gotofloor(getlowestupcall()) elseif gethighestdowncall() then mem.direction = "down" gotofloor(gethighestdowncall()) end end if mem.carstate == "normal" and mem.capturesw and not mem.direction then mem.upcalls = {} mem.dncalls = {} mem.carstate = "capture" elseif mem.carstate == "capture" and mem.direction then mem.carstate = "normal" end elseif (mem.carstate == "normal" or mem.carstate == "capture" or mem.carstate == "test") and mem.carmotion then if mem.drive.status.vel > 0 then local nextup = getnextcallabove("up") if nextup then mem.direction = "up" local target = gettarget(nextup) if target < mem.drive.status.dpos and target > mem.drive.status.neareststop then gotofloor(nextup) end end elseif mem.drive.status.vel < 0 then local nextdown = getnextcallbelow("down") if nextdown then mem.direction = "down" local target = gettarget(nextdown) if target > mem.drive.status.dpos and target < mem.drive.status.neareststop then gotofloor(nextdown) end end end end end if mem.scrollfollowscar and mem.screenstate == "status" then mem.screenpage = math.floor((getpos()-1)/10)+1 end fs("formspec_version[6]") fs("size[16,12]") fs("no_prepend[]") fs("background9[0,0;16,12;celevator_fs_bg.png;true;3]") if mem.screenstate == "oobe_welcome" then fs("image[6,1;4,2;celevator_logo.png]") fs("label[1,4;Welcome to your new MTronic XT elevator controller!]") fs("label[1,4.5;This setup wizard is designed to get your elevator up and running as quickly as possible.]") fs("label[1,5.5;Press Next to begin.]") fs("button[1,10;2,1;license;License Info]") fs("button[13,10;2,1;next;Next >]") elseif mem.screenstate == "oobe_license" then local licensefile = io.open(minetest.get_modpath("celevator")..DIR_DELIM.."LICENSE") local license = minetest.formspec_escape(licensefile:read("*all")) licensefile:close() fs("textarea[1,1;14,8;license;This applies to the whole celevator mod\\, not just this controller:;"..license.."]") fs("button[7,10.5;2,1;back;OK]") elseif mem.screenstate == "oobe_groupmode" then fs("button[1,10;2,1;back;< Back]") fs("label[1,1;Select a group operation mode:]") fs("button[1,3;2,1;simplex;Simplex]") fs("label[1,4.5;This will be the only elevator in the group. Hall calls will be handled by this controller.]") fs("button[1,6;2,1;group;Group]") fs("label[1,7.5;This elevator will participate in a group with others. Hall calls will be handled by a dispatcher.]") elseif mem.screenstate == "oobe_dispatcherconnect" then fs("button[1,10;2,1;back;< Cancel]") fs("label[1,1;Waiting for connection from dispatcher...]") fs(string.format("label[1,1.5;This controller's car ID is: %d]",mem.carid)) elseif mem.screenstate == "oobe_floortable" or mem.screenstate == "floortable" then if mem.screenstate == "oobe_floortable" then fs("label[1,1;Enter details of all floors this elevator will serve, then press Done.]") fs("button[1,10;2,1;back;< Back]") fs("button[13,10;2,1;next;Done >]") else fs("label[1,1;EDIT FLOOR TABLE]") fs("button[1,10;2,1;next;Done]") end fs("textlist[1,2;6,7;floor;") for i=#mem.params.floornames,1,-1 do fs(minetest.formspec_escape(string.format("%d - Height: %d - PI: %s",i,mem.params.floorheights[i],mem.params.floornames[i]))..(i==1 and "" or ",")) end fs(";"..tostring(#mem.params.floornames-mem.editingfloor+1)..";false]") if #mem.params.floornames < 100 then fs("button[8,2;2,1;add;New Floor]") end fs("button[8,3.5;2,1;edit;Edit Floor]") if #mem.params.floornames > 2 then fs("button[8,5;2,1;remove;Remove Floor]") end if mem.editingfloor < #mem.params.floornames then fs("button[8,6.5;2,1;moveup;Move Up]") end if mem.editingfloor > 1 then fs("button[8,8;2,1;movedown;Move Down") end elseif mem.screenstate == "oobe_floortable_edit" or mem.screenstate == "floortable_edit" then if mem.screenstate == "oobe_floortable_edit" then fs("button[7,10.5;2,1;back;OK]") fs("label[1,5;The Floor Height is the distance (in meters/nodes) from the floor level of this floor to the floor level of the next floor.]") fs("label[1,5.5;(not used at the highest floor)]") fs("label[1,6.5;The Floor Name is how the floor will be displayed on the position indicators.]") else fs("button[7,10.5;2,1;save;Save]") end fs("label[1,1;Editing floor "..tostring(mem.editingfloor).."]") fs("field[1,3;3,1;height;Floor Height;"..tostring(mem.params.floorheights[mem.editingfloor]).."]") fs("field[5,3;3,1;name;Floor Name;"..minetest.formspec_escape(mem.params.floornames[mem.editingfloor]).."]") elseif mem.screenstate == "status" then fs("style_type[image_button;font=mono;font_size=*0.75]") fs("box[12,2.5;0.1,9;#AAAAAAFF]") fs("box[13.12,2.5;0.05,9;#AAAAAAFF]") fs("box[14.12,2.5;0.05,9;#AAAAAAFF]") fs("box[15.25,2.5;0.1,9;#AAAAAAFF]") fs("label[12.5,2;UP]") fs("label[13.38,2;CAR]") fs("label[14.25,2;DOWN]") local maxfloor = #mem.params.floornames local bottom = (mem.screenpage-1)*10+1 for i=0,9,1 do local ypos = 11-(i*0.9) local floornum = bottom+i if floornum > maxfloor then break end fs(string.format("label[11.25,%f;%s]",ypos,minetest.formspec_escape(mem.params.floornames[floornum]))) local ccdot = mem.carcalls[floornum] and "*" or "" if getpos() == floornum then local cargraphics = { open = "\\[ \\]", opening = "\\[< >\\]", closing = "\\[> <\\]", closed = "\\[ | \\]", testtiming = "\\[ | \\]", } ccdot = cargraphics[mem.doorstate] if mem.direction == "up" then ccdot = minetest.colorize("#55FF55",ccdot) elseif mem.direction == "down" then ccdot = minetest.colorize("#FF5555",ccdot) end end fs(string.format("image_button[13.25,%f;0.75,0.75;celevator_fs_bg.png;carcall%d;%s]",ypos-0.25,floornum,ccdot)) if floornum < maxfloor then local arrow = mem.upcalls[floornum] and minetest.colorize("#55FF55","^") or "" if mem.params.groupmode == "group" then arrow = mem.groupupcalls[floornum] and minetest.colorize("#55FF55","^") or "" arrow = (mem.swingupcalls[floornum] and minetest.colorize("#FFFF55","^") or "")..arrow end fs(string.format("image_button[12.25,%f;0.75,0.75;celevator_fs_bg.png;upcall%d;%s]",ypos-0.25,floornum,arrow)) end if floornum > 1 then local arrow = mem.dncalls[floornum] and minetest.colorize("#FF5555","v") or "" if mem.params.groupmode == "group" then arrow = mem.swingdncalls[floornum] and minetest.colorize("#FFFF55","v") or "" arrow = (mem.groupdncalls[floornum] and minetest.colorize("#FF5555","v") or "")..arrow end fs(string.format("image_button[14.25,%f;0.75,0.75;celevator_fs_bg.png;downcall%d;%s]",ypos-0.25,floornum,arrow)) end end if maxfloor > 10 then fs(string.format("checkbox[13,1.25;scrollfollowscar;Follow Car;%s]",tostring(mem.scrollfollowscar))) if bottom+9 < maxfloor then fs("image_button[12.75,0.25;0.75,0.75;celevator_menu_arrow.png;scrollup;;false;false;celevator_menu_arrow.png]") end if bottom > 1 then fs("image_button[13.87,0.25;0.75,0.75;celevator_menu_arrow.png^\\[transformFY;scrolldown;;false;false;celevator_menu_arrow.png^\\[transformFY]") end end fs("label[1,1;CAR STATUS]") fs(string.format("label[1,2;%s]",modenames[mem.carstate])) fs(string.format("label[1,2.5;Doors %s]",doorstates[mem.doorstate])) local currentfloor = minetest.formspec_escape(mem.params.floornames[getpos()]) fs(string.format("label[1,3;Position: %0.02fm Speed: %+0.02fm/s PI: %s]",mem.drive.status.apos,mem.drive.status.vel,currentfloor)) if #mem.faultlog > 0 then fs("label[1,3.5;Fault(s) Active]") else fs("label[1,3.5;No Current Faults]") end fs("button[1,10;3,1;faults;Fault History]") fs("button[4.5,10;3,1;parameters;Edit Parameters]") local redon = "celevator_led_red_on.png" local redoff = "celevator_led_red_off.png" local yellowon = "celevator_led_yellow_on.png" local yellowoff = "celevator_led_yellow_off.png" local greenon = "celevator_led_green_on.png" local greenoff = "celevator_led_green_off.png" fs(string.format("image[7,1;0.7,0.7;%s]",mem.carstate == "fault" and redon or redoff)) fs("label[8,1.35;FAULT]") local inspectionstates = { mrinspect = true, carinspect = true, inspconflict = true, } fs(string.format("image[7,1.9;0.7,0.7;%s]",inspectionstates[mem.carstate] and yellowon or yellowoff)) fs("label[8,2.25;INSP/ACCESS]") fs(string.format("image[7,2.8;0.7,0.7;%s]",mem.carstate == "normal" and greenon or greenoff)) fs("label[8,3.15;NORMAL OPERATION]") fs(string.format("image[7,3.7;0.7,0.7;%s]",mem.drive.status.vel > 0.01 and yellowon or yellowoff)) fs("label[8,4.05;UP]") fs(string.format("image[7,4.6;0.7,0.7;%s]",math.abs(mem.drive.status.vel) > 0.01 and yellowon or yellowoff)) fs("label[8,4.95;DRIVE CMD]") fs(string.format("image[7,5.5;0.7,0.7;%s]",mem.drive.status.vel < -0.01 and yellowon or yellowoff)) fs("label[8,5.85;DOWN]") fs(string.format("image[7,6.4;0.7,0.7;%s]",math.abs(mem.drive.status.vel) > math.min(0.4,mem.params.contractspeed/2) and yellowon or yellowoff)) fs("label[8,6.75;HIGH SPEED]") fs(string.format("image[7,7.3;0.7,0.7;%s]",math.abs(gettarget(getpos(true))-mem.drive.status.apos) < 0.5 and greenon or greenoff)) fs("label[8,7.65;DOOR ZONE]") fs(string.format("image[7,8.2;0.7,0.7;%s]",mem.doorstate == "closed" and greenon or greenoff)) fs("label[8,8.55;DOORS LOCKED]") fs("style[*;font=mono]") local stopswimg = "celevator_toggle_switch.png"..(mem.controllerstopsw and "^\\[transformFY" or "") fs(string.format("image_button[1,5;1,1.33;%s;stopsw;;false;false;%s]",stopswimg,stopswimg)) fs("label[1.3,4.75;RUN]") fs("label[1.2,6.6;STOP]") local captureswimg = "celevator_toggle_switch.png"..(mem.capturesw and "" or "^\\[transformFY") fs(string.format("image_button[3,5;1,1.33;%s;capturesw;;false;false;%s]",captureswimg,captureswimg)) fs("label[3,4.75;CAPTURE]") local testswimg = "celevator_toggle_switch.png"..(mem.testsw and "" or "^\\[transformFY") fs(string.format("image_button[5,5;1,1.33;%s;testsw;;false;false;%s]",testswimg,testswimg)) fs("label[5.23,4.75;TEST]") local inspectswimg = "celevator_toggle_switch.png"..(mem.controllerinspectsw and "" or "^\\[transformFY") fs(string.format("image_button[1,8;1,1.33;%s;inspectsw;;false;false;%s]",inspectswimg,inspectswimg)) fs("label[1.05,7.75;INSPECT]") fs("label[1.1,9.6;NORMAL]") fs(string.format("image_button[3,8.25;1,1;%s;inspectup;;false;false;%s]","celevator_button_black.png","celevator_button_black.png")) fs("label[3.4,7.75;UP]") fs(string.format("image_button[5,8.25;1,1;%s;inspectdown;;false;false;%s]","celevator_button_black.png","celevator_button_black.png")) fs("label[5.25,7.75;DOWN]") elseif mem.screenstate == "parameters" then fs("label[1,1;EDIT PARAMETERS]") fs("button[1,10;3,1;save;Save]") fs("button[4.5,10;3,1;cancel;Cancel]") if mem.params.groupmode == "simplex" then fs("button[8,10;3,1;floortable;Edit Floor Table]") end fs(string.format("field[1,3;3,1;doortimer;Door Dwell Timer;%0.1f]",mem.params.doortimer)) fs(string.format("field[1,5;3,1;contractspeed;Contract Speed (m/s);%0.1f]",mem.params.contractspeed)) fs(string.format("field[4.5,5;3,1;inspectionspeed;Inspection Speed (m/s);%0.1f]",mem.params.inspectionspeed)) fs(string.format("field[1,7;3,1;mainlanding;Main Egress Landing;%d]",mem.params.mainlanding or 1)) fs(string.format("field[4.5,3;3,1;nudgetimer;Nudging Timer (0 = None);%0.1f]",mem.params.nudgetimer)) fs(string.format("field[4.5,7;3,1;altrecalllanding;Alternate Recall Landing;%d]",mem.params.altrecalllanding)) fs("style[resetdoors,resetcontroller;bgcolor=#DD3333]") fs("button[12,1;3,1;resetdoors;Reset Doors]") fs("button[12,2.5;3,1;resetcontroller;Reset Controller]") fs("button[1,8.5;3,1;carcallsecurity;Car Call Security]") elseif mem.screenstate == "faults" then fs("label[1,1;FAULT HISTORY]") if #mem.faultlog > 0 then for i=0,9,1 do if #mem.faultlog-i >= 1 then local currfault = mem.faultlog[#mem.faultlog-i] local date = os.date("*t",currfault.timestamp) local timestamp = string.format("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",date.year,date.month,date.day,date.hour,date.min,date.sec) fs(string.format("label[1,%0.1f;%s - %s]",2+i,timestamp,faultnames[currfault.ftype])) end end else fs("label[1,2;No Current Faults]") end fs("button[1,10;3,1;back;Back]") fs("button[4.5,10;3,1;clear;Clear]") elseif mem.screenstate == "carcallsecurity" then fs("label[1,1;CAR CALL SECURITY]") fs("button[1,10;3,1;save;Done]") fs("textlist[1,2;6,7;floor;") for i=#mem.params.floornames,1,-1 do local secmode = mem.params.carcallsecurity[i] if secmode == "auth" then secmode = "Authorized Users Only" elseif secmode == "deny" then secmode = "Locked" else secmode = "Security Disabled" end fs(minetest.formspec_escape(string.format("%s - %s",mem.params.floornames[i],secmode))..(i==1 and "" or ",")) end fs(";"..tostring(#mem.params.floornames-mem.editingfloor+1)..";false]") if mem.editingfloor ~= (mem.params.mainlanding or 1) then fs("dropdown[8,2;4,1;secmode;Security Disabled,Authorized Users Only,Locked;") if mem.params.carcallsecurity[mem.editingfloor] == "auth" then fs("2;true]") elseif mem.params.carcallsecurity[mem.editingfloor] == "deny" then fs("3;true]") else fs("1;true]") end if mem.params.carcallsecurity[mem.editingfloor] then fs(string.format("checkbox[8,3.5;indepunlock;Unlock in Independent;%s]",(mem.params.indepunlock[mem.editingfloor] and "true" or "false"))) fs("label[8,4.7;Extra Allowed Users]") if not mem.params.secoverrideusers[mem.editingfloor] then mem.params.secoverrideusers[mem.editingfloor] = {} end if #mem.params.secoverrideusers[mem.editingfloor] > 0 then fs("textlist[8,6;4,2;user;") for i=1,#mem.params.secoverrideusers[mem.editingfloor],1 do fs(minetest.formspec_escape(mem.params.secoverrideusers[mem.editingfloor][i])..(i==#mem.params.secoverrideusers[mem.editingfloor] and "" or ",")) end fs(";"..tostring(mem.editinguser)..";false]") else fs("label[8,6.25;(none)]") end fs("field[8,5;3,1;username;;]") fs("button[11.25,5;0.5,1;adduser;+]") fs("button[12,5;0.5,1;deluser;-]") end else fs("label[8,2;Main landing cannot be locked]") end end local arrow = " " if mem.drive.status.dpos > mem.drive.status.apos then arrow = "^" elseif mem.drive.status.dpos < mem.drive.status.apos then arrow = "v" end local floorname = mem.params.floornames[getpos()] local modename = modenames[mem.carstate] local doorstate = doorstates[mem.doorstate] mem.infotext = string.format("ID %d: Floor %s %s - %s - Doors %s",mem.carid,floorname,arrow,modename,doorstate) if mem.drive.type then mem.showrunning = mem.drive.status.vel ~= 0 else mem.showrunning = false end local oldpifloor = mem.pifloor mem.pifloor = mem.params.floornames[getpos(true)] local hidepi = { bfdemand = true, uninit = true, stop = true, fault = true, mrinspect = true, carinspect = true, inspconflict = true, } if hidepi[mem.carstate] then mem.pifloor = "--" end if mem.pifloor ~= oldpifloor and mem.carstate == "normal" then drivecmd({command="pibeep"}) end local arrowenabled = { normal = true, fs1 = true, fs2 = true, indep = true, capture = true, test = true, } mem.piuparrow = mem.drive.status.vel > 0 and arrowenabled[mem.carstate] mem.pidownarrow = mem.drive.status.vel < 0 and arrowenabled[mem.carstate] mem.flash_fs = (mem.carstate == "fs1" or mem.carstate == "fs2" or mem.carstate == "fs2hold") mem.flash_is = mem.carstate == "indep" mem.flash_blank = mem.nudging mem.lanterns = {} if mem.carstate == "normal" and (mem.doorstate == "open" or mem.doorstate == "opening") then mem.lanterns[getpos()] = mem.direction elseif mem.carstate == "normal" and mem.doorstate == "closed" and mem.drive.status then local ring = false if mem.drive.status.vel > 0 and mem.drive.status.neareststop > mem.drive.status.dpos then ring = true elseif mem.drive.status.vel < 0 and mem.drive.status.neareststop < mem.drive.status.dpos then ring = true end if ring then for i=1,#mem.params.floornames,1 do if gettarget(i) == mem.drive.status.dpos then if mem.direction == "up" and mem.upcalls[i] then mem.lanterns[i] = "up" elseif mem.direction == "down" and mem.dncalls[i] then mem.lanterns[i] = "down" end end end end end mem.copformspec = "formspec_version[7]" local floorcount = #mem.params.floornames local copcols = math.floor((floorcount-1)/10)+1 local coprows = math.floor((floorcount-1)/copcols)+1 local litimg = "celevator_copbutton_lit.png" local unlitimg = "celevator_copbutton_unlit.png" mem.copformspec = mem.copformspec..string.format("size[%f,%f]",copcols*1.25+2.5,coprows*1.25+5) mem.copformspec = mem.copformspec.."no_prepend[]" mem.copformspec = mem.copformspec.."background9[0,0;16,12;celevator_fs_bg.png;true;3]" for i=1,floorcount,1 do local row = math.floor((i-1)/copcols)+1 local col = ((i-1)%copcols)+1 local yp = (coprows-row+1)*1.25+1 local xp = col*1.25 local tex = mem.carcalls[i] and litimg or unlitimg local star = (i == (mem.params.mainlanding or 1) and "*" or "") local label = minetest.formspec_escape(star..mem.params.floornames[i]) mem.copformspec = mem.copformspec..string.format("image_button[%f,%f;1.2,1.2;%s;carcall%d;%s;false;false;%s]",xp,yp,tex,i,label,litimg) end local doxp = (copcols == 1) and 0.5 or 1.25 local openlabel = minetest.formspec_escape("<|>") mem.copformspec = mem.copformspec..string.format("image_button[%f,%f;1.2,1.2;%s;open;%s;false;false;%s]",doxp,coprows*1.25+2.5,unlitimg,openlabel,litimg) local dcxp = 3.75 if copcols == 1 then dcxp = 2 elseif copcols == 2 then dcxp = 2.5 end local closelabel = minetest.formspec_escape(">|<") mem.copformspec = mem.copformspec..string.format("image_button[%f,%f;1.2,1.2;%s;close;%s;false;false;%s]",dcxp,coprows*1.25+2.5,unlitimg,closelabel,litimg) mem.copformspec = mem.copformspec..string.format("image_button[0.4,0.5;1.4,1.4;%s;callcancel;Call\nCancel;false;false;%s]",unlitimg,litimg) if mem.flashfirehat then mem.copformspec = mem.copformspec.."animated_image[2.2,0.5;1.4,1.4;firehat;celevator_fire_hat_flashing.png;2;750]" else local firehat = mem.flash_fs and "celevator_fire_hat_lit.png" or "celevator_fire_hat_unlit.png" mem.copformspec = mem.copformspec..string.format("image[2.2,0.5;1.4,1.4;%s]",firehat) end mem.switchformspec = "formspec_version[7]size[8,10]no_prepend[]background9[0,0;16,12;celevator_fs_bg.png;true;3]" local fs2ontex = (mem.fs2sw == "on") and "celevator_button_rect_active.png" or "celevator_button_rect.png" local fs2holdtex = (mem.fs2sw == "hold") and "celevator_button_rect_active.png" or "celevator_button_rect.png" local fs2offtex = (mem.fs2sw == "off" or not mem.fs2sw) and "celevator_button_rect_active.png" or "celevator_button_rect.png" mem.switchformspec = mem.switchformspec..string.format("image_button[1.5,1.5;1.5,1;%s;fs2on;ON;false;false;celevator_button_rect_active.png]",fs2ontex) mem.switchformspec = mem.switchformspec..string.format("image_button[1.5,2.5;1.5,1;%s;fs2hold;HOLD;false;false;celevator_button_rect_active.png]",fs2holdtex) mem.switchformspec = mem.switchformspec..string.format("image_button[1.5,3.5;1.5,1;%s;fs2off;OFF;false;false;celevator_button_rect_active.png]",fs2offtex) mem.switchformspec = mem.switchformspec.."label[1.6,4.75;FIRE SVC]" local indontex = mem.indsw and "celevator_button_rect_active.png" or "celevator_button_rect.png" local indofftex = (not mem.indsw) and "celevator_button_rect_active.png" or "celevator_button_rect.png" mem.switchformspec = mem.switchformspec..string.format("image_button[4.5,1.5;1.5,1;%s;indon;ON;false;false;celevator_button_rect_active.png]",indontex) mem.switchformspec = mem.switchformspec..string.format("image_button[4.5,3.5;1.5,1;%s;indoff;OFF;false;false;celevator_button_rect_active.png]",indofftex) mem.switchformspec = mem.switchformspec.."label[4.6,4.75;IND SVC]" local lightontex = mem.lightsw and "celevator_button_rect_active.png" or "celevator_button_rect.png" local lightofftex = (not mem.lightsw) and "celevator_button_rect_active.png" or "celevator_button_rect.png" mem.switchformspec = mem.switchformspec..string.format("image_button[1.5,5.5;1.5,1;%s;lighton;ON;false;false;celevator_button_rect_active.png]",lightontex) mem.switchformspec = mem.switchformspec..string.format("image_button[1.5,7.5;1.5,1;%s;lightoff;OFF;false;false;celevator_button_rect_active.png]",lightofftex) mem.switchformspec = mem.switchformspec.."label[1.6,8.75;CAR LIGHT]" local fanontex = mem.fansw and "celevator_button_rect_active.png" or "celevator_button_rect.png" local fanofftex = (not mem.fansw) and "celevator_button_rect_active.png" or "celevator_button_rect.png" mem.switchformspec = mem.switchformspec..string.format("image_button[4.5,5.5;1.5,1;%s;fanon;ON;false;false;celevator_button_rect_active.png]",fanontex) mem.switchformspec = mem.switchformspec..string.format("image_button[4.5,7.5;1.5,1;%s;fanoff;OFF;false;false;celevator_button_rect_active.png]",fanofftex) mem.switchformspec = mem.switchformspec.."label[4.6,8.75;CAR FAN]" return pos,mem,changedinterrupts