--Unified Bricks by Vsevolod Borislav (wowiamdiamonds) -- --License: WTFPL -- --Depends: default, bucket, unifieddyes, vessels -- --Obviously, offers the same colors in unifieddyes. --Thanks go to VanessaE for making unifieddyes, gentextures.sh, etc. minetest.register_alias("unifieddyes:white","unifieddyes:white_paint") minetest.register_alias("unifieddyes:lightgrey","unifieddyes:lightgrey_paint") minetest.register_alias("unifieddyes:grey","unifieddyes:grey_paint") minetest.register_alias("unifieddyes:darkgrey","unifieddyes:darkgrey_paint") --1 indicates yes, 0 indicates no --default:clay_lump + unifieddyes:color = unifiedbricks:color SETTING_allow_default_coloring = 1 --red, orange, yellow, lime, green, aqua, cyan, skyblue, blue, violet, magenta, --redviolet, black, darkgrey, mediumgrey, lightgrey, white, respectively (by default) SETTING_allow_hues = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1} --clayblock, clay, brick, singlecolor brickblock, multicolor brickblock, respectively (by default) SETTING_allow_types = {1,1,1,1,1} --half saturation, full saturation, respectively (by default) SETTING_allow_saturation = {1,1} --dark, medium, bright, light, respectively (by default) SETTING_allow_darkness = {1,1,1,1} --dark, medium, bright, respectively (by default) SETTING_allow_multicolor = {1,1,1} HUES = { "red", "orange", "yellow", "lime", "green", "aqua", "cyan", "skyblue", "blue", "violet", "magenta", "redviolet", "black", "darkgrey", "grey", "lightgrey", "white" } TYPES = { "clayblock_", "clay_", "brick_", "brickblock_", "multicolor_" } SATURATION = { "_s50", "" } DARKNESS = { "dark_", "medium_", "", "light_" } --formal versions FORMALHUES = { "Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Lime", "Green", "Aqua", "Cyan", "Sky blue", "Blue", "Violet", "Magenta", "Red violet", "Black", "Dark grey", "Grey", "Light grey", "White" } FORMALTYPES = { " clay", " clay lump", " brick", " bricks", " multicolor bricks" } FORMALSATURATION = { " (low saturation)", "" } FORMALDARKNESS = { "Dark ", "Medium ", "Bright ", "Light " } register_clay_block = function(name,formalname) minetest.register_node("unifiedbricks:" .. TYPES[1] .. name, { description = formalname .. FORMALTYPES[1], tiles = {"unifiedbricks_" .. TYPES[1] .. name .. ".png"}, is_ground_content = true, groups = {crumbly=3, not_in_creative_inventory=1}, drop = "unifiedbricks:" .. TYPES[2] .. name .. " 4", sounds = default.node_sound_dirt_defaults({ footstep = "", }), }) end register_clay_lump = function(name,formalname) minetest.register_craftitem("unifiedbricks:" .. TYPES[2] .. name, { description = formalname .. FORMALTYPES[2], inventory_image = "unifiedbricks_" .. TYPES[2] .. name .. ".png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1} }) end register_brick = function(name,formalname) minetest.register_craftitem("unifiedbricks:" .. TYPES[3] .. name, { description = formalname .. FORMALTYPES[3], inventory_image = "unifiedbricks_" .. TYPES[3] .. name .. ".png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1} }) end register_brick_block = function(name,formalname) minetest.register_node("unifiedbricks:" .. TYPES[4] .. name, { description = formalname .. FORMALTYPES[4], tiles = {"unifiedbricks_" .. TYPES[4] .. name .. ".png"}, is_ground_content = true, groups = {cracky=3, not_in_creative_inventory=1}, drop = "unifiedbricks:" .. TYPES[3] .. name .." 4", sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), }) end register_multicolor = function(name,formalname,drop_one,drop_two,drop_three) minetest.register_node("unifiedbricks:" .. TYPES[5] .. name, { description = formalname .. FORMALTYPES[5], tiles = {"unifiedbricks_" .. TYPES[5] .. name .. ".png"}, is_ground_content = true, groups = {cracky=3, not_in_creative_inventory=1}, drop = {max_items = 4, items={ {items={"unifiedbricks:" .. TYPES[3] .. drop_one .." 2"}}, {items={"unifiedbricks:" .. TYPES[3] .. drop_two}}, {items={"unifiedbricks:" .. TYPES[3] .. drop_three}} }}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), }) end register_clay_craft_default = function(color) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color, recipe = { "default:clay_lump", "unifieddyes:" .. color, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color, "vessels:glass_bottle"} } }) end register_clay_craft_bucketlast = function(color_combo,color_one,color_two) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 2", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, }, }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 1", recipe = { "unifieddyes:" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:" .. color_one, "vessels:glass_bottle"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 1", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifieddyes:" .. color_two, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "bucket:bucket_empty"} } }) end register_clay_craft_vessellast = function(color_combo,color_one,color_two) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 2", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, }, }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 1", recipe = { "unifieddyes:" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:" .. color_one, "vessels:glass_bottle"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 1", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifieddyes:" .. color_two, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "vessels:glass_bottle"} } }) end register_clay_craft_three = function(color_combo,color_one,color_two,color_three) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 3", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_three, }, }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 2", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifieddyes:" .. color_three, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "bucket:bucket_empty"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 2", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifieddyes:" .. color_two, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_three, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "bucket:bucket_empty"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 2", recipe = { "unifieddyes:" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_three, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "bucket:bucket_empty"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 1", recipe = { "unifieddyes:" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifieddyes:" .. color_three, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "bucket:bucket_empty"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 1", recipe = { "unifieddyes:" .. color_one, "unifieddyes:" .. color_two, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_three, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "bucket:bucket_empty"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 1", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifieddyes:" .. color_two, "unifieddyes:" .. color_three, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "bucket:bucket_empty"} } }) end register_clay_craft_three_reducedfat_blackfirst = function(color_combo,color_one,color_two,color_three) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 3", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_three, }, }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 2", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifieddyes:" .. color_three, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "bucket:bucket_empty"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 2", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifieddyes:" .. color_two, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_three, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "bucket:bucket_empty"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 1", recipe = { "unifieddyes:" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifieddyes:" .. color_three, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "bucket:bucket_empty"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 1", recipe = { "unifieddyes:" .. color_one, "unifieddyes:" .. color_two, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_three, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "bucket:bucket_empty"} } }) end register_clay_craft_three_reducedfat_whitefirst = function(color_combo,color_one,color_two,color_three) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 3", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_three, }, }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 2", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifieddyes:" .. color_three, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "vessels:glass_bottle"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 2", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifieddyes:" .. color_two, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_three, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "vessels:glass_bottle"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 1", recipe = { "unifieddyes:" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifieddyes:" .. color_three, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "vessels:glass_bottle"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 1", recipe = { "unifieddyes:" .. color_one, "unifieddyes:" .. color_two, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_three, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "vessels:glass_bottle"} } }) end register_clay_craft_four_reducedfat_blackfirst = function(color_combo,color_one,color_two,color_three,color_four) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 4", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_three, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_four, }, }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 3", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_three, "unifieddyes:" .. color_four, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_four, "vessels:glass_bottle"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 3", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifieddyes:" .. color_three, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_four, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_four, "vessels:glass_bottle"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 3", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifieddyes:" .. color_two, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_three, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_four, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_four, "vessels:glass_bottle"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 2", recipe = { "unifieddyes:" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_three, "unifieddyes:" .. color_four, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_four, "vessels:glass_bottle"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 2", recipe = { "unifieddyes:" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifieddyes:" .. color_three, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_four, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_four, "vessels:glass_bottle"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 2", recipe = { "unifieddyes:" .. color_one, "unifieddyes:" .. color_two, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_three, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_four, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_four, "vessels:glass_bottle"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 2", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifieddyes:" .. color_three, "unifieddyes:" .. color_four, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_four, "vessels:glass_bottle"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 1", recipe = { "unifieddyes:" .. color_one, "unifieddyes:" .. color_two, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_three, "unifieddyes:" .. color_four, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_four, "vessels:glass_bottle"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 1", recipe = { "unifieddyes:" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifieddyes:" .. color_three, "unifieddyes:" .. color_four, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_four, "vessels:glass_bottle"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 1", recipe = { "unifieddyes:" .. color_one, "unifieddyes:" .. color_two, "unifieddyes:" .. color_three, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_four, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_four, "vessels:glass_bottle"} } }) end register_clay_craft_four_reducedfat_whitefirst = function(color_combo,color_one,color_two,color_three,color_four) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 4", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_three, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_four, }, }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 3", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_three, "unifieddyes:" .. color_four, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_four, "bucket:bucket_empty"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 3", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifieddyes:" .. color_three, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_four, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_four, "bucket:bucket_empty"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 3", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifieddyes:" .. color_two, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_three, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_four, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_four, "bucket:bucket_empty"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 2", recipe = { "unifieddyes:" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_three, "unifieddyes:" .. color_four, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_four, "bucket:bucket_empty"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 2", recipe = { "unifieddyes:" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifieddyes:" .. color_three, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_four, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_four, "bucket:bucket_empty"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 2", recipe = { "unifieddyes:" .. color_one, "unifieddyes:" .. color_two, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_three, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_four, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_four, "bucket:bucket_empty"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 2", recipe = { "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifieddyes:" .. color_three, "unifieddyes:" .. color_four, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_four, "bucket:bucket_empty"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 1", recipe = { "unifieddyes:" .. color_one, "unifieddyes:" .. color_two, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_three, "unifieddyes:" .. color_four, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_four, "bucket:bucket_empty"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 1", recipe = { "unifieddyes:" .. color_one, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_two, "unifieddyes:" .. color_three, "unifieddyes:" .. color_four, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_four, "bucket:bucket_empty"} } }) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_combo .. " 1", recipe = { "unifieddyes:" .. color_one, "unifieddyes:" .. color_two, "unifieddyes:" .. color_three, "unifiedbricks:clay_" .. color_four, }, replacements = { { "unifieddyes:"..color_one, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_two, "bucket:bucket_empty"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_three, "vessels:glass_bottle"},{ "unifieddyes:"..color_four, "bucket:bucket_empty"} } }) end register_clay_block_craft = function(color) minetest.register_craft({ output = "unifiedbricks:" .. TYPES[1] .. color, recipe = { {"unifiedbricks:" .. TYPES[2] .. color, "unifiedbricks:" .. TYPES[2] .. color}, {"unifiedbricks:" .. TYPES[2] .. color, "unifiedbricks:" .. TYPES[2] .. color}, } }) end register_brick_cooking = function(color) minetest.register_craft({ type = "cooking", output = "unifiedbricks:" .. TYPES[3] .. color, recipe = "unifiedbricks:" .. TYPES[2] .. color, }) end register_brick_block_craft = function(color) minetest.register_craft({ output = "unifiedbricks:" .. TYPES[4] .. color, recipe = { {"unifiedbricks:" .. TYPES[3] .. color, "unifiedbricks:" .. TYPES[3] .. color}, {"unifiedbricks:" .. TYPES[3] .. color, "unifiedbricks:" .. TYPES[3] .. color}, } }) end register_multicolor_craft = function(name,drop_one,drop_two,drop_three) minetest.register_craft( { type = "shapeless", output = "unifiedbricks:multicolor_" .. name, recipe = { "unifiedbricks:".. TYPES[3] .. drop_one, "unifiedbricks:".. TYPES[3] .. drop_one, "unifiedbricks:".. TYPES[3] .. drop_two, "unifiedbricks:".. TYPES[3] .. drop_three, }, }) end --REGISTERS ALL NODES AND CRAFTITEMS EXCEPT MULTICOLOR BRICK BLOCKS for i = 1,17 do if SETTING_allow_hues[i] == 1 then for j = 1,4 do if SETTING_allow_types[j] == 1 then if i > 12 then formalname = FORMALHUES[i] name = HUES[i] if j == 1 then register_clay_block(name,formalname) elseif j == 2 then register_clay_lump(name,formalname) elseif j == 3 then register_brick(name,formalname) else register_brick_block(name,formalname) end else for k = 1,4 do if SETTING_allow_darkness[k] == 1 then if k == 4 then formalname = FORMALDARKNESS[k] .. FORMALHUES[i] name = DARKNESS[k] .. HUES[i] if j == 1 then register_clay_block(name,formalname) elseif j == 2 then register_clay_lump(name,formalname) elseif j == 3 then register_brick(name,formalname) else register_brick_block(name,formalname) end else for l = 1,2 do if SETTING_allow_saturation[l] == 1 then formalname = FORMALDARKNESS[k] .. FORMALHUES[i] .. FORMALSATURATION[l] name = DARKNESS[k] .. HUES[i] .. SATURATION[l] if j == 1 then register_clay_block(name,formalname) elseif j == 2 then register_clay_lump(name,formalname) elseif j == 3 then register_brick(name,formalname) else register_brick_block(name,formalname) end end end end end end end end end end end --REGISTERS ALL CLAY BLOCK CRAFTING RECIPES if SETTING_allow_types[1] + SETTING_allow_types[2] == 2 then for i = 1,17 do if SETTING_allow_hues[i] == 1 then if i > 12 then register_clay_block_craft(HUES[i]) else for k = 1,4 do if SETTING_allow_darkness[k] == 1 then if k == 4 then register_clay_block_craft(DARKNESS[k] .. HUES[i]) else for l = 1,2 do if SETTING_allow_saturation[l] == 1 then register_clay_block_craft(DARKNESS[k] .. HUES[i] .. SATURATION[l]) end end end end end end end end end --REGISTERS ALL CLAY LUMP CRAFTING RECIPES if SETTING_allow_types[2] == 1 then if SETTING_allow_saturation[2] + SETTING_allow_darkness[3] == 2 then if SETTING_allow_hues[2] == 1 then register_clay_craft_vessellast("orange","yellow","red") end if SETTING_allow_hues[4] == 1 then register_clay_craft_vessellast("lime","green","yellow") end if SETTING_allow_hues[5] == 1 then register_clay_craft_vessellast("green","blue","yellow") end if SETTING_allow_hues[6] == 1 then register_clay_craft_vessellast("aqua","green","cyan") end if SETTING_allow_hues[7] == 1 then register_clay_craft_vessellast("cyan","blue","green") end if SETTING_allow_hues[8] == 1 then register_clay_craft_vessellast("skyblue","cyan","blue") end if SETTING_allow_hues[10] == 1 then register_clay_craft_vessellast("violet","magenta","blue") end if SETTING_allow_hues[11] == 1 then register_clay_craft_vessellast("magenta","blue","red") end if SETTING_allow_hues[12] == 1 then register_clay_craft_vessellast("redviolet","magenta","red") end if SETTING_allow_hues[14] == 1 then register_clay_craft_three_reducedfat_blackfirst("darkgrey","black","black","white") end if SETTING_allow_hues[15] == 1 then register_clay_craft_bucketlast("grey","black","white") end if SETTING_allow_hues[16] == 1 then register_clay_craft_three_reducedfat_whitefirst("lightgrey","white","white","black") end if SETTING_allow_default_coloring == 1 then for i = 13,17 do if SETTING_allow_hues[i] == 1 then register_clay_craft_default(HUES[i]) end end end end for i = 1,12 do if SETTING_allow_hues[i] == 1 then if SETTING_allow_darkness[1] + SETTING_allow_saturation[1] == 2 then --dark s50 register_clay_craft_bucketlast(DARKNESS[1] .. HUES[i] .. SATURATION[1],HUES[i],"darkgrey") register_clay_craft_four_reducedfat_blackfirst(DARKNESS[1] .. HUES[i] .. SATURATION[1],"black","black","white",HUES[i]) if SETTING_allow_default_coloring == 1 then register_clay_craft_default(DARKNESS[1] .. HUES[i] .. SATURATION[1]) end end if SETTING_allow_darkness[1] + SETTING_allow_saturation[2] == 2 then --dark register_clay_craft_three_reducedfat_blackfirst(DARKNESS[1] .. HUES[i] .. SATURATION[2],"black","black",HUES[i]) if SETTING_allow_default_coloring == 1 then register_clay_craft_default(DARKNESS[1] .. HUES[i] .. SATURATION[2]) end end if SETTING_allow_darkness[2] + SETTING_allow_saturation[1] == 2 then --medium s50 register_clay_craft_bucketlast(DARKNESS[2] .. HUES[i] .. SATURATION[1],HUES[i],"grey") register_clay_craft_three(DARKNESS[2] .. HUES[i] .. SATURATION[1],HUES[i],"black","white") if SETTING_allow_default_coloring == 1 then register_clay_craft_default(DARKNESS[2] .. HUES[i] .. SATURATION[1]) end end if SETTING_allow_darkness[2] + SETTING_allow_saturation[2] == 2 then --medium register_clay_craft_vessellast(DARKNESS[2] .. HUES[i] .. SATURATION[2],HUES[i],"black") if SETTING_allow_default_coloring == 1 then register_clay_craft_default(DARKNESS[2] .. HUES[i] .. SATURATION[2]) end end if SETTING_allow_darkness[3] + SETTING_allow_saturation[1] == 2 then --bright s50 register_clay_craft_bucketlast(DARKNESS[3] .. HUES[i] .. SATURATION[1],HUES[i],"lightgrey") register_clay_craft_four_reducedfat_whitefirst(DARKNESS[3] .. HUES[i] .. SATURATION[1],"white","white","black",HUES[i]) if SETTING_allow_default_coloring == 1 then register_clay_craft_default(DARKNESS[3] .. HUES[i] .. SATURATION[1]) end end if SETTING_allow_darkness[3] + SETTING_allow_saturation[2] == 2 then --bright if SETTING_allow_default_coloring == 1 then register_clay_craft_default(DARKNESS[3] .. HUES[i] .. SATURATION[2]) end end if SETTING_allow_darkness[4] + SETTING_allow_saturation[2] == 2 then --light register_clay_craft_bucketlast(DARKNESS[4] .. HUES[i] .. SATURATION[2],HUES[i],"white") if SETTING_allow_default_coloring == 1 then register_clay_craft_default(DARKNESS[4] .. HUES[i] .. SATURATION[2]) end end end end end --REGISTERS ALL BRICK COOKING RECIPES if SETTING_allow_types[2] + SETTING_allow_types[3] == 2 then for i = 1,17 do if SETTING_allow_hues[i] == 1 then if i > 12 then register_brick_cooking(HUES[i]) else for k = 1,4 do if SETTING_allow_darkness[k] == 1 then if k == 4 then register_brick_cooking(DARKNESS[k] .. HUES[i]) else for l = 1,2 do if SETTING_allow_saturation[l] == 1 then register_brick_cooking(DARKNESS[k] .. HUES[i] .. SATURATION[l]) end end end end end end end end end --REGISTERS ALL BRICK BLOCK CRAFTING RECIPES if SETTING_allow_types[3] + SETTING_allow_types[4] == 2 then for i = 1,17 do if SETTING_allow_hues[i] == 1 then if i > 12 then register_brick_block_craft(HUES[i]) else for k = 1,4 do if SETTING_allow_darkness[k] == 1 then if k == 4 then register_brick_block_craft(DARKNESS[k] .. HUES[i]) else for l = 1,2 do if SETTING_allow_saturation[l] == 1 then register_brick_block_craft(DARKNESS[k] .. HUES[i] .. SATURATION[l]) end end end end end end end end end --REGISTERS ALL MULTICOLOR EVERYTHING if SETTING_allow_types[5] == 1 then for i = 1,13 do if SETTING_allow_hues[i] == 1 then if i == 13 then if SETTING_allow_multicolor[1] == 1 then name = HUES[14] formalname = FORMALHUES[14] brick_one = HUES[14] brick_two = HUES[15] brick_three = HUES[16] register_multicolor(name,formalname,brick_one,brick_two,brick_three) register_multicolor_craft(name,brick_one,brick_two,brick_three) end if SETTING_allow_multicolor[2] == 1 then name = HUES[15] formalname = FORMALHUES[15] brick_one = HUES[15] brick_two = HUES[14] brick_three = HUES[16] register_multicolor(name,formalname,brick_one,brick_two,brick_three) register_multicolor_craft(name,brick_one,brick_two,brick_three) end if SETTING_allow_multicolor[3] == 1 then name = HUES[16] formalname = FORMALHUES[16] brick_one = HUES[16] brick_two = HUES[14] brick_three = HUES[15] register_multicolor(name,formalname,brick_one,brick_two,brick_three) register_multicolor_craft(name,brick_one,brick_two,brick_three) end else if SETTING_allow_multicolor[1] == 1 then name = DARKNESS[1] .. HUES[i] formalname = FORMALDARKNESS[1] .. FORMALHUES[i] brick_one = DARKNESS[1] .. HUES[i] brick_two = DARKNESS[2] .. HUES[i] brick_three = DARKNESS[2] .. HUES[i] .. SATURATION[1] register_multicolor(name,formalname,brick_one,brick_two,brick_three) register_multicolor_craft(name,brick_one,brick_two,brick_three) end if SETTING_allow_multicolor[2] == 1 then name = DARKNESS[2] .. HUES[i] formalname = FORMALDARKNESS[2] .. FORMALHUES[i] brick_one = DARKNESS[2] .. HUES[i] brick_two = DARKNESS[1] .. HUES[i] brick_three = DARKNESS[3] .. HUES[i] .. SATURATION[1] register_multicolor(name,formalname,brick_one,brick_two,brick_three) register_multicolor_craft(name,brick_one,brick_two,brick_three) end if SETTING_allow_multicolor[3] == 1 then name = DARKNESS[4] .. HUES[i] formalname = FORMALDARKNESS[4] .. FORMALHUES[i] brick_one = DARKNESS[3] .. HUES[i] brick_two = DARKNESS[4] .. HUES[i] brick_three = DARKNESS[2] .. HUES[i] .. SATURATION[1] register_multicolor(name,formalname,brick_one,brick_two,brick_three) register_multicolor_craft(name,brick_one,brick_two,brick_three) end end end end end print("[UnifiedBricks] Loaded!")