path: root/digilines.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'digilines.lua')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/digilines.lua b/digilines.lua
index 79fd087..413a0bc 100644
--- a/digilines.lua
+++ b/digilines.lua
@@ -27,71 +27,123 @@ minetest.register_node("celevator:digilines_io",{
if setchannel ~= channel then return end
local carid = meta:get_int("carid")
if carid == 0 then return end
+ local dmode = meta:get_int("dispatcher") == 1
local carinfo = minetest.deserialize("car%d",carid))) or {}
- if not carinfo.controllerpos then return end
- if not celevator.controller.iscontroller(carinfo.controllerpos) then return end
msg.command = string.lower(msg.command)
- if msg.command == "get" then
- local mem = minetest.deserialize(minetest.get_meta(carinfo.controllerpos):get_string("mem"))
- if not mem then return end
- local ret = {
- carstate = mem.carstate,
- doorstate = mem.doorstate,
- carcalls = mem.carcalls,
- upcalls = mem.upcalls,
- swingupcalls = mem.swingupcalls,
- groupupcalls = mem.groupupcalls,
- downcalls = mem.dncalls,
- swingdowncalls = mem.swingdncalls,
- groupdowncalls = mem.groupdncalls,
- fireserviceled = mem.fs1led,
- switches = {
- stop = mem.controllerstopsw,
- machineroominspection = mem.controllerinspectsw,
- cartopinspection = mem.cartopinspectsw,
- capture = mem.capturesw,
- test = mem.testsw,
- fireservice1 = mem.fs1switch,
- fireservice2 = mem.fs2sw,
- indpedendent = mem.indsw,
- light = mem.lightsw,
- fan = mem.fansw,
- },
- parameters = mem.params,
- drivestatus =,
- direction = mem.direction,
- }
- digilines.receptor_send(pos,digilines.rules.default,channel,ret)
- elseif msg.command == "carcall" and type(msg.floor) == "number" then
- type = "remotemsg",
- channel = "carcall",
- msg = msg.floor,
- })
- elseif msg.command == "upcall" and type(msg.floor) == "number" then
- type = "remotemsg",
- channel = "upcall",
- msg = msg.floor,
- })
- elseif msg.command == "downcall" and type(msg.floor) == "number" then
- type = "remotemsg",
- channel = "dncall",
- msg = msg.floor,
- })
- elseif msg.command == "swingupcall" and type(msg.floor) == "number" then
- type = "remotemsg",
- channel = "swingupcall",
- msg = msg.floor,
- })
- elseif msg.command == "swingdowncall" and type(msg.floor) == "number" then
- type = "remotemsg",
- channel = "swingdncall",
- msg = msg.floor,
- })
+ if dmode then
+ if not carinfo.dispatcherpos then return end
+ if not celevator.dispatcher.isdispatcher(carinfo.dispatcherpos) then return end
+ if msg.command == "get" then
+ local mem = minetest.deserialize(minetest.get_meta(carinfo.dispatcherpos):get_string("mem"))
+ if not mem then return end
+ local ret = {
+ upcalls = {},
+ downcalls = {},
+ fireserviceled = mem.fs1led,
+ }
+ for floor in pairs(mem.upcalls) do
+ ret.upcalls[floor] = {
+ eta = mem.upeta[floor]
+ }
+ if mem.assignedup[floor] then
+ for k,v in ipairs(mem.params.carids) do
+ if v == mem.assignedup[floor] then
+ ret.upcalls[floor].assignedcar = k
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for floor in pairs(mem.dncalls) do
+ ret.downcalls[floor] = {
+ eta = mem.dneta[floor]
+ }
+ if mem.assigneddn[floor] then
+ for k,v in ipairs(mem.params.carids) do
+ if v == mem.assigneddn[floor] then
+ ret.downcalls[floor].assignedcar = k
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ digilines.receptor_send(pos,digilines.rules.default,channel,ret)
+ elseif msg.command == "upcall" and type(msg.floor) == "number" then
+ type = "remotemsg",
+ channel = "upcall",
+ msg = msg.floor,
+ })
+ elseif msg.command == "downcall" and type(msg.floor) == "number" then
+ type = "remotemsg",
+ channel = "dncall",
+ msg = msg.floor,
+ })
+ end
+ else
+ if not carinfo.controllerpos then return end
+ if not celevator.controller.iscontroller(carinfo.controllerpos) then return end
+ if msg.command == "get" then
+ local mem = minetest.deserialize(minetest.get_meta(carinfo.controllerpos):get_string("mem"))
+ if not mem then return end
+ local ret = {
+ carstate = mem.carstate,
+ doorstate = mem.doorstate,
+ carcalls = mem.carcalls,
+ upcalls = mem.upcalls,
+ swingupcalls = mem.swingupcalls,
+ groupupcalls = mem.groupupcalls,
+ downcalls = mem.dncalls,
+ swingdowncalls = mem.swingdncalls,
+ groupdowncalls = mem.groupdncalls,
+ fireserviceled = mem.fs1led,
+ switches = {
+ stop = mem.controllerstopsw,
+ machineroominspection = mem.controllerinspectsw,
+ cartopinspection = mem.cartopinspectsw,
+ capture = mem.capturesw,
+ test = mem.testsw,
+ fireservice1 = mem.fs1switch,
+ fireservice2 = mem.fs2sw,
+ indpedendent = mem.indsw,
+ light = mem.lightsw,
+ fan = mem.fansw,
+ },
+ parameters = mem.params,
+ drivestatus =,
+ direction = mem.direction,
+ }
+ digilines.receptor_send(pos,digilines.rules.default,channel,ret)
+ elseif msg.command == "carcall" and type(msg.floor) == "number" then
+ type = "remotemsg",
+ channel = "carcall",
+ msg = msg.floor,
+ })
+ elseif msg.command == "upcall" and type(msg.floor) == "number" then
+ type = "remotemsg",
+ channel = "upcall",
+ msg = msg.floor,
+ })
+ elseif msg.command == "downcall" and type(msg.floor) == "number" then
+ type = "remotemsg",
+ channel = "dncall",
+ msg = msg.floor,
+ })
+ elseif msg.command == "swingupcall" and type(msg.floor) == "number" then
+ type = "remotemsg",
+ channel = "swingupcall",
+ msg = msg.floor,
+ })
+ elseif msg.command == "swingdowncall" and type(msg.floor) == "number" then
+ type = "remotemsg",
+ channel = "swingdncall",
+ msg = msg.floor,
+ })
+ end
@@ -118,15 +170,32 @@ minetest.register_node("celevator:digilines_io",{
local carid = tonumber(fields.carid)
local carinfo = minetest.deserialize("car%d",carid))) or {}
- if not carinfo.controllerpos then return end
- if not celevator.controller.iscontroller(carinfo.controllerpos) then return end
- if minetest.is_protected(carinfo.controllerpos,name) and not minetest.check_player_privs(name,{protection_bypass=true}) then
- if player:is_player() then
- minetest.chat_send_player(name,"Can't connect to a controller you don't have access to.")
- minetest.record_protection_violation(carinfo.controllerpos,name)
+ if not (carinfo.controllerpos or carinfo.dispatcherpos) then return end
+ local dmode = false
+ if carinfo.dispatcherpos then
+ dmode = true
+ if not celevator.dispatcher.isdispatcher(carinfo.dispatcherpos) then return end
+ else
+ if not celevator.controller.iscontroller(carinfo.controllerpos) then return end
+ end
+ if dmode then
+ if minetest.is_protected(carinfo.dispatcherpos,name) and not minetest.check_player_privs(name,{protection_bypass=true}) then
+ if player:is_player() then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(name,"Can't connect to a dispatcher you don't have access to.")
+ minetest.record_protection_violation(carinfo.dispatcherpos,name)
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ else
+ if minetest.is_protected(carinfo.controllerpos,name) and not minetest.check_player_privs(name,{protection_bypass=true}) then
+ if player:is_player() then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(name,"Can't connect to a controller you don't have access to.")
+ minetest.record_protection_violation(carinfo.controllerpos,name)
+ end
+ return
- return
+ meta:set_int("dispatcher",dmode and 1 or 0)
local infotext = "Car: "..carid